Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
The maintenance is complete, and the PTS is now back online and patch 10.1.0 is available.
Update 43 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

Plaguebreaker and the impact it truly has.

  • Moonsorrow
    KingzZVI wrote: »
    Im small scale with bigger groups then the one im in hitting me with this set and killing me. Its not balanced idc what anyone says, if you can hit 40k plus damage without doing anything but hitting 1 skills its busted. Im guessing you guys thought bash build and harmony was broke right? This is no different. It needs a massive cooldown along with damage being nerfed greatly

    If you mean the old version of Bashcro, the problem was that it was on one class and back at the time i actually said that if one class has such a devastating ultimate - then all other classes should have been given one equally strong that fits their class theme well (remember when classes were still different with their own strengths and weaknesses?).

    Also Harmony was never broken, it was fun and used as a small-scale (by me and friends also) tool to smash down the alliance blobzergs in tight spaces. People who cry about it are most likely said zerglings to be honest.. maybe just not zerg all in one room with 50 people?

    And back to the Plaguebreak.. do you honestly think you can these days take down certain groups without a set like this? No you cannot, and that is the truth. The Purge spam is just too strong and people in groups just been just standing still and taking 20k dps (in pvp) and healing and purging all through that until the place where they are attracts the whole alliances in same spot of the map and that is when the slideshow performance in Cyrodiil starts.

    There is no perfect solution to this, but a set (so all classes can use it, anti-zerg skills should not be tied to only couple classes ultimates) like this has to be a choice to use OR the ability to Purge spam in a huge blob must be taken away. And since the skill is needed in pve also, that will not happen.

    I do not think anyone wants Purge to be taken away. Just adapt to this and stop running in a tightly stacked blob, be it big or not exactly huge. I mean, if a group can survive with one button one skill spam with Cleanse, it is only fair that enemies can use Plagubreak spam on them. There always needs to be a way to take down a group. Or things will end up in stalemates like 2 tanks fighting each others during the 5k hp recovery meta.

    So if Plaguebreak needs bigger cooldown and nerf, then i ask same on alliance Purge via Battle Spirit. Individual cooldown on each target on how often can recieve Purge. I am sure you are fine with that?

    I mean surely you have noticed in Cyrodiil performance that when there are ballgroups the performance gets way worse and a lot of solo & small-scale players been logging off then because it goes unplayable? It should not be like that and i do not blame the players wanting to play in big groups, but we need ways to take them down and not have Cyrodiil turn into a slideshow for 6 hours of primetime daily where blobs fight endless battles in 1 keep at a time with 4 seconds skill cast times..

    You say you do small-scale, right? Then you should be experienced enough to know that when you take down those blobs, the performance on the area you are instantly gets better. Then you should know there should remain tools that can take said groups down.
  • KingzZVI
    Moonsorrow wrote: »
    KingzZVI wrote: »
    Im small scale with bigger groups then the one im in hitting me with this set and killing me. Its not balanced idc what anyone says, if you can hit 40k plus damage without doing anything but hitting 1 skills its busted. Im guessing you guys thought bash build and harmony was broke right? This is no different. It needs a massive cooldown along with damage being nerfed greatly

    If you mean the old version of Bashcro, the problem was that it was on one class and back at the time i actually said that if one class has such a devastating ultimate - then all other classes should have been given one equally strong that fits their class theme well (remember when classes were still different with their own strengths and weaknesses?).

    Also Harmony was never broken, it was fun and used as a small-scale (by me and friends also) tool to smash down the alliance blobzergs in tight spaces. People who cry about it are most likely said zerglings to be honest.. maybe just not zerg all in one room with 50 people?

    And back to the Plaguebreak.. do you honestly think you can these days take down certain groups without a set like this? No you cannot, and that is the truth. The Purge spam is just too strong and people in groups just been just standing still and taking 20k dps (in pvp) and healing and purging all through that until the place where they are attracts the whole alliances in same spot of the map and that is when the slideshow performance in Cyrodiil starts.

    There is no perfect solution to this, but a set (so all classes can use it, anti-zerg skills should not be tied to only couple classes ultimates) like this has to be a choice to use OR the ability to Purge spam in a huge blob must be taken away. And since the skill is needed in pve also, that will not happen.

    I do not think anyone wants Purge to be taken away. Just adapt to this and stop running in a tightly stacked blob, be it big or not exactly huge. I mean, if a group can survive with one button one skill spam with Cleanse, it is only fair that enemies can use Plagubreak spam on them. There always needs to be a way to take down a group. Or things will end up in stalemates like 2 tanks fighting each others during the 5k hp recovery meta.

    So if Plaguebreak needs bigger cooldown and nerf, then i ask same on alliance Purge via Battle Spirit. Individual cooldown on each target on how often can recieve Purge. I am sure you are fine with that?

    I mean surely you have noticed in Cyrodiil performance that when there are ballgroups the performance gets way worse and a lot of solo & small-scale players been logging off then because it goes unplayable? It should not be like that and i do not blame the players wanting to play in big groups, but we need ways to take them down and not have Cyrodiil turn into a slideshow for 6 hours of primetime daily where blobs fight endless battles in 1 keep at a time with 4 seconds skill cast times..

    You say you do small-scale, right? Then you should be experienced enough to know that when you take down those blobs, the performance on the area you are instantly gets better. Then you should know there should remain tools that can take said groups down.

    Im not saying to take it away, I both ballgroup and smallscale and if they wanna use it as added pressure onto us then thats fine but it should not be able to one shot all of us through our coordination of heals and purge. Ill start with ballgrouping first, to say we shouldnt spam purge thats fine but have you ever been third floor with 40 people bombarding you, parmafrost, ice wall of elements along with the hard ccs of dawny, turn evil, nightblade fear you pretty much have to spam purge. Now I get people saying its op well the reason we spam it in the first place is it costs 6k mag and only removes 3 effects which is nothing getting beat on by a faction. So when it comes to ballgrouping we are getting punished for coordination, practice and just playing the game how we enjoy (some may not enjoy it but thats an opinion). You see the people getting mad about mistform in pve? Makes since right because it is changing and making something they enjoy in pve useless. Im just saying we should not get punished for being coordinated, and good at what we do while someone who doesnt put in the time slots that set presses one ability and can wipe us. Now to smallscale, I smallscale without a healer most the time while on my stamden or templar. Now if we just go open field with our dumps we probably not killing much cause they spread so we take them into a choke, mind you i have no healer so im forced to heal/purge myself and while i do that i not only kill me but my group by just trying to survive. Now the arguement just take it off right? My netch is my source of brutility and my purify is a main sorce of passive and healing in the templar kit. if i take them off im only putting myself at a more disadvantage of not only fighting 4-6v40 but now im losing passive damage or healing by a set that someone can hit me with a single light attack and proc on no cooldown. To me its overpowered and if you wanna make it a pressure set then im cool with it hitting a good 6-9k but 40k? thats insane to me. Hope you can see my side as i see yours to each there own tho.
  • Rasande_Robin
    KingzZVI wrote: »
    This is the most balanced set by far these last couple of years...

    There has always been an unbalance in the game when you think about yin and yang, pro's and con's.

    You have major prot and major vuln, major mend and major defile. You have buffs and debuffs. You can cleanse debuffs you can remove buff... Oh wait... No you can't.

    You see the problem here?

    This set balance that last part out. Since now you can't remove debuffs.

    Its not balanced at all. You shouldnt be taking 40k plus damge by just playing your class or using an ability. If thats the case make it when they block they explode, see how ridiculous that sounds? Your getting punished for using an ability on a clas and or in the support tree, its making healers and support in pvp useless.

    It's like you are speaking right over me...

    You don't see the flaw in the game's general balance still, with or without this set?

    This set just shows you how broken the game is without it.
    Now you see how helpless people are against buff-stacking...
    PC/EU: Orcana "something"-stone
  • Moonsorrow
    KingzZVI wrote: »
    Moonsorrow wrote: »
    KingzZVI wrote: »
    Im small scale with bigger groups then the one im in hitting me with this set and killing me. Its not balanced idc what anyone says, if you can hit 40k plus damage without doing anything but hitting 1 skills its busted. Im guessing you guys thought bash build and harmony was broke right? This is no different. It needs a massive cooldown along with damage being nerfed greatly

    If you mean the old version of Bashcro, the problem was that it was on one class and back at the time i actually said that if one class has such a devastating ultimate - then all other classes should have been given one equally strong that fits their class theme well (remember when classes were still different with their own strengths and weaknesses?).

    Also Harmony was never broken, it was fun and used as a small-scale (by me and friends also) tool to smash down the alliance blobzergs in tight spaces. People who cry about it are most likely said zerglings to be honest.. maybe just not zerg all in one room with 50 people?

    And back to the Plaguebreak.. do you honestly think you can these days take down certain groups without a set like this? No you cannot, and that is the truth. The Purge spam is just too strong and people in groups just been just standing still and taking 20k dps (in pvp) and healing and purging all through that until the place where they are attracts the whole alliances in same spot of the map and that is when the slideshow performance in Cyrodiil starts.

    There is no perfect solution to this, but a set (so all classes can use it, anti-zerg skills should not be tied to only couple classes ultimates) like this has to be a choice to use OR the ability to Purge spam in a huge blob must be taken away. And since the skill is needed in pve also, that will not happen.

    I do not think anyone wants Purge to be taken away. Just adapt to this and stop running in a tightly stacked blob, be it big or not exactly huge. I mean, if a group can survive with one button one skill spam with Cleanse, it is only fair that enemies can use Plagubreak spam on them. There always needs to be a way to take down a group. Or things will end up in stalemates like 2 tanks fighting each others during the 5k hp recovery meta.

    So if Plaguebreak needs bigger cooldown and nerf, then i ask same on alliance Purge via Battle Spirit. Individual cooldown on each target on how often can recieve Purge. I am sure you are fine with that?

    I mean surely you have noticed in Cyrodiil performance that when there are ballgroups the performance gets way worse and a lot of solo & small-scale players been logging off then because it goes unplayable? It should not be like that and i do not blame the players wanting to play in big groups, but we need ways to take them down and not have Cyrodiil turn into a slideshow for 6 hours of primetime daily where blobs fight endless battles in 1 keep at a time with 4 seconds skill cast times..

    You say you do small-scale, right? Then you should be experienced enough to know that when you take down those blobs, the performance on the area you are instantly gets better. Then you should know there should remain tools that can take said groups down.

    Im not saying to take it away, I both ballgroup and smallscale and if they wanna use it as added pressure onto us then thats fine but it should not be able to one shot all of us through our coordination of heals and purge. Ill start with ballgrouping first, to say we shouldnt spam purge thats fine but have you ever been third floor with 40 people bombarding you, parmafrost, ice wall of elements along with the hard ccs of dawny, turn evil, nightblade fear you pretty much have to spam purge. Now I get people saying its op well the reason we spam it in the first place is it costs 6k mag and only removes 3 effects which is nothing getting beat on by a faction. So when it comes to ballgrouping we are getting punished for coordination, practice and just playing the game how we enjoy (some may not enjoy it but thats an opinion). You see the people getting mad about mistform in pve? Makes since right because it is changing and making something they enjoy in pve useless. Im just saying we should not get punished for being coordinated, and good at what we do while someone who doesnt put in the time slots that set presses one ability and can wipe us. Now to smallscale, I smallscale without a healer most the time while on my stamden or templar. Now if we just go open field with our dumps we probably not killing much cause they spread so we take them into a choke, mind you i have no healer so im forced to heal/purge myself and while i do that i not only kill me but my group by just trying to survive. Now the arguement just take it off right? My netch is my source of brutility and my purify is a main sorce of passive and healing in the templar kit. if i take them off im only putting myself at a more disadvantage of not only fighting 4-6v40 but now im losing passive damage or healing by a set that someone can hit me with a single light attack and proc on no cooldown. To me its overpowered and if you wanna make it a pressure set then im cool with it hitting a good 6-9k but 40k? thats insane to me. Hope you can see my side as i see yours to each there own tho.

    I can see it being annoying when proccing from Netch yeah, then again having a free Purge on Netch has been a bit lame ever since it was given that..

    But, if it was possible for ZOS to do a change where class Purge like Netch and Templars Purify would not proc it, i'd be fine with it. As long as someone pressing the synergy does proc it.

    My whole point is that having several Purge bots makes blobs immortal unless their healers crash from the lag they create.

    Sadly there never will be a perfect way to handle the situations we talk about that everyone would agree on. Everyone has bias on their own favorite playstyle(s) and they are usually ready to keep playing like that even if it was not healthy for the game & community in general.

    If people start to logout during certain times of the day because of bad performance and not being able to do anything to certain big groups, they often start to just play other games where they are not forced to "hey guys, i'll logout since it's primetime, see ya at 3am when not so laggy".. also imagine having a job and not being able to play at all if your only free time is at primetime and all the ballgroups are always there then? And what can you do at them? Fire 20 sieges at same time and they just stand there shrugging off all the damage as long as they can Purge spam and move for next ultidump lul.

    And yes, it sucks to punish groups for being big and organized, but sad fact (for now) is that the server cannot handle them in one place and no one likes playing when skills and bar swaps stop working. So we need to have realistic ways to erase such groups and hopefully they adapt and divide in smaller groups in several places at the map instead of one. People are just so used to play with the Purge spam and it can be painful to learn to live without it. Because groups die without it, still they have better chance to have massive healing compared to solo/pugs that still get stomped and eaten like before with a good ultidump.

    Dying is not fun, i get it. We all like winning more than dying. But for every super strong defensive skill/set there should be a realistic offensive solution that counters it. And only thing that kills a group with several Purgers is a massive burst damage that the groups cannot mitigate down to 5k'ish damage taken per second that they can outheal easily.
  • Stx
    KingzZVI wrote: »
    This is the most balanced set by far these last couple of years...

    There has always been an unbalance in the game when you think about yin and yang, pro's and con's.

    You have major prot and major vuln, major mend and major defile. You have buffs and debuffs. You can cleanse debuffs you can remove buff... Oh wait... No you can't.

    You see the problem here?

    This set balance that last part out. Since now you can't remove debuffs.

    Its not balanced at all. You shouldnt be taking 40k plus damge by just playing your class or using an ability. If thats the case make it when they block they explode, see how ridiculous that sounds? Your getting punished for using an ability on a clas and or in the support tree, its making healers and support in pvp useless.

    It's like you are speaking right over me...

    You don't see the flaw in the game's general balance still, with or without this set?

    This set just shows you how broken the game is without it.
    Now you see how helpless people are against buff-stacking...

    There is no flaw in balance though. Why should you not feel helpless against a coordinated group? That's how literally every game works, ever. If you form a raid and maximize your group, you are going to be hard to kill.

    Only in this game do I see players claiming that is somehow imbalanced.
  • KingzZVI
    KingzZVI wrote: »
    This is the most balanced set by far these last couple of years...

    There has always been an unbalance in the game when you think about yin and yang, pro's and con's.

    You have major prot and major vuln, major mend and major defile. You have buffs and debuffs. You can cleanse debuffs you can remove buff... Oh wait... No you can't.

    You see the problem here?

    This set balance that last part out. Since now you can't remove debuffs.

    Its not balanced at all. You shouldnt be taking 40k plus damge by just playing your class or using an ability. If thats the case make it when they block they explode, see how ridiculous that sounds? Your getting punished for using an ability on a clas and or in the support tree, its making healers and support in pvp useless.

    It's like you are speaking right over me...

    You don't see the flaw in the game's general balance still, with or without this set?

    This set just shows you how broken the game is without it.
    Now you see how helpless people are against buff-stacking...

    The game shouldnt be balanced for players who dont put in the time purge.
  • KingzZVI
    Moonsorrow wrote: »
    KingzZVI wrote: »
    Moonsorrow wrote: »
    KingzZVI wrote: »
    Im small scale with bigger groups then the one im in hitting me with this set and killing me. Its not balanced idc what anyone says, if you can hit 40k plus damage without doing anything but hitting 1 skills its busted. Im guessing you guys thought bash build and harmony was broke right? This is no different. It needs a massive cooldown along with damage being nerfed greatly

    If you mean the old version of Bashcro, the problem was that it was on one class and back at the time i actually said that if one class has such a devastating ultimate - then all other classes should have been given one equally strong that fits their class theme well (remember when classes were still different with their own strengths and weaknesses?).

    Also Harmony was never broken, it was fun and used as a small-scale (by me and friends also) tool to smash down the alliance blobzergs in tight spaces. People who cry about it are most likely said zerglings to be honest.. maybe just not zerg all in one room with 50 people?

    And back to the Plaguebreak.. do you honestly think you can these days take down certain groups without a set like this? No you cannot, and that is the truth. The Purge spam is just too strong and people in groups just been just standing still and taking 20k dps (in pvp) and healing and purging all through that until the place where they are attracts the whole alliances in same spot of the map and that is when the slideshow performance in Cyrodiil starts.

    There is no perfect solution to this, but a set (so all classes can use it, anti-zerg skills should not be tied to only couple classes ultimates) like this has to be a choice to use OR the ability to Purge spam in a huge blob must be taken away. And since the skill is needed in pve also, that will not happen.

    I do not think anyone wants Purge to be taken away. Just adapt to this and stop running in a tightly stacked blob, be it big or not exactly huge. I mean, if a group can survive with one button one skill spam with Cleanse, it is only fair that enemies can use Plagubreak spam on them. There always needs to be a way to take down a group. Or things will end up in stalemates like 2 tanks fighting each others during the 5k hp recovery meta.

    So if Plaguebreak needs bigger cooldown and nerf, then i ask same on alliance Purge via Battle Spirit. Individual cooldown on each target on how often can recieve Purge. I am sure you are fine with that?

    I mean surely you have noticed in Cyrodiil performance that when there are ballgroups the performance gets way worse and a lot of solo & small-scale players been logging off then because it goes unplayable? It should not be like that and i do not blame the players wanting to play in big groups, but we need ways to take them down and not have Cyrodiil turn into a slideshow for 6 hours of primetime daily where blobs fight endless battles in 1 keep at a time with 4 seconds skill cast times..

    You say you do small-scale, right? Then you should be experienced enough to know that when you take down those blobs, the performance on the area you are instantly gets better. Then you should know there should remain tools that can take said groups down.

    Im not saying to take it away, I both ballgroup and smallscale and if they wanna use it as added pressure onto us then thats fine but it should not be able to one shot all of us through our coordination of heals and purge. Ill start with ballgrouping first, to say we shouldnt spam purge thats fine but have you ever been third floor with 40 people bombarding you, parmafrost, ice wall of elements along with the hard ccs of dawny, turn evil, nightblade fear you pretty much have to spam purge. Now I get people saying its op well the reason we spam it in the first place is it costs 6k mag and only removes 3 effects which is nothing getting beat on by a faction. So when it comes to ballgrouping we are getting punished for coordination, practice and just playing the game how we enjoy (some may not enjoy it but thats an opinion). You see the people getting mad about mistform in pve? Makes since right because it is changing and making something they enjoy in pve useless. Im just saying we should not get punished for being coordinated, and good at what we do while someone who doesnt put in the time slots that set presses one ability and can wipe us. Now to smallscale, I smallscale without a healer most the time while on my stamden or templar. Now if we just go open field with our dumps we probably not killing much cause they spread so we take them into a choke, mind you i have no healer so im forced to heal/purge myself and while i do that i not only kill me but my group by just trying to survive. Now the arguement just take it off right? My netch is my source of brutility and my purify is a main sorce of passive and healing in the templar kit. if i take them off im only putting myself at a more disadvantage of not only fighting 4-6v40 but now im losing passive damage or healing by a set that someone can hit me with a single light attack and proc on no cooldown. To me its overpowered and if you wanna make it a pressure set then im cool with it hitting a good 6-9k but 40k? thats insane to me. Hope you can see my side as i see yours to each there own tho.

    I can see it being annoying when proccing from Netch yeah, then again having a free Purge on Netch has been a bit lame ever since it was given that..

    But, if it was possible for ZOS to do a change where class Purge like Netch and Templars Purify would not proc it, i'd be fine with it. As long as someone pressing the synergy does proc it.

    My whole point is that having several Purge bots makes blobs immortal unless their healers crash from the lag they create.

    Sadly there never will be a perfect way to handle the situations we talk about that everyone would agree on. Everyone has bias on their own favorite playstyle(s) and they are usually ready to keep playing like that even if it was not healthy for the game & community in general.

    If people start to logout during certain times of the day because of bad performance and not being able to do anything to certain big groups, they often start to just play other games where they are not forced to "hey guys, i'll logout since it's primetime, see ya at 3am when not so laggy".. also imagine having a job and not being able to play at all if your only free time is at primetime and all the ballgroups are always there then? And what can you do at them? Fire 20 sieges at same time and they just stand there shrugging off all the damage as long as they can Purge spam and move for next ultidump lul.

    And yes, it sucks to punish groups for being big and organized, but sad fact (for now) is that the server cannot handle them in one place and no one likes playing when skills and bar swaps stop working. So we need to have realistic ways to erase such groups and hopefully they adapt and divide in smaller groups in several places at the map instead of one. People are just so used to play with the Purge spam and it can be painful to learn to live without it. Because groups die without it, still they have better chance to have massive healing compared to solo/pugs that still get stomped and eaten like before with a good ultidump.

    Dying is not fun, i get it. We all like winning more than dying. But for every super strong defensive skill/set there should be a realistic offensive solution that counters it. And only thing that kills a group with several Purgers is a massive burst damage that the groups cannot mitigate down to 5k'ish damage taken per second that they can outheal easily.

    I see your point I really do the performance is bad. But should we hold the players who are just trying to play how the game is created, its not like we are cheating, or should we hold accountable the company that hasnt produced a game without lag and bugs. I havent seen no ballgroups on NA Console and the performance is still bad as ever.
  • KingzZVI
    Stx wrote: »
    KingzZVI wrote: »
    This is the most balanced set by far these last couple of years...

    There has always been an unbalance in the game when you think about yin and yang, pro's and con's.

    You have major prot and major vuln, major mend and major defile. You have buffs and debuffs. You can cleanse debuffs you can remove buff... Oh wait... No you can't.

    You see the problem here?

    This set balance that last part out. Since now you can't remove debuffs.

    Its not balanced at all. You shouldnt be taking 40k plus damge by just playing your class or using an ability. If thats the case make it when they block they explode, see how ridiculous that sounds? Your getting punished for using an ability on a clas and or in the support tree, its making healers and support in pvp useless.

    It's like you are speaking right over me...

    You don't see the flaw in the game's general balance still, with or without this set?

    This set just shows you how broken the game is without it.
    Now you see how helpless people are against buff-stacking...

    There is no flaw in balance though. Why should you not feel helpless against a coordinated group? That's how literally every game works, ever. If you form a raid and maximize your group, you are going to be hard to kill.

    Only in this game do I see players claiming that is somehow imbalanced.

    Your never going to be able to balance skill between players some players are just better then otheres and that should be okay.I totally agree with you
  • guarstompemoji

    Well, that's part of the point of the set.

    It's an anti-Purge set, which makes it an anti-group set, because it's mostly groups who were able to spam purges and cleanses....

    Sorry, but this sounds like a case of "Working as Intended."

    I survived ball groups by running towards and through them, while holding up purge, then re-evaluating on the other side. I could do this multiple times until they targeted me specifically. :joy:

    It worked so well that unless I was careful, I'd end up ahead of whomever I was running with, and would have to run back through the ball group to reconnect. :joy:

    I mean, you aren't wrong that ball groups did; it was also part and parcel of how you countered and survived against ball groups, with their stuns, aoes and dots.

    The issues in Cyro are layered; I don't think these sets were the best approach. Then again, I'd have tried nudging from several angles, in small ways, then built upon what was successful. That's a difficult and time-consuming thing to do.
    Edited by guarstompemoji on September 23, 2021 6:19PM
  • AhSeLYaG
    40 k. 40 k. İt is not realisric at all.
    İ m using Pb on my nb. Fully buffed it has a damage tooltip of 12.5 k
    Battle spirit and its halved. Resistences and its nearly halved . 5 mins ago i hit a group with it 5 people and it hit for 6 k averege. İf you really hit for 40 k with it you must be stacking 30 people in 8 meters and you really deserved the result which this set is made for. İ really wonder and wanna see a screen shot of pb hitting for 40 k.i beleive this topic is over exageretad and people again crying to nerf anything which kills them.
  • TequilaFire
    Yeah most can out heal the DOT portion, but some panic and hit purge rather than a heal and the explosion goes boom. lol
  • KingzZVI
    AhSeLYaG wrote: »
    40 k. 40 k. İt is not realisric at all.
    İ m using Pb on my nb. Fully buffed it has a damage tooltip of 12.5 k
    Battle spirit and its halved. Resistences and its nearly halved . 5 mins ago i hit a group with it 5 people and it hit for 6 k averege. İf you really hit for 40 k with it you must be stacking 30 people in 8 meters and you really deserved the result which this set is made for. İ really wonder and wanna see a screen shot of pb hitting for 40 k.i beleive this topic is over exageretad and people again crying to nerf anything which kills them.

    12k is probably you DoT, cause they are definably people getting nuked for 40k without stacking deep

  • KingzZVI
    Here is a screenshot
  • AhSeLYaG
    i m using the set for a week now. Never. Ever see a number lile that show me a case where pb hits for 40 to 5 or 6 people. İ really eanna see a screenshot or video how it hit for 40 k? How many people where stacking?

  • KingzZVI
    that was 5 of us
  • AhSeLYaG
    KingzZVI wrote: »
    that was 5 of us
    Simple math.. lets say 13 k tooltip
    Battle spirit 6,5 k
    Resist lets say 25 k another %35 decrease to 4,2 k
    İf youre using minor or major protection its lover but lets forget about it.
    5 people in 8 meters all
    %10 increase for each one
    Makes 6764 damage

    To get a 40 k proc you need 24 people in that 8 meters
    Edited by AhSeLYaG on September 23, 2021 8:14PM
  • KingzZVI
    Your trying to argue against proof?
    I dont run in 24 mans lol it was me and 4 other people at nikel between the rocks.You can argue the set all you want thats hitting just as hrothgar and hrothgar got cut in half so it deserves same treatment.
  • KingzZVI
    no set should have free damage hitting that hard period. No matter how its used it should never hit that hard. Harmony doesnt even hit that hard
  • AhSeLYaG
    KingzZVI wrote: »
    Your trying to argue against proof?
    I dont run in 24 mans lol it was me and 4 other people at nikel between the rocks.You can argue the set all you want thats hitting just as hrothgar and hrothgar got cut in half so it deserves same treatment.
    C mon i m using the set myself and seeing actual numbers. Put here a video where pb hits 40 k to 5 people i promise to insist to nerf set twice more then you. İf pb was hitting 40 k to 5 everyone and their mothers would be using it on cyro.

  • TequilaFire
    Pointless to keep arguing, our "ball" group has adjusted and it is no big deal unlike the other two sets.
    It is a very situational set, kind of disappointing really.
  • KingzZVI
    Pointless to keep arguing, our "ball" group has adjusted and it is no big deal unlike the other two sets.
    It is a very situational set, kind of disappointing really.

    Not arguing putting my pov out there like you guys do yours
  • KingzZVI
    AhSeLYaG wrote: »
    KingzZVI wrote: »
    Your trying to argue against proof?
    I dont run in 24 mans lol it was me and 4 other people at nikel between the rocks.You can argue the set all you want thats hitting just as hrothgar and hrothgar got cut in half so it deserves same treatment.
    C mon i m using the set myself and seeing actual numbers. Put here a video where pb hits 40 k to 5 people i promise to insist to nerf set twice more then you. İf pb was hitting 40 k to 5 everyone and their mothers would be using it on cyro.

    Its more popular on console ive seen
  • AhSeLYaG
    On the other thread its said that screen shot was taken by someone else and inside a keep stacking people . Not near nikel with 5 people only. İf this is the case my simple calculation and field tests on cyro seem right and its not possible to get hit 40 k with 5 people. So the main argument of this topic that set is hitting a few people 40 k procs seem to be not right. On the othet hand i agree on self cleanse part of this set might be designed better.
    But my feeling after testing it for hours on cyro; set is wotking as intended and if youre not in a zerg; ball group and stacking on each other; its potential is low. The dot part hits for 400 per tick on avarage people which is nothing. Up to 8-10 people its damage tolareable.
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    I guess this set was meant to counter perma - purging (pretty much affecting only ball groups) and force such groups to use more healing & CC immunity skills, instead of removing all of negative effects 24/7 (which technically is also a broken mechanics). I guess it also affects Wardens to some degree (free purge skill).

    Anyway, out of recent 3 PvP sourced sets, that were introduced, Plaguebreak is the least OP / most balanced set lol... :D
  • Rasande_Robin
    KingzZVI wrote: »
    KingzZVI wrote: »
    This is the most balanced set by far these last couple of years...

    There has always been an unbalance in the game when you think about yin and yang, pro's and con's.

    You have major prot and major vuln, major mend and major defile. You have buffs and debuffs. You can cleanse debuffs you can remove buff... Oh wait... No you can't.

    You see the problem here?

    This set balance that last part out. Since now you can't remove debuffs.

    Its not balanced at all. You shouldnt be taking 40k plus damge by just playing your class or using an ability. If thats the case make it when they block they explode, see how ridiculous that sounds? Your getting punished for using an ability on a clas and or in the support tree, its making healers and support in pvp useless.

    It's like you are speaking right over me...

    You don't see the flaw in the game's general balance still, with or without this set?

    This set just shows you how broken the game is without it.
    Now you see how helpless people are against buff-stacking...

    The game shouldnt be balanced for players who dont put in the time purge.

    So where is my purge to remove positive buffs from enemies?
    PC/EU: Orcana "something"-stone
  • KingzZVI

    That was originally my screenshot. That proc occurred after one of our templars habitually activated ritual to heal on a door after a keep capture (when all of the groups and zergs were running out the door). 40k dmg from one set is ridiculous no matter how you slice it. I'd be more inclined to agree with you if the set had an obvious visual aura like inev det, but it doesn't (how do you expect me to find a dull green cloud in the middle of a battle?) The set also has ridiculous potential for abuse, you could easily plant a 2man purge group on another faction that follows groups around and deliberately purges with the effect on them.

    While we're at it let's also list all the things that affected by this set:

    -Curse Eater (which is now useless)

    and I'm sure I'm forgetting some here and there. All this because ZOS couldn't find a way to nerf purge. For completeness let's list a couple of ways:

    -reduce number of effects cleansed
    -cost increase
    -cost ramping
    -cooldown on use

    All of which would have stopped the purging problem.

    In case it's not clear I absolutely despise this set. Not because of my bias towards groups (I play in Ravenwatch) but because it's representative of ZOS' flawed design philosophy of adding sets to fix game mechanics issues. Using a base game mechanic should not make you instantly blow up your group.

    Here is the comment from the other guy, that wasnt my screenshot my numbers was similar in the fight at nikel. Yes its 2 ticks but 20k is more then hrothgar did so whys it nerfed and not this set. I play on console thats a pc screenshot just for reference.
  • katorga
    KingzZVI wrote: »
    Here is a screenshot

    I have ever seen anything close to an 80K pve tooltip on that set, so that means the 10% per player bonus is being applied and there are a ton players in close proximity. So working as intended.
    In case it's not clear I absolutely despise this set. Not because of my bias towards groups (I play in Ravenwatch) but because it's representative of ZOS' flawed design philosophy of adding sets to fix game mechanics issues.

    ZOS added them to specifically blow up groups, and add risk to the overwhelming advantage that group size provides.
  • Aldoss
    KingzZVI wrote: »
    So when it comes to ballgrouping we are getting punished for coordination, practice and just playing the game how we enjoy (some may not enjoy it but thats an opinion).

    There's a difference between being punished and experiencing justice. Sounds like you experienced justice for the first time in a long time.

    Saying there were only 5 people stacked seems extremely unlikely and mathematically impossible. You're leaving something out. There's clearly more than 5 people dead in that screenshot.

    Ball groups have been unchallenged for a long time. They cause lag and dish out one sided fun. They sit in keeps and purposefully don't flip it until they exploi... oops, I'm sorry, farm enough players to ensure a massive AP tick.

    I agree that justice isn't being served to templars or wardens whose purge remains an important part of their toolkit, but in this exact scenario? Nah. Seems like it worked exactly for its intention.
  • neferpitou73
    Aldoss wrote: »
    KingzZVI wrote: »
    So when it comes to ballgrouping we are getting punished for coordination, practice and just playing the game how we enjoy (some may not enjoy it but thats an opinion).

    There's a difference between being punished and experiencing justice. Sounds like you experienced justice for the first time in a long time.

    Saying there were only 5 people stacked seems extremely unlikely and mathematically impossible. You're leaving something out. There's clearly more than 5 people dead in that screenshot.

    Ball groups have been unchallenged for a long time. They cause lag and dish out one sided fun. They sit in keeps and purposefully don't flip it until they exploi... oops, I'm sorry, farm enough players to ensure a massive AP tick.

    I agree that justice isn't being served to templars or wardens whose purge remains an important part of their toolkit, but in this exact scenario? Nah. Seems like it worked exactly for its intention.

    Justice? Come on dude it's a game. People need to seriously chill out about dying in PvP in this game. Especially if you're going into the large-scale pvp mode expecting to be able to take on large organized groupswith a random mob! It's an MMO, not an FPS people should be rewarded for playing with and grouping with their friends, and the people complaining should just make their own groups.

    If ZOS wants to change certain tactics, then ZOS needs to change the mechanics to reflect the gameplay they want, not hand out tactical nukes to everyone and pretend that's a balanced solution.

  • Jackey
    I've been spamming this set on groups and zergs for a week now and have yet to see it nuke anybody.
    But! Groups become easier for my teammates to kill. Which I suppose is the purpose of this set. The large AvA fights have to end quicker to avoid massive lag spikes.
    PS | EU
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