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What keeps you playing ESO?

  • Fischblut
  • MrGraves
    RP. I care less and less about actual gameplay every major update.
  • Danikat
    The game world
    I started playing because it's an Elder Scrolls game, I'm still here for the same reason.

    Although I did recently realise the fact that I don't play World of Warcraft, Star Wars: The Old Republic or Lord of the Rings Online means the setting doesn't over rule all other considerations for me. I do need to like the game design and the business model as well. But even so, I wouldn't have looked twice at this game if it wasn't for the Elder Scrolls setting.
    Edited by Danikat on March 11, 2021 9:08PM
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Nord_Raseri
    Still trying to figure that out
    Veit ég aðég hékk vindga meiði á nætr allar níu, geiri undaðr og gefinn Oðni, sjálfr sjálfum mér, á þeim meiði er manngi veit hvers hann af rótum rennr.
  • INe_Saninus
    Combat, PvP or PvE
    The potential and promise of glory in PvP.
    You have to bleed and suffer for it. Sacrifice for it.
    Give yourself to it.
    Get out of of feelings for it. Take your L's for it.

    ...I'm not there yet. But I can see it somewhere in the distance and I want to get there.

    That's what keeps me playing.
  • Wolfpaw
    The lack of viable alternatives
    A few more years & we should see some great options.
  • vibeborn
    I didn't want to pick the option that says "Lack of alternatives" but to be honest I don't know what else to do with my free time at the moment. Plus I still love playing it

    There's also the fact that after the update I'm officially considered a low level
  • BlackSparrow
    The game world
    The breadth of things to do, in particular, is great. I can spend one evening helping save Tamriel from whichever evil entity is trying to destroy it this time, and then I can spend the next evening making a maze in one of my houses, and then I can spend the next evening just relaxing while fishing. Most MMOs these days have at least some of that--and some MMOs have more--but there's just something immersive about the Elder Scrolls setting that makes it easy to wander off into the wilderness and still find fun things to do.
    Edited by BlackSparrow on March 12, 2021 3:13PM
    Living vicariously through my characters.

    My Girls:
    "If you were trapped in your house for, say, a year, how would you pass the time?"

    Nephikah the Houseless, dunmer assassin: "I suppose I could use the break. I have a lot of business holdings now that need management."
    Swum-Many-Waters, elderly argonian healer: "I think that I would enjoy writing a memoir."
    Silh'ki, khajiit warrior-chef: "Would this one be able to go outside, to the nearby river? It's hard to fish without water!"
    Peregrine Huntress, bosmer hunter: "Who is forcing me to stay inside, and where can I find them?"
    Lorenyawe, altmer mechanist: "And why would I want to go outside in the first place? Too much to be done in the workshop."
    Lorelai Magpie, breton master thief: "I'd go nuts. Lucky for me, I have a little experience sneaking out!"
    Rasheda the Burning Heart, redguard knight: "I would continue my training to keep my skills sharp."
    Hex-Eye Azabi, khajiit daedric priestess: "I suppose it would be lucky, then, that I built a shrine to Mephala in my backyard."
    Yngva Stormhammer, nord bandit (reformed...ish): "I hate being inside even when I'm not forced to be. GET. ME. OUT."
    Madam Argentia, vampire dunmer aristocrat: "I suppose it would be more of the same. I have a rather... contentious relationship with the sun."
    Mazie gra-Bolga, orc scout: "Uh... I'd have to house train my bear..."
    Felicia the Wanderer, imperial witch-for-hire: "What Lorelai said."
    Calico Jaka-dra, retired khajiit pirate: "This one would like a rest from her grand adventures. Her jewel shop runs out of stock!"
    Shimmerbeam, blind altmer psijic: "Provided that I am confined to Artaeum, I do not think I will want for things to occupy my time."
    Shauna Blackfire, redguard necromancer: "Sounds like paradise. I hate people."
    Kirniel the Undying, cursed bosmer warrior: "I would feel useless, not being able to fight."
    Echoes-from-Dragons, argonian who thinks she's a dragon: "All the better to count my hoard!"

    (Signature idea shamelessly stolen from Abeille.)
  • Alurria
    Combat, PvP or PvE
    I just really like Elder scrolls. I like the world and I love questing and exploring. I have so much to finish and then there is housing how many can I collect, mounts, achievements, books, titles. There is so much to do if you just look around. As compared to other games. I can't do the asian grindfest of having to group for every dang thing. And warcraft is nothing but a gear grind. Not fun. I enjoy this game. I am happy with the changes and I might even try pvp again.
  • Ittrix
    The game's okay, but I genuinely do not like the developers overseeing the game. A lot of poorly handled decisions overall that really makes you scratch your head and wonder "Do they even play the game?". (IE: Vateshran Bow is a DPS loss because all bow passives are angled at range, so snipe is stronger far away than up close even with the set bonus. How did they not balance for that?)
    I would've left in a huff a dozen times over now if it weren't for people I enjoyed playing with.
  • Uryel
    My wife plays it. Else, I would have stopped 2 years ago, when they butchered the Bosmers and ruined my then 4 years old thief.

    I have to say, though, the new champion system allowed for a revival of that character, so maybe i'll actually start enjoying playing her again.

    Oh, also, housing. Would be better if heartwood wasn't so stupidly expensive, or even better, if we actually made furnitures out of, you know, regular wood... But hey, housing is fun.
    Edited by Uryel on March 11, 2021 11:32PM
  • Nightowl_74
    The game world
    For me it's always been the Elder Scrolls world. That's what made me try it out in the beginning, despite already being invested in a different MMO, and it's both what caused me to pass on it back then (it didn't really feel like Tamriel) and to give it one more shot a couple years later when I read an article listing it as one of that year's "most improved" MMO's. The second time stuck.
  • noneatza
    (tl;dr at the end)
    Wall of text incoming, interesting read if you actually wanna see a perspective rarely seen on these forums (i started lurking recently)
    before we go, i know this is overly positive, but the negatives are at the end don't worry, also for clarification:
    progress oriented = "tryhard", a person that does their research, googles stuff, is interested in what's good and what not
    non-progress oriented= "casual", a person that likes to have fun with their game and isn't interested in competition

    Background about me:
    [My past mmo experience] I spent a collective ~25.000 hours in the following mmos over the past 15 years:
    wow, ff14, neverwinter, bdo, gw2, runescape and god knows how many more hours in aion, metin2, and other eastern mmos.
    I think i have a broad view of the genre.

    [What i care about in mmos] I am a progress oriented player mostly interested in the competitive part of endgame pve(if the game has one).

    [Where i currently stand in ESO] I started playing ESO in july 2020 (recieved game as gift a few years back but never installed) and i am(with my group of friends i found in craglorn) very close to getting Gryphon Heart, finished it more than 5 times with 30-35/36 vitality

    Here's why i play ESO and will keep playing for the foreseeable future:
    - The amount of bugs is very reasonable for the size of the game and perhaps the most well refined mmo currently on the market. Whoever says otherwise regarding number of bugs expects perfection and it isn't reasonable in this day and age in this context.
    - The fact devs are actively working to improve cyro pvp(i don't pretend to know what's happening there, i don't pvp but that's what i see from the outside, take this statement with a fist full of salt)
    - The monetisation is decent. The crown store is cosmetic only and offers no mechanic related, "bis" or "mandatory for progression" items.
    **if crown gifting would not be a thing then this game would be definitely labeled as p2w by whoever can't afford eso+ because of their country's economy, and i'd fully agree because it has so many dlcs**
    - The progression is good. You feel yourself getting stronger as you get better item sets and gain more cps.
    - And regarding progression, i like that game knowledge matters. You can run arguably very sub-optimal gear and cps now and still clear all the 4man content as long as you know what you're doing.
    - The number of possible playstyles that could make you "competitive", basically one person can achieve anything he wants in eso without learning how to LA weave, they make money through crafting/fishing/trading/looting chests/nodes/urns/stealing/EVEN ROLEPLAYING, I SAW THOSE CHONKY KHAJIITS DANCING ON EU AND I HAD TO GIVE THEM GOLD, and they just buy a run if they want a certain achievement. I consider this good design because you can just do whatever you want, it's true. Also you can never even care about those things and enjoy the numerous voice acted storylines, there's plenty of hours there.
    (this one deserves an explanation: by competitive i mean make gold to upgrade your gear, buy housing stuffs, crowns for gold etc)
    - The fact that over the past 9 months of there hasn't been a single patch where my gear became completely obsolete (yes, maybe meta has changed and i had to adapt in order to have the best of the best of the best of the bis, but not mandatory to still do fairly decent)

    And my last point leads nicely into my comments regarding the last patch:

    Good part about last patch
    Devs have stated they want to bring down the dps by 15-20% and they did exactly that. I have seen so many "reworks" in my day where devs had the goal to reduce overall damage yet it resulted in some classes losing 95% of their dps, some gaining 50% extra, and 100% of the content oustide of dummies became unkillable or oneshottable by standard abilities.
    ZOS pulled off the last update and deserves a gold medal.
    ( I sort of understand why they did this, to this day i still don't know what some of the bosses in 4man dungeons do because they always died before showing me their mechanics in the 200k dps half decent groups could achieve. It was ridiculous.)
    -The 0cp to ~300cp have gained damage, as well as any non-progress oriented player because there are much less completely useless cp options and they are better explained.
    -Devs gave us some qol features in the new cps, also with the major gallop, that's pure gold, well done.
    -They listened and reverted a bug fix because it was harmless, never in my life have i heard of such a thing. Devs that listen? ***? This left me speechless for some reason.

    In short, i can't find the "gotcha" part of the last patch, you know, the part in the patch notes where you can exactly pinpoint one sentence and go "ahaaa, so this is how they'll make more money". It's usually very apparent in every single big patch in other mmos currently on the market.

    Bad part about this patch, and the game in general
    -Specifically this patch: mazzatun being broken and cp's not wanting to stay slotted
    -About the game in general: Performance. I understand, game is massive and there are lots of things that can break...but damn mate, performance is bad. Memory leaks, crashes galore, lag spikes during the one and a half big cyro fights i've been a part of. I dare you to do vhof and not have one crash in the group.

    super duper TL;DR:
    i play eso because it's fun and devs aren't complete idiots like in all other mmos, they still take some feedback and interact with the community
    also last patch did exactly what they said it would do, reduced deps by x amount
    and no i can't feel any difference in content other than worse sustain, i still don't know what blood twilight and talfyg are supposed to do in vet ct
    Edited by noneatza on March 12, 2021 12:33AM
  • Red_Feather
    Like with the card games I like to collect stuff and make builds out of them. Leads to my wish that the world required specific builds and there was more build variety. Like an rpg.
  • Togal
    All that time spent in the game, kinda want to leave but feels like a waste to.
  • whitecrow
    Complete lack of any kind of social life.
  • Lysette
    The game world
    I'm a visitor to Tamriel for more than half of my life - started with TES III. I'm interested in the continent and over time I might actually see it all, what has been my wish since I started with TES III. Tamriel turned out to be less alien than expected or maybe a lot of the weirdness of living on Nirn appears to me to be quite normal meanwhile - like that everyone and probably their dogs as well are using some form of magic, feels natural on Nirn as well as dealing with divine entities once in a while. But overall, I enjoy just being a part of this world - incarnated in my characters of various races and genders. With the latest patch I can enjoy it even more, because I like hybrid builds with just enough damage to have fun. Update 29 is ok IMO.
    Edited by Lysette on March 12, 2021 3:27AM
  • barney2525
    I keep waking up to use the bathroom...

    so since I am awake, I might as well do something

  • Viewsfrom6ix
    Combat, PvP or PvE
    noneatza wrote: »
    (tl;dr at the end)
    Wall of text incoming, interesting read if you actually wanna see a perspective rarely seen on these forums (i started lurking recently)
    before we go, i know this is overly positive, but the negatives are at the end don't worry, also for clarification:
    progress oriented = "tryhard", a person that does their research, googles stuff, is interested in what's good and what not
    non-progress oriented= "casual", a person that likes to have fun with their game and isn't interested in competition

    Background about me:
    [My past mmo experience] I spent a collective ~25.000 hours in the following mmos over the past 15 years:
    wow, ff14, neverwinter, bdo, gw2, runescape and god knows how many more hours in aion, metin2, and other eastern mmos.
    I think i have a broad view of the genre.

    [What i care about in mmos] I am a progress oriented player mostly interested in the competitive part of endgame pve(if the game has one).

    [Where i currently stand in ESO] I started playing ESO in july 2020 (recieved game as gift a few years back but never installed) and i am(with my group of friends i found in craglorn) very close to getting Gryphon Heart, finished it more than 5 times with 30-35/36 vitality

    Here's why i play ESO and will keep playing for the foreseeable future:
    - The amount of bugs is very reasonable for the size of the game and perhaps the most well refined mmo currently on the market. Whoever says otherwise regarding number of bugs expects perfection and it isn't reasonable in this day and age in this context.
    - The fact devs are actively working to improve cyro pvp(i don't pretend to know what's happening there, i don't pvp but that's what i see from the outside, take this statement with a fist full of salt)
    - The monetisation is decent. The crown store is cosmetic only and offers no mechanic related, "bis" or "mandatory for progression" items.
    **if crown gifting would not be a thing then this game would be definitely labeled as p2w by whoever can't afford eso+ because of their country's economy, and i'd fully agree because it has so many dlcs**
    - The progression is good. You feel yourself getting stronger as you get better item sets and gain more cps.
    - And regarding progression, i like that game knowledge matters. You can run arguably very sub-optimal gear and cps now and still clear all the 4man content as long as you know what you're doing.
    - The number of possible playstyles that could make you "competitive", basically one person can achieve anything he wants in eso without learning how to LA weave, they make money through crafting/fishing/trading/looting chests/nodes/urns/stealing/EVEN ROLEPLAYING, I SAW THOSE CHONKY KHAJIITS DANCING ON EU AND I HAD TO GIVE THEM GOLD, and they just buy a run if they want a certain achievement. I consider this good design because you can just do whatever you want, it's true. Also you can never even care about those things and enjoy the numerous voice acted storylines, there's plenty of hours there.
    (this one deserves an explanation: by competitive i mean make gold to upgrade your gear, buy housing stuffs, crowns for gold etc)
    - The fact that over the past 9 months of there hasn't been a single patch where my gear became completely obsolete (yes, maybe meta has changed and i had to adapt in order to have the best of the best of the best of the bis, but not mandatory to still do fairly decent)

    And my last point leads nicely into my comments regarding the last patch:

    Good part about last patch
    Devs have stated they want to bring down the dps by 15-20% and they did exactly that. I have seen so many "reworks" in my day where devs had the goal to reduce overall damage yet it resulted in some classes losing 95% of their dps, some gaining 50% extra, and 100% of the content oustide of dummies became unkillable or oneshottable by standard abilities.
    ZOS pulled off the last update and deserves a gold medal.
    ( I sort of understand why they did this, to this day i still don't know what some of the bosses in 4man dungeons do because they always died before showing me their mechanics in the 200k dps half decent groups could achieve. It was ridiculous.)
    -The 0cp to ~300cp have gained damage, as well as any non-progress oriented player because there are much less completely useless cp options and they are better explained.
    -Devs gave us some qol features in the new cps, also with the major gallop, that's pure gold, well done.
    -They listened and reverted a bug fix because it was harmless, never in my life have i heard of such a thing. Devs that listen? ***? This left me speechless for some reason.

    In short, i can't find the "gotcha" part of the last patch, you know, the part in the patch notes where you can exactly pinpoint one sentence and go "ahaaa, so this is how they'll make more money". It's usually very apparent in every single big patch in other mmos currently on the market.

    Bad part about this patch, and the game in general
    -Specifically this patch: mazzatun being broken and cp's not wanting to stay slotted
    -About the game in general: Performance. I understand, game is massive and there are lots of things that can break...but damn mate, performance is bad. Memory leaks, crashes galore, lag spikes during the one and a half big cyro fights i've been a part of. I dare you to do vhof and not have one crash in the group.

    super duper TL;DR:
    i play eso because it's fun and devs aren't complete idiots like in all other mmos, they still take some feedback and interact with the community
    also last patch did exactly what they said it would do, reduced deps by x amount
    and no i can't feel any difference in content other than worse sustain, i still don't know what blood twilight and talfyg are supposed to do in vet ct

    Are you me? We have the same play style /mind set and I also started in July 2020.
  • volkeswagon
    I like the social part, trading, crafting and housing. I hate the combat because the builds, skills and rotations are too complicated and the npc's are too plentiful and extremely annoying.
  • Sheridan
    The game world
    It's Elder Scrolls. Always played, always will.
  • StormWylf
    Nothing... I just lurk on the forums these days.
    Truthfully nothing ATM. This last patch did me in. I'm sure I'll be back some day. Ah well nothing lasts forever.
  • ccfeeling
    The lack of viable alternatives
    All my real life friends left but I still play this game , the story and combat system are so great , no such good system and fast pace combat from other MMORPG , but the server performance is awful , please improve it seriously , thank you !

    I will ask they come back at that moment lol .
  • ZaroktheImmortal
    Story and questing mostly. I love that ESO has quests with morally grey choices and every quest has a story.
  • bmnoble
    The lack of viable alternatives
    I have either become too picky as I have got older or games have gotten worse in general, then again its probably a bit of both.
  • remosito
    400k enlightenment a day. and random dailies that consume 800k of them with 100% pot.

    one 5 random dailies on 5 chars session every 10 days. and in a couple of years I'll have the xp zos just nuked off my account freeloaded back with minimal effort.

    without it I'd have probably quit.
    Edited by remosito on March 12, 2021 7:14AM
    ShutYerTrap (selectively mute NPC dialogues (stuga, companions); displayleads (antiquity leads location); UndauntedPledgeQueuer (small daily undaunted dungeon queuer window)
  • Marcus_Thracius
    The lag in cyro keeps me in
  • Doczy
    Nothing... I just lurk on the forums these days.
    not playing anymore. ima playing fallout 4 now . even my 240 years old wastelander is better than my magblade
  • GreenhaloX
    Well, I really enjoy the aspect of creating and re-creating a new toon (or character) and just taking it around exploring and leveling up; getting skyshards and mage books from every zones and leveling up all skillsets while soloing world bosses and whatnot. It's practically how I play this game. I really don't do trials (actually don't like trials nor need the gears) or group event much. I'm just a lonewolf, by trade.. So, I just create a new toon after every one is fully leveled. I just feel bored again once the toon is fully leveled and nothing more to level up. So, I would have to create a new toon and start over again. This is what practically have kept me with the game through all these years.
  • Miragent
    The game world
    The breadth of things to do, in particular, is great. I can spend one evening helping save Thedas from whichever evil entity is trying to destroy it this time, and then I can spend the next evening making a maze in one of my houses, and then I can spend the next evening just relaxing while fishing. Most MMOs these days have at least some of that--and some MMOs have more--but there's just something immersive about the Elder Scrolls setting that makes it easy to wander off into the wilderness and still find fun things to do.

    You could have a better shot at saving Thedas if you played Dragon Age series games :)
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