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So anyway, what's ESO got against heavy armor dps?

  • zvavi
    But heavy armor does have passives connected to damage (indirectly) you get sustain from being damaged and from heavy attacks, which affects the amount of skills (damage) you can dish out.
  • Faiza
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    Faiza wrote: »
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    Who says you can't be a DD character wearing heavy armor? The armor passives are only part of it; there's also set bonuses, armor enchantments, and your CP distribution, not to mention your basic AP distribution, all your other passives, and all your active skills.

    Well, yeah. I think what I'll end up doing is relying on, like others mentioned, proc sets and CP (when this toon gets CP).

    I guess I'll report back once she's CP160 and see if I was disappointed too soon.

    I hope it works out for you, because I like using heavy armor and 2-handed weapons on my mains, too.

    The thing is, if you're lacking some special benefit in one area, like armor passives, look for ways you can compensate for it.

    Well at the moment I have 10 characters, 8 of them are mages/casters/vampires and the odd one out is a bow warden, so also a ranged dps. I just wanted to deviate and make a heavy dps, sort of like an arms or a fury warrior (let me dual wield 2h swords too ZOS lol).
  • Faiza
    zvavi wrote: »
    But heavy armor does have passives connected to damage (indirectly) you get sustain from being damaged and from heavy attacks, which affects the amount of skills (damage) you can dish out.

    Oh, good points
  • Eiregirl
    A heavy armor dps like every
    Faiza wrote: »
    It just seems so strange to me that only light and medium armor are "viable" for dps.

    I really want to play my Redguard as a 2h heavy armor dps (dragonknight) but I'm discovering that there's...no passive skill support for heavy armor dps really. I mean, to be perfectly honest I'm gonna do it anyway, because no guild I'm in will care. And sure, I could just equip medium armor and slot heavy at the outfit station and none would be the wiser. But my question is why. It seems severely limiting, especially considering that heavy dps are kind of a staple in other mmos? Or is that just from looking through my WoW-coloured glasses?

    You are just looking through your WOW coloured glasses.
    Here in ESO you can wear whatever armor you want on any character and any class but in WOW well as you know you can't.

    Here in ESO you can use any weapon you want but in WOW...you can't but you know all of this already.

    From experience I can tell you that a heavy armor dps is not something I would run high end trials with but otherwise it's not to bad
  • Faiza
    Eiregirl wrote: »
    A heavy armor dps like every
    Faiza wrote: »
    It just seems so strange to me that only light and medium armor are "viable" for dps.

    I really want to play my Redguard as a 2h heavy armor dps (dragonknight) but I'm discovering that there's...no passive skill support for heavy armor dps really. I mean, to be perfectly honest I'm gonna do it anyway, because no guild I'm in will care. And sure, I could just equip medium armor and slot heavy at the outfit station and none would be the wiser. But my question is why. It seems severely limiting, especially considering that heavy dps are kind of a staple in other mmos? Or is that just from looking through my WoW-coloured glasses?

    You are just looking through your WOW coloured glasses.
    Here in ESO you can wear whatever armor you want on any character and any class but in WOW well as you know you can't.

    Here in ESO you can use any weapon you want but in WOW...you can't but you know all of this already.

    From experience I can tell you that a heavy armor dps is not something I would run high end trials with but otherwise it's not to bad

    But that's not really true though

    You can wear light armor and play a magicka spec but you can't wield a bow while doing that

    You can be a healing templar but you can't use a 2h sword while you do that

    There are definitely some things the game does not want you to be able to do and excel at

    And by excel, I'm not talking about veteran dungeons - just overland content.
  • danno8
    Faiza wrote: »
    Eiregirl wrote: »
    A heavy armor dps like every
    Faiza wrote: »
    It just seems so strange to me that only light and medium armor are "viable" for dps.

    I really want to play my Redguard as a 2h heavy armor dps (dragonknight) but I'm discovering that there's...no passive skill support for heavy armor dps really. I mean, to be perfectly honest I'm gonna do it anyway, because no guild I'm in will care. And sure, I could just equip medium armor and slot heavy at the outfit station and none would be the wiser. But my question is why. It seems severely limiting, especially considering that heavy dps are kind of a staple in other mmos? Or is that just from looking through my WoW-coloured glasses?

    You are just looking through your WOW coloured glasses.
    Here in ESO you can wear whatever armor you want on any character and any class but in WOW well as you know you can't.

    Here in ESO you can use any weapon you want but in WOW...you can't but you know all of this already.

    From experience I can tell you that a heavy armor dps is not something I would run high end trials with but otherwise it's not to bad

    But that's not really true though

    You can wear light armor and play a magicka spec but you can't wield a bow while doing that

    You can be a healing templar but you can't use a 2h sword while you do that

    There are definitely some things the game does not want you to be able to do and excel at

    And by excel, I'm not talking about veteran dungeons - just overland content.

    Wait, this is about overland content?

    You can run around naked overland and still do just fine. Seriously, try it. I did when I made a Stamina Warden just to prove a point, no CP points either. I did just fine. I could even handle some world bosses.

    If you want to wear HA overland, go right ahead, you'll be fine, even better than fine.
  • Faiza
    danno8 wrote: »
    Faiza wrote: »
    Eiregirl wrote: »
    A heavy armor dps like every
    Faiza wrote: »
    It just seems so strange to me that only light and medium armor are "viable" for dps.

    I really want to play my Redguard as a 2h heavy armor dps (dragonknight) but I'm discovering that there's...no passive skill support for heavy armor dps really. I mean, to be perfectly honest I'm gonna do it anyway, because no guild I'm in will care. And sure, I could just equip medium armor and slot heavy at the outfit station and none would be the wiser. But my question is why. It seems severely limiting, especially considering that heavy dps are kind of a staple in other mmos? Or is that just from looking through my WoW-coloured glasses?

    You are just looking through your WOW coloured glasses.
    Here in ESO you can wear whatever armor you want on any character and any class but in WOW well as you know you can't.

    Here in ESO you can use any weapon you want but in WOW...you can't but you know all of this already.

    From experience I can tell you that a heavy armor dps is not something I would run high end trials with but otherwise it's not to bad

    But that's not really true though

    You can wear light armor and play a magicka spec but you can't wield a bow while doing that

    You can be a healing templar but you can't use a 2h sword while you do that

    There are definitely some things the game does not want you to be able to do and excel at

    And by excel, I'm not talking about veteran dungeons - just overland content.

    Wait, this is about overland content?

    You can run around naked overland and still do just fine. Seriously, try it. I did when I made a Stamina Warden just to prove a point, no CP points either. I did just fine. I could even handle some world bosses.

    If you want to wear HA overland, go right ahead, you'll be fine, even better than fine.

    The Southern Elsweyr undead dragon story boss would like a word with you :D
  • kargen27
    Faiza wrote: »
    Faiza wrote: »
    It just seems so strange to me that only light and medium armor are "viable" for dps.

    I really want to play my Redguard as a 2h heavy armor dps (dragonknight) but I'm discovering that there's...no passive skill support for heavy armor dps really. I mean, to be perfectly honest I'm gonna do it anyway, because no guild I'm in will care. And sure, I could just equip medium armor and slot heavy at the outfit station and none would be the wiser. But my question is why. It seems severely limiting, especially considering that heavy dps are kind of a staple in other mmos? Or is that just from looking through my WoW-coloured glasses?

    I wonder what role you want to play? If you want to be dps, then go with medium(stamina) or light(magicka). Looks you can change to whatever you like... If you go with heavy and want to be dps, then prepare to get scolded for low damage output when running vet content.. If you want to be a tank and survive the big blows, yes then heavy is the choice for you. Figure out what role you want to play and choose armor accordingly....

    Look, I don't mean to be condescending but I really wish people would get this idea out of their head that every single character you make needs to be able to run min maxed veteran content

    It also says dps in the title and in the body of the post lol

    Supposedly ESO offers the ability to play any class as you would like...but we know this is not the case

    I'm just curious why heavy armor dps, which again exists in every other mmo ever, got looked over for ESO

    You can play any class as you like. They don't say every combination will be as effective as every other combination. Kind of like having the right to free speech doesn't guarantee you a desired platform from which to speak.

    ESO is kind of a rock/scissors/paper game. Meaning there is no one thing that is the be all end all thing. Each has its strength and weakness. ESO allows you to offset the weaknesses in a number of ways already mentioned by others above. One of my characters carries five sets of armor I can use depending on what I am doing.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    Faiza wrote: »

    Supposedly ESO offers the ability to play any class as you would like...but we know this is not the case

    All classes can be dpses, healers and tanks. No armour or weapon is restricted between classes. You can use whatever damn combo you want. 2 hander on a healer? Yes you can. Magicka user with a bow? Nothing is stopping you from anything.

    Are they all viable or meta? No, and they have never claimed they should be either.
    Edited by NotaDaedraWorshipper on January 1, 2021 2:39AM
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • eKsDee
    Faiza wrote: »
    Faiza wrote: »
    It just seems so strange to me that only light and medium armor are "viable" for dps.

    I really want to play my Redguard as a 2h heavy armor dps (dragonknight) but I'm discovering that there's...no passive skill support for heavy armor dps really. I mean, to be perfectly honest I'm gonna do it anyway, because no guild I'm in will care. And sure, I could just equip medium armor and slot heavy at the outfit station and none would be the wiser. But my question is why. It seems severely limiting, especially considering that heavy dps are kind of a staple in other mmos? Or is that just from looking through my WoW-coloured glasses?

    I wonder what role you want to play? If you want to be dps, then go with medium(stamina) or light(magicka). Looks you can change to whatever you like... If you go with heavy and want to be dps, then prepare to get scolded for low damage output when running vet content.. If you want to be a tank and survive the big blows, yes then heavy is the choice for you. Figure out what role you want to play and choose armor accordingly....

    Look, I don't mean to be condescending but I really wish people would get this idea out of their head that every single character you make needs to be able to run min maxed veteran content

    It also says dps in the title and in the body of the post lol

    Supposedly ESO offers the ability to play any class as you would like...but we know this is not the case

    I'm just curious why heavy armor dps, which again exists in every other mmo ever, got looked over for ESO

    You're twisting the "play how you want" mantra into something it never was, into something it just isn't. It's not "play how you want, even if you make diametrically opposed choices when building your character, it's all good", it's "play how you want, any class is viable in any role". And all classes are viable in every role, especially in lower end content where the content is designed for the lowest common denominator, making it exceptionally easy. Watch any ESO Live or whatever where Zenimax is talking about the "play how you want" mantra, and they themselves say that it means exactly this, and only this.
    Edited by eKsDee on January 1, 2021 3:02AM
  • Faiza
    eKsDee wrote: »
    Faiza wrote: »
    Faiza wrote: »
    It just seems so strange to me that only light and medium armor are "viable" for dps.

    I really want to play my Redguard as a 2h heavy armor dps (dragonknight) but I'm discovering that there's...no passive skill support for heavy armor dps really. I mean, to be perfectly honest I'm gonna do it anyway, because no guild I'm in will care. And sure, I could just equip medium armor and slot heavy at the outfit station and none would be the wiser. But my question is why. It seems severely limiting, especially considering that heavy dps are kind of a staple in other mmos? Or is that just from looking through my WoW-coloured glasses?

    I wonder what role you want to play? If you want to be dps, then go with medium(stamina) or light(magicka). Looks you can change to whatever you like... If you go with heavy and want to be dps, then prepare to get scolded for low damage output when running vet content.. If you want to be a tank and survive the big blows, yes then heavy is the choice for you. Figure out what role you want to play and choose armor accordingly....

    Look, I don't mean to be condescending but I really wish people would get this idea out of their head that every single character you make needs to be able to run min maxed veteran content

    It also says dps in the title and in the body of the post lol

    Supposedly ESO offers the ability to play any class as you would like...but we know this is not the case

    I'm just curious why heavy armor dps, which again exists in every other mmo ever, got looked over for ESO

    You're twisting the "play how you want" mantra into something it never was, into something it just isn't. It's not "play how you want, even if you make diametrically opposed choices when building your character, it's all good", it's "play how you want, any class is viable in any role". And all classes are viable in every role, especially in lower end content where the content is designed for the lowest common denominator, making it exceptionally easy. Watch any ESO Live or whatever where Zenimax is talking about the "play how you want" mantra, and they themselves say that it means exactly this, and only this.

    But heavy armor and dps are not diametrically opposed to each other, and haven't been in any other MMOs
  • eKsDee
    Faiza wrote: »
    eKsDee wrote: »
    Faiza wrote: »
    Faiza wrote: »
    It just seems so strange to me that only light and medium armor are "viable" for dps.

    I really want to play my Redguard as a 2h heavy armor dps (dragonknight) but I'm discovering that there's...no passive skill support for heavy armor dps really. I mean, to be perfectly honest I'm gonna do it anyway, because no guild I'm in will care. And sure, I could just equip medium armor and slot heavy at the outfit station and none would be the wiser. But my question is why. It seems severely limiting, especially considering that heavy dps are kind of a staple in other mmos? Or is that just from looking through my WoW-coloured glasses?

    I wonder what role you want to play? If you want to be dps, then go with medium(stamina) or light(magicka). Looks you can change to whatever you like... If you go with heavy and want to be dps, then prepare to get scolded for low damage output when running vet content.. If you want to be a tank and survive the big blows, yes then heavy is the choice for you. Figure out what role you want to play and choose armor accordingly....

    Look, I don't mean to be condescending but I really wish people would get this idea out of their head that every single character you make needs to be able to run min maxed veteran content

    It also says dps in the title and in the body of the post lol

    Supposedly ESO offers the ability to play any class as you would like...but we know this is not the case

    I'm just curious why heavy armor dps, which again exists in every other mmo ever, got looked over for ESO

    You're twisting the "play how you want" mantra into something it never was, into something it just isn't. It's not "play how you want, even if you make diametrically opposed choices when building your character, it's all good", it's "play how you want, any class is viable in any role". And all classes are viable in every role, especially in lower end content where the content is designed for the lowest common denominator, making it exceptionally easy. Watch any ESO Live or whatever where Zenimax is talking about the "play how you want" mantra, and they themselves say that it means exactly this, and only this.

    But heavy armor and dps are not diametrically opposed to each other, and haven't been in any other MMOs

    In ESO they are. Heavy armour is for survival and sustaining via taking damage, medium and light are for damage and upfront sustain. If you want damage, you pick medium or light, depending on if you're stamina or magicka respectively. If you want survival, you pick heavy. If you want both damage and survival, you deal with the fact that you're gonna be meh at both, because balance.

    Frankly, comparing ESO to other MMO's in terms of how character building and balancing works is pointless to begin with, because most MMO's don't have a pure resource-based combat system with minimal cooldowns, on top of almost complete freedom in character building.
  • erio
    Faiza wrote: »
    Faiza wrote: »
    It just seems so strange to me that only light and medium armor are "viable" for dps.

    I really want to play my Redguard as a 2h heavy armor dps (dragonknight) but I'm discovering that there's...no passive skill support for heavy armor dps really. I mean, to be perfectly honest I'm gonna do it anyway, because no guild I'm in will care. And sure, I could just equip medium armor and slot heavy at the outfit station and none would be the wiser. But my question is why. It seems severely limiting, especially considering that heavy dps are kind of a staple in other mmos? Or is that just from looking through my WoW-coloured glasses?

    I wonder what role you want to play? If you want to be dps, then go with medium(stamina) or light(magicka). Looks you can change to whatever you like... If you go with heavy and want to be dps, then prepare to get scolded for low damage output when running vet content.. If you want to be a tank and survive the big blows, yes then heavy is the choice for you. Figure out what role you want to play and choose armor accordingly....

    Look, I don't mean to be condescending but I really wish people would get this idea out of their head that every single character you make needs to be able to run min maxed veteran content

    It also says dps in the title and in the body of the post lol

    Supposedly ESO offers the ability to play any class as you would like...but we know this is not the case

    I'm just curious why heavy armor dps, which again exists in every other mmo ever, got looked over for ESO

    Because its time wasted and you specifically chose to do less damage.
    You are making the choice to put pineapple and pizza together.
    You can play any class the way you want:
    You can choose your spec: Tank, Healer or DPS. Tanks wear heavy. Dps wear light or med, and healers wear light. So that is playing any class the way you want. You can also mix and match, and play the way you want, but dont be upset when people dont like it.
  • erio
    Faiza wrote: »
    Eiregirl wrote: »
    A heavy armor dps like every
    Faiza wrote: »
    It just seems so strange to me that only light and medium armor are "viable" for dps.

    I really want to play my Redguard as a 2h heavy armor dps (dragonknight) but I'm discovering that there's...no passive skill support for heavy armor dps really. I mean, to be perfectly honest I'm gonna do it anyway, because no guild I'm in will care. And sure, I could just equip medium armor and slot heavy at the outfit station and none would be the wiser. But my question is why. It seems severely limiting, especially considering that heavy dps are kind of a staple in other mmos? Or is that just from looking through my WoW-coloured glasses?

    You are just looking through your WOW coloured glasses.
    Here in ESO you can wear whatever armor you want on any character and any class but in WOW well as you know you can't.

    Here in ESO you can use any weapon you want but in WOW...you can't but you know all of this already.

    From experience I can tell you that a heavy armor dps is not something I would run high end trials with but otherwise it's not to bad

    But that's not really true though

    You can wear light armor and play a magicka spec but you can't wield a bow while doing that

    You can be a healing templar but you can't use a 2h sword while you do that

    There are definitely some things the game does not want you to be able to do and excel at

    And by excel, I'm not talking about veteran dungeons - just overland content.

    You can use a bow on a mag build, it just wont be as successful because of its passives and the fact that a BOW uses physical damage, not magicka.
    Vet dungeon content is way superior to overland. Overland is just boring quests and the same recycled world bosses.
  • LashanW
    Faiza wrote: »
    It just seems so strange to me that only light and medium armor are "viable" for dps.
    Viable? You are not doing endgame content, so why bother about a few dps stats you are missing from light/medium armor?

    You are a redguard, you can easily sustain yourself by switching to buff food with resource recovery options (instead of max health options since heavy armor gives you more health and resistances) and swapping attribute points. Like Zvavi said, heavy armor has passives for resource gain. So you won't have sustain issues in the content you want to do.

    Apart from sustain, here's what you get more from light/medium armor (stats that contribute to dps),
    Light armor: 10% spell crit chance, 4884 spell penetration (which is around 15% dps increase, assuming target isn't fully penetrated)
    Medium armor: ~10% weapon crit chance, 15% more weapon damage

    That's it. Those few stats are not the absolute line between what's viable and what's not. Sure without those stats you may not reach 100k dps but who cares if you are not doing endgame content. There's also plenty of heavy armor sets with dps stats btw (including craftable sets).

    Also, constantly comparing a game to the rest of its genre is a great way ruin your fun.
    ---No longer active in ESO---
    Platform: PC-EU
    CP: 2500+
    Trial Achievements
    Godslayer, Gryphon Heart, Tick-Tock Tormentor, Immortal Redeemer, Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, vMoL no death

    Arena Achievements
    vMA Flawless, vVH Spirit Slayer

    DLC Dungeon Trifectas
    Scalecaller Peak, Fang Lair, Depths of Malatar, Icereach
  • spartaxoxo
    In other MMOs where heavy is allowed to do good damage, you can't have both heavy armor and access to all the heals/leaps/speed gear/etc that you want. So they offer the good durability and damage at a cost of things like slow speed, lower self healing, etc. In none of them can you wear one gear type and do all the things.

    That's not the case with ESO. You can get all that stuff regardless of which armor type you choose, so instead the trade-offs come from the armor itself instead of the skills available.
  • MasterSpatula
    If anything, I'd say ZOS doesn't have enough against Heavy Armor dps.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Sinolai
    Back in the days Heavies did have damage boosting passives but it was so broken in pvp that ZoS removed the passives and made it purely defensive armor.
  • Faiza
    Sinolai wrote: »
    Back in the days Heavies did have damage boosting passives but it was so broken in pvp that ZoS removed the passives and made it purely defensive armor.

    Ah, so it did exist, that's a shame
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    Faiza wrote: »
    Sinolai wrote: »
    Back in the days Heavies did have damage boosting passives but it was so broken in pvp that ZoS removed the passives and made it purely defensive armor.

    Ah, so it did exist, that's a shame

    ...So you want a completely broken and OP set up that makes all the other armours pointless?
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • Faiza
    Faiza wrote: »
    Sinolai wrote: »
    Back in the days Heavies did have damage boosting passives but it was so broken in pvp that ZoS removed the passives and made it purely defensive armor.

    Ah, so it did exist, that's a shame

    ...So you want a completely broken and OP set up that makes all the other armours pointless?

    Literally no, that was not suggested by anyone at any point in this thread.
  • spartaxoxo
    Faiza wrote: »
    And by excel, I'm not talking about veteran dungeons - just overland content.

    Wait if this is about Overland you can definitely make a dps using Heavy armor.
  • LadyNalcarya
    Just make a heavy armor outfit.
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

  • AlnilamE
    Faiza wrote: »
    Supposedly ESO offers the ability to play any class as you would like...but we know this is not the case

    I'm just curious why heavy armor dps, which again exists in every other mmo ever, got looked over for ESO

    But it didn't.

    So much so that some Heavy sets are considered high tier DPS sets, like Advancing Yokeda/Berserking Warrior, Medusa, Dreugh King Slayer, Rattlecage, for example. Just to name a few.

    You can have a look at all the HA sets here: https://eso-sets.com/sets/weight/heavy
    There are plenty that are heavily focused on damage for different playstyles.

    Not to mention that every craftable set in the game can be crafted in any of the 3 weights, so you can use a high DPS set in heavy if you'd like.

    Also consider that ESO allows you to mix armor types, so you can wear enough pieces of heavy armor to get the "Knight Errant" look, while still having enough pieces of whichever weight your DPS style favours to increase your damage, if you really care that much - which you don't.

    Alternatively, if you *did* care about DPS so much that wearing heavy armor made you feel like you were nerfing yourself, you could wear whatever you like and apply heavy armor styles over it.

    But for overland content, find the sets that jive with your build and enjoy your day! You will be fine.
    The Moot Councillor
  • Fennwitty
    Faiza wrote: »
    It just seems so strange to me that only light and medium armor are "viable" for dps.

    I really want to play my Redguard as a 2h heavy armor dps (dragonknight) but I'm discovering that there's...no passive skill support for heavy armor dps really. I mean, to be perfectly honest I'm gonna do it anyway, because no guild I'm in will care. And sure, I could just equip medium armor and slot heavy at the outfit station and none would be the wiser. But my question is why. It seems severely limiting, especially considering that heavy dps are kind of a staple in other mmos? Or is that just from looking through my WoW-coloured glasses?

    Heavy supports dps great for soloing. You're gonna take hits so regenerate resources, and most importantly you don't do any damage if you're dead. Overland and normal dungeons, you can definitely run whatever armor you want and do fine.

    I started with a tank character, heavy and sword and shield. I found for soloing, I was unkillable but fights took forever. I remember fighting a bear miniboss in the Stonefalls public dungeon and it must have taken several minutes.

    So I reluctantly trained 2-h and put it on top of my heavy armor. One bar stayed shield, one 2-h. Still heavy armor. I got a great increase in damage, still with awesome survivability and sustain, and could switch at any time.

    Gradually I worked in medium armor pieces and now keep multiple gear sets on my 'tank' so I can switch as needed.

    One of the great things about this game is you can do most of it with any given character. It's quite easy to max out all armor types and weapon types if you're inclined to.

    There are tons of "damage" focused heavy armor sets in the game. Armor of Truth, Medusa, Rattlecage, Shalk, Veiled Heritance, Berserking Warrior. Are you going to be the best damage dealer around making the character you feel like vs. someone who optimizes to bend every aspect of the game for a single purpose? No but why should you.

    PC NA
  • Integral1900
    I am someone who used to follow the meta, my dps was top of the line, not any more, found more fun ways to play

    I hope the following is of help

    Is your desire for heavy armour a need to actually use heavy armour or simply to have the visual appearance.

    If it is purely visual then the transmutation station can correct this. The genius of that system as you can look any way you feel like.

    Alternatively, is it that you want a character that feels solid and hard to kill?

    Let’s face it, meta DPS, in terms of resilience, feel like they’re going into battle wearing nothing but lace underwear.

    I can definitely empathise with this. I used to use characters around the 17 or 18,000 health mark but I was never happy as they felt like glass cannons... I hate glass canons... Nothing disrupts the power of fantasy more than having to dodge out of the way every time an enemy so much as breaks wind in your direction. Now I rarely use ones down below 30,000 because I prefer solo playing where I can use a far greater value variety of builds.

    If it’s about resilience then to be honest you can build enormous amounts of that without needing to use heavy armour at all. A lot of the time when you hear people complaining about builds that can’t be killed in PVP it has nothing to do with them wearing heavy armour, instead it’s a combinations of equipment and skills.

    My advice is to have a look at the YouTube channel called Hack the Minotaur and adapt one or two of his builds. Look for the solo builds. These still do a solid amount of damage and may give you a few tricks on how to make charecters difficult to kill. You can find it on YouTube as well as his website.
  • barney2525
    personally, I don't see why cloth and medium add to damage and criticals.

    It's armor

    Am I supposed to take it off and throw it at the target?

  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    Faiza wrote: »
    Faiza wrote: »
    Sinolai wrote: »
    Back in the days Heavies did have damage boosting passives but it was so broken in pvp that ZoS removed the passives and made it purely defensive armor.

    Ah, so it did exist, that's a shame

    ...So you want a completely broken and OP set up that makes all the other armours pointless?

    Literally no, that was not suggested by anyone at any point in this thread.

    A person just said that this existed before and it was broken (And has been pointed out by others), to which you respond that it's a shame this no longer was. That is literally yes.

    This is a weird hill to die on.
    • Heavy armour is pretty balanced, although in pvp it's not and is the better choice.
    • Changing heavy armour would cause so many issues like ruining the other armour types.
    • There are a bunch of proc heavy armor sets that will make you a pretty good dps.
    • There are a bunch of heavy builds that makes you a pretty good dps.
    • You've said this is for overland. A content you could do more or less naked.
    • And again, you can just make an outfit with the look of heavy armour.
    • etc
    Edited by NotaDaedraWorshipper on January 1, 2021 6:36PM
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • StarOfElyon
    The way I see it, it should balance out. In light and medium, you should sacrifice defense for offense. In heavy, you give up offense for defense. In light, you should have to build more for defense. In heavy, you should have to build more for offense. At the end of the day, both SHOULD be on equal footing.
  • RedMuse
    Faiza wrote: »
    It just seems so strange to me that only light and medium armor are "viable" for dps.

    I really want to play my Redguard as a 2h heavy armor dps (dragonknight) but I'm discovering that there's...no passive skill support for heavy armor dps really. I mean, to be perfectly honest I'm gonna do it anyway, because no guild I'm in will care. And sure, I could just equip medium armor and slot heavy at the outfit station and none would be the wiser. But my question is why. It seems severely limiting, especially considering that heavy dps are kind of a staple in other mmos? Or is that just from looking through my WoW-coloured glasses?

    Honestly got the best rude awakening playong ff14 the other day their tanks actually do damage comparable and sometimes superior to dps classes and im like come on zos give us something other than shield bash spamming add some weapon type used passives to sword and board penetration, bleeds, crit, dmg same as dw passives. Buff constitution to actually sustaining levels return the wrath passive. Make shields add wep dmg

    Then what is the point of dps characters if tank can outdo them? Healers are already irrelevant in a lot of content, you want to make dps irrelevant too? There's supposed to be trade off or everyone just end up being the same and that's a really bad idea *points to STO*.
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