Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)


  • starkerealm
    Tweek wrote: »
    Inzababa wrote: »
    no, I want them to be nerfed because they are currently able to solo 2 raids in pvp.

    see what I did there?

    LOL which ones and please reference skills and why they can solo them.

    You're not being very specific.

    Also mist form lasts the whole of 4 seconds......then you have to recast.....meanwhile you're getting flurried by silver bolts.....which can one shot for 1750+....insta vamp kill.


    I'm sure if it was that simple someone in... wait, why do you think you're automatically smarter than 50 people. Because, honestly, if I got up and said, "I have the intellectual capacity of fifty peons, KNEEL BEFORE ME!" Everyone would keel over laughing.

    I do like the, "I don't understand how this all works, so clearly it must not be real. L2P" argument, but it'll only get you so far.
    Edited by starkerealm on April 21, 2014 7:33PM
  • SunfireKnight86
    1) Fire damage is easily undermined by 3+ enchants to fire resist. I get 1000 from my level 50 Glyphs of which I wear 3. You can imagine what a VR10 glyph gives. Add to that being a dark elf and hitting them with fire is useless. They take less damage from it than you do.

    2) Everyone keeps saying "OMFG Silver Bolts!" It doesn't do as much damage as a lot of other abilities, and has a very low chance of doing 1.5k dmg which is reduced by armors. The knockdown isn't a big deal. Every class has KD, and mages guild has the best one in the game. They don't always work, can't be stacked, and they can be mitigated. Dk have a ability that nullifies it totally. Saying Silver Bolts is the best ability because it knocks down makes Scattershot the best ability in the game for everyone because it knocks down anybody. Waaaaait a second? It isn't? No ***. I'm not saying SB isn't good versus vamps, but it isn't the one shot super kill that you make it sound like.

    3) The vampire bat drain can be spammed forever. That's the problem in that video. You can stand in one spot and just hit the button all day. If melee gets in range they take a bunch of damage and the vamp gets it because they just hit it over and over. If they work other abilities into the mix it's not hard to see why it takes 20 players to kill 1. A DK vamp is neigh unkillable when engaging a group, and super hard even when its not. Add emperor to that and you mine as well just go attack a different keep.

    The obvious fix in gameplay is to stay spread out and stay at range, but the mechanic of ultimate reduction needs to be looked at as well. I'm not saying nerf it into nothingness, but there is an obvious problem when it takes an entire guild to kill one person this soon after release.

    So! What we have is a passive skill line that gives you up to 50% damage resist and almost no weaknesses after fire damage reduction. Add to that the two active abilities that it has that drain HP, and a mist form that allows them to escape if something goes wrong.

    Don't tell me it's just because of the level difference. I'm VR4, and have been in large groups of level 50+ people and seen the DK vamp build wash over us like a hurricane and stop a keep raid in it's tracks. THAT was out in the open. If they get into the keep and defend the flag it is almost impossible to do anything about it. Throw a couple of healers and DPS in to support him and you won't take the keep unless you have at least 50 people with you- even then it's tough. You can pull him out of the keep in certain places, but some keeps have huge interiors where it's impossible to pull someone out into the open even with a well timed chain of pulls.

    In what world is that not at least a LITTLE broken guys? Be realistic. We aren't talking about one class- or one skilled player- being able to take 5-10 players at once, we are talking one build taking down entire guilds because of 1 skill line.

    Edited by SunfireKnight86 on April 21, 2014 9:05PM
  • Tweek
    Tweek wrote: »
    Inzababa wrote: »
    just one last thing, the vamp ultimate in these cases is spammable repeatedly, which is what makes it OP.

    NO it isn't.

    INHALE is better which is an active ability in my DK tree line....and uhhhh not an ultimate and is spammable.

    Also the ability itself is NOT OP.....this is what the fighter guild tree line is for.

    I seen a vamp use bat swarm.....three of them on me the other day in skull crusher.

    I killed them all in about a minute with the fighters guild skill chain.

    Please L2P.

    Also the fighters guild chain should be nerfed a tad and the vamp ultimate should be made to be more I destroy vampires ALL THE TIME in PvP.

    I love the pretense of a vampire (you) making believe they are too week by pretending to be the class that is strong against them... nice try!

    I've read some of your other posts, your main is definitely a vampire, even if you have alt that are not.

    Fighters guild isn't a class....I'm done here all of you are obviously clueless.

    This skill tree is not OP.....that video was showcasing how emperors are OP....which they are.

    I'm done here. You guys have fun raging over game mechnaics that aren't broken. The devs know they aren't broken and that you guys just need to L2P.

    Just letting you know once one thing is nerfed the good players will play a new build/respec to suit the new patch notes. I always do this. So for the love of god stop raging and play the damn game.
  • Tweek
    1) Fire damage is easily undermined by 3+ enchants to fire resist. I get 1000 from my level 50 Glyphs of which I wear 3. You can imagine what a VR10 glyph gives. Add to that being a dark elf and hitting them with fire is useless. They take less damage from it than you do.

    2) Everyone keeps saying "OMFG Silver Bolts!" It doesn't do as much damage as a lot of other abilities, has a very low chance of doing 1k dmg which is easily reduced by armors. The knockdown isn't a big deal. Every class has KD, and mages guild has the best one in the game. They don't always work, can't be stacked, and they can be mitigated. Saying Silver Bolts is the best ability because it knocks down makes Scattershot the best ability in the game for everyone because it knocks down anybody. Waaaaait a second? It isn't? No ***.

    3) The vampire bat drain can be spammed forever. That's the problem in that video. You can stand in one spot and just hit the button all day. If melee gets in range they take a bunch of damage and the vamp gets it because they just hit it over and over. If they work other abilities into the mix it's not hard to see why it takes 20 players to kill 1. A DK vamp is neigh unkillable when engaging a group, and super hard even when its not. Add emperor to that and you mine as well just go attack a different keep.

    The obvious fix in gameplay is to stay spread out and stay at range, but the mechanic of ultimate reduction needs to be looked at as well. I'm not saying nerf it into nothingness, but there is an obvious problem when it takes an entire guild to kill one person this soon after release.

    So! What we have is a passive skill line that gives you up to 50% damage resist and almost no weaknesses after fire damage reduction. Add to that the two active abilities that it has that drain HP, and a mist form that allows them to escape if something goes wrong.

    Don't tell me it's just because of the level difference. I'm VR4, and have been in large groups of level 50+ people and seen the DK vamp build wash over us like a hurricane and stop a keep raid in it's tracks. THAT was out in the open. If they get into the keep and defend the flag it is almost impossible to do anything about it. Throw a couple of healers and DPS in to support him and you won't take the keep unless you have at least 50 people with you- even then it's tough.

    In what world is that not at least a LITTLE broken guys? Be realistic. We aren't talking about one class being able to take 2 or 3 players at once, we are talking one build taking down entire guilds because of 1 skill line.

    Well if it needs to be nerfed I'm sure it will be however to say it's SUPER OP is ridiculous. They aren't going to nerf it very much as this was obviously the way the game was intended. They might nerf it though I don't find vamps hard to kill myself.
  • Tweek
    I also want to add I think that the two handers and the dual wield classes are OP and need to be nerfed.
  • randomaffliction66
    Inzababa wrote: »
    its the hp leech skill which isn't capped so in the middle of a zerg they are invinsible, after that they dissapear

    You clearly don't know much about that skill. My bet is you all just dont know how to pvp lol
    Brave New World.
  • Tweek
    Inzababa wrote: »
    its the hp leech skill which isn't capped so in the middle of a zerg they are invinsible, after that they dissapear

    You clearly don't know much about that skill. My bet is you all just dont know how to pvp lol

    He doesn't know how to PvP.

    They just want things they don't use/cannot use nerfed.
  • davidhorstub17_ESO
    as a dk vamp i cant tell you right now it is a broken combination, i elusive mist into huge zergs of people and drop talons and standard and spam mist form, it kills a dozen noobs that dont roll out and i cant be targeted by single target abilities while in mist and it hides my nameplate so its hard to track me, when i come out i pop reflective scales and people start 2 shotting themselves with bows and spells (reflective scales reflects bow abilities and silver bolts fyi) while i drop talons and standard again then back into mist spam. dropping my standard heals me to full and gives me back magicka and stam, and i just keep repeating through this through an army of people by myself, i regularly solo 20+ people and have killed over 50 by myself trying to take a resource, and im not even an emperor, the dk saying mist form is bad has no clue what he is talking about, but until vamp is nerfed i'll keep playing this stupid op spec.
  • Nooblet
    Tweek wrote: »
    Tweek wrote: »
    Inzababa wrote: »
    just one last thing, the vamp ultimate in these cases is spammable repeatedly, which is what makes it OP.

    NO it isn't.

    INHALE is better which is an active ability in my DK tree line....and uhhhh not an ultimate and is spammable.

    Also the ability itself is NOT OP.....this is what the fighter guild tree line is for.

    I seen a vamp use bat swarm.....three of them on me the other day in skull crusher.

    I killed them all in about a minute with the fighters guild skill chain.

    Please L2P.

    Also the fighters guild chain should be nerfed a tad and the vamp ultimate should be made to be more I destroy vampires ALL THE TIME in PvP.

    I love the pretense of a vampire (you) making believe they are too week by pretending to be the class that is strong against them... nice try!

    I've read some of your other posts, your main is definitely a vampire, even if you have alt that are not.

    Fighters guild isn't a class....I'm done here all of you are obviously clueless.

    This skill tree is not OP.....that video was showcasing how emperors are OP....which they are.

    I'm done here. You guys have fun raging over game mechnaics that aren't broken. The devs know they aren't broken and that you guys just need to L2P.

    Just letting you know once one thing is nerfed the good players will play a new build/respec to suit the new patch notes. I always do this. So for the love of god stop raging and play the damn game.

    Who are you and what happened to tweek? You were spamming for days that you're quitting and everyone else should. How everything was broken and its horrible.... now you're defending the game saying working as intended...
  • SunfireKnight86
    I will admit that even though I think this skill line is very OP, I do see a lot of people who just try to faceroll it. Pure DPS just running in and hitting things doesn't work in ESO like it does in some other PvP games. Make liberal use of support abilities, and don't be afraid to disengage and try something different.

    (Facerolling a DK who has heal support is a good way to die quickly.)
    Edited by SunfireKnight86 on April 21, 2014 7:58PM
  • revanghost
    Why is this so terrible? The emperor has met some pretty amazing criteria. You have figured out a way to kill her. A player has essentially become an epic boss to beat.

    If you look at it that way, ESO did something really awesome here that I can't think of any other game having done. A pvp situation that turns into a raid.

    Now, maybe once she dies, she needs to be stripped of the ability to do this, but as for actually achieving the ability to do it at least once, given all the criteria, I think it's pretty cool. How many of you wouldn't like to jump into that role (PVP God) for a day or two?
  • RaZaddha
    Tweek wrote: »
    Inzababa wrote: »
    its the hp leech skill which isn't capped so in the middle of a zerg they are invinsible, after that they dissapear

    You clearly don't know much about that skill. My bet is you all just dont know how to pvp lol

    He doesn't know how to PvP.

    They just want things they don't use/cannot use nerfed.

    Tweek. Seriously mate, watch closely the video already posted.
    It's a vamp emperor spamming bat swarm, her ultimate gets reduced due to all her passives, she literally just sits there spamming the ulti all day all day because the melee doesn't get away. People are spamming silver bolts on her, you can hear on the video, theres a zerg around her and her health doesn't drops below 90, she instantly dies as soon as theres no player around to leech health. It's clearly a *** build, the more the players around her the harder it is to kill her, that should never be possible...
  • Garrett_hardy_ESO
    I will also continue to abuse this spec until they change it. If you want to get upset at anyone. Get upset at ZOS for allowing it to continue for so long. I am trying to get Emperor to become godly OP. But I am also competing with 4 other DK Vamps for it cause our points are through the roof. I have never killed 50+ by myself but I have definitely taken 20-40's easily with well times skilled and I just use reflective scales to protect against silver bolts.

    This tweek kid saying mist form is stupid is obviously the *** in this forum that doesn't know what he is talking about. He is just trying to lie so it won't get looked at and if he complains loud enough and tries to degrade enough people, maybe people will agree with him. But he is in fact wrong and doesn't have the experience on this topic to be inputting this much useless and wrong information.
  • starkerealm
    Nooblet wrote: »
    Tweek wrote: »
    Tweek wrote: »
    Inzababa wrote: »
    just one last thing, the vamp ultimate in these cases is spammable repeatedly, which is what makes it OP.

    NO it isn't.

    INHALE is better which is an active ability in my DK tree line....and uhhhh not an ultimate and is spammable.

    Also the ability itself is NOT OP.....this is what the fighter guild tree line is for.

    I seen a vamp use bat swarm.....three of them on me the other day in skull crusher.

    I killed them all in about a minute with the fighters guild skill chain.

    Please L2P.

    Also the fighters guild chain should be nerfed a tad and the vamp ultimate should be made to be more I destroy vampires ALL THE TIME in PvP.

    I love the pretense of a vampire (you) making believe they are too week by pretending to be the class that is strong against them... nice try!

    I've read some of your other posts, your main is definitely a vampire, even if you have alt that are not.

    Fighters guild isn't a class....I'm done here all of you are obviously clueless.

    This skill tree is not OP.....that video was showcasing how emperors are OP....which they are.

    I'm done here. You guys have fun raging over game mechnaics that aren't broken. The devs know they aren't broken and that you guys just need to L2P.

    Just letting you know once one thing is nerfed the good players will play a new build/respec to suit the new patch notes. I always do this. So for the love of god stop raging and play the damn game.

    Who are you and what happened to tweek? You were spamming for days that you're quitting and everyone else should. How everything was broken and its horrible.... now you're defending the game saying working as intended...

    That... might be my fault.
  • Malediktus
    Its broken no matter what the trolls or self proclaimed pro-gamers say.
    @Malediktus --- Ebonheart Pact, EU-Megaserver
  • jimdove
    Ive seen PUG warbands wiped out by much smaller numbers of organised players in other MMOs. Since most grps are still PUGS, the ppl who have got to top level with a lot of good gear n stuff would be capable of taking out a bunch of poorly geared no healing pugs
  • WitchAngel
    Every time someone writes L2P, I burst out in laughter.
    "When you can't get the ball, go for the man."
    Btw, often those people who write "L2P" are those who are very active on so-called "pro-gamer" forums.
    Try to guess what a "pro-gamer" forums are often flooded with?

  • jimdove
    Inzababa wrote: »
    there, found a video, though it mentions emperorship this isn't only for emperors :smile:

    I see this happen every day and with 2 or 3 time the numbers of people in that video.

    I take back what I just said, whats happening in this video should NEVER be possible in RVR no matter of rank under any circumstances
  • revanghost
    WitchAngel wrote: »
    Try to guess what a "pro-gamer" forums are often flooded with?


    I'm not trying to pick a fight here. I understand it is frustrating to run up against a boss-type player in PvP.

    But, all of those skills are in the game. The OP mentioned that they were able to kill her once. Don't you agree that it might be fun to have a game mechanic like this where a single player can be god-like for a time? Maybe once she goes down, Zenimax needs to put in something that strips the player of these abilities or something, but if the player is using the mechanics in the game, maybe it's not an exploit, but using the game mechanics to become a battle god for a time, the God of War in a MMO.
  • starkerealm
    revanghost wrote: »
    WitchAngel wrote: »
    Try to guess what a "pro-gamer" forums are often flooded with?


    I'm not trying to pick a fight here. I understand it is frustrating to run up against a boss-type player in PvP.

    But, all of those skills are in the game. The OP mentioned that they were able to kill her once. Don't you agree that it might be fun to have a game mechanic like this where a single player can be god-like for a time? Maybe once she goes down, Zenimax needs to put in something that strips the player of these abilities or something, but if the player is using the mechanics in the game, maybe it's not an exploit, but using the game mechanics to become a battle god for a time, the God of War in a MMO.

    If that was the real mechanic, sure. Unfortunately, Emperors aren't supposed to be lone colossi walking the battlefield, they're the nexus of an invasion. This is someone playing the Emperor wrong, they're supposed to have an entire army to back them up.
  • SwampRaider
    ZakyUchiha wrote: »
    I'm just going to post the top comment from the vid, since you guys do not understand what's happening and it is pretty accurate.

    You lot who are saying that Emperors are supposed to be strong dont really get what is going on here
    What you see in this video is the guy playing the current empress exploiting unintended mechanic that only works if a player meets certain requirements:
    1) being a stage 4 vampire (60% spell cost reduction affecting ultimate ability!)
    2) having a morphed vampiric self-healing ultimate ability
    3) being a sorc or a dragon knight ( ultimate cost reduction passives)
    4) having a specific armor set that also reduce ultimate cost
    5) having a mist form
    6) being an emperor

    Now what is happening actually?
    In short, if a player meets these requirements he can have ultimate ability cost reduced to 4 , even 0 in some cases. What does it mean? It means he can spam extremely strong self healing ability INDEFINITELY doing huge amount of damage
    What;s worse. He can turn into a mist form that has 75% damage reduction AND receive ultimate self healing from the bat swarm which is not supposed to happen based on how the mist form works. A vampire in a mist form CANT get healing. BUT they missed that it doesn't affect ultimate ability bat swarm.
    The thing is. The more people around the empress the more invulnerable she is.
    We managed to kill her one time when she was alone avoiding being close to her , keeping distance and it took 50+ players. BUT it is IMPOSSIBLE to do if she is with her own group.
    It is totally broken mechanic exploiting mist form+ bat swarm

    just re quoting this. because..well fighting a DK empress with bat swarm is not fun. we oil spammed her in a tower chokepoint and still died. Having an ultimate that only costs 4 ultimate... is broken
    Character: Eros, Eros I I, The Paw of Woe
    Class: Templar Healer/MagWarden/ Stam Sorc
    Alliance: DC
    Campaign: Vivec (pc/na)
    Guardians of Daggerfall
  • SunfireKnight86
    I can't believe anyone is still trying to argue this isn't OP when we have players in the thread who use it admitting that it's broken and that they can kill 50 players at one time.

    It's a safe bet (READ: Fact) that anyone who just responds L2P has either never went against this build or doesn't know what the *** they are actually talking about.
  • SunfireKnight86
    as a dk vamp i cant tell you right now it is a broken combination, i elusive mist into huge zergs of people and drop talons and standard and spam mist form, it kills a dozen noobs that dont roll out and i cant be targeted by single target abilities while in mist and it hides my nameplate so its hard to track me, when i come out i pop reflective scales and people start 2 shotting themselves with bows and spells (reflective scales reflects bow abilities and silver bolts fyi) while i drop talons and standard again then back into mist spam. dropping my standard heals me to full and gives me back magicka and stam, and i just keep repeating through this through an army of people by myself, i regularly solo 20+ people and have killed over 50 by myself trying to take a resource, and im not even an emperor, the dk saying mist form is bad has no clue what he is talking about, but until vamp is nerfed i'll keep playing this stupid op spec.

    Thanks for the honesty and the info. Knowing why it's broken goes a long way to fixing it. For the record, I don't grudge anyone using the tools available in the game. I hope you do get emperor. :D
  • tclark1122b14_ESO
    revanghost wrote: »
    WitchAngel wrote: »
    Don't you agree that it might be fun to have a game mechanic like this where a single player can be god-like for a time?


    When an entire faction has to deal with one or two people it's game breaking. You can't go take keeps, you can defend your own keeps, and all you can do is stay and keep that one god-tier person occupied while their faction or the other one you're up against takes whatever they feel like. If you ignore that god-tier person, they just take whatever they want because no defense can stop them; at best they slow them down for a little bit. Maybe.

    In a multiplayer game like PvP it's absolutely ridiculous to have something that would sacrifice the fun of literally hundreds of people so that one or two can rampage around. It's a dumb idea, but I don't think it matters because the fact that some people can't seem to grasp is that these god-like players isn't something intentional in the first place.
  • Aci
    Well, its just another game where such things are over the top. Let it continue and you will experience a "Warhammer Online 2" and its exodus of players in a very short amount of time.
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    Vampire is not broken, there are a lot of bad players around is all.
  • Gwarok
    Epic Forum PvP

    1366244909116.jpg all other epics in epicness.

    Edited by Gwarok on April 23, 2014 12:59PM
    "Strive for balance of all things. When the scales tip to one side or the other, someone or somethings gets short-changed. When someone gets short-changed, unpredictability and strife unbalance the world around us...To achieve freedom from greed, from want, and from strife, all parties in any exchange MUST find balance." -House Hlaalu's Philosophy of Trade

    "I am ALWAYS very busy, so I KNOW what's best. You need to stay away from the waterfall. TRUST ME, you're better off keeping busy than playing in the stream....Do you know how to swim, Little Scrib?"

    "I am but a simple farmer". -Rags'nar LodesBroke


    (Juliet): is nor hand, nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
    Belonging to a man.
    O, be some other name!
    What's in a name?
    That which we call a rose?
    By any other name would smell as sweet.
    Retain that dear perfection to which he owes...
    (Act II, Scene II -William Shakespeare's: Romeo & Juliet -1595 A.D.)

  • SwampRaider
    revanghost wrote: »
    WitchAngel wrote: »
    Don't you agree that it might be fun to have a game mechanic like this where a single player can be god-like for a time?


    When an entire faction has to deal with one or two people it's game breaking. You can't go take keeps, you can defend your own keeps, and all you can do is stay and keep that one god-tier person occupied while their faction or the other one you're up against takes whatever they feel like. If you ignore that god-tier person, they just take whatever they want because no defense can stop them; at best they slow them down for a little bit. Maybe.

    In a multiplayer game like PvP it's absolutely ridiculous to have something that would sacrifice the fun of literally hundreds of people so that one or two can rampage around. It's a dumb idea, but I don't think it matters because the fact that some people can't seem to grasp is that these god-like players isn't something intentional in the first place.

    This. We were guesting into Skullcrusher the other night and this DK Vamp Empress was always kicking everyone's asses. People got mowed down by the tens. Every time we took a keep, this empress would just rush in, spam talons and bat swarm and take it right back. Her regen was insane, she spammed bat swarm every other second it seemed.

    there was 20 of us. Every time we made some sort of gain, it was ripped from our hardcore organized PVP group hands. We have been PvPing since beta and have never faced anything like this. We are looking for a new campaign to call our home. Definitely not skullcrusher.

    A 4 Ultimate Bat swarm..... how the.....

    Edited by SwampRaider on April 21, 2014 8:56PM
    Character: Eros, Eros I I, The Paw of Woe
    Class: Templar Healer/MagWarden/ Stam Sorc
    Alliance: DC
    Campaign: Vivec (pc/na)
    Guardians of Daggerfall
  • Aci
    Vampire is not broken, there are a lot of bad players around is all.

    The thing is, that everyone wants to have fun, if you put this to a specific (little) group you will have all others leave. Sooner than later. PvP needs to be playable for everyone. Maybe thats a hard job, but its possible in my eyes. It needs a lot tweeks though.
  • SwampRaider
    Vampire is not broken, there are a lot of bad players around is all.

    Vampire is not broken it is a whole host of other issues, like stacking ultimate reduction gear to get an ultimate down to only costing 4 ultimate to cast.
    Character: Eros, Eros I I, The Paw of Woe
    Class: Templar Healer/MagWarden/ Stam Sorc
    Alliance: DC
    Campaign: Vivec (pc/na)
    Guardians of Daggerfall
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