Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

My account was suspended

  • Chaosorchid
    I just tried to log in since im home and the maintenance is over. Could not log in, went to the account site and I am suspended also. I didnt know anything about some bank bug or whatever it is. I have sent an email but no response yet

    Very frustrated. I spend over $100 USD on the Imperial Edition with the statue myself so this is very frustrating.
  • Silverose0
    Soul Shriven
    I was suspended. I have no idea what I might have done to trigger it. I didn't buy gold. I didn't spam the chat channel. I did report gold spammers. Perhaps that was it? Report gold spammers and you get suspended?
    From what I've seen in this thread, support response will not be prompt. :(
  • Elgarr
    Had the same issue, getting sick of this kind of support.

    I report bots, yet see the same ones about non stop, now some how I am suspended,

    What really irks me and I mean really irks me is someone here got a message back from support saying they got caught up in gold spam by accident.

    Well here is the big fat QUESTION.

    If he had of been a gold spammer WTF, why are you suspending them and not banning them, goes to show how out of touch you are if you suspend gold spammers and not ban them,

    Ticket number here 140418-067418

    And I also requested a phone back, but being the weekend, I am willing to bet no one will care and we will all suffer.
    Edited by Elgarr on April 18, 2014 9:55PM
  • onecoin
    Soul Shriven
    The sad thing here is that we paid all that money and finally the weekend is here and we want play and we cant, because we got ban/suspended for reasons unknown to us and you know Zenimas is not going to give us any type of compensation so we're just stuck here ban/suspended wasting our free month. And no email or message has been given to us about why we where ban.
  • tspecherb14_ESO
    Same boat - no e-mail or anything. Banned, didn't do anything wrong and now waiting for a fix (hopefully).
  • Klarick
    kimika wrote: »
    Are you sure you didn't do anything? I have a feeling some of these bans are related to the gold/ item copying that was going on

    Without doubt.
    They crawl out of their holes for me, and I die - you die.
  • Itami
    This is a load of BS. I have never duped anything. So far, here is what I have seen happen in the game:

    Zenimax has broken the guild functionality numerous times. I have (had at this point) a level 33 toon that just barely managed to afford a horse upgrade.

    I have no gold to speak of, no mats to speak of, and the only trades I made with people I didn’t know in RL are motifs that I tended to find commonly.

    For god knows what reason, Zenimax keeps mailing me a new set of map scrolls, mara rings, and pets about every 4-7 days. I had assumed these were for new characters at the time, but now who knows. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess they will accuse me of “duping” those, even though Zenimax is the only one that can generate them and they are nontradable and can't be guild banked. This should be verifiable through mail logs (if the dingleberry that wrote the mail subroutines isn't a total tard like the one that wrote the guild bank coding).

    Zenimax has repeatedly broken the bank to which I lost my upgraded slots numerous time, and the mats they contained.

    Now they have banned me for simply playing the game. I have gone out of my way to report teleport bot hackers and gold spammers. I saw a post on REDDIT indicating customer service was in some cases banning the person reporting and not the person causing the TOS violation. Sweet!

    This makes me livid. *** poor programming, and poorly implemented bans. What a great combination to kill a game in its infancy.

    This makes me so mad, even if i am un-banned, I don’t know if I’d be comfortable investing any more of my time in it for fear of another unannounced and undeserved ban because of bad coding or bad training on the part of Zenimax.

    I look forward to a response, and I look forward to sharing it on Reddit and other places. I think it is time Zenimax enjoy the rewards of its customer service... be it good or bad.

    ticket 1:

    Question Reference # 140418-068406
    Date Created: 04/18/2014 06:04 PM
    Date Last Updated: 04/18/2014 06:13 PM
    Status: Solved <<<<<< NO IT IS NOT

    ticket 2:
    # 140418-068569

    ticket #3:
    # 140418-075623

    I have 2 accounts. I had subscribed to the 6 month prepay. I have cancelled both and am waiting to see how/if Zenimax will fess up to making a mistake and fix this. I half expect someone will likely go after my second account and ban it from the forums shortly.
  • matthewbwp_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    My Good friend @Stealthmastersr who bought the game for both me and my brother so we could all play together got suspended today. As we always play together and are constantly on our Teamspeak talking I know he has not done anything to warrant suspension. He has submitted his tickets and done the review thing just wanted to get his name up here hope for a faster response. He would do this himself but can't get on the forums at the moment. Also If we don' t get a fast response we are all canceling all of our 90 day subscriptions and I have 10 more good friends who will do the same. As we are tired of it, I still have not been given what I lost because of the bank reset bug.

    We all wander from game to game together.
    Edited by matthewbwp_ESO on April 19, 2014 4:29AM
  • Valaska
    I just put in a ticket, my friend put one in beforehand as his account is not suspended and we literally do virtually everything together, the only thing I did differently than him was sell things in zone chat.

    Scratch that, he even did that, and the only person I ever mailed in game was him! I have no idea what is going on or why, all I know is I've been suspended and probably under suspicion of "duping" because Zeni didn't close the guild bank system fast enough! I've never even used the guild bank!!!
  • matthewbwp_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Valaska wrote: »
    I just put in a ticket, my friend put one in beforehand as his account is not suspended and we literally do virtually everything together, the only thing I did differently than him was sell things in zone chat.

    Scratch that, he even did that, and the only person I ever mailed in game was him! I have no idea what is going on or why, all I know is I've been suspended and probably under suspicion of "duping" because Zeni didn't close the guild bank system fast enough! I've never even used the guild bank!!!

    Ya my buddy did a lot of selling of items on zone chat for our entire group he Is good at quickly getting deals (I hope that wasn't the cause since he didn't spam or anything) and if it was the cause most the people would be banned since its one of the few ways to sell stuff.Also we only had a guild bank accessible for a few days when we joined a small guild we got to know.
    Edited by matthewbwp_ESO on April 19, 2014 4:53AM
  • ZOS_TristanK
    Hello, all. This thread has been closed as discussing disciplinary action on the forums is against our Code of Conduct. The forums is not the appropriate place to appeal in-game actions. Instead, we encourage players to please refer to the instructions detailed here if they wish to appeal a ban. Thank you for your cooperation.
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