Tutorial miss fire

I was so hyped for this, thought finally I would able to choose not just location to casually spawn in (might I add unpretentiously) but to choose tutorial quest too , particularly the Naryu one I have missed... :disappointed:
So I have tried it, and it wouldn't even spawn into the iconic must Morrowind starting ship, just the dock like a fish thrown ashore...
I like the alternate lives Skyrim mod likeness but...
I think they missed the point of our plea's second half, the more important one...

I was glad I could finally go to the first and most important ES location, I think this is a cool way, including portals, to use in game.
Some are concerned it has been "wasted" cuz it could be dlc of some sort, but I think, especially that we can't go back to this particular state of it and imo regardless) they could use it again.
Yeah, probably not for a chapter or zone dlc but for a quest, or like an Artaeum, for sure. Personally I would not like it as any kinda dungeon cuz therefore lore would not be emphasized esp not by players...
Lemme chip in my idea, that is a way to have multiple time period versions of any zone.
By having to turn the map like a book, one other page or two, left past, right future, we could have that. More content With minimal work on zos' side, just barely modifying the level design, rather, focusing on creating new quests. Placing far away in time, making it so they wouldn't have to worry about any quest consequence, but giving us the chance for like explore a pve Cyrodiil before or after the war for example... Or well you know, we could go to it simply just without the tutorial situation should they use it for future content... Thus I would not worry about it being "wasted".

After the portal
As I said, this does not feel ZOS quality, cut/locked/restricted content, just spawning me down like a spit, without any context (new lady's few sentence is not enough, the tutorials were enough)...
I would like to have it so we would simply start the zone's original tutorial thing, small area, same story, same npcs, mobs, actually starting a quest, THE quest... (starting MW now, it said this will start its main quest but guess what, it didn't even has, still had to go to pick it up further in Seyda Neen, and I was saying I want it to start Naryu's og tutorial one)
I know, some might say but starting twice imprisoned would look off, well I have to things to say:
bruh it's Elder Scrolls duh, and why not?
Sure if they wanna change a bit whatever, but I still want what I want. The og tutorial quests.
All they would have to do is to cut the actual teaching part, the one which we already did on the island with the dummy just before, but besides that I do not want any change, and it would be easier faster for ZOS to implement too I think.

Here two previous comment that tells what I wanna XD

toplasmicninja wrote:

TPishek wrote:
I feel like zos completely missed the point of what people were asking for when they said they wanted to choose their start. People wanted to be able to choose between the escape quests with Naryu or Zamarak or whoever else, but instead they replaced those entirely with a bunch of one way teleports to zone you could already just teleport to.

This. I want to be able to choose my tutorial. That's what we've been asking for, rather than being forced into a new one just because we bought a chapter. This is not a change, this is just a different way of forcing us into a particular start.

Please, ZOS - give us more options, not fewer. I personally like the Firemoth Island tutorial the best of all of them, and I haven't been able to go there since 2018. I just want to be captured by slavers...what a predicament.


Pls dear ZOS let us start the zone specific tutorial quests after we go thought a portal (Imo add one for main quest, that'd be troll-est but I believe it is a must after all that is the main thing...)
Or at least find a way to give us those quests playable, in the world...
I find it they are essential for the zone/season, context wise, starting their story!...
Please do consider,
Thank you
  • DobbaDeuce
    I agree. I just played through the new tutorial and liked it fine, but I've liked all the other tutorials as well and don't understand the restriction. It doesn't even really seem to solve the "problem" that they gave as reasoning, since it seemed to me that now more than ever I was being thrown in with little real reference to the actual dilemma of whatever area I chose.

    I went through it on the PTS and chose the Summerset portal, and I was actually pleased to see that it began to play the intro cinematic for that particular Chapter. However, during that clip, it's suggested that not only are you exploring a dungeon with companions when a cave-in occurs, but that you are attacked by an unknown magical force, to which you are told to "wake up" from. When the cutscene ends, you're just standing out in daylight with no idea what just happened, or who that was (because it didn't actually happen to YOU in this story). It clearly seems glued together, and frankly would be a much uglier introduction to the game if this was my first character. The cutscene to gameplay for each of the Chapters works very well, but that's all lost with this new implementation yet would easily be fixed by just allowing the player to select "Summerset Tutorial" in the character creator.
    Edited by DobbaDeuce on April 20, 2021 9:31PM
    Tamriel-616 - A Chronicle of Tamriel's Heroes
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  • ectoplasmicninja
    Agree. What we have gotten here is not what we were asking for - not sure if this is a misunderstanding on their part. Keep it as is, except let the portals lead to all of the tutorials. I don't really think that the starter islands should be there, because those wayshrines are unlocked at the start anyway and what we're really looking for is the story introduction we want. Indicate that Coldharbour is the original tutorial and that newbies should start there, and have the other options be the tutorials for the previous chapters. I've struggled through years of my characters being shoehorned through beginnings that were not thematically appropriate for my desired story, and I was actually really happy when this was announced on stream...but it's just disappointing.
    PC NA, CP2000+Character creation is the true endgame.
  • Wolf_Eye
    Why ARE the starter island portals there anyways? They make no sense unless the game forces you to go through the first Coldharbour main quest where you escape from Coldharbour and THEN end up in the starter island of your faction.

    New players are going to be completely confused especially with the Daggerfall starter islands, because being the Vestige is LITERALLY a plot point for the resolution of the Betnikh storyline.
  • Grega
    Are there any achievements added for new tutorial? If anyone in PTS can check. I hope not since the area is inaccessible to any characters created prior to update 30.
  • axan22
    The Tutorial was nice looking but way too short and didnt explain much sneaking pick locks probably loads of other things too that would be useful.

    BIGGEST FLAW the portals should take you to what was the old tutorials, i chose Blackreach hoping to run the caves where you meet Fennorian etc only to be thrown outside with no clue what to do where to go, this is so much WORSE for new players and old alike, yes i like the choice but you have removed some of the best story intro's BRING THEM BACK.

    Never cut great content from a game.

  • colossalvoids
    Wasted potential and completely not the thing people were asking for so also a lost developers time.
  • Danikat
    I agree that it would be better if the portal leads you into the tutorial for your chosen area rather than just dumping you into that map.

    For me this tutorial is an improvement because it leaves where you were and what you were doing before going through the portal to Balfiera entirely ambiguous, which gives a lot more freedom for creating your own backstory. I don't have to justify a character being in a specific part of the world or involved in specific events - they just ended up going through a portal and there's dozens of ways that could happen. That also fits with being able to choose where you go when you leave - maybe you're going back to the events you were interested in (maybe already involved in), maybe you're going as far from where you were as possible, maybe you're going to whatever sounds the most exciting. It's left entirely open so it gives a lot more freedom for making characters.

    But going from the end of this tutorial to the start of your chosen storyline is messy and that could be solved by putting you into the relevant tutorial. Or for the base game starter islands putting you into the main city where the Hooded Figure will find you, maybe right by the relevant building?)

    Otherwise the cut scene makes no sense and there's nothing to explain how and why these NPCs trust someone who must have just appeared from thin air or why you're immediately involved in local events. As well as Summerset I can see Greymoor being especially jarring because your dialogue throughout the early part of the main quest is referencing what you saw during the tutorial, except you won't have seen it so it'll make no sense at all.
    Grega wrote: »
    Are there any achievements added for new tutorial? If anyone in PTS can check. I hope not since the area is inaccessible to any characters created prior to update 30.

    I can't confirm it until I'm able to log in later today but I don't remember seeing an achievement for it. None of the previous chapter tutorials had achievements. (I know the Morrowind one didn't because I checked repeatedly while trying to convince myself it didn't matter which one my warden did.)
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • TequilaFire
    After creating a template character and the tutorial started to load I crashed to desktop.
    On reload I was dropped at the Blackwood starting point skipping the tutorial.
    Will have to create another character to test again.
    Edited by TequilaFire on April 21, 2021 2:01PM
  • Enodoc
    Danikat wrote: »
    But going from the end of this tutorial to the start of your chosen storyline is messy and that could be solved by putting you into the relevant tutorial. Or for the base game starter islands putting you into the main city where the Hooded Figure will find you, maybe right by the relevant building?)
    I would agree with this. It would make a lot more sense if there wasn't the option of all three Alliances, and you just had one portal that went straight to somewhere with the Hooded Figure. Then you would follow that and end up right on the Starter Island as the story originally played out.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Serenez
    I do like you can jump through the portal to whichever Chapter you like.

    I am confused why the starter islands are there for the new player to choose from as to be honest the majority of new players (brand new) really don't remember what their Alliance is so for them to 'choose' the one specific to them would be a hit and a miss. If these portals remain I would have the quest giver remind the player which Alliance they are and 'which portal' is specific to them.

    Secondly I have not played through this entire scenario beyond simply going through the starter Alliance portal however here is my concern:

    Currently on live server when a player arrives at Davon's Watch (Stonefalls), Vulkeal Guard (Auridon) and Daggerfall (Glenumbra) they are greeted with the quest to go seek out the hooded figure and starting the Main base game storyline. Once you go through this quest and free the prophet etc, the quest concludes with dumping you out on your specific starter island.

    Now my question is this .. what happens when you go through the starter island portal for lets say Bleakrock Isles and you complete that, head to Bal Foyen and then off to Davon's Watch where you are greeted with the 'hooded figure' quest. Would you then complete freeing the prophet then get dumped out at the exact same spot in the starter island to start the Bleakrock quest that you really just completed as you went through the 'new portal' from the tutorial. This is one gigantic loop unless this has already been figured out and it has been accounted for. I mean being dumped in the same spot twice to start a quest that you just completed is redundant, so I am hoping this is corrected or this issue has been thought of (I have not played through the entire loop of this journey on the PTS. so if someone that has can confirm what actually happens that would be great !)

    This is rather confusing to say the least. A better solution would be to walk through a portal to the Hooded Figure (rather than the three starter islands) as you are just going to be eventually dumped there anyways.
    Edited by Serenez on April 21, 2021 5:57PM
  • phantasmalD
    It works exactly like it worked before, pretty much nothing changed about that quest progression. Definitely very confusing for new players and is a pretty unintuitive loop.

    The best solution I can think off is that the post-Coldharbour drop off point should be moved to Stonefalls/Glenumbra/Auridon, so you pretty much pick up where you left off. Many thing about the starter island still wouldn't make sense, but at least you wouldn't get looped back.

    (Tbh the best BEST solution I can think off is unbinding the MQ from the base zones, but that's never gonna happen)
  • Dovahkiin02191973
    This part of the tutorial is a waste. No one is going to use it everytime they want to start a new toon. They will just skip the tutorial and end up in Blackwood. The idea is solid but it is not implemented right. The best way would be to give us starting option location in character creation instead of at the end of a tutorial and as folks are saying they want to experience the older chapter tutorials. There is no reason why ZOS could not link those up for us.
    Edited by Dovahkiin02191973 on April 21, 2021 6:44PM
  • Serenez
    I like the concept of a brand new Tutorial (but one that teaches additional new tips/tools etc.) and therefore would explain why it is a neutral new tutorial.

    Currently zone chat/guild chat is the real tutorial for really simple basic things that really should be taught in the actual tutorial. Yes we have tooltips however they need to pop up at the exact time when a player wants to know about it. For Veteran players or even experienced MMO players, some things may be second nature, however for those that have never played an MMO before have no clue how to do very basic things. I already sent feedback last year so I won't clutter up this post with all those suggestions as this Tutorial is already finished and it is in it's polishing phase.

    I like the concept of having people choose where to start their journey (story line).

    The tutorial and storylines need to be completely separate from one another.

    A tutorial is just that. It should 'teach' new players how to play the basics of the game. It also is the very first time a player sees the game.

    A story line is just that. So giving a player a choice where to start their journey (storyline) is a great feature. It must however make sense and not confuse players as to how it is implemented.

    My next comment goes to the unnecessary graphic around the combat tutorial. Why decrease the field of view (yes I play on gamepad as I play on my TV) but it takes up half my screen. For anyone with bad eyesight, headaches, migraines, having to strain their eyes to just see what is going on when they are also trying to look at the keyboard/controller to get used to the buttons and muscle memory to go back and forth to this screen. It is very unnecessary eye strain.


  • Danikat
    It works exactly like it worked before, pretty much nothing changed about that quest progression. Definitely very confusing for new players and is a pretty unintuitive loop.

    The best solution I can think off is that the post-Coldharbour drop off point should be moved to Stonefalls/Glenumbra/Auridon, so you pretty much pick up where you left off. Many thing about the starter island still wouldn't make sense, but at least you wouldn't get looped back.

    (Tbh the best BEST solution I can think off is unbinding the MQ from the base zones, but that's never gonna happen)

    I'd do it the other way around: Instead of choosing a starting island at the end of the new tutorial you choose to go to Davon's Watch, Vulkhel Guard or Daggerfall, arriving right by the house the main quest sends you to. Then you can be approached by the hooded figure to start the main quest, follow them to the house (making it nearby reduces the risk of being side-tracked with other quests) and end up at the starter island in a way that makes sense for the narrative.

    It fits what's already in the game and means new players (or current players making new characters) wanting to start with the main quest get a sensible narrative instead of a weird loop of ending up back on an island you've already completed with nothing to do.

    It also has the added benefit of adding more options for people who want to do the tutorial but don't want to do any of the main storylines: they can go straight from the new tutorial to a main city then go their own way from there. I recognise that's a pretty niche choice, so I wouldn't propose accomodating it if it wasn't tied to an option that would also help new players and people who want a coherent narrative.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Wolf_Eye
    Danikat wrote: »
    It works exactly like it worked before, pretty much nothing changed about that quest progression. Definitely very confusing for new players and is a pretty unintuitive loop.

    The best solution I can think off is that the post-Coldharbour drop off point should be moved to Stonefalls/Glenumbra/Auridon, so you pretty much pick up where you left off. Many thing about the starter island still wouldn't make sense, but at least you wouldn't get looped back.

    (Tbh the best BEST solution I can think off is unbinding the MQ from the base zones, but that's never gonna happen)

    I'd do it the other way around: Instead of choosing a starting island at the end of the new tutorial you choose to go to Davon's Watch, Vulkhel Guard or Daggerfall, arriving right by the house the main quest sends you to. Then you can be approached by the hooded figure to start the main quest, follow them to the house (making it nearby reduces the risk of being side-tracked with other quests) and end up at the starter island in a way that makes sense for the narrative.

    It fits what's already in the game and means new players (or current players making new characters) wanting to start with the main quest get a sensible narrative instead of a weird loop of ending up back on an island you've already completed with nothing to do.

    It also has the added benefit of adding more options for people who want to do the tutorial but don't want to do any of the main storylines: they can go straight from the new tutorial to a main city then go their own way from there. I recognise that's a pretty niche choice, so I wouldn't propose accomodating it if it wasn't tied to an option that would also help new players and people who want a coherent narrative.

    Yes, this exactly. There is absolutely no reason to have portals leading to the starter islands; just have the portals leading to the three main cities and plop the toons right near the Hooded Figure.

    Then we won't have the confusing "time loop" that would do nothing but hinder a new player's ability to discern the story.
  • DarcyMardin
    Surprised at the criticism. I liked the new tutorial. In fact, it’s the only one I’ve liked since the original release tutorial, and I’ve started so many new characters that I’ve done them all. I prefer starting in a beautiful, well-lit place rather than in some dark cave somewhere. I liked the combat training in this one, which I thought was better explained than in the past. I liked the NPC. And I loved the final room with all the gates and the (slightly) different music when you stand in front of each one. I would like to be able to go back there!

    I do agree that people who want to begin in their alliance zone should be sent to Vulkel Guard, Daggerfall, or Davon’s Watch rather than to the islands. And that they should immediately encounter the Main Story quest, lose their soul, and escape with the Prophet’s help. They can go to the islands then, or skip them, if they prefer, as long as they begin the main part of the Vestige’s story. Many of the alliance story plot points hinge on the player character not having a soul, so that fact needs to be established early for players who want to start in the game’s original zones.
    Edited by DarcyMardin on April 22, 2021 4:09AM
  • Serenez
    I am going to copy and paste my response to a similar thread in general forums https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/570185/zos-is-missing-the-point-let-us-choose-our-tutorial-quest-not-just-starting-location#latest

    The issue here is that people are all missing the point of what a Tutorial is actually for.

    Brand New Players
    -- need to learn how to use basic skills/interactions. Old Tutorials do not give the updated combat training that the new ones do. The game will evolve over time and there absolutely needs to be a separate generic tutorial that can be improved upon without too much game story intertwined.

    Currently the Tutorial has lost it's meaning as to the actual purpose of it. I can understand the story immersion aspect from a role players point of view and the 'replay' factor. The entire premise though of what a Tutorial is actually for should not be lost. Tutorials should never be so intertwined with a storyline that they cannot be separated, as this is the problem and where we are at now.

    It is assumed that most people just know how to play an MMO and understand basic fundamentals. Over the past several years, I lost track of how many people I had to show what a wayshrine was, what a Mundas stone was, how to get a horse, what an NPC banker is, and yes how to quickslot potions, to visit bookshelves, look into urns. When there are players well into starting their CP grind do not have a Mundas equipped, know to eat/drink food to improve, understand the fundamentals between wearing armor and the associated skill lines there is a failure of the teaching tools. People that have played these kinds of games take for granted they learned these skills in other games and look for the counterparts in ESO. For those that pick up a computer game for the first time or first time playing an MMO they are truly and completely lost. They do not even know what 'tank' means.

    So while I understand from a replay/roleplay perspective and storyline aspect how you wish to start the (Tutorial) where you want, but I think from what I am hearing it is really the immersion storyline that you are most concerned with and nostalgia of being 'born' in certain lands. This leaves new players in the dust when it comes to 'how to play' as some of the older tutorials do not teach the combat training to the extent the new ones do.

    New players won't know the difference from old tutorial to new if they haven't seen the old ones before. People who are role playing and re-playing do not need to 'learn how to play' so there is no need to go through combat training.

    Could the game recognize a new install of the game and offer the Tutorial (the newest version) to the player so that it can do what it is meant to to and teach the fundamentals of the game necessary to play without any MMO experience. Teach them whatever the latest and current combat techniques etc. Then for players who have already gone through a generic tutorial can skip this but 'choose' from a menu option where they wish to be 'born' in for immersion purposes can choose the 'tutorial old story version) of the chapters or be simply teleported to the wayshrine of their desired land of choice.

    So what I am proposing is: (before creating a specific character)

    1. Have a generic character neutral Tutorial at the beginning of the game launch that teaches basic fundamentals of the game. Gives skills required to understand the fundamentals. Also introduce the Alliances, explain what the different races are, classes are, roles are (tank, dd, healer etc), basic combat skills, Mundas, skyshards, importance of food/drink and armor choices, and attributes like magicka, stamina, health etc.

    2. THEN have the player make their character with the knowledge above and it would assist them in choosing which alliance, which race, which class etc.

    3. THEN have them select where to start and simplify it . a) Main Base Game storyline, and Chapter Storylines and just have the person select if they wish to have the old Tutorial version for immersion purposes or just ported right to a wayshrine.

    This would give everyone I think what is really needed. People could at any time visit the 'generic character neutral' tutorial when they need a refresher. It can be updated at any time with the newest changes and not break the immersion of the game for the roleplayers. It would also give people the option in the menu after character selection to just pick Main Game, Chapters etc and then if they wish to re-do the old Tutorial for story purposes or just port to where they want.

    Going forward - remove any aspect of Tutorial from any Chapter release that is so embedded in the storyline that it can't be divorced from it without causing problems.

    With this solution it gives new players a real basic/neutral Tutorial that can be updated at any time without causing immersion issues. It gives more info to the new player so they can make informed choices with the character creation menu. It gives players the opportunity from the start menu to 'replay' generic tutorial for refresher. It gives role players the 'replay' nostalgia aspect of giving them a choice of revisiting the old Tutorials simply for the immersion aspect. (with disclaimer at menu screen that the combat tutorial is outdated and or missing altogether, and for an updated generalized tutorial see the generic one) It also gives players the option to skip and simply be ported to the wayshrine. It would also hopefully give the Developers more leeway to create new Chapter storylines without being hindered of having to add a Tutorial into the mix.

    The above solution should
    1. Reestablish what a Tutorial is (to teach fundamentals) and completely divorce it form the storyline of the Main game or Chapter.
    2. Give Roleplayers - the replay factor and nostalgia of being 'born again' in those chapters if they wish to re-visit the old outdated Tutorials with the disclaimer of course before the start that the 'tutorial aspect' is outdated and do they wish to continue etc.
    3. Give players an opportunity to revisit the generic Tutorial from main menu, for combat or game refresher without breaking immersion.
    4. Give a foundation for Developers to add to the Generic Tutorial with Dungeon and Trial foundations etc or any updated content fundamentals,. Completely separate from the main storylines once again without breaking immersion.
    5. Give the Developers more freedom of creating a more immersive storyline for each chapter without being hindered with re-creating tutorials over and over again and re-creating this nostalgia-loop that keeps occurring.
    Edited by Serenez on April 22, 2021 9:43AM
  • Enodoc
    Serenez wrote: »
    Now my question is this .. what happens when you go through the starter island portal for lets say Bleakrock Isles and you complete that, head to Bal Foyen and then off to Davon's Watch where you are greeted with the 'hooded figure' quest. Would you then complete freeing the prophet then get dumped out at the exact same spot in the starter island to start the Bleakrock quest that you really just completed as you went through the 'new portal' from the tutorial. This is one gigantic loop unless this has already been figured out and it has been accounted for. I mean being dumped in the same spot twice to start a quest that you just completed is redundant, so I am hoping this is corrected or this issue has been thought of (I have not played through the entire loop of this journey on the PTS. so if someone that has can confirm what actually happens that would be great !)

    This is rather confusing to say the least. A better solution would be to walk through a portal to the Hooded Figure (rather than the three starter islands) as you are just going to be eventually dumped there anyways.
    From what I understand from other people, this has not yet been accounted for, and I agree with your suggested solution - one portal to the Hooded Figure makes more sense than three portals to Alliance starter islands.

    Or indeed this, which is essentially the same but the other way around.
    The best solution I can think off is that the post-Coldharbour drop off point should be moved to Stonefalls/Glenumbra/Auridon, so you pretty much pick up where you left off. Many thing about the starter island still wouldn't make sense, but at least you wouldn't get looped back.

    (Tbh the best BEST solution I can think off is unbinding the MQ from the base zones, but that's never gonna happen)
    The suggestion of disconnecting the MQ from the base game definitely makes sense at this point as well, but the "you have no soul" plot point is used repeatedly in those zones.
    Edited by Enodoc on April 22, 2021 12:00PM
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Serenez
    For this PTS cycle as this new Tutorial is already made and time is a factor, keep things the way they are with some adjustments as I do think this is a step in the right direction but needs tweaking:

    1. Change those starter portals as I mentioned above to direct the player to the Hooded Figure in Davon's Watch, Daggerfall and Auridon. (Ensure the 'new player' understands which one of these matches their Alliance as many new players have no idea what Alliance they selected). Maybe label them by Alliance rather then actual location because it really is an Alliance starter quest/main quest hybrid situation. However indicate this is also intertwined with the Main Quest line. (option to explore other Allilances is given in Cadwell's Silver and Cadwell's Gold already)

    2. For the Chapter portals - if two end points can be given (choice 1 - just wayshrine or choice 2 old Tutorial) then this would help pacify those that want the old nostalgia. If only one end point can be given - then for this year keep it how it is and possibly look at options to address this next year when more time allows for the development side.

    3. Please for new brand new players and for disability accessibility, please remove that blue oval graphic from the combat tutorial as it creates unnecessary eyestrain and is very obstructive.

    4. Going forward next year completely divorce any future Tutorials from any new Chapters by having a generalized Tutorial as I mentioned and detailed in my previous post.
  • NickFirzen
    I just wanted to leave this new tutorial as it is/evolve if needed in the future but after we enter a portal, for the chapters have the old tutorials but with the tutorial aspect cut (basicly a quest to give immersion and context into the story of said zone), and I agree main quest needs an exclusive starting too, somehow.
    I'm fine getting imprisoned twice so I'd be happy to get rescued by Naryu or Lyris anytime... :smiley:
  • Danikat
    Serenez wrote: »
    The issue here is that people are all missing the point of what a Tutorial is actually for.

    Ok so we re-name all the others to something other than a tutorial. Which should be pretty easy since I don't think anything in the game uses the name tutorial except for the box at the begining offering you the choice of skipping it.

    The point remains the same: these instanced quests are designed to introduce players to not just to the absolute most basic aspects of combat (which is all the tutorial elements cover - how to equip a weapon, light attack, heavy attack, block and interrupt and that you should follow up a block or interrupt with a heavy attack) but also to introduce them to the story of each area which has an introduction.

    It may have been created because they needed a tutorial, but after that decision was made it was designed to include the first steps of the main storyline. Having a tutorial somewhere else does not change the fact that the story needs an introduction. You wouldn't say someone can skip the first 10 minutes of a movie because you're certain they already understand how movies work and will know how to sit and watch the rest of it.

    We've already seen this with Coldharbour. When they added the Morrowind tutorial they still left in the previous tutorial in the form of an instanced quest with the tutorial elements removed because they understood that the main story would make absolutely no sense whatsoever if you didn't go through that part of it. But then they started creating the same problem in other areas of the game by creating introductions to other storylines and then making it impossible to access them.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Inval1d

    I solved the problem ZOS! All you gotta do now is implement it!

    (Just imagine it says "Morrowind" or any other first zone instead of Blackwood)
  • Wolf_Eye
    Ok. So.

    I just tried out the tutorial and picked Western Skyrim as my starting place.

    It played the cinematic where you're on a wagon and get attacked by witches and stuff. So that was cool.

    But then....it just dumps me right outside Deepwood Vale. With no explanation. Not even a quest marker. Not even a quest marker to tell me to go to Solitude. Absolutely no guidance whatsoever.

    Now, if I were a new player, this would be INCREDIBLY CONFUSING.

    Some of the questions I would immediately think:

    "What happened to the witches that attacked me? What was that cinematic all about?"

    "Why am I in the middle of nowhere?"

    But most importantly: "Where in the heck do I go from here??"

    Because literally there is no way to know that you're supposed to go to Solitude to start the main quest for the area.

    I loved the old tutorial quests, and I would love to have them back. In spite of this, I can understand why some people would think it's better if new players didn't get confused with a different tutorial each chapter...I can understand why some people would want them to streamline the tutorial so that it's less confusing. (I disagree and still want the old tutorials back, but I can at least understand the argument)

    ....This is not streamlined. This is even MORE confusing than before. At least back when they had chapter tutorials, they always led you to the start of the Main Quest for the zone.

    New players are just gonna get lost out in the wilderness by the Deepwood Vale when they start out. Or lost right next to the Adeptorium if they start off in Elsweyr. And so on and so forth.

    Couple this with the fact that you can choose the starter islands instead of the main cities (see the arguments of people before me saying that this makes no sense), and it just feels like this new tutorial was sloppily put together.

  • Fennwitty
    Did the new tutorial on PTS -- very disappointed.

    It (still) teaches almost nothing at all. Perhaps I shouldn't have disabled the automatic tutorials under gameplay settings (I assumed they'd be the same).

    There's overemphasis on blocking, interrupt and heavy attacks ... and literally nothing else. No skills. No distinction between light attack and heavy being related to how long you hold the mouse button.

    At two points the game suggests you dodge roll (gargoyle and harvester). It never specifically taught anything about that.

    The tutorial NEVER even mentioned "Get out of the red"!

    The tutorial literally doesn't mention skills in any context. Not weapon skills, class skills, anything. When you level up it opens the game's help menu with the little in-game article.

    There's an armory, but it's 100% optional. The tutorial makes no mention of even equipping armor, or that armor might have different levels.

    Honestly this is merely an entry hub. I have to say ESO is the only MMO I know which gives not even 5 minutes worth of gameplay information in its 'tutorials'.
    PC NA
  • Fennwitty
    Bug report:

    Also, when talking to the NPC she says one of the portals goes to "Bal Foyen" for the Ebonheart Pact line.

    That is not true. A portal goes to Bleakrock Island, which eventually leads the player to Bal Foyen. There's no portal directly to Bal Foyen anywhere.
    PC NA
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