I really love target priority feature, and it's still working great for me It's on PC, so maybe the bug could be platform-specific? I don't know, since introduction of this feature I stopped having any problem with combat pets/companions/assistants. And lootable containers near wayshrines seem to be fixed as well so wayshrines no longer block me from looting I've captured videos yesterday to showcase elegant target priority.
There is the addon "No, thank you" which is great, bloody marvelous, excellent etc etc
It has an option to prohibit interactions with insects. You get what i mean?
Dear Zenimax (@ZOS), dear addon authors,
could you please, pretty please, add a keyboard shortcut enabling/disabling initiating dialogues with Companions.
my problem is Ken and Barbie (who are basically good boy and gal) have a trend to stand over lootable bodies/containers
and it takes SEVERAL attempts to position right to get my loot instead of listening to "wanna chat?" by my talkaive Companions.
This is extremely annoying. Very annoying. Hardly companions could get mote brains to stop resetting bosses,
standing in red, preventing from looting, so the magic button to stop interacting with them seems to be the best option
(unsummoning companion before looting is not OK as this prevents from Companions gear drops).
Please, please, make this "prevent companions interactions" button/addon.
Thank you.
Until then:
Gandalf_72 wrote: »
Please please please
ZOS add
"Interact With Companion"