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Plaguebreaker and the impact it truly has.

  • master_vanargand
    Should have been able to solve it by making Purge to only myself.
    PvE? Equip the Purge in HoF etc.
  • Sluggy
    Aldoss wrote: »
    Sluggy wrote: »

    Except for the part where the set allows you to cheat.

    Needs citation.
    Step 1) Get in voice with your buddy or buddies. Log in with character in a different alliance from them.
    Step 2) Equip Curse Eater, resto staff, and Combat prayer.
    Step 3) Find any group or individual you like. Stand back and spam Combat Prayer on them while your buddie spams whatever they feel like.
    Step4 ) Profit.
  • EF321
    Sluggy wrote: »
    Aldoss wrote: »
    Sluggy wrote: »

    Except for the part where the set allows you to cheat.

    Needs citation.
    Step 1) Get in voice with your buddy or buddies. Log in with character in a different alliance from them.
    Step 2) Equip Curse Eater, resto staff, and Combat prayer.
    Step 3) Find any group or individual you like. Stand back and spam Combat Prayer on them while your buddie spams whatever they feel like.
    Step4 ) Profit.

    Also ask the same friend to bring scrolls and hammer you, steal other people's sieges and don't use them, report on general plan and movement of their alliance...
    I don't have any problem at all against plaguebreak.

    It is indeed strong on stam and magdk due to all the dots they have.

    I barely see in my recap for over 5-6k damage, and I run in medium with less 25k resists so.

    For some reason Unleashed Terror, still used by lot of people in high BGs mmr is hitting me for way more plus the hemo proc.

    If you have serious problems with plaguebreak you are probably a little glass cannot zergling who runs like a chicken in ball groups and then cries if a set that punishes player stacking killed you.

    You can easily outheal his damage and if you are a Templar don't cleanse and you are good with honor the dead spamming anyway. If you are a warden with netch I don't care either, you a free cost ability that gives major buffs, sustain, free cleanse and you even complain it procs a set? Just have self honesty tho.

    The old syvarra, unleashed terror and company were 100 if not 1000 times more problematic than the actual plaguebreak which shines only on dks and just provides extra pressure on the other classes even tho there are way more better choices for them.
  • Bl4ckR3alm93
    ZoS should turn off proc sets being able to crit off for PVP only. Proc sets critting is PVP is alittle too much
  • moleculardrugs
    KingzZVI wrote: »
    Moonsorrow wrote: »
    KingzZVI wrote: »
    Im small scale with bigger groups then the one im in hitting me with this set and killing me. Its not balanced idc what anyone says, if you can hit 40k plus damage without doing anything but hitting 1 skills its busted. Im guessing you guys thought bash build and harmony was broke right? This is no different. It needs a massive cooldown along with damage being nerfed greatly

    If you mean the old version of Bashcro, the problem was that it was on one class and back at the time i actually said that if one class has such a devastating ultimate - then all other classes should have been given one equally strong that fits their class theme well (remember when classes were still different with their own strengths and weaknesses?).

    Also Harmony was never broken, it was fun and used as a small-scale (by me and friends also) tool to smash down the alliance blobzergs in tight spaces. People who cry about it are most likely said zerglings to be honest.. maybe just not zerg all in one room with 50 people?

    And back to the Plaguebreak.. do you honestly think you can these days take down certain groups without a set like this? No you cannot, and that is the truth. The Purge spam is just too strong and people in groups just been just standing still and taking 20k dps (in pvp) and healing and purging all through that until the place where they are attracts the whole alliances in same spot of the map and that is when the slideshow performance in Cyrodiil starts.

    There is no perfect solution to this, but a set (so all classes can use it, anti-zerg skills should not be tied to only couple classes ultimates) like this has to be a choice to use OR the ability to Purge spam in a huge blob must be taken away. And since the skill is needed in pve also, that will not happen.

    I do not think anyone wants Purge to be taken away. Just adapt to this and stop running in a tightly stacked blob, be it big or not exactly huge. I mean, if a group can survive with one button one skill spam with Cleanse, it is only fair that enemies can use Plagubreak spam on them. There always needs to be a way to take down a group. Or things will end up in stalemates like 2 tanks fighting each others during the 5k hp recovery meta.

    So if Plaguebreak needs bigger cooldown and nerf, then i ask same on alliance Purge via Battle Spirit. Individual cooldown on each target on how often can recieve Purge. I am sure you are fine with that?

    I mean surely you have noticed in Cyrodiil performance that when there are ballgroups the performance gets way worse and a lot of solo & small-scale players been logging off then because it goes unplayable? It should not be like that and i do not blame the players wanting to play in big groups, but we need ways to take them down and not have Cyrodiil turn into a slideshow for 6 hours of primetime daily where blobs fight endless battles in 1 keep at a time with 4 seconds skill cast times..

    You say you do small-scale, right? Then you should be experienced enough to know that when you take down those blobs, the performance on the area you are instantly gets better. Then you should know there should remain tools that can take said groups down.

    Im not saying to take it away, I both ballgroup and smallscale and if they wanna use it as added pressure onto us then thats fine but it should not be able to one shot all of us through our coordination of heals and purge. Ill start with ballgrouping first, to say we shouldnt spam purge thats fine but have you ever been third floor with 40 people bombarding you, parmafrost, ice wall of elements along with the hard ccs of dawny, turn evil, nightblade fear you pretty much have to spam purge. Now I get people saying its op well the reason we spam it in the first place is it costs 6k mag and only removes 3 effects which is nothing getting beat on by a faction. So when it comes to ballgrouping we are getting punished for coordination, practice and just playing the game how we enjoy (some may not enjoy it but thats an opinion). You see the people getting mad about mistform in pve? Makes since right because it is changing and making something they enjoy in pve useless. Im just saying we should not get punished for being coordinated, and good at what we do while someone who doesnt put in the time slots that set presses one ability and can wipe us. Now to smallscale, I smallscale without a healer most the time while on my stamden or templar. Now if we just go open field with our dumps we probably not killing much cause they spread so we take them into a choke, mind you i have no healer so im forced to heal/purge myself and while i do that i not only kill me but my group by just trying to survive. Now the arguement just take it off right? My netch is my source of brutility and my purify is a main sorce of passive and healing in the templar kit. if i take them off im only putting myself at a more disadvantage of not only fighting 4-6v40 but now im losing passive damage or healing by a set that someone can hit me with a single light attack and proc on no cooldown. To me its overpowered and if you wanna make it a pressure set then im cool with it hitting a good 6-9k but 40k? thats insane to me. Hope you can see my side as i see yours to each there own tho.

    You're being punished for unrealistically running around and not dying after being hit with siege, spells, and melee attacks. Cyrodiil should emulate actual Cyrodiil, not Super Monkey Ball. Plaguebreak is nowhere near overpowered because ball groups still exist and latency is still high in areas where ball groups plague how the game is actually intended to be played.
  • Silversmith
    Ball groups don't cleanse debuffs. They just stack hots/los to overpower the dots/dps. Now, if you have a dedicated spy alt that follows ball groups around and cleanses them while your main plaguebreaks them, well, they all die. Doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's comedy gold.
  • neferpitou73
    Run a ball group. Can absolutely say that plaguebreak and the lack of purges don't affect us at all. We do however use it to farm zergs. So add this to the list of anti-ball group sets abused by ball groups. Just get rid of it. Or make the explosion proc off purge alone and not death
    Edited by neferpitou73 on February 8, 2022 10:30PM
  • James-Wayne
    KingzZVI wrote: »
    If they wanna make a stam vicious death thats fine by me but plaguebreak procs off the other persons ability which i think is wrong cause it takes no strategy or skill. Your damage shouldnt come from another people doing there build right.

    Running with a Zerg group also takes no skill so each to their own.

    The set is fine in PvP and amazing in PvE for trash packs!
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  • IronWooshu
    I PVP alot and haven't died to a Plaguebreak in a long time. As a Magplar I know what the icon looks like and make sure when I purge I'm away from the pack.

    I've died to Vicious Death more than Plaguebreak. I don't feel it's broken at all.
  • Grandsheba
    KingzZVI wrote: »
    This is the most balanced set by far these last couple of years...

    There has always been an unbalance in the game when you think about yin and yang, pro's and con's.

    You have major prot and major vuln, major mend and major defile. You have buffs and debuffs. You can cleanse debuffs you can remove buff... Oh wait... No you can't.

    You see the problem here?

    This set balance that last part out. Since now you can't remove debuffs.

    Its not balanced at all. You shouldnt be taking 40k plus damge by just playing your class or using an ability. If thats the case make it when they block they explode, see how ridiculous that sounds? Your getting punished for using an ability on a clas and or in the support tree, its making healers and support in pvp useless.

    Yes, youre right youre being punished by someone that wants you dead lol. You get punished by night blades when you dont use a skill or pot to see them every 3 seconds and they bomb or stab you. You get punished when you use a mythic set, you get punished when you stand in stupid, you get punished when you sprint, you get punished when you run over a trap on the ground.

    This is a combat game, tricks and strategy are part of it, so ofcourse you get punished for zerging down on people and spamming heals and cleanse to keep this army or 2 from being affected by anktber group. Very simple thing todo like in trials and dungeon, if you have a proc on you dont stack move away and cleanse or just heal through the very minor dot it does.
    "The Tower touches all the mantles of Heaven and by its apex one can be as he will. Be as he was and yet changed for all else on that path for those that walk after. This is [CHIM] the secret of how mortals become makers, and makers back to mortals."
  • Grandsheba
    KingzZVI wrote: »
    ealdwin wrote: »
    Stx wrote: »
    Plaguebreak doesn't deincentivize spamming purge, it makes it so you literally can't use purge, or get one shot. That's not balanced in any way. Especially as others have said, some classes have periodic self purges as part of their core kit.

    This. It's not punishing quick repeats of purge by dedicated healers within coordinated groups. It's punishing any and all instances of purge, including those non-spammed instances made by ungroups randos who happen to be in close proximity to another. I don't mind the set existing for the purpose of discouraging purge spam, but that's not what the set does.

    Its not just cleanse either. Example say your a healer with no purge on but you use betty netch on a magden healer with curse eater, you become completely useless. the set should have a burst of when people purge thats fine but it shouldnt hit harder then 7k and shouldnt scale

    Lmao, you're basically saying it should make FX but shouldnt do anything to anyone so i can keep abising heals and purges. That way j can take next to no damage and remain unchallenged in pvp. Ridiculous lol

    The set has had low damage, a self purge away from others hardly does any damage. The fact of the matter is, people have to actually pay attention in the warfare content instead of just spamming. People actually have to think.
    "The Tower touches all the mantles of Heaven and by its apex one can be as he will. Be as he was and yet changed for all else on that path for those that walk after. This is [CHIM] the secret of how mortals become makers, and makers back to mortals."
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