Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

My account was suspended

  • Sarakash
    I did, too. No response, nothing. An automated system suspends your account and the custommer support just doesn´t help you.
  • norm_voshall
    Pjlietz, I wrote a very "sharp" email back to Evan. Another GM actually called me, talked to me on the phone for a good 45 minutes about everything and escalated my issue. She also said she would keep me updated on the status, asked what times she could call me, promised to call me back when anything changed involving my case. She also said that when my account was restored she would contact me to let me know what happened and if any game time (or something) would be granted by the powers that be. She did an AMAZING job. Hopefully, the rest of the process goes quickly.
    “We repeat again: strength of character does not consist solely in having powerful feelings, but in maintaining one’s balance in spite of them. Even with the violence of emotion, judgment and principle must still function like a ship’s compass, which records the slightest variations however rough the sea.”
    ― Carl von Clausewitz
  • pjlietz
    Norm, if you don't mind please let me know what happens, even by PM. I'd be interested to hear. The guy I got on the phone was stoned out of his mind lol and no help. Then the email that it was fixed didn't really help because it wasn't lol.
  • norm_voshall
    Will do.
    “We repeat again: strength of character does not consist solely in having powerful feelings, but in maintaining one’s balance in spite of them. Even with the violence of emotion, judgment and principle must still function like a ship’s compass, which records the slightest variations however rough the sea.”
    ― Carl von Clausewitz
  • vontariel
    Please, write openly. There are many people who are in same/similar situation, yet they're in complete darkness atm.
  • Saint_JiubB14_ESO
    if it was for falling through a world then it accidentally suspended you for spamming chat. CS should fix it. otherwise follow the process. 'bout all you can do.
    You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.

    Winston Churchill
  • vontariel
    Problem is, I've already submitted 2 mail tickets, 1 call ticket. And it's ~20h waiting for response from CS.
  • norm_voshall
    if it was for falling through a world then it accidentally suspended you for spamming chat. CS should fix it. otherwise follow the process. 'bout all you can do.

    You're right. It SHOULD be easier for an innocent player to get their account reactivated. Unfortunately, the current situation is that innocent players are having to jump through a considerable amount of hoops in order to get any assistance from ZOS. Part of the issue that I see is that a good portion of their Customer Service people feel you are Guilty until their Appeals Department proves you innocent. This is a great way to drive away players in a time when your game's future is uncertain.
    “We repeat again: strength of character does not consist solely in having powerful feelings, but in maintaining one’s balance in spite of them. Even with the violence of emotion, judgment and principle must still function like a ship’s compass, which records the slightest variations however rough the sea.”
    ― Carl von Clausewitz
  • magoth
    Same problem here I had connection problems and my account suspended dawned.
    I opened up ticket but nothing yet.
    Edited by magoth on April 18, 2014 3:38PM
  • pjlietz
    I have filed 5 tickets and still nothing. Getting ready for a charge back i guess. Can't justify 80 bucks for a game then 15 a month for a game with no support...
  • vontariel
    For me it's already past 24h mark since first ticket. Still waiting for ANY response.

    After this comment, i received a badge for 10th comment. Yay...If responses from support would come same fast...
    Edited by vontariel on April 18, 2014 5:55PM
  • AryaWythers
    What's obvious is that their customer service doesn't care or doesn't want to help players. After sending in the requested files I got an email from Evan saying that my account was deactivated due to "behavior related to my account." And that was it. Didn't tell me what said behavior was, didn't tell me who I could contact to correct the situation, didn't tell me how long the "deactivation" would last or if it was permanent. Just, oh, we banned your account, WARMEST REGARDS!

    I sent a reply asking for more information, this has since been unanswered. I've also been on hold to speak to phone customer service for 4 hours now.

    That happened to me cause I complained about gold buyers and their is an auto-mated banning system for chat. Took me over 24 hrs to get back in and the first response I got was same as yours and you have to wait 72 I don't type in chat unless I really need to

    *Make sure you ask that they escalate your ticket
    Edited by AryaWythers on April 18, 2014 5:56PM
  • kimika
    Are you sure you didn't do anything? I have a feeling some of these bans are related to the gold/ item copying that was going on
    Edited by kimika on April 18, 2014 5:56PM
    "insanity is just a state of mind" Hawkeye
  • Mefod
    And 24h for my too. I can't believe it =\

    Yesterday I report one of the gold spammers (got a mail from him), maybe it has to do something with that, I don't know...
  • vontariel
    @kimika‌ you know, as long we don't receive any info, we can only speculate. Furthermore, I dunno if anyone will be so low kind of person, to cheat, then cry for being punished.

    But speaking for myself - As far as i know, I DIDN'T copy any items, and I'M SURE I DIDN'T cheat in any way. I`ll post any info I`ll receive from support, because I`m sure that i'm innocent.

    EDIT: I just received answer:

    Hail and well met, brave one!

    This one deeply apologies for the curse placed upon your entrance into the realm of Tamriel. Your account was somehow caught up in a gold spamming scheme, but I've searched into your scroll history to find that you were involved in no such thing. I've lifted the ban on your account, and you should be free to enter Tamriel once again!

    Keep your blades sharp, friend.
    Elder Scrolls Support
    Edited by vontariel on April 18, 2014 6:46PM
  • kimika
    They might if they didn't know it was ban-able and or it happened to them on accident by placing gold in the bank and retrieving it later. As for people who cry about being punished for wrong doing look at league of legends or apb.
    "insanity is just a state of mind" Hawkeye
  • Mefod
    Lol, got unbanned right away :)

    But still have no idea WHY it happened.
  • templar_von_midgard
    I'm happy to at least see your accounts unbanned!
    Have a good time playing!

    EDIT: forgot to type in "see" /facepalm
    Edited by templar_von_midgard on April 18, 2014 8:36PM
  • PointMaid
    I got kicked offline. I went to log back in and got a message that my login information was incorrect. I hit F1 to "view account" and it appears I have been suspended from the site, and can't view it. I have done absolutely nothing to deserve this, I'm just an old American lady who likes to play MMO's (which is why I made it into Namira's beta, I believe...)

    I requested customer support by phone... Still waiting...

    Hope I wasn't hacked...
  • toniettidiegob16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Same here, i'm suspended and dont know why...
  • norm_voshall
    kimika wrote: »
    Are you sure you didn't do anything? I have a feeling some of these bans are related to the gold/ item copying that was going on

    Getting really tired of people making wild accusations on these two threads. That's like asking someone who was in a car accident, "Are you sure you didn't swerve in to oncoming traffic while speeding and talking on your cell phone? Cause...I know I wasn't there, have no background in driving investigations, and don't have ANY knowledge of what happened to you but, you were probably guilty, so I thought I should add a comment."

    Yes Kimika, I'm sure I didn't do anything. Why am I sure of this, probably because I just received an email apologizing for the error and saying that I did not in fact violate any terms of service. They reactivated my account and thanks me for my patience. Please stop trolling people in the Customer Support forum who are having issues. You provide no assistance and add nothing to this thread.

    Truth be told, I am still pissed off it happened and I still expect some form of compensation.

    To PJ and everyone else who was unjustly banned I can only tell you to make your extreme displeasure known in a return email to CS. Also, ask to speak to a department head. For a little justification, two of my very good friends are writers for major online gaming media and both of them have been reading over these posts and a story should be coming out in a day or two about Zenimax's treatment of players.
    “We repeat again: strength of character does not consist solely in having powerful feelings, but in maintaining one’s balance in spite of them. Even with the violence of emotion, judgment and principle must still function like a ship’s compass, which records the slightest variations however rough the sea.”
    ― Carl von Clausewitz
  • Corlantis
    Soul Shriven
    Same here. Suspended from site and can't log in. No email or feedback as to why. I figured my account was hacked.

    Submitted ticket and waiting for response.
  • xizors_b16_ESO
    Same than everyone else...

    Please guys fix this issue (and by the way help me by explaining me the reasons of my ban and when my account will be reactivated!)

    thank you
  • wjsmith2040
    Same happening to me and my wife's account we don't cheat or hack or spam or buy gold or anything we just play together don't even really talk to anyone else.
  • Silverose0
    Soul Shriven
    I had exactly the same issue as OP. When I tried to log in to the game, it told me that my account information was incorrect. When I tried to log into my account on-line, it told me that my account was suspended. I have filed support tickets. The game wasn't particularly cheap, then not being able to access it is frustrating.
  • Zeitpunkt
    Happend to me too, Log in had an "ERROR" and couldnt log into my Account anymore because of "suspended". Well after nearly over a Week with the Bankslot bug, where i lost alot stuff, my bankspace and money i am nearly done with ESO.

    Lets see what they do about my Ticket and how long it takes them, if too long i wont play anymore, I normaly have alot patience, but in in my over 20 Years of MMO experience this never happen once.

    Well or well

    EDIT: Would love to play this Weekend, my Ticket (140418 - 060814 ) if you have a chance to look into this.
    Edited by Zeitpunkt on April 18, 2014 9:37PM
  • Zpyder
    Soul Shriven
    I just had this happen to me, was playing and then suddenly booted. Multiple attempts to login with the response of 'Incorrect Information' led me to the site where I got the suspension message. What boggles me, is what I could have done to get auto-banned. I'm pretty much a solo player, wasn't even chatting in guild let alone zone for quite some time - and definitely wasn't mailing or selling/buying items via COD. Maybe if you're too quiet the auto-banners don't like it either?

    EDIT: If the mods are watching, I have logged a ticket (140418-060922) if you get a chance to look at it, would appreciate it. Thanks.
    Edited by Zpyder on April 18, 2014 9:20PM
  • onecoin
    Soul Shriven
    I guess this has been happening for longer than i expected but i just got suspended/ban for no reason sent them a ticket been calling them all day no answer, this is insane ,how they just ban people with out any reason. paid the physical Imperial Edition over $100 UDS and i get ban/suspended wtf, I need some answer's Zenimax!
  • JBayot
    oh man, i just got suspended/ban. i send it my ticket i thought i was gonna level this weekend. this is not fun
    Edited by JBayot on April 18, 2014 9:33PM
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