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It is time for Class Change Token

  • the1andonlyskwex
    Critter064 wrote: »
    We're reading neither agreement nor disagreement on this subject from ZOS. This could be meaning of that they probably want but there are too many construction sites at the moment. So i think they're not against the token but don't want a new time and work eater point at this moment. Perhaps....

    I think the announcement of account-wide achievements suggests an answer. Account-wide achievements have mostly been proposed as an alternative to a class change token. They probably wouldn't be bothering with account-wide achievements if they were planning to add a class change token any time soon.
  • lizardman
    I was completely shocked when I realised changing class meant rebuilding an entire new character from scratch.

    This needs to be a feature asap. Make it 2000 crowns or whatever, just get it done!!!
  • Jestir
    This is something I was for back when I started on PC at Morrowind release and still want to this day
  • FlipFlopFrog
    Critter064 wrote: »
    We're reading neither agreement nor disagreement on this subject from ZOS. This could be meaning of that they probably want but there are too many construction sites at the moment. So i think they're not against the token but don't want a new time and work eater point at this moment. Perhaps....

    I think the announcement of account-wide achievements suggests an answer. Account-wide achievements have mostly been proposed as an alternative to a class change token. They probably wouldn't be bothering with account-wide achievements if they were planning to add a class change token any time soon.

    It doesn't adress the issue of changing to a different class though.
    PC EU
  • maximusrex45
    Critter064 wrote: »
    We're reading neither agreement nor disagreement on this subject from ZOS. This could be meaning of that they probably want but there are too many construction sites at the moment. So i think they're not against the token but don't want a new time and work eater point at this moment. Perhaps....

    I think the announcement of account-wide achievements suggests an answer. Account-wide achievements have mostly been proposed as an alternative to a class change token. They probably wouldn't be bothering with account-wide achievements if they were planning to add a class change token any time soon.

    I don't really see them as fulfilling the same needs, though there is some overlap.
  • LesserCircle
    Yes please, I can imagine having a main character for years and then not liking the class anymore. Making an alt doesn't solve the issue at all because that main character most likely has tons of motifs, quests, skills and all kinds of things completed. A change class token is just what we need for that.
  • Kwik1
    I would really prefer no class change tokens personally.

    I never could play games that allowed you to change classes either at will or through a pay wall, and I would rather not quit ESO over it either. The game has always been about multiple characters and classes.

    I have about 5 lvl 50 characters I only use for crafting writs now as they aren't something I really want to play in the current meta, but it could change in the future. They are all either maxed or close to maxed on riding skills as well as crafting skills and have gone through the effort of collecting shards and lorebooks, I personally feel it drastically takes away from the game if I can simply change their class now.

    I still make new characters and I understand that my riding skill will suck and I have a lot of shards to collect, but being able to swap class now just feels like it would take away from the effort used in the classes already done.

    Plz, don't allow class change tokens =(
  • Vaoh
    It would be awesome to begin a character with one class and then have an in-game method of swapping to other classes.

    For example, the Eyevea Mages Guild could have a shrine allowing you to “unlock” the Sorcerer class. From here you can become a Sorcerer if you choose to by giving up your current class. The Armory system will also take your class into account. This would be great if many more classes would be added to the game.
  • Shagreth
    I find it hard to believe that this is not a thing yet. Due to time limitations I simply cannot even BEGIN to imagine starting a new character and getting even 1/10 of what my 'old main' has. I really, like.. REALLY want to play a nencromancer, but I always end up giving up somewhere along the way.
  • Amottica
    Critter064 wrote: »
    We're reading neither agreement nor disagreement on this subject from ZOS. This could be meaning of that they probably want but there are too many construction sites at the moment. So i think they're not against the token but don't want a new time and work eater point at this moment. Perhaps....

    Or it could mean they just do not feel like addressing the subject. If Zenimax said there was no way they would ever add such a token the threads asking for it would still populate the forums. So it serves no purpose for them to comment on this subject.
  • Scallan
    Wild that this thread was started two years ago and still radio silence.
  • Amottica
    lizardman wrote: »
    I was completely shocked when I realised changing class meant rebuilding an entire new character from scratch.

    This needs to be a feature asap. Make it 2000 crowns or whatever, just get it done!!!

    How was this a shock?

    In every MMORPG I have played except FF14 a new class required a brand new character that needed to be leveled.

    True, games that were struggling sold tokens for max, or near max, level characters but that was from their cash shop and the only exception.
  • Critter064
    Soul Shriven
    in response to #191
    @Amottica: You could be right but as Scallan wrote, this thread is two years old an we are still there ... and will be I think :)
  • Kwik1
    How are people giving up anything with a new class?

    All you have to do is hit 50 and you can use any gear from your main that you want, you already were able to spend all your CP's you earned on your main, if you want to do an outfit you have access to all the motif's your main has gained access to, so what are we truly talking about here?

    Crafting can always be done on your main and put in the bank to transfer, or if a friend wants something, just swap to your main and make it.

    The only downside is you need to build your PvP skills back up along with psijic and excavating if you want it, but really there aren't many needed skills in those lines for most people that you can't regain by simply lvling your character, and I think you can even buy these from the crown store if your main has them already.

    Please stop acting like you are losing everything from your main when in reality you still get access to almost everything.
  • Xarc
    I think AwA is the first step to alliance change token.
    It's done with U33. Wait next year for the final.
    @xarcs FR-EU-PC -
    "Death is overrated", Xarc
    Xãrc -- breton necro - DC - AvA rank50
    Xarcus -- imperial DK - DC - AvA rank50
    Elnaa - breton NB - DC - AvA rank50
    Xärc -- breton NB - DC - AvA rank47
    Isilenil - Altmer NB - AD - AvA rank41
    Felisja - Bosmer NB - DC - AvA rank39
    Xàrc - breton necro - DC - AvA rank27
    Xalisja - bosmer necro - DC - AvA rank16
    kàli - redguard templar - DC - AvA rank32
    - since april.2014
  • LesserCircle
    Kwik1 wrote: »
    How are people giving up anything with a new class?

    All you have to do is hit 50 and you can use any gear from your main that you want, you already were able to spend all your CP's you earned on your main, if you want to do an outfit you have access to all the motif's your main has gained access to, so what are we truly talking about here?

    Crafting can always be done on your main and put in the bank to transfer, or if a friend wants something, just swap to your main and make it.

    The only downside is you need to build your PvP skills back up along with psijic and excavating if you want it, but really there aren't many needed skills in those lines for most people that you can't regain by simply lvling your character, and I think you can even buy these from the crown store if your main has them already.

    Please stop acting like you are losing everything from your main when in reality you still get access to almost everything.

    People want that main character to have a different class, it's not about levelling a new one, is it really that hard to understand? Some people with only one character too.
  • Kwik1
    People want that main character to have a different class, it's not about levelling a new one, is it really that hard to understand? Some people with only one character too.

    very few people have said they want just one character. All the messages I am seeing are about all the motifs and crafting skills and outfits missing, when in reality all new characters have full access to the motifs and outfits as all your other toons at the outfit station.

    If this is about simply not wanting a second character then all these messages are kinda pointless because the reasons I see are based on falsities.

    And I don't understand because not simply making a second character when you get access to everything your first character has seems a bit odd.
  • LesserCircle
    Kwik1 wrote: »
    People want that main character to have a different class, it's not about levelling a new one, is it really that hard to understand? Some people with only one character too.

    very few people have said they want just one character. All the messages I am seeing are about all the motifs and crafting skills and outfits missing, when in reality all new characters have full access to the motifs and outfits as all your other toons at the outfit station.

    If this is about simply not wanting a second character then all these messages are kinda pointless because the reasons I see are based on falsities.

    And I don't understand because not simply making a second character when you get access to everything your first character has seems a bit odd.

    I have my original character from years ago, it's my crafter with all the motifs, quests, memories, skills basically everything. But I don't enjoy being a templar anymore, I don't want a new character, I know it's really fast to level up but I want to play with my first character. I have alts with the class I want and they are fun but still a different character than the one I want to play but sadly can't enjoy anymore. I understand if this doesn't happen to you but I don't think it's that hard to understand.

    Edit: About motifs, you can use them on any alt using outfits but the only one who can craft them is the character that learned it.
    Edited by LesserCircle on March 13, 2022 10:56AM
  • Arnoldthehawk
    As I see, and as I feel myself as well, the account wide achievement path doesn't satisfy the players asking for Class Change Token. Espeically the way it works, but overall seems to totally miss the point of having Class Change Tokens.

    ZOS, for the love of Alduin, the thousandth time, give us Class Change Tokens, so we shall fill your pockets with our hard earned money.
  • Jestir
    I will also agree with AwA not fully satisfying the need for a class change token or my dream idea of switching between multiple classes on a single character through the armory system
  • FelisCatus
    I have a lot of alts levelled to 50. Levelling them is really not an issue for me. What is an issue for me is I don't like having to repeat all the quests for skill points or map completion. I also like sticking to one character and years ago I used to enjoy Dragonknight but after years of playing it I am so bored. I've tried switching to an alt but then I realise I have to research all traits, re-learn all recipes, motifs and furnishing plans. Grind alliance rank and levelling mount and buying inventory spaces again. Then I have to repeat all quests/skyshards/dungeons/trials and content in each and every zone (which is continuously expanding) to make my attempted new "main" feel complete.

    Sure you could say well if you've done it all on one character you don't need to do it all again you only just need the skill points and skyshards, right? Well not quite not at least for me. I like to complete as much of everything as I can and an alt that feels incomplete feels hollow and unsatisfying so I usually play these new "attempted" mains for like a month or two at most before I gravitate back to my original main. I'm sure I am not the only one. If I could change class to something else on my main so I do not have to regrind years of progress or abandon my main that I've done everything on that holds sentimental value to me. Even if I don't find the class's playstyle enjoyable anymore I still don't want to abandon the character. AWA achievements did help me get achievements from my alts kinda into circulation on my main. I do like AWA but I do not want to use alts, I really just like to centralise on one character. It's also very simple I would be more motivated to play more if I could change my main into a class I would enjoy more.

    I really think we need a class change token and I see no reason not to. People will pay, you can limit how often a class change token can be bought a year (if there's concerns about flavour of the month). If people don't want to pay for one they don't have to, the crown store is convenience and cosmetic so it would not be pay2win for the people who don't mind having alts then they wouldn't buy the class change but many people would buy it. Isn't ESO's main selling point that you can play how you want? We were told alliance changes were impossible but then we eventually got them. You can change your race and biological sex; how does that make more sense than changing "skill lines" and "abilities". I think it is time (evidently many others do too. I am really hoping that if a class change token does come to ESO it will come in a QoL update or next year. So please add a class change token.
  • Cooperharley
    Kwik1 wrote: »
    I would really prefer no class change tokens personally.

    I never could play games that allowed you to change classes either at will or through a pay wall, and I would rather not quit ESO over it either. The game has always been about multiple characters and classes.

    I have about 5 lvl 50 characters I only use for crafting writs now as they aren't something I really want to play in the current meta, but it could change in the future. They are all either maxed or close to maxed on riding skills as well as crafting skills and have gone through the effort of collecting shards and lorebooks, I personally feel it drastically takes away from the game if I can simply change their class now.

    I still make new characters and I understand that my riding skill will suck and I have a lot of shards to collect, but being able to swap class now just feels like it would take away from the effort used in the classes already done.

    Plz, don't allow class change tokens =(

    I've never been able to understand viewpoints like this: "I will quit the game over it if it happens." That's crazy to me lol - over something like this. This is NO WAY impacts YOUR gameplay if you don't want it. It only benefits people that want it. People were saying this kinda stuff when the armory system was released too because it "nullified" the point of having more than 1 character of the same class. If you've invested that much time into the game, it's not going to take away effort? There are tons of people who have lots of characters for writs, RP and because they don't want to engage with systems like this. But for the people that don't want 500 characters and just play one character, this is a great option when you want to spice things up.

    This is very much the attitude of "back in my day we didn't have this so you shouldn't either." Gimme a break lol lighten up and welcome innovative things like this. This is much better than adding more gambling systems, p2w elements, or other nonsense into their enormous cash shop anyways
    ESO YouTube Content Creator & Templar Healer Main
  • kieso
    I have multiple characters. My main is a maj templar and even though ive been bored of it at time I just play my other alt characters.

    I've yet to see a reason to add a class change token.
  • lizardman
    kieso wrote: »
    I have multiple characters. My main is a maj templar and even though ive been bored of it at time I just play my other alt characters.

    I've yet to see a reason to add a class change token.

    Some of us don't have alts, nor want to spend the hundreds of hours restarting a character from scratch. There's your reason.
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    - Class change token.
    - Group finder support for all group content.
    ^ Those are two things that one would think are obvious & should be in the game... but are not. Talk about consistency...
  • FelisCatus
    - Class change token.
    - Group finder support for all group content.
    ^ Those are two things that one would think are obvious & should be in the game... but are not. Talk about consistency...

    Group finder for all group content would be amazing. I hate how regimented guilds are. I want to be able to queue up for something and just jump in without all the hurdles of joining a guild, having to become apart of their prog group etc. It in theory too would be faster than LFG/LFM in zone chat. PUGs in Craglorn are too messy and because of instancing you won't always find everyone who wants to join. A server wide queue feature like you have for dungeons, battlegrounds and tales of tribute would be great. You'd get a bigger pool of players to match with and faster. For those who don't want to use such a feature they can always just manually set up a group manual way or stick to guilds. For solo players like myself a queue option would be a god send.
  • Iron_Blurr
    I want class change tokens already! It's 2022 please just make it happen.
    And before anyone says to just level another toon. I don't care what you think. It's not about leveling. It's about us not having account wide pvp ranks or account wide crafting research or account wide motifs or account wide ride training.
    If you nay sayers really don't want a class change token for God knows what reason we should at least agree on those things I listed being account wide. Then it would be simple. Just grind up another level 50 and go level up all your skill lines like psijic, mages, fighters undaunted etc again. Oh and then go collect all the skyshards again and complete every zones quests for skill points again. Oh and then go ahead and collect all 1 million lorebooks for the new mythic moras whispers again. Easy right??! We totally all have time for that in our mortal finite lifespans right??!
  • lPeacekeeperl
    I hope this thing(class change token) will finaly become real. For the sake of stakeholders of ZOS of course.

    Let me explain:
    1. make some classes hilaryously OP, and others close to be unlayable(at kest in some content) - DONE!
    2. make class-change-token - (we urgently waiting)
    3. "less-fun-class-players" spending money to become OP (money-shower №1)
    4. make some "minor bug-fixes" to make OP classes completly unplayable fix some balance issues
    5. get money-shower №2

    important notice to ZOS managers: it will works only with "change tokens". Any alternatives, like but not limited to, "multy-class"(when player can chose "to be today dk or templar" and able to freely switch betwin them, like in armory) will only make player happy and dont gives you regular money-shower, and thats now what you stakeholdes want.

    Disclaimer: I waive my rights to this "business idea" in fawor to zos, and give full permission to use the proposed methods with or hithout any changes and/or notifications

  • Malyore
    I think a class change token should be a default in the game, but since it isn't it should definitely be added if they create a new class at some point. People who are always begging for a new class kinda worry me for my main toon honestly haha. Because it could mean the new class fits my character's design better, only it couldn't be for that character since they're stuck in the old class, ya know? That's why I always advocate for new skill lines instead of classes, that way I can keep my beloved and developed main toon growing.
  • WinterHeart626
    Well, now that’s a necro thread and a bit!

    I’m all for a class change token, seeing as I duffed my wrist and nightblade rotations are quite harsh, leading to periods where I’m not playing for a few days at a time. Heck, if they made a full change token (class race alliance + character name) I’d probably do that too.
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