Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

My account was suspended

I was playing all day just fine. Couldn't log in do to the server issue load times and such.

Now when I go to log in it tells me my account information is wrong. And when I try to log in to ESO website to view my account it won't allow me to log in and instead tells me that my account has been suspended. Some communication would have been nice before the breakup :(

I've been playing since early release and have had no issues. What gives ZOS?

edit: I have sent in a ticket and have been given a reference code

final edit: They have restored my account yay! Thank you ZOS!
Edited by cTreK421 on April 13, 2014 5:50PM
  • Ysne58
    Have you filed a support ticket?
  • Alyrn_Grey
    The ZOS reps will tell you to submit a ticket on this. I'm not certain why you might have been suspeneded but can make wild guesses.... If you sent out a lot of mails to your guild that seems to trigger some kind of autoban. There are topics mentioning that.... Additionally if you got enthusiastic on advertising your guild in zone you might have gotten reported enough....

    Either of those are things you can appeal. Basically to get details I think you have to contact support. I'm afraid all I and the other players here can do are make wild guesses.
  • Thorntongue
    They are trying to get rid of users because their servers are overloaded Uniblab machines from The Jetson's.
  • Lord_Tonjin
    Alyrn_Grey wrote: »
    The ZOS reps will tell you to submit a ticket on this. I'm not certain why you might have been suspeneded but can make wild guesses.... If you sent out a lot of mails to your guild that seems to trigger some kind of autoban. There are topics mentioning that.... Additionally if you got enthusiastic on advertising your guild in zone you might have gotten reported enough....

    Either of those are things you can appeal. Basically to get details I think you have to contact support. I'm afraid all I and the other players here can do are make wild guesses.

    None of which help you any. Your going to have to submit a ticket and be patient enough to wait for a response from ZOS. It could be a couple days.
    "In fire there is the spark of chaos and destruction, the seed of life. In ice there is perfect tranquility, perfect order, and the silence of death."
  • cTreK421
    Awe man. I did submit a ticket. I hope This can be resolved sooner than later. Haha I was just worried about the servers being down and now this happens. And I've been so supportive of the game lol. Thanks everyone.
  • Pinkenbah
    sorry to hear of your suspension, im afraid you will have quite a wait for any response to reinstate your account. I was playing along happily 5 days ago and bam booted from game, and account info wrong, suspended from site. We are not the only two who have had this happen with no idea as to how we have tripped the banning gods switch. Im still waiting for any response other than 'thank you for taking time away from game to report this issue". It is indeed very frustrating.
  • khalum_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Shouldn't they make the rules clear up front as to what will get you tagged? It's not like the IRS doing audits.. it a video game.. my god.
  • cTreK421
    Why is this even happening? I have never played a MMO that suspends with out warning or even some kind of communication after the suspension. ZOS please respond as quickly as possible this seems to be an issue for many players and not just myself!
  • ZOS_JasonI
    Hey there, @cTreK421‌. We're investigating this for you, and we'll provide as update via PM. Thank you for your patience!
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  • cTreK421
    Thank you so much!
  • Tenret
    I`m in the same boat
    suspended, btw what means?
    temporatly suspended, banned?

    zero information about the issue
    zero information about the causes
    and I'm positively sure of any wrong doings

    Eight hours from the open of the support ticket
  • Bytor56
    My account has been suspended as explanation??? No idea what I did to deserve the suspension. I am a casual player, level 8 Nord, paid for the 180 day subscription.
  • Stanley
    Tenret wrote: »
    I`m in the same boat
    suspended, btw what means?
    temporatly suspended, banned?

    zero information about the issue
    zero information about the causes
    and I'm positively sure of any wrong doings

    Eight hours from the open of the support ticket

    How do you know that you have been suspended?

    I have been suspended and received an email as to why. When I try to log in the game I am not told in the log in process that I am suspended.. my password just doesnt work.
  • Zigloth
    I just got booted/suspended today too... no idea why, I was just in the middle of a dungeon with my girlfriend, trying to get the achievement, and now I'm suspended. :/
  • Chomag
    Lol, So f2p.
  • GossiTheDog
    ZOS are banning players. They do this in bulk. Somebody reported you in game, or you triggered some kind of automated ban system.

    If you do not think you have broken any rules, please follow these steps:

    1) Browse to:
    2) Click Account/Billing
    3) Select "I would like to appeal a suspension/ban"

    Fill in the information. It will route directly to team for appeals. You should get unbanned in around 24 hours if you've done nothing wrong.
  • abusebb
    It doesn't work... I sent them two tickets. After 48hours I got answer my case was still pending and then another 24h, what gives 72h in total, without solving suspended/hacked account.
  • GossiTheDog
    abusebb, did you file under the category above? If so, and you didn't break ToS, you need to wait for them to respond. They should refund you game time for incorrect bans upon lifting it.
  • Srugzal
    Very important advice:


    Don't use a user id that you use anywhere else.

    Account thieves are out there. The gold farmers need fresh accounts! Don't feed them yours!
  • vontariel
    Bump - I have exactly same problem as OP.
    One difference is i got DCed 4-5 times during "final assault" quest [in a library - lighting braziers], and then got my ACC locked.

    I've sent a ticket, now waiting for reply.
  • norm_voshall
    Just happened to me. I fell through the world in Coldharbour. The game started running incredibly sluggish. Removed my gear and used /stuck. Still below the world. Did /stuck again and I am in world but, game still running bad. Reload entire client, game bans me after 15 seconds. Send in a ticket and get "looks like your account has been banned, you should submit a ticket." I answered back that I did, that's how they knew to contact me.
    Edited by norm_voshall on April 17, 2014 9:00PM
    “We repeat again: strength of character does not consist solely in having powerful feelings, but in maintaining one’s balance in spite of them. Even with the violence of emotion, judgment and principle must still function like a ship’s compass, which records the slightest variations however rough the sea.”
    ― Carl von Clausewitz
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    I wonder if the logging in and out thing was done to prevent farming of those motifs from the trunks etc in various buildings.
  • pjlietz
    Just happened to me. I fell through the world in Coldharbour. The game started running incredibly sluggish. Removed my gear and used /stuck. Still below the world. Did /stuck again and I am in world but, game still running bad. Reload entire client, game bans me after 15 seconds. Send in a ticket and get "looks like your account has been banned, you should submit a ticket." I answered back that I did, that's how they knew to contact me.

    I got suspended after falling through the floor aswell...
  • Elsonso
    We know that it is possible to get "behind" surfaces that should normally cause a collision (walls, floors, etc). Some people it never happens to, others seem to be 'good' at it.

    However, we also suspect that people have hacked the clients and are spoofing the server into allowing the the character to "move wrongly". If this can happen, it explains some bannable behavior some people have seen with farming materials.

    It would not surprise me that people who hit the collision bug may also get the attention of monitoring software designed to detect people who have hacked the client.

    They have no interest in banning innocent people, but they might not yet have the skills to tell the difference.
    Edited by Elsonso on April 17, 2014 9:28PM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
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  • norm_voshall
    What's obvious is that their customer service doesn't care or doesn't want to help players. After sending in the requested files I got an email from Evan saying that my account was deactivated due to "behavior related to my account." And that was it. Didn't tell me what said behavior was, didn't tell me who I could contact to correct the situation, didn't tell me how long the "deactivation" would last or if it was permanent. Just, oh, we banned your account, WARMEST REGARDS!

    I sent a reply asking for more information, this has since been unanswered. I've also been on hold to speak to phone customer service for 4 hours now.
    Edited by norm_voshall on April 18, 2014 12:25AM
    “We repeat again: strength of character does not consist solely in having powerful feelings, but in maintaining one’s balance in spite of them. Even with the violence of emotion, judgment and principle must still function like a ship’s compass, which records the slightest variations however rough the sea.”
    ― Carl von Clausewitz
  • norm_voshall
    Already done. However, if I already have an open case with them through email there should be no reason for me to have to submit a new ticket.
    “We repeat again: strength of character does not consist solely in having powerful feelings, but in maintaining one’s balance in spite of them. Even with the violence of emotion, judgment and principle must still function like a ship’s compass, which records the slightest variations however rough the sea.”
    ― Carl von Clausewitz
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Id follow those directions if I wanted my account back.
  • norm_voshall
    See, and I'd fire people who can't do customer service in a customer service position.
    “We repeat again: strength of character does not consist solely in having powerful feelings, but in maintaining one’s balance in spite of them. Even with the violence of emotion, judgment and principle must still function like a ship’s compass, which records the slightest variations however rough the sea.”
    ― Carl von Clausewitz
  • pjlietz
    i'm in the same boat as Norm. Tried several time and followed all the 'advice' and still can't play the game i payed for...
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