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I HATE fragments system

  • Rave the Histborn
    Rave the Histborn
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Starlock wrote: »
    Welcome to ESO in 2020 - where players must pay to win event rewards instead of just playing the game to earn them!

    Paid zero for the fragments. Completed both this morning. Spent event tickets on the berries. Have a base Indirik ready to evolve and enough feathers for another base one. I had to spend the event tickets I earned on fragments because I was going to lose tickets and with 2 days of tickets left I am still going to end up losing tickets with nothing to spend them on.

    Everything was entirely doable with even the slightest amount of effort. I farmed extra boxes while doing the Rescuer achievement. Completed the fragments and that achievement at the same time.

    With a little bit of effort? As if all it takes is work to obtain all the things needed to max out your spending of tickets? I don't know why you are claiming things that cannot be true, but you are. It's RNG, it has very little to do with effort. It's not as if your chances are 1 out of 100 and you do something 100 times and you get a part, RNG means you have a 1 out of 100 chance each time, so you could do something a million times and it never drops.

    You claimed to have had enough tickets to spend event tickets on berries, enough feathers for another base Indrik, spent tickets on fragments and have 12 tickets so the next two days you are wasting tickets.

    I'm calling you out, no way, not possible to purchase all you have claimed, let me explain why.

    35 tickets for the momento total

    35 tickets for the pet total

    40 tickets for all feathers for a base indrik total.

    40 tickets for berries to evolve a base indrik total.

    All added up, that equals 150 tickets total.

    You can only earn a total of 39 tickets during this event.

    150 - 39 = 111 ticket deficit, you are 111 tickets short of what you claim

    Oh yeah, and I forgot, you said you have max tickets and will wast the last two days so that means you have 12 extra tickets extra

    111 + 12 = 123 ticket deficit. To purchase and accomplish everything you have claimed, you would have had to make an extra 123 tickets that nobody else has access to this event.

    When you claim something that cannot possibly be true, on a thread intended to express how the community feels about this event, you harm all of us. You are not being honest, and for what reason I cannot even imagine. It serves no purpose at all to claim things that cannot possibly be true, so why?


    You do realize that you don't need to purchase tickets for all that stuff right? You can get the mementos from strong boxes so it doesnt cost anywhere close to the amount of tickets you're talking about.

    Hahaha, really? Wow, thank you so much for stating the obvious.

    If you bothered to read the rest of the posts, you would realize that I talked about it already. I was making a point. You would serve your own posts much better if you simply stopped cherry picking what was said in a post, specially when you take comments out of context, and then nit picked or argued on cherry picked points.

    And come on, do you really just drive by post like it seems? Or do you ever actually engage in meaningful discussion?

    I read through and generally try to respond to what isn't so dumb it's not worth responding to. If you think I'm cherry picking what you say the there's a reason for it.

    Yes, just a little bit of effort. I'm sure it sounds insane to you because then it doesn't give you anything to post about on here to tell us "ZOS man bad" but it really isn't. He said he already has the base indrik and enough feathers (as in he has them in fragments already, he didnt buy them) for another one so I'm not sure why you're counting them at all in this.

    For someone that is accusing me of cherry picking my answers you dont even seem to read other people's posts before you respond. Maybe do that next time? It seems to be a recurring problem I encounter on the forums.
  • Agalloch
    Please , no more indriks and useless pets!

    Make events that reward something useful!

  • Tigerseye
    barney2525 wrote: »
    I got one ... of the seven .... required to make a blob of goo pet

    If Zos thinks I am going to Buy the rest of the fragments with tickets, Zos devs have completely lost their minds



    I got none. xD

    So far, I am one fragment short of the gravestake momento, with 0 fragments for the blob.
  • virtus753
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    virtus753 wrote: »
    Cavedog wrote: »
    It's mystifying to me why these fragments aren't made trade'able and marketable. That way everyone can get them by buying them if they missed them and we can trade among friends for ones we don't have.

    Ya, they designed this poorly in my opinion.

    It’s about marketing. If they were tradeable, then we could easily get them all without having to resort to the crown store to buy tickets. Now both tickets and fragments are RNG-based, resulting in many more holes to fall through, and Support uses RNG as an excuse not to help.

    Mystifying for a company that has traditionally offered a choice between spending time or spending money. Not so mystifying for a company that wants to make spending time alone not enough...

    But we do have the choice between spending time and spending money. The people that spend the most time on the game came into the event only needing the berry, likely with leftover tickets from the previous event.

    Between items I had from boxes and fragments I bought, I was down to 3 memento fragments missing this morning. Then I got 2 of them in my daily box. So I have 3 days to get the last one, or spend 5 of the 12 tickets I'll have by the end of the event to buy it if I really want to.

    And I'd never buy a ticket from the store. I only spent time.

    It’s not possible to have come into this event needing only the berry if you intend to collect everything, as the memento and pet have never been available before either. It’s also not possible to *guarantee* that someone will get all the fragments thanks to RNG, which is what I mean by spending time no longer being a truly viable alternative to spending money. If RNG is good to you, you need not spend a dime; but how do you guarantee RNG? That’s not a choice.

    Here’s the absolute best case scenario: someone comes in with 12 tickets, earns 39, and buys the berry (10) plus 8 fragments (40), leaving only 1 ticket going into next event. In that case, that person would need 6 fragments to drop from the boxes. Impossible? Of course not. But *still subject to RNG* — even in that best case. And that’s my point. You’re not guaranteed any fragments at all, as far as we’re aware, and you’re certainly not guaranteed 6 or more. Farming extra boxes has been a monumental waste of my time, I can say, and it sounds much the same for others as well. It’s not a viable option here to make up for the luck of the draw.

    Then we have to think of how many players will not be in that best case scenario, whether through something avoidable or not. I’d venture to guess most don’t come in with 12 tickets, often because they’ve been spending them on previous events. Some players are new and have just started. Some are catching up on feathers and berries, whether because they joined later or don’t have DLC or missed events. Some people missed days because of the redownload of the whole game, reducing their number of tickets and boxes. Others have had their tickets and boxes bug out and can’t get the help they need because support agents are using RNG as an excuse not to provide actual support. Considering how many players in this thread alone have reported a relatively low drop rate on fragments, combined with reports from guildmates, I anticipate that quite a lot of people in the grand scheme of things are having a hard time getting enough drops. That’s very clearly by design. When you’re just a couple fragments shy at the end of the event, it puts immense pressure on you to buy those last few tickets. They’re counting on RNG to put a lot of people in that situation.

    Keep in mind too that some players will want to try to stock up for next event so they don’t get caught in a similar situation where they’re strapped for tickets because of RNG and untradable rewards. (We don’t know for sure what’s coming up next. The fourth berry and the sovereign sow pieces, I’d bet, but since there were 14 fragments offered this event and there are many fewer sow pieces, I think it’s a distinct possibility other items will be offered at the Impresario as a ticket sink.) If we spend all our tickets now, but next event requires us to have saved them to avoid the crown store, we’re not in a viable position.

    My point is that the setup of this event makes it actually RNG-dependent for *all* players whether they will be able to acquire the event-locked items before it ends without resorting to the crown store. (And gold-for-crowns counts, because someone has to buy it for crowns in the end.) That’s by calculated design.

    If you find yourself able to get everything with tickets and box drops, congratulations. I mean that. But it’s due at least as much to RNG as to your own planning and time investment, and that’s what the issue is. RNG has the final say in whether we have to spend money to finish these collections now, whereas in previous events we could always just spend more time farming to earn the rewards. When literally no one in the player base can guarantee themselves the rewards just by putting in the time, that’s no longer a viable choice between spending time and spending money. That’s spending time in the hopes of not spending money but not actually having true control over the situation — unless one is willing to open one’s wallet.

    I hope you do get the last piece in a box, so you can keep your tickets for next event. But that too will be up to RNG to decide.
  • Tigerseye
    jaws343 wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Starlock wrote: »
    Welcome to ESO in 2020 - where players must pay to win event rewards instead of just playing the game to earn them!

    Paid zero for the fragments. Completed both this morning. Spent event tickets on the berries. Have a base Indirik ready to evolve and enough feathers for another base one. I had to spend the event tickets I earned on fragments because I was going to lose tickets and with 2 days of tickets left I am still going to end up losing tickets with nothing to spend them on.

    Everything was entirely doable with even the slightest amount of effort. I farmed extra boxes while doing the Rescuer achievement. Completed the fragments and that achievement at the same time.

    Good rng =/= effort. I'm glad that you're lucky, but half of my boxes didnt drop any parts, and some of them were borderline insulting (25 worms and 250 gold item).

    Time spent in the zone increases your chance to gain boxes. Killing and looting nodes as you go does too. Too many players during this event are just running past everything and then complaining that rng isn't treating them well. Again, I did this in the time it took to do the Rescuer challenge. A current achievement that requires running around Murkmire. The whole intent of the event is to spend time in the zone. Doing enough to get the first box and moving on isn't gonna cut it.

    I think, with literally 0 fragments for the pet, at this stage, having done the event every single day, by doing all 3 dailies there (and by today, doing someone else's quests as well), that qualifies as genuinely bad RNG.

    I'm not someone who rushes, when I'm on my own, either.

    I kill a few extra things, on the way to things and stop to gather nodes (when there are any!).

    No, I'm not hanging around in Murkmire, all day, but I'm there enough to get more than 0, surely?

    Fortunately, I'm not that bothered about the pet, but if I was, I would be pretty disappointed, by now.
    Edited by Tigerseye on March 2, 2020 9:23AM
  • Minyassa
    I do too. I would much rather have something tradeable. I feel like this was done to try to force people to buy tickets instead of trading with other players.
  • Tigerseye
    Greevir wrote: »
    It's really easy to get all the things you wanted. Just buy event tickets from the Crown Store. It's the best way to avoid the disappointment of the drop rates. I'm sure it wasn't intended that way, though...


    This is the bottom line, for me:

    1. I'm not paying for something I only like a little bit.
    2. I'm not paying for something I also worked to get, in the game. Especially as the total Crowns required, if you got 0 fragments (and needed to also buy berries), would be totally ridiculous for a blob of slime (even if you loved it). :lol:

    It would be one thing if you just decided to skip the entire event, but really wanted a blob of slime pet, so could buy it for the same amount as other regular (i.e. not Crown Crate) pets.

    But, the fact that you can dutifully go to the area and get your strongbox, every single day and then still, potentially, have to pay way over the odds to get a pet, other people got for free, is insane.
    Edited by Tigerseye on March 2, 2020 10:01AM
  • EmpressMeg
    I am of two minds on these events.

    Part of me, like many have stated here, hates the grind for no real rewards- the strongboxes have been mostly "treasure" trash. Stuff you wouldn't loot if you were stealing (I mean borrowing :P) for profit. The wayshrine access is poor, the random ticket drops ( instead of dropping on a first boss kill) is silly and for some frustrating, and the fragment/mementos don't really do anything for me. I don't want them, but I know personally some people do and have gone out of their way to get them.

    The other side of me enjoys something slightly different in my routine when I log in, basically the addition of different dailies to break up that daily grind. The 2x tribal crates have been welcomed and I spend alot of my mat farming time collecting double mats. Not that Murkmire is the best place for that but the farmer in me is still drawn to that marshy area outside Lilmoth.

    As for memento/pet collectables not being tradeable. I suppose I am thankful that they cannot clog up my inventory or bank the way the apple bobbing nonsense does. However, again for those that want the little blob pet and have to pay to get it via tickets if their RNG is bad, then I feel for them.

    Why are we still collecting berries for indriks? Are those local to Skyrim too?

    NA, PC @EmpressMeg
  • huntgod_ESO
    So I am currently 2 fragments short for the pet, I came into the event with 9 tickets, bought the berry and have gotten a few fragment drops but have had to purchase most of them. I have 5 tickets at the moment, so I barring a miracle and getting a fragment tomorrow (I am currently on 6 days with no fragments in a row) I will end up 2 tickets short of getting the last piece of the pet and that is utter crap.

    If they wanted to do RNG, it needed to be a drop, that is tradeable, if they are going to do it as fragments then it should be a guaranteed drop.
    --- HuntGod ---
    Officer of the Unrepentant
  • GenjiraX
    So I am currently 2 fragments short for the pet, I came into the event with 9 tickets, bought the berry and have gotten a few fragment drops but have had to purchase most of them. I have 5 tickets at the moment, so I barring a miracle and getting a fragment tomorrow (I am currently on 6 days with no fragments in a row) I will end up 2 tickets short of getting the last piece of the pet and that is utter crap.

    If they wanted to do RNG, it needed to be a drop, that is tradeable, if they are going to do it as fragments then it should be a guaranteed drop.

    Yes, although the fragments system would work (for me at least) if the pet was guaranteed to be available in next year's Murkmire event as fragments take no inventory space and can just sit there for a year.

    I'm also two fragments short for the pet, including spending my ten event tickets today on two fragments. If I get a fragment tomorrow along with my three event tickets, I'll tut and spend 500 crowns to get the last fragment. If I don't, I shan't be spending 1,750 for seven events tickets.
  • BackStabeth
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Starlock wrote: »
    Welcome to ESO in 2020 - where players must pay to win event rewards instead of just playing the game to earn them!

    Paid zero for the fragments. Completed both this morning. Spent event tickets on the berries. Have a base Indirik ready to evolve and enough feathers for another base one. I had to spend the event tickets I earned on fragments because I was going to lose tickets and with 2 days of tickets left I am still going to end up losing tickets with nothing to spend them on.

    Everything was entirely doable with even the slightest amount of effort. I farmed extra boxes while doing the Rescuer achievement. Completed the fragments and that achievement at the same time.

    With a little bit of effort? As if all it takes is work to obtain all the things needed to max out your spending of tickets? I don't know why you are claiming things that cannot be true, but you are. It's RNG, it has very little to do with effort. It's not as if your chances are 1 out of 100 and you do something 100 times and you get a part, RNG means you have a 1 out of 100 chance each time, so you could do something a million times and it never drops.

    You claimed to have had enough tickets to spend event tickets on berries, enough feathers for another base Indrik, spent tickets on fragments and have 12 tickets so the next two days you are wasting tickets.

    I'm calling you out, no way, not possible to purchase all you have claimed, let me explain why.

    35 tickets for the momento total Minus any pieces that dropped for you, in my case, 6 pieces, so I only spent 5 tickets on that

    35 tickets for the pet total Again, minus any pieces that dropped. I don't remember how many, but I think I bought 4 pieces, so I spent 20 tickets on that

    40 tickets for all feathers for a base indrik total. I came in to the event with a full nascent indrik and 4 feathers, so 0 tickets for this (it's no longer possible to buy more feathers in advance) - 0 tickets

    40 tickets for berries to evolve a base indrik total. There are only 3 berries available so far. I came into the event with 2 berries and 8 leftover tickets, so 2 tickets for this

    All added up, that equals 150 tickets total. In my case, that adds up to 27

    You can only earn a total of 39 tickets during this event.

    150 - 39 = 111 ticket deficit, you are 111 tickets short of what you claim In my case 27-39 = 12 leftover tickets for the next event

    Oh yeah, and I forgot, you said you have max tickets and will wast the last two days so that means you have 12 extra tickets extra

    111 + 12 = 123 ticket deficit. To purchase and accomplish everything you have claimed, you would have had to make an extra 123 tickets that nobody else has access to this event.

    When you claim something that cannot possibly be true, on a thread intended to express how the community feels about this event, you harm all of us. You are not being honest, and for what reason I cannot even imagine. It serves no purpose at all to claim things that cannot possibly be true, so why?


    Please check your math against the fact that events have been going on for a year and a half by now. People have bought feathers and berries before the event started.

    Read what the person I responded to stated, "Everything was entirely doable with even the slightest amount of effort" Everything was entirely doable, as if all those things were doable during this event.

    "Paid zero for the fragments. Completed both this morning. Spent event tickets on the berries"

    Not possible

    If he had so many tickets left over from a previous event, any previous event, that means he didn't get all the items from previous events. Do you understand that? That would totally negate his comments on that basis alone.

    When your intent is to argue the other side, you automatically disregard any information contrary to the point you want to make unless you make an effort to consider everything. Keeping an open mind is not an easy thing to do when your intent is disprove someone else.

    Going by what the person I responded to stated, there is no possible way he could do all he claimed, even if he got a fragment every single day, and came into the event with 12 tickets from the last event. He even admitted he spent tickets on fragments so as not to lose them, so he didn't get a drop every day.

    Do the math, figure it out, is it possible to get 14 fragments in 13 days, nope. Is it possible to get 7 fragments for a momento or pet, yes it is, is it probably, again no it isn't. Some people might but it's very rare.

    When people state things that are not true, and assert they are, it harms the community as a whole, it's easy for ZoS to allow these misconceptions to continue so they don't have to fix the issues we their customers and players have with the way they do these events. So the only way to combat incorrect and wrong information is to call those people who promote it out on their statements that are untrue and misleading. Every time!
  • redlink1979
    Problem with frag sys was huge at Witches Fest where players could get spare parts for the cauldron memento - parts which were bound to account so, players can't form box, can't trade sell or give parts away.
    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"
    • Sons of the Night Mother [PS5][EU] 2165 CP
    • Daggerfall's Mightiest [PS5][NA] 1910 CP
    • SweetTrolls [PC][EU] 1950 CP
    • Bacon Rats [PC][NA] 1850 CP
  • jaws343
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Starlock wrote: »
    Welcome to ESO in 2020 - where players must pay to win event rewards instead of just playing the game to earn them!

    Paid zero for the fragments. Completed both this morning. Spent event tickets on the berries. Have a base Indirik ready to evolve and enough feathers for another base one. I had to spend the event tickets I earned on fragments because I was going to lose tickets and with 2 days of tickets left I am still going to end up losing tickets with nothing to spend them on.

    Everything was entirely doable with even the slightest amount of effort. I farmed extra boxes while doing the Rescuer achievement. Completed the fragments and that achievement at the same time.

    With a little bit of effort? As if all it takes is work to obtain all the things needed to max out your spending of tickets? I don't know why you are claiming things that cannot be true, but you are. It's RNG, it has very little to do with effort. It's not as if your chances are 1 out of 100 and you do something 100 times and you get a part, RNG means you have a 1 out of 100 chance each time, so you could do something a million times and it never drops.

    You claimed to have had enough tickets to spend event tickets on berries, enough feathers for another base Indrik, spent tickets on fragments and have 12 tickets so the next two days you are wasting tickets.

    I'm calling you out, no way, not possible to purchase all you have claimed, let me explain why.

    35 tickets for the momento total Minus any pieces that dropped for you, in my case, 6 pieces, so I only spent 5 tickets on that

    35 tickets for the pet total Again, minus any pieces that dropped. I don't remember how many, but I think I bought 4 pieces, so I spent 20 tickets on that

    40 tickets for all feathers for a base indrik total. I came in to the event with a full nascent indrik and 4 feathers, so 0 tickets for this (it's no longer possible to buy more feathers in advance) - 0 tickets

    40 tickets for berries to evolve a base indrik total. There are only 3 berries available so far. I came into the event with 2 berries and 8 leftover tickets, so 2 tickets for this

    All added up, that equals 150 tickets total. In my case, that adds up to 27

    You can only earn a total of 39 tickets during this event.

    150 - 39 = 111 ticket deficit, you are 111 tickets short of what you claim In my case 27-39 = 12 leftover tickets for the next event

    Oh yeah, and I forgot, you said you have max tickets and will wast the last two days so that means you have 12 extra tickets extra

    111 + 12 = 123 ticket deficit. To purchase and accomplish everything you have claimed, you would have had to make an extra 123 tickets that nobody else has access to this event.

    When you claim something that cannot possibly be true, on a thread intended to express how the community feels about this event, you harm all of us. You are not being honest, and for what reason I cannot even imagine. It serves no purpose at all to claim things that cannot possibly be true, so why?


    Please check your math against the fact that events have been going on for a year and a half by now. People have bought feathers and berries before the event started.

    Read what the person I responded to stated, "Everything was entirely doable with even the slightest amount of effort" Everything was entirely doable, as if all those things were doable during this event.

    "Paid zero for the fragments. Completed both this morning. Spent event tickets on the berries"

    Not possible

    If he had so many tickets left over from a previous event, any previous event, that means he didn't get all the items from previous events. Do you understand that? That would totally negate his comments on that basis alone.

    When your intent is to argue the other side, you automatically disregard any information contrary to the point you want to make unless you make an effort to consider everything. Keeping an open mind is not an easy thing to do when your intent is disprove someone else.

    Going by what the person I responded to stated, there is no possible way he could do all he claimed, even if he got a fragment every single day, and came into the event with 12 tickets from the last event. He even admitted he spent tickets on fragments so as not to lose them, so he didn't get a drop every day.

    Do the math, figure it out, is it possible to get 14 fragments in 13 days, nope. Is it possible to get 7 fragments for a momento or pet, yes it is, is it probably, again no it isn't. Some people might but it's very rare.

    When people state things that are not true, and assert they are, it harms the community as a whole, it's easy for ZoS to allow these misconceptions to continue so they don't have to fix the issues we their customers and players have with the way they do these events. So the only way to combat incorrect and wrong information is to call those people who promote it out on their statements that are untrue and misleading. Every time!

    You can make all the assumptions you want. But I have gotten every item from every event without spending real money on tickets. For most events, I even miss the last day of tickets because I can't be bothered to log in Mondays before work. I even missed around 3 days of tickets from that juicy 5 ticket New Life Festival in Dec while on vacation.

    Now, what this means is that I spend my tickets wisely each event to make sure that I can buy every feather and berry first, then the pets. Then I spend gold, usually earned during the events, to buy any missing pieces of fragments or motifs from other events that I was unable to earn through drops.

    So yes, I came into this event with All available indrik evolutions, including the base indrik. All 4 feathers for another base indrik evolution. And the 2 berries for the new evolution. As well as 10 tickets.

    Day one of the event I bought the third berry. And since there was nothing else in the vendor to buy other than the fragments, I was forced to buy 2 fragments a few days into the event.

    And yes, by Saturday morning, I had both the pet and the memento complete. Saying that it isn't possible is the lie. And by Sunday I was past 12 tickets. Which means that once the next event rolls around, I will have my new indrik evolution right away, the base indrik again, and depending on what is in the vendor, the start of new feathers just in case there are more evolutions.
  • kojou
    I play what I want to play regardless of the event... If it happens to overlap and I get something extra then great.
    Playing since beta...
  • FierceSam
    Managed to get a snot pet I didn’t really want and don’t care about. Might get the memento depending on luck but I don’t really care about that either - I know I will never use it.

    Hated the random drop mechanic, hate the RNG element, hate the fact that you can’t trade duplicates. I’d rather have the deluge of companion motifs we got in last year’s anniversary and have to clean them from guild banks for the next few months than have untradeable ones that practically ensure that many, many players will leave the event empty-handed.

    So overall happy to get the f out of Murkmire and never go back. Nothing good to be said about this event.
  • DaveMoeDee
    I like fragments. I like not having to waste inventory slots. I am also not concerned about getting things. I probably did well with my drop rate (9 drops so far, 6 were pet) and I have an excess of tickets so I went ahead and bought the last pet fragment, but I also would have been fine waiting for the next Murkmire event to finish things.

    Then again, I find it to be a pretty bad pet.
  • AlnilamE
    Arunei wrote: »
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    Please check your math against the fact that events have been going on for a year and a half by now. People have bought feathers and berries before the event started.
    Please keep in mind that there are new or newer players who may not have had ANY Feathers or Berries coming into this event, and that it's not just people who already have those fragments playing the game.

    Yes, but in that case those players have a couple of choices to make:

    1. Do they want the spectral indrik? If yes, the first priority should be to buy at least 2 of the berries.
    2. Do they want both the pet and the memento? Do they want them both this year? If yes, you will have to pray for good RNG because on top of the berries you won't be able to buy both with tickets.

    Feathers are always available. And so far all items that were present in previous events showed up the year after, with the exception of the berries. So new players have the option of being patient or spending money.
    virtus753 wrote: »
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    virtus753 wrote: »
    Cavedog wrote: »
    It's mystifying to me why these fragments aren't made trade'able and marketable. That way everyone can get them by buying them if they missed them and we can trade among friends for ones we don't have.

    Ya, they designed this poorly in my opinion.

    It’s about marketing. If they were tradeable, then we could easily get them all without having to resort to the crown store to buy tickets. Now both tickets and fragments are RNG-based, resulting in many more holes to fall through, and Support uses RNG as an excuse not to help.

    Mystifying for a company that has traditionally offered a choice between spending time or spending money. Not so mystifying for a company that wants to make spending time alone not enough...

    But we do have the choice between spending time and spending money. The people that spend the most time on the game came into the event only needing the berry, likely with leftover tickets from the previous event.

    Between items I had from boxes and fragments I bought, I was down to 3 memento fragments missing this morning. Then I got 2 of them in my daily box. So I have 3 days to get the last one, or spend 5 of the 12 tickets I'll have by the end of the event to buy it if I really want to.

    And I'd never buy a ticket from the store. I only spent time.

    It’s not possible to have come into this event needing only the berry if you intend to collect everything, as the memento and pet have never been available before either. It’s also not possible to *guarantee* that someone will get all the fragments thanks to RNG, which is what I mean by spending time no longer being a truly viable alternative to spending money. If RNG is good to you, you need not spend a dime; but how do you guarantee RNG? That’s not a choice.

    Here’s the absolute best case scenario: someone comes in with 12 tickets, earns 39, and buys the berry (10) plus 8 fragments (40), leaving only 1 ticket going into next event. In that case, that person would need 6 fragments to drop from the boxes. Impossible? Of course not. But *still subject to RNG* — even in that best case. And that’s my point. You’re not guaranteed any fragments at all, as far as we’re aware, and you’re certainly not guaranteed 6 or more. Farming extra boxes has been a monumental waste of my time, I can say, and it sounds much the same for others as well. It’s not a viable option here to make up for the luck of the draw.

    Then we have to think of how many players will not be in that best case scenario, whether through something avoidable or not. I’d venture to guess most don’t come in with 12 tickets, often because they’ve been spending them on previous events. Some players are new and have just started. Some are catching up on feathers and berries, whether because they joined later or don’t have DLC or missed events. Some people missed days because of the redownload of the whole game, reducing their number of tickets and boxes. Others have had their tickets and boxes bug out and can’t get the help they need because support agents are using RNG as an excuse not to provide actual support. Considering how many players in this thread alone have reported a relatively low drop rate on fragments, combined with reports from guildmates, I anticipate that quite a lot of people in the grand scheme of things are having a hard time getting enough drops. That’s very clearly by design. When you’re just a couple fragments shy at the end of the event, it puts immense pressure on you to buy those last few tickets. They’re counting on RNG to put a lot of people in that situation.

    Keep in mind too that some players will want to try to stock up for next event so they don’t get caught in a similar situation where they’re strapped for tickets because of RNG and untradable rewards. (We don’t know for sure what’s coming up next. The fourth berry and the sovereign sow pieces, I’d bet, but since there were 14 fragments offered this event and there are many fewer sow pieces, I think it’s a distinct possibility other items will be offered at the Impresario as a ticket sink.) If we spend all our tickets now, but next event requires us to have saved them to avoid the crown store, we’re not in a viable position.

    My point is that the setup of this event makes it actually RNG-dependent for *all* players whether they will be able to acquire the event-locked items before it ends without resorting to the crown store. (And gold-for-crowns counts, because someone has to buy it for crowns in the end.) That’s by calculated design.

    If you find yourself able to get everything with tickets and box drops, congratulations. I mean that. But it’s due at least as much to RNG as to your own planning and time investment, and that’s what the issue is. RNG has the final say in whether we have to spend money to finish these collections now, whereas in previous events we could always just spend more time farming to earn the rewards. When literally no one in the player base can guarantee themselves the rewards just by putting in the time, that’s no longer a viable choice between spending time and spending money. That’s spending time in the hopes of not spending money but not actually having true control over the situation — unless one is willing to open one’s wallet.

    I hope you do get the last piece in a box, so you can keep your tickets for next event. But that too will be up to RNG to decide.

    Again, if they want everything that's at the vendor and don't want to wait till next year, let them buy tickets. If not, the fragments will be back next year, along with whatever new thing will be at the event.
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Starlock wrote: »
    Welcome to ESO in 2020 - where players must pay to win event rewards instead of just playing the game to earn them!

    Paid zero for the fragments. Completed both this morning. Spent event tickets on the berries. Have a base Indirik ready to evolve and enough feathers for another base one. I had to spend the event tickets I earned on fragments because I was going to lose tickets and with 2 days of tickets left I am still going to end up losing tickets with nothing to spend them on.

    Everything was entirely doable with even the slightest amount of effort. I farmed extra boxes while doing the Rescuer achievement. Completed the fragments and that achievement at the same time.

    With a little bit of effort? As if all it takes is work to obtain all the things needed to max out your spending of tickets? I don't know why you are claiming things that cannot be true, but you are. It's RNG, it has very little to do with effort. It's not as if your chances are 1 out of 100 and you do something 100 times and you get a part, RNG means you have a 1 out of 100 chance each time, so you could do something a million times and it never drops.

    You claimed to have had enough tickets to spend event tickets on berries, enough feathers for another base Indrik, spent tickets on fragments and have 12 tickets so the next two days you are wasting tickets.

    I'm calling you out, no way, not possible to purchase all you have claimed, let me explain why.

    35 tickets for the momento total Minus any pieces that dropped for you, in my case, 6 pieces, so I only spent 5 tickets on that

    35 tickets for the pet total Again, minus any pieces that dropped. I don't remember how many, but I think I bought 4 pieces, so I spent 20 tickets on that

    40 tickets for all feathers for a base indrik total. I came in to the event with a full nascent indrik and 4 feathers, so 0 tickets for this (it's no longer possible to buy more feathers in advance) - 0 tickets

    40 tickets for berries to evolve a base indrik total. There are only 3 berries available so far. I came into the event with 2 berries and 8 leftover tickets, so 2 tickets for this

    All added up, that equals 150 tickets total. In my case, that adds up to 27

    You can only earn a total of 39 tickets during this event.

    150 - 39 = 111 ticket deficit, you are 111 tickets short of what you claim In my case 27-39 = 12 leftover tickets for the next event

    Oh yeah, and I forgot, you said you have max tickets and will wast the last two days so that means you have 12 extra tickets extra

    111 + 12 = 123 ticket deficit. To purchase and accomplish everything you have claimed, you would have had to make an extra 123 tickets that nobody else has access to this event.

    When you claim something that cannot possibly be true, on a thread intended to express how the community feels about this event, you harm all of us. You are not being honest, and for what reason I cannot even imagine. It serves no purpose at all to claim things that cannot possibly be true, so why?


    Please check your math against the fact that events have been going on for a year and a half by now. People have bought feathers and berries before the event started.

    Read what the person I responded to stated, "Everything was entirely doable with even the slightest amount of effort" Everything was entirely doable, as if all those things were doable during this event.

    "Paid zero for the fragments. Completed both this morning. Spent event tickets on the berries"

    Not possible

    If he had so many tickets left over from a previous event, any previous event, that means he didn't get all the items from previous events. Do you understand that? That would totally negate his comments on that basis alone.

    When your intent is to argue the other side, you automatically disregard any information contrary to the point you want to make unless you make an effort to consider everything. Keeping an open mind is not an easy thing to do when your intent is disprove someone else.

    Going by what the person I responded to stated, there is no possible way he could do all he claimed, even if he got a fragment every single day, and came into the event with 12 tickets from the last event. He even admitted he spent tickets on fragments so as not to lose them, so he didn't get a drop every day.

    Do the math, figure it out, is it possible to get 14 fragments in 13 days, nope. Is it possible to get 7 fragments for a momento or pet, yes it is, is it probably, again no it isn't. Some people might but it's very rare.

    When people state things that are not true, and assert they are, it harms the community as a whole, it's easy for ZoS to allow these misconceptions to continue so they don't have to fix the issues we their customers and players have with the way they do these events. So the only way to combat incorrect and wrong information is to call those people who promote it out on their statements that are untrue and misleading. Every time!

    Have you considered that maybe they didn't want the previous event stuff? Like, I'm a bit of a collector and I do collect the style pages, but I don't actually use outfit styles on any of my characters, so at the end of the day, it's not a big deal that I only got half of the ones from the previous event. They'll be back next year. When we'll again have more tickets than we can spend on mount stuff.
    The Moot Councillor
  • Starlock
    Greevir wrote: »
    It's really easy to get all the things you wanted. Just buy event tickets from the Crown Store. It's the best way to avoid the disappointment of the drop rates. I'm sure it wasn't intended that way, though...

    Oh, it was absolutely intended. The racketeers knew exactly what they were doing here - forcing most players to pay to win event rewards because unless one is extraordinarily fortunate it is impossible to get 1 feather, 1 berry, and both mementos by actually playing the game. That is absolutely why they made the fragments go into collectibles instantly. That is absolutely why they don’t allow us to trade fragments. They want to con people into the cash shop. And it’ll work. It’s a new low for Zenimax, but I’m sure they’ll do something worse before the year’s end if the pattern holds.
  • Cavedog
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Starlock wrote: »
    Welcome to ESO in 2020 - where players must pay to win event rewards instead of just playing the game to earn them!

    Paid zero for the fragments. Completed both this morning. Spent event tickets on the berries. Have a base Indirik ready to evolve and enough feathers for another base one. I had to spend the event tickets I earned on fragments because I was going to lose tickets and with 2 days of tickets left I am still going to end up losing tickets with nothing to spend them on.

    Everything was entirely doable with even the slightest amount of effort. I farmed extra boxes while doing the Rescuer achievement. Completed the fragments and that achievement at the same time.

    With a little bit of effort? As if all it takes is work to obtain all the things needed to max out your spending of tickets? I don't know why you are claiming things that cannot be true, but you are. It's RNG, it has very little to do with effort. It's not as if your chances are 1 out of 100 and you do something 100 times and you get a part, RNG means you have a 1 out of 100 chance each time, so you could do something a million times and it never drops.

    You claimed to have had enough tickets to spend event tickets on berries, enough feathers for another base Indrik, spent tickets on fragments and have 12 tickets so the next two days you are wasting tickets.

    I'm calling you out, no way, not possible to purchase all you have claimed, let me explain why.

    35 tickets for the momento total Minus any pieces that dropped for you, in my case, 6 pieces, so I only spent 5 tickets on that

    35 tickets for the pet total Again, minus any pieces that dropped. I don't remember how many, but I think I bought 4 pieces, so I spent 20 tickets on that

    40 tickets for all feathers for a base indrik total. I came in to the event with a full nascent indrik and 4 feathers, so 0 tickets for this (it's no longer possible to buy more feathers in advance) - 0 tickets

    40 tickets for berries to evolve a base indrik total. There are only 3 berries available so far. I came into the event with 2 berries and 8 leftover tickets, so 2 tickets for this

    All added up, that equals 150 tickets total. In my case, that adds up to 27

    You can only earn a total of 39 tickets during this event.

    150 - 39 = 111 ticket deficit, you are 111 tickets short of what you claim In my case 27-39 = 12 leftover tickets for the next event

    Oh yeah, and I forgot, you said you have max tickets and will wast the last two days so that means you have 12 extra tickets extra

    111 + 12 = 123 ticket deficit. To purchase and accomplish everything you have claimed, you would have had to make an extra 123 tickets that nobody else has access to this event.

    When you claim something that cannot possibly be true, on a thread intended to express how the community feels about this event, you harm all of us. You are not being honest, and for what reason I cannot even imagine. It serves no purpose at all to claim things that cannot possibly be true, so why?


    Please check your math against the fact that events have been going on for a year and a half by now. People have bought feathers and berries before the event started.

    Read what the person I responded to stated, "Everything was entirely doable with even the slightest amount of effort" Everything was entirely doable, as if all those things were doable during this event.

    "Paid zero for the fragments. Completed both this morning. Spent event tickets on the berries"

    Not possible

    If he had so many tickets left over from a previous event, any previous event, that means he didn't get all the items from previous events. Do you understand that? That would totally negate his comments on that basis alone.

    When your intent is to argue the other side, you automatically disregard any information contrary to the point you want to make unless you make an effort to consider everything. Keeping an open mind is not an easy thing to do when your intent is disprove someone else.

    Going by what the person I responded to stated, there is no possible way he could do all he claimed, even if he got a fragment every single day, and came into the event with 12 tickets from the last event. He even admitted he spent tickets on fragments so as not to lose them, so he didn't get a drop every day.

    Do the math, figure it out, is it possible to get 14 fragments in 13 days, nope. Is it possible to get 7 fragments for a momento or pet, yes it is, is it probably, again no it isn't. Some people might but it's very rare.

    When people state things that are not true, and assert they are, it harms the community as a whole, it's easy for ZoS to allow these misconceptions to continue so they don't have to fix the issues we their customers and players have with the way they do these events. So the only way to combat incorrect and wrong information is to call those people who promote it out on their statements that are untrue and misleading. Every time!

    You are not listening or comprehending or something. I got two fragments every day but one until I had them all. (two fragments in one gold box, earning only one gold box/day) It's another RNG nightmare from ZOS is what is happening. If you/we/I had everything going into this event, it was very easy to get everything IF RNG worked in your favor. I've had everything and a full rack of event tickets for three days now.

    It's RNG creating this situation and making the fragments not trade'able and sell'able that's creating the bottleneck and the frustration. It would be better if the fragments were worth very little and more people could get the rewards.
    Edited by Cavedog on March 2, 2020 3:56PM
  • Rave the Histborn
    Rave the Histborn
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Starlock wrote: »
    Welcome to ESO in 2020 - where players must pay to win event rewards instead of just playing the game to earn them!

    Paid zero for the fragments. Completed both this morning. Spent event tickets on the berries. Have a base Indirik ready to evolve and enough feathers for another base one. I had to spend the event tickets I earned on fragments because I was going to lose tickets and with 2 days of tickets left I am still going to end up losing tickets with nothing to spend them on.

    Everything was entirely doable with even the slightest amount of effort. I farmed extra boxes while doing the Rescuer achievement. Completed the fragments and that achievement at the same time.

    With a little bit of effort? As if all it takes is work to obtain all the things needed to max out your spending of tickets? I don't know why you are claiming things that cannot be true, but you are. It's RNG, it has very little to do with effort. It's not as if your chances are 1 out of 100 and you do something 100 times and you get a part, RNG means you have a 1 out of 100 chance each time, so you could do something a million times and it never drops.

    You claimed to have had enough tickets to spend event tickets on berries, enough feathers for another base Indrik, spent tickets on fragments and have 12 tickets so the next two days you are wasting tickets.

    I'm calling you out, no way, not possible to purchase all you have claimed, let me explain why.

    35 tickets for the momento total Minus any pieces that dropped for you, in my case, 6 pieces, so I only spent 5 tickets on that

    35 tickets for the pet total Again, minus any pieces that dropped. I don't remember how many, but I think I bought 4 pieces, so I spent 20 tickets on that

    40 tickets for all feathers for a base indrik total. I came in to the event with a full nascent indrik and 4 feathers, so 0 tickets for this (it's no longer possible to buy more feathers in advance) - 0 tickets

    40 tickets for berries to evolve a base indrik total. There are only 3 berries available so far. I came into the event with 2 berries and 8 leftover tickets, so 2 tickets for this

    All added up, that equals 150 tickets total. In my case, that adds up to 27

    You can only earn a total of 39 tickets during this event.

    150 - 39 = 111 ticket deficit, you are 111 tickets short of what you claim In my case 27-39 = 12 leftover tickets for the next event

    Oh yeah, and I forgot, you said you have max tickets and will wast the last two days so that means you have 12 extra tickets extra

    111 + 12 = 123 ticket deficit. To purchase and accomplish everything you have claimed, you would have had to make an extra 123 tickets that nobody else has access to this event.

    When you claim something that cannot possibly be true, on a thread intended to express how the community feels about this event, you harm all of us. You are not being honest, and for what reason I cannot even imagine. It serves no purpose at all to claim things that cannot possibly be true, so why?


    Please check your math against the fact that events have been going on for a year and a half by now. People have bought feathers and berries before the event started.

    Read what the person I responded to stated, "Everything was entirely doable with even the slightest amount of effort" Everything was entirely doable, as if all those things were doable during this event.

    "Paid zero for the fragments. Completed both this morning. Spent event tickets on the berries"

    Not possible

    If he had so many tickets left over from a previous event, any previous event, that means he didn't get all the items from previous events. Do you understand that? That would totally negate his comments on that basis alone.

    When your intent is to argue the other side, you automatically disregard any information contrary to the point you want to make unless you make an effort to consider everything. Keeping an open mind is not an easy thing to do when your intent is disprove someone else.

    Going by what the person I responded to stated, there is no possible way he could do all he claimed, even if he got a fragment every single day, and came into the event with 12 tickets from the last event. He even admitted he spent tickets on fragments so as not to lose them, so he didn't get a drop every day.

    Do the math, figure it out, is it possible to get 14 fragments in 13 days, nope. Is it possible to get 7 fragments for a momento or pet, yes it is, is it probably, again no it isn't. Some people might but it's very rare.

    When people state things that are not true, and assert they are, it harms the community as a whole, it's easy for ZoS to allow these misconceptions to continue so they don't have to fix the issues we their customers and players have with the way they do these events. So the only way to combat incorrect and wrong information is to call those people who promote it out on their statements that are untrue and misleading. Every time!

    It is possible to get 14 fragments in 13 days because the boxes have chances on 2 or even 3 fragment pieces. So if you could stop lying about this topic and check what I bolded I think it would be better for everyone.
  • Merenwen_812
    Never before has an event made me want to just quit like this one has.

    I was lucky enough to get 3 tickets per day and one box per day. Not once even after playing for hours upon hours a day did I get a second box drop.

    I came in the event with 10 so got the berry right away. Already have all 4 feathers stored so don't need to purchase those.

    As of today I received 36 tickets. I have spent all 36 of those on fragments; 7 fragments total. I am still missing 3 fragments!! Out of 12 boxes I got 4, a whole 4 freaking fragments. So unless I spend $40 for the tickets I won't get the void pet. I honestly thought when I started getting the grave stake with tickets that I would find the fragments in the boxes, never would I have imagined that I'd only get 4 out of 12 boxes. Sorrowfully I am one that normally would spend the $40, but as it falls, I simply don't have the extra cash right now to get it. I am asking in my guilds looking to buy the for gold but doesn't seem like anyone selling :(

    I may be leaving ESO after all this time. I am finally for the first time completely disheartened.
  • Jayne_Doe
    I don't mind the fragment system if the fragments were a guaranteed drop. But, they aren't, and so some players are going to get lucky, while others are not. If they were tradable, then players could trade duplicates or trade what they don't want.

    I think that ZOS expected over the course of the event for players to get most of the fragments from the boxes, and with the generous amount of tickets dropping (though they are, unfortunately RNG-based), there should be enough tickets for players to pick up a couple fragments, even if they also purchased a berry or two.

    However, since the fragments aren't guaranteed to drop from the guaranteed boxes, AND the drop rate is so poor on additional boxes, many players are getting the short end of the stick, such as myself. Now, the first weekend, when I didn't get a fragment for the second time (didn't get a fragment in my very first box, either), I farmed that Saturday for about an hour and got another box, which did have a fragment, though it was a memento fragment. Then, on the following day, I got another memento fragment so decided to farm for another box, which I got after about an hour, and it had a pet part in it.

    This past weekend, however, was a different story. On Saturday, after getting another memento part, I farmed for 2.5 hours and didn't get a box. Then on Sunday, when I got no fragment at all, I farmed for 3 hours and didn't get a box. I hoovered up every node, including water, and mowed down every mob I could find (which was difficult, since other players were doing the same). I also opened every heavy sack/chest/thieves trove I came across. My result after farming 5.5 hours this past weekend was NOTHING.

    Yeah...this event is great. I'm so over this event. What was to be an enjoyable time returning to Murkmire turned into nothing but a boring slogfest, with little result.

    My understanding is that the Sovereign Sow from the Jesters Festival will work the same way. Pet fragments drop, but are not guaranteed, from the Stupendous Boxes, of which you can earn 3 each day. We should be able to collect boxes 8 times, so a total of 24 boxes. Hopefully, that's enough to get 7 fragments, but with RNG, some players will still end up having to spend tickets. And, we don't know how many we'll be getting (the PTS notes didn't indicate that and I wasn't able to test it). We could only get 16 tickets, but hopefully it will be 24.
  • Rave the Histborn
    Rave the Histborn
    Never before has an event made me want to just quit like this one has.

    I was lucky enough to get 3 tickets per day and one box per day. Not once even after playing for hours upon hours a day did I get a second box drop.

    I came in the event with 10 so got the berry right away. Already have all 4 feathers stored so don't need to purchase those.

    As of today I received 36 tickets. I have spent all 36 of those on fragments; 7 fragments total. I am still missing 3 fragments!! Out of 12 boxes I got 4, a whole 4 freaking fragments. So unless I spend $40 for the tickets I won't get the void pet. I honestly thought when I started getting the grave stake with tickets that I would find the fragments in the boxes, never would I have imagined that I'd only get 4 out of 12 boxes. Sorrowfully I am one that normally would spend the $40, but as it falls, I simply don't have the extra cash right now to get it. I am asking in my guilds looking to buy the for gold but doesn't seem like anyone selling :(

    I may be leaving ESO after all this time. I am finally for the first time completely disheartened.

    It might be time for a break. The events are designed to have fun and there's nothing you really need out of them.
  • Rhorlak_Wulfmare
    Unfortunately, we should expect more events to be like this one. Especially since event tickets are in the crown store.

    Hopefully they listen to our feedback though
  • Linaleah
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Starlock wrote: »
    Welcome to ESO in 2020 - where players must pay to win event rewards instead of just playing the game to earn them!

    Paid zero for the fragments. Completed both this morning. Spent event tickets on the berries. Have a base Indirik ready to evolve and enough feathers for another base one. I had to spend the event tickets I earned on fragments because I was going to lose tickets and with 2 days of tickets left I am still going to end up losing tickets with nothing to spend them on.

    Everything was entirely doable with even the slightest amount of effort. I farmed extra boxes while doing the Rescuer achievement. Completed the fragments and that achievement at the same time.

    With a little bit of effort? As if all it takes is work to obtain all the things needed to max out your spending of tickets? I don't know why you are claiming things that cannot be true, but you are. It's RNG, it has very little to do with effort. It's not as if your chances are 1 out of 100 and you do something 100 times and you get a part, RNG means you have a 1 out of 100 chance each time, so you could do something a million times and it never drops.

    You claimed to have had enough tickets to spend event tickets on berries, enough feathers for another base Indrik, spent tickets on fragments and have 12 tickets so the next two days you are wasting tickets.

    I'm calling you out, no way, not possible to purchase all you have claimed, let me explain why.

    35 tickets for the momento total Minus any pieces that dropped for you, in my case, 6 pieces, so I only spent 5 tickets on that

    35 tickets for the pet total Again, minus any pieces that dropped. I don't remember how many, but I think I bought 4 pieces, so I spent 20 tickets on that

    40 tickets for all feathers for a base indrik total. I came in to the event with a full nascent indrik and 4 feathers, so 0 tickets for this (it's no longer possible to buy more feathers in advance) - 0 tickets

    40 tickets for berries to evolve a base indrik total. There are only 3 berries available so far. I came into the event with 2 berries and 8 leftover tickets, so 2 tickets for this

    All added up, that equals 150 tickets total. In my case, that adds up to 27

    You can only earn a total of 39 tickets during this event.

    150 - 39 = 111 ticket deficit, you are 111 tickets short of what you claim In my case 27-39 = 12 leftover tickets for the next event

    Oh yeah, and I forgot, you said you have max tickets and will wast the last two days so that means you have 12 extra tickets extra

    111 + 12 = 123 ticket deficit. To purchase and accomplish everything you have claimed, you would have had to make an extra 123 tickets that nobody else has access to this event.

    When you claim something that cannot possibly be true, on a thread intended to express how the community feels about this event, you harm all of us. You are not being honest, and for what reason I cannot even imagine. It serves no purpose at all to claim things that cannot possibly be true, so why?


    Please check your math against the fact that events have been going on for a year and a half by now. People have bought feathers and berries before the event started.

    Read what the person I responded to stated, "Everything was entirely doable with even the slightest amount of effort" Everything was entirely doable, as if all those things were doable during this event.

    "Paid zero for the fragments. Completed both this morning. Spent event tickets on the berries"

    Not possible

    If he had so many tickets left over from a previous event, any previous event, that means he didn't get all the items from previous events. Do you understand that? That would totally negate his comments on that basis alone.

    When your intent is to argue the other side, you automatically disregard any information contrary to the point you want to make unless you make an effort to consider everything. Keeping an open mind is not an easy thing to do when your intent is disprove someone else.

    Going by what the person I responded to stated, there is no possible way he could do all he claimed, even if he got a fragment every single day, and came into the event with 12 tickets from the last event. He even admitted he spent tickets on fragments so as not to lose them, so he didn't get a drop every day.

    Do the math, figure it out, is it possible to get 14 fragments in 13 days, nope. Is it possible to get 7 fragments for a momento or pet, yes it is, is it probably, again no it isn't. Some people might but it's very rare.

    When people state things that are not true, and assert they are, it harms the community as a whole, it's easy for ZoS to allow these misconceptions to continue so they don't have to fix the issues we their customers and players have with the way they do these events. So the only way to combat incorrect and wrong information is to call those people who promote it out on their statements that are untrue and misleading. Every time!

    It is possible to get 14 fragments in 13 days because the boxes have chances on 2 or even 3 fragment pieces. So if you could stop lying about this topic and check what I bolded I think it would be better for everyone.

    its also possible to buy a single crown crate and get an apex mount of it. probability of that actualy happening? quite low.

    just becasue something is technicaly possible - doesn't mean it will happen for everyone that way, because possible =/= guaranteed.

    incidentally. my steam account got lucky. i did need to buy a few fragments, but rng was kind and I ended up collecting both pet and memento AND bought a berry. my main account? after buying most of the pet fragments, because they refused to drop and getting couple of memento drops (which honestly, i found surprising as rng refused to give me anything outside of vendor trash for an entire week) - I'm still 2 fragments short to complete the memento. there is one day left. and I am NOT going to get enough tickets to buy both fragments. so... there's that.

    P.S. yes its fluff. time limited fluff. its not technically needed to play the game. but if we are going to talk about EARNING rewards, hiding them like that behind disheartening rng while simultaneously selling currency to guarantee rewards on crown store? a bit iffy. not quite kosher.
    Edited by Linaleah on March 2, 2020 7:02PM
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    My biggest issue with this is that it really is a way to force event ticket sales in the crown store. Just as an example:

    Yesterday, I had 10 event tickets to start the day, so I had to make a choice as my next 3 would put me over the cap (another issue that forces crown sales). I was away from the game a bit, so I missed the last round of berries, not a huge issue, as I didnt really love the morph of the mount. First thing I did in this even was to complete my feathers for another base mount, but what to do next?

    I was missing one piece of the pet, and like 5 pieces of the memento. Do I buy the pet piece I am missing to complete it? Do I buy the first of the spectral berries, hoping I will be able to complete in the next event? Do I buy 2 of the memento pieces I am missing, hoping for better drops? Knowing, i cant trade duplicates (doesnt seem we get duplicates), and that likely, will still need to buy more pieces. Once you buy the first two, it would be silly not to complete it.

    Ultimately, I chose to buy the first berry, and luck would have it that my next box was the final piece of the pet. That said, no way I am getting the memento. Not going to farm, not going to drop a bunch of crowns last minute, and no way to buy from other players (not counting buying crowns for gold, which i simply wont do).

    TLDR: Ticket caps and Bound fragments are there to drive people to the crown store, nothing more.

    If they want to do fragments this way, then they should make them a guaranteed drop once a day, and they should not be able to duplicate (which seems to be the case). The total number of fragments should not exceed the total number of days in the event. That way, if you do the event every day, you get the items in question. And if you dont, well, then you can spend crowns.
    Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on March 2, 2020 7:01PM
  • Cavedog
    I think the take home message is that if we are not guaranteed a fragment from the gold drop box, then RNG is going to hose a lot of people, and those people are going to get disheartened with the game. ...and rightfully so.

    They really should rethink the fragment binding system. I can't imagine very many people spending real money for the booger pet or a grave stake memento that, if you use the memento, you will see doesn't make any sense. The memento is just your toon looking at a dorky grave stake curiously. I don't understand why they did this one at all. At any rate, nobody in their right mind is going to drop real money, like many will have to, to buy rewards like a booger pet and a senseless memento.

    Oh, too, at least a couple of us posted that after hours of grinding we did not get a second gold box, and to not waste time after getting the initial gold drop box. Again, RNG is not your friend in this game. Get what is guaranteed, then move on to other guaranteed rewards to maximize your time and effort.
    Edited by Cavedog on March 2, 2020 7:06PM
  • Merenwen_812
    Never before has an event made me want to just quit like this one has.

    I was lucky enough to get 3 tickets per day and one box per day. Not once even after playing for hours upon hours a day did I get a second box drop.

    I came in the event with 10 so got the berry right away. Already have all 4 feathers stored so don't need to purchase those.

    As of today I received 36 tickets. I have spent all 36 of those on fragments; 7 fragments total. I am still missing 3 fragments!! Out of 12 boxes I got 4, a whole 4 freaking fragments. So unless I spend $40 for the tickets I won't get the void pet. I honestly thought when I started getting the grave stake with tickets that I would find the fragments in the boxes, never would I have imagined that I'd only get 4 out of 12 boxes. Sorrowfully I am one that normally would spend the $40, but as it falls, I simply don't have the extra cash right now to get it. I am asking in my guilds looking to buy the for gold but doesn't seem like anyone selling :(

    I may be leaving ESO after all this time. I am finally for the first time completely disheartened.

    It might be time for a break. The events are designed to have fun and there's nothing you really need out of them.

    generally I love collecting, just this one has had the absolute worse and it almost seems impossible :(
    but yeah considering it hard right now
  • PrimusNephilim
    Its by design...they want you to buy tickets....BTW, did anyone notice Bright Throat sets had a reduced drop rate than before the event took place? Stuff like the Fire Staff is way over priced at the vendors right now (ha) Some guy was trying to sell one at $300,000
  • Rave the Histborn
    Rave the Histborn
    Linaleah wrote: »
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Starlock wrote: »
    Welcome to ESO in 2020 - where players must pay to win event rewards instead of just playing the game to earn them!

    Paid zero for the fragments. Completed both this morning. Spent event tickets on the berries. Have a base Indirik ready to evolve and enough feathers for another base one. I had to spend the event tickets I earned on fragments because I was going to lose tickets and with 2 days of tickets left I am still going to end up losing tickets with nothing to spend them on.

    Everything was entirely doable with even the slightest amount of effort. I farmed extra boxes while doing the Rescuer achievement. Completed the fragments and that achievement at the same time.

    With a little bit of effort? As if all it takes is work to obtain all the things needed to max out your spending of tickets? I don't know why you are claiming things that cannot be true, but you are. It's RNG, it has very little to do with effort. It's not as if your chances are 1 out of 100 and you do something 100 times and you get a part, RNG means you have a 1 out of 100 chance each time, so you could do something a million times and it never drops.

    You claimed to have had enough tickets to spend event tickets on berries, enough feathers for another base Indrik, spent tickets on fragments and have 12 tickets so the next two days you are wasting tickets.

    I'm calling you out, no way, not possible to purchase all you have claimed, let me explain why.

    35 tickets for the momento total Minus any pieces that dropped for you, in my case, 6 pieces, so I only spent 5 tickets on that

    35 tickets for the pet total Again, minus any pieces that dropped. I don't remember how many, but I think I bought 4 pieces, so I spent 20 tickets on that

    40 tickets for all feathers for a base indrik total. I came in to the event with a full nascent indrik and 4 feathers, so 0 tickets for this (it's no longer possible to buy more feathers in advance) - 0 tickets

    40 tickets for berries to evolve a base indrik total. There are only 3 berries available so far. I came into the event with 2 berries and 8 leftover tickets, so 2 tickets for this

    All added up, that equals 150 tickets total. In my case, that adds up to 27

    You can only earn a total of 39 tickets during this event.

    150 - 39 = 111 ticket deficit, you are 111 tickets short of what you claim In my case 27-39 = 12 leftover tickets for the next event

    Oh yeah, and I forgot, you said you have max tickets and will wast the last two days so that means you have 12 extra tickets extra

    111 + 12 = 123 ticket deficit. To purchase and accomplish everything you have claimed, you would have had to make an extra 123 tickets that nobody else has access to this event.

    When you claim something that cannot possibly be true, on a thread intended to express how the community feels about this event, you harm all of us. You are not being honest, and for what reason I cannot even imagine. It serves no purpose at all to claim things that cannot possibly be true, so why?


    Please check your math against the fact that events have been going on for a year and a half by now. People have bought feathers and berries before the event started.

    Read what the person I responded to stated, "Everything was entirely doable with even the slightest amount of effort" Everything was entirely doable, as if all those things were doable during this event.

    "Paid zero for the fragments. Completed both this morning. Spent event tickets on the berries"

    Not possible

    If he had so many tickets left over from a previous event, any previous event, that means he didn't get all the items from previous events. Do you understand that? That would totally negate his comments on that basis alone.

    When your intent is to argue the other side, you automatically disregard any information contrary to the point you want to make unless you make an effort to consider everything. Keeping an open mind is not an easy thing to do when your intent is disprove someone else.

    Going by what the person I responded to stated, there is no possible way he could do all he claimed, even if he got a fragment every single day, and came into the event with 12 tickets from the last event. He even admitted he spent tickets on fragments so as not to lose them, so he didn't get a drop every day.

    Do the math, figure it out, is it possible to get 14 fragments in 13 days, nope. Is it possible to get 7 fragments for a momento or pet, yes it is, is it probably, again no it isn't. Some people might but it's very rare.

    When people state things that are not true, and assert they are, it harms the community as a whole, it's easy for ZoS to allow these misconceptions to continue so they don't have to fix the issues we their customers and players have with the way they do these events. So the only way to combat incorrect and wrong information is to call those people who promote it out on their statements that are untrue and misleading. Every time!

    It is possible to get 14 fragments in 13 days because the boxes have chances on 2 or even 3 fragment pieces. So if you could stop lying about this topic and check what I bolded I think it would be better for everyone.

    its also possible to buy a single crown crate and get an apex mount of it. probability of that actualy happening? quite low.

    just becasue something is technicaly possible - doesn't mean it will happen for everyone that way, because possible =/= guaranteed.

    incidentally. my steam account got lucky. i did need to buy a few fragments, but rng was kind and I ended up collecting both pet and memento AND bought a berry. my main account? after buying most of the pet fragments, because they refused to drop and getting couple of memento drops (which honestly, i found surprising as rng refused to give me anything outside of vendor trash for an entire week) - I'm still 2 fragments short to complete the memento. there is one day left. and I am NOT going to get enough tickets to buy both fragments. so... there's that.

    P.S. yes its fluff. time limited fluff. its not technically needed to play the game. but if we are going to talk about EARNING rewards, hiding them like that behind disheartening rng while simultaneously selling currency to guarantee rewards on crown store? a bit iffy. not quite kosher.

    Comparing the drop rate on rune fragments to an apex mount isnt an apt comparison. People seem to want to get everything and they also think it should be handed to them. They dont seem to realize that's the game ZOS wants you to play, time spent.

    I'm missing 3 fragments for the memento but, that's not bad rng you and Zos wants to keep you around for next year so you still have stuff to do.

    They arent hiding anything, the pet's cool but I mean all these people saying they'll quit. Is it worth waiting over a pet?
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