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[Bank Space] If we had more space... would you still run out of space?

How much more Bank space would be "enough"?
Edited by Dusk_Coven on April 5, 2020 8:20AM

[Bank Space] If we had more space... would you still run out of space? 127 votes

x1 -- No change
DanikatStreegaEasily_LostPuzzlenutsTommy_The_GunAcadianPaladinMichaeBryath 8 votes
HanokihsIruil_ESODaviiid_ESOSeptimus_MagnabellatrixedJeremyAkrasjelMindcr0wMjolnirVilkasblkjagRR_DF_RaptorRedFakeFoxcolossalvoidsprof-dracko indigoruneGrianasteribluebirdGOAT4EVARPaulsRefLiberty 22 votes
ninibinieyeseezombiesub17_ESOGarpleyGorgoneusLadyDestinypeacenoteMettaricanaFinneganFrothAthrys5AthymhormiaLadislaoGuyleEifleber 13 votes
Hrolthar 1 vote
JacozillaLucyferLightbringerSarannahpod88kkFischblutTigerseyeMaggi12ddgsodiumSir_Valkmacsmooth 10 votes
Doesn't matter -- I'll find stuff to fill it and still run out of space
huntgod_ESOlordspyderInklingsGythralMixYukon2112Chickensteindem0n1kDarkheartjircris11LinaleahdaimCaffeinatedMayhemfeyiiJKorrRi_KhanAlnilamEredspecter23ThevampirenightVulsahdaal 73 votes
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    x1 -- No change
    If housing storage chests would be visible by crafting stations - that is the only change that is needed.
  • Thevampirenight
    Doesn't matter -- I'll find stuff to fill it and still run out of space
    Likely the last poll option. Even the inventory slots are not enough for me. Do have to clear them out but they can easily fill up I can see filling them up to the cap if I wanted to keep something for the sake of keeping it even if I shouldn't or if I store stuff up in the bank.
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • huntgod_ESO
    Doesn't matter -- I'll find stuff to fill it and still run out of space
    Inventory is like traffic, it expands to fill the available volume.
    --- HuntGod ---
    Officer of the Unrepentant
  • Guyle
    2x the amount of space would be nice, 3x would be better. The problem with ESO is that, unlike a lot of other games where every update they release newer and better gear making older sets obsolete, ESO has a tendency to add newer and better sets, while sometimes buffing older sets, or the new sets sometimes make the current bis redundant, so an older set becomes a better option - so many of us hold onto older sets in case this happens. Compound that with the fact that many different sets are the best choice for many specific pieces of content, and you can easily have an inventory full of gear. To truly be effective, you also will want to have more pieces of the same gear with different traits on it, taking up even more space. And this is just gear for you to use, let alone if you try to trade or get into crafting and how that impacts it.
  • Thevampirenight
    Doesn't matter -- I'll find stuff to fill it and still run out of space
    Inventory is like traffic, it expands to fill the available volume.

    Indeed it can be a lot like Traffic at times especially if you keep stuff in your inventories and then bank them and over time you add more and well need to clear out space to add in more. At times I would try and avoid it but it still happens and well that is because well always need more inventory space. But higher inventory space is easier to mange I think its just it will still fill up somehow.
    All that junk have to grab from the mail in rewards to recon or sell and other stuff like that does help fill up inventory space.
    Edited by Thevampirenight on April 5, 2020 9:08AM
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • Lysette
    I have ESO+ and my bank space is always around 420 out of 480. Most is recipes, crafting plans and furniture, which I'm currently not using. On the other side, my characters rarely use more than 40 spaces in their own inventories. And a lot is character bound crap, which I'm going to delete shortly. I would have deleted already, if I wounldn't have to confirm in upper case letters that I really want to delete that crown store food/drink - yes, of course, i want to, these are just fillers to clutter the inventory with stuff I'm never going to use anyway.

    So eventually 1.5 times as much would be good - so that I would get to 3 times with ESO+.
    Edited by Lysette on April 5, 2020 9:15AM
  • Recent
    Doesn't matter -- I'll find stuff to fill it and still run out of space
    My ideal storage solution would be that sets got stored as collectables. It's gear sets that take up most of my space due to my keeping things just incase they might become viable again.,
  • Lysette
    Inventory is like traffic, it expands to fill the available volume.

    Indeed it can be a lot like Traffic at times especially if you keep stuff in your inventories and then bank them and over time you add more and well need to clear out space to add in more. At times I would try and avoid it but it still happens and well that is because well always need more inventory space. But higher inventory space is easier to mange I think its just it will still fill up somehow.
    All that junk have to grab from the mail in rewards to recon or sell and other stuff like that does help fill up inventory space.

    Indeed,and there is just one solution to it - delete it consequently and free yourself from this burden.
  • Lysette
    Recent wrote: »
    My ideal storage solution would be that sets got stored as collectables. It's gear sets that take up most of my space due to my keeping things just incase they might become viable again.,

    I can understand that though, even i advocate for deleting stuff, which is not in use since quite some time.
  • Thevampirenight
    Doesn't matter -- I'll find stuff to fill it and still run out of space
    Recent wrote: »
    My ideal storage solution would be that sets got stored as collectables. It's gear sets that take up most of my space due to my keeping things just incase they might become viable again.,
    Lysette wrote: »
    Recent wrote: »
    My ideal storage solution would be that sets got stored as collectables. It's gear sets that take up most of my space due to my keeping things just incase they might become viable again.,

    I can understand that though, even i advocate for deleting stuff, which is not in use since quite some time.

    Have to agree with Lysette here deleting is better.

    Items being converted to Collectibles it would be a very bad idea then you couldn't get rid of it and that would cause more problems when it comes to performance since Collectibles could very well contribute downgrading performance.
    Edited by Thevampirenight on April 5, 2020 9:31AM
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • Fischblut
    With constant nerfs to combat and gear, I think I no longer want to hoard new sets. But it would be huge "quality of life" change if we could have 1200 slots in bank (240 x 5 without subscription, 2400 with subscripion), for all the current gear and different items which can be useful for many characters.
    Housing storage is very helpful, but it's much more convenient to have access to all items from bank, without need to visit house and search for items in storage chests.

    For example, I have all my monster sets in bank. It's super convinient to have immediate access to any monster set in every weight and different traits from bank for any character. But in order to get more bank space for other items, I need to transfer some of monster sets to alts or in storage containers. And then it will be very annoying to find and retrieve particular monster set item :|
    Same with potions and food - currently all my mag potions and food are on one magicka alt (whom I play at the moment). If I start playing other magicka alt, I often forget to transfer potions and food - resulting in unnecessary relogs. If I had more bank space, I could store many stacks of different potions and food in bank, available to any character of any spec at any time - without need to relog and transfer items.

    I don't even talk about crafting materials, because I personally can't play without subscription and crafting bag... But simply having all gear options and variety of potions in bank would be much better that having everything scattered across storage containers and alts :)

    At the moment, my hoarding status is not bad (see the amount of used/total space at the bottom):


    But I can't put everything in bank for ultimate convenience, everything is scattered between bank/alts/storage. It's uncomfortable to play a character who has more than 50 inventory slots constantly occupied :/ Even 1200 bank slots with subscription would be enough for me to organise gear perfectly and have all characters ready for adventure any time.
  • Gythral
    Doesn't matter -- I'll find stuff to fill it and still run out of space
    Junk always multiplies to fill all available space (and then some) :wink:
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • Chickenstein
    Doesn't matter -- I'll find stuff to fill it and still run out of space
    It's time to raise the limit anyway from time to time. A little bit anyway; I'm tired of deconstructing gold and trial equipment anytime a nerf hits only to potentially craft that stuff again at some later time. Same goes for monster sets; you can only add so many sets until any player eventually runs out of space.
    Orc Harvester: It's about picking flowers and smashing things
  • Major_Lag
    Doesn't matter -- I'll find stuff to fill it and still run out of space
    I have 1500 "private storage guild" bank slots on PC-EU, and that is about 3/4 full already.

    ESO loot is a lot like gas - it rapidly expands to fill the entire volume of its container :D
  • Sir_Valk
    We need a unlimited bank space for ESO+ members, because each expansion there will be new sets and new items in general. Deleting stuff you grinded for, is a tricky thing because most of the time you want to keep it but also want that new set for example. Having full space on all characters + the bank is going fast.
  • WastedJoker
    It's always the way - base game around loot/varied builds/buff+nerf cycle but provide arbitrary inventory limits.

    Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll!
  • Thevampirenight
    Doesn't matter -- I'll find stuff to fill it and still run out of space
    I like how I'm not the only one that has these types of inventory/bank issues come up. Guess a lot of us tend to fill up that inventory space and store things we don't need to store.
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • Gorgoneus
    This is an evil plot to FORCE us to buy ESO+, yes - FORCE, because it's impossible to have a full gameplay with inventory instastocked with resources, containers, gear pieces etc.
    Of course there is alot of hypocritical people who'll tell about "buy all the bank tabs first", buy all the house storage chests, create all possible alts and max their inventory with gold.
    1: bank tabs become very expensive at the end.
    2: house storage boxes are very hard to get - real money or PvP stuff only.
    3: I need my alts to play, because alot of events you can grind with any amount of alts, and maxymizing their inventory with gold expensive as well.

    Every DLC provides us alot of new style matherials to stock our inventory unless we buy ESO+

    Even if they'll increase the bank space, it will be new tabs we must buy with gold for ridiculous price.

    So this isn't the game style, this is an artificial trouble making to make us buy ESO+: craft bag and x2 bank space are too OP, and literally affecting gameplay, because most of my game time I'm just jumping between chars and playing inventory management game.
  • Gorgoneus
    It is funny, because alot of pure f2p MMOS have limitless or atleast huge craft bag integreted for any player.
  • Danikat
    x1 -- No change
    I'm fine with the current storage space. I don't have ESO+ and I'm not even using all the home storage chests yet. I think the big difference between me and people who struggle with storage space is I don't keep set gear just in case it becomes useful one day. I have the stuff my characters are wearing, maybe a second set for a different build, but anything I don't currently have a use for is either sold or deconstructed.
    If housing storage chests would be visible by crafting stations - that is the only change that is needed.

    That would be really helpful. I use one of my chests to store non-racial style materials and sometimes I forget to check it when crafting something in a rare style, on occasion I've wasted gold and time buying something I already had because I forget that the chest contents don't show in the crafting station menu.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • WiseSky
    Doesn't matter -- I'll find stuff to fill it and still run out of space
    Gorgoneus wrote: »

    house storage boxes are very hard to get - real money or PvP stuff only.

    I got my storage boxes by doing Master writs

    Immersive Quests Addon
    Wish to Quest without Quest Way Markers? ''Talk to the Hooded Figure'' Turns into ''Talk to the Hooded Figure, who is feeding the chickens near the southeastern gate in the city of Daggerfall in Glenumbra.'' If you Wish To write bread crumbs clues for quest for other players to experience come join the team!
    List of Immersion Addons
  • Danikat
    x1 -- No change
    WiseSky wrote: »
    Gorgoneus wrote: »

    house storage boxes are very hard to get - real money or PvP stuff only.

    I got my storage boxes by doing Master writs

    Same here. They were the first things I bought once I was able to do master writs. I'm not using them all yet, but I wanted to make sure I got them before I started buying other things.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • darthgummibear_ESO
    If ESO+ had a bottomless bag for furnishings like we do for materials, my space problems would disappear.
  • Mettaricana
    Id be happy with 1000 bank space and a tab system that breaks up gear types weapins etc rather than scrolling
  • FinneganFroth
    It's an interesting though. Particularly because they keep releasing new dungeons/sets/etc so over time we would likely need additional space.
  • mairwen85
    Doesn't matter -- I'll find stuff to fill it and still run out of space
    More inventory space just means more space to fill. No matter the space people will still complain. I personally have no inventory issues because I don't hoard trash. Anyone complaining about not having enough space now, will never have enough space.
  • Sylvermynx
    My bank space isn't full after almost 2 years. I do tend to hoard some, but I also don't keep low level gear around after I have no lowbie characters, so it works out pretty well.
  • Ri_Khan
    Doesn't matter -- I'll find stuff to fill it and still run out of space
    There is waaaay too much $%!& in this game. Try participating in the current event without the craftbag. It's a joke.
  • apri
    The game needs smart measures to retrieve stuff we obtained. Bring set vendors who resell each item we ever found. With that in place we could easily remove the sets we do not need yet and retrieve them whenever we find them appealing.

    Hoarding is a must in this game with all the changes to items and sets while it is rather tedious to re-obtain items you deleted. And everything that was done to deal with hoarding just made the whole game experience worse. Additional characters you have to cycle through to find whatever you put on those mules is super annoying. Going storage box to storage box to find a weapon is super annoying. Going through the slowly accessible guild banks to find an item is super annoying.

    A Destiny-like system to retrieve found items is in need. Upgrades to storage capacities on the other hand are just a super inconvenient money sink and cannot iron out the real issue with our need to store and retrieve items. A smart system needs to be installed instead.
  • Sarannah
    If housing storage chests would be visible by crafting stations - that is the only change that is needed.

    I would not want this change... right now I can destroy items without looking at it much. While all of the gear I might use some day will be safe in my house. If this would come with a checkbox to hide house storage, it would be fine though.

    Would really love more storage space(both bank and house storage), since my bank is mostly full with motif pages, crafting writs which I do not want or can do yet, and actually very few things that would otherwise fill up much space. Make a motif book to store all motif pages in, and a crafting orders book in which we can store all crafting writs. I bet this would safe alot of space for most people. Not to mention this would be ideal for multiple characters if it is shared. As we would be able to check quickly if a character could do a writ or would still need a certain motif page. Without transfering from one character to the next because the bank is full already. Time, convenience, and space-wise this would be perfect!
    Edited by Sarannah on April 5, 2020 2:27PM
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