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How would You rate year 2019 in ESO ?

  • TheFM
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Like in the thread title. What do You think about general state of the game in this nearly finished year. Talking about all aspects together. Season of the dragon story and all DLCs that were part of it , base game changes , new additions like necro class , balance , performance etc.

    Would Def say 7, the lag has been awful, but I've learned a lot and improved significantly as a player, and discovered some awesome ppl.
  • AndyMac
    I feel this is a great game with terrible management.

    Too many issues this year - broken events, broken queues, broken servers.

    This isn’t even prime time ready, never mind AAA

    Added to that we had huge buffs followed immediately by huge nerfs - not impressive.

    2019 has been a bad year for ZOS imo.
    Andymac - Magicka DK - EP Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror
  • Eevee_42
    Up until Elsweyr, the game was going fairly well. After sweeping balance changes, disappointing patches and abysmal performance, I have to rate this a solid 1.
  • FierceSam
    Again, no indication if 1 or 10 is the best. It shouldn't be beyond forum members to actually state this when making a poll.

    I've given it a 1/10 mainly because the performance has got worse and all I am seeing is retreads of the apologies we were given in 2018 and I am starting to think that these are just empty words. And because of the excessive creep of the crown store. It used to be that you could use crowns to buy cosmetics and pets, but now the best of these (ie the only ones worth bothering about) are hidden deep within the crown crate/gem scam, where you have no idea what the cost of things is or how much you will have to spend to get them.

    I think people are split into two camps, the first says "I'm fed up with crap performance but the stories are good/great" and those who say "I love the stories, it's a shame there are performance issues".

    In both cases ZOS should be very, very concerned as my impression is the performance is very much worse than at this time last year.
  • Arwyr
    story content in my opinion was great, i personally liked the year long theme. i just cant stand the lack of direction the combat changes seem to have. they really need to do a long term pts test with more changes in one patch rather than smaller patches with barely enough time to test and make changes (example: dot changes, they obviously realized they screwed up later). the normal length of pts testing before a patch is nowhere near enough time for the changes they're trying to do. and without having more of the changes in one patch its hard to see how the changes will work together in the long run. it appears to be way more random than it probably was supposed to be.
  • Veinblood1965
    i gave it a seven, for great PVE quest lines and Scenery and if it weren't for the large playstyle changes I'd give it a 10, nothing worse than having to relearn rotations all the time and regear. I quit mid 2019 due to my two characters being a Mag Pet Sorc and a DK Tank. The class changes just ruined it for me. I guess as I busted my butt to learn the tank and got him up to level 50 and got comfortable with him and things started changing right after that. Kind of just made me uneasy about playing so I quit.

    I came back a week or so ago, started a Warden and running the Elsweyr zones is quite fun, I do like the quest lines, the dragons and the zones are well laid out. If my Warden starts to experience deep changes I'll quit, delete the game and never come back however. I think that would be the last straw, even WoW would start to look appealing.
  • Veinblood1965
    Tai-Chi wrote: »
    I would have given 10/10, had it not been for the one book I missed in Southern Elsweyr, that can no longer be accessed - after finishing the quest.

    This has caused me no end of stress and disappointment. It has seriously impaired my enjoyment of the game.

    What book is this and what quest? I'm halfway through the zone and would suck to miss it.
  • Kesstryl
    4/10 I love the Elder Scrolls series and the lore (been a fan since Arena), and I enjoy the story content and expansion of the lore of Nirn on a continual basis, and I'm invested in my characters. Other than that, the year of heavy handed nerfs and extreme meta swings has destroyed any desire to go back into progression content. That my characters went backwards has left me completely unmotivated to play on any serious level. I have un-subbed, and I only log in for daily reward and event tickets these days. I keep hoping this game will turn around at some point, but until I am motivated to go back into progression, which is hard when most of your invested characters have been gutted and gone backwards from where they were a year ago, I just don't know at this point. Gameplay is not fun anymore, massive changes to race passives that destroyed builds, classes lost identity, and skills don't matter unless they are non-class and can be bought in the crown shop or grinded out through guilds. This year has been horrible. Maybe I should have voted 3/10, but I still love Elder Scrolls as a rich story world.
    Edited by Kesstryl on December 24, 2019 6:19PM
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • Veinblood1965
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I was just watching a ESO video from 2014, and came to the conclusion that Zeni needs to go back in time. Undo the changes that were made for the tissue babies.

    Example: DK's flying into keeps.

    The game looked so fun back then. Now it reminds me of a bad movie sequel. The longer is goes the worst it gets.

    Are you MAD?? DK's flying into keeps was so unfair and they were OP. It was high time that got nerfed.

    Joke btw, I didn't play back then but it does sound fun and different even if you were on the opposite side defending. It's just sad that the vocal few influenced changes to interesting gameplay mechanics like that.
  • Kalitas
    After the DOT balance changes and the cast times on ults, I quit the game. With constant lagging pvp we can't have cast times on ults that you need to time well in order to play with any semblance of competence. So this year gets a big 1 from me dog.
    @Kevin-G | Ajani | Wü-Tang Clan
  • theyancey
    The entire dragon event has been one of my favorites in recent memory. I have been pleased. Going forward I hope to see more of this type long and detailed quest. I would hope that in the future we can have more of the type of groups where the single player is augmented by NPCs. This is reminiscent of some of the great battles from the base game.
  • TheImperfect
    I think overall its been a great year and maybe I've been a little stingy with my vote. I think we had trouble with the last event and some players weren't very happy. 10 requires perfection and most things have room for improvement including Eso. I can see it getting much better and it's the best mmo currently available and in my favourite setting.
  • Taloros
    - New characters slots and new class (Necromancer) to level
    - The short time when DoTs were useful (though a bit too strong)

    Didn't like:
    - The lack of direction in nerfing and buffing abilities (esp. DoTs). If you don't know what to do, just don't do anything instead of fiddling around via trial and error.
    - Having to rebuild my characters every patch to adjust to all the changes in abilities and equipment sets. I like building and rebuilding characters, but not being forced to do that.
    - Broken dungeon finder, long loading screens, disconnects and server downs

    Didn't care much for:
    - New quest zones. Haven't even played through all the old ones. I like questing, but it's lacking challenge and reward with a max CP character.
    - Necromancer class. Liked levelling something, didn't like the class much. Feels clunky and gimmicky.

    Currently, I only log in to do crafting and daily rewards on one character. Have tons of zones and dungeons still to do, but cannot bring myself to spend time on that.
  • ESTyll13
    sorry not 4 but 2
    Edited by ESTyll13 on December 29, 2019 2:02PM
  • Isskander
    Played many mmo's mostly KR ones.. All depending what who are looking to .. among all the problems and misses on patch changes still think this game is have a great potential even on old engine and this was a very good year. Maybe as an old player that don't look around the market i would say something else, but nah .. Just getting on and waiting for new years plans and solutions.
  • Juhasow
    So as it stands right now average is 4,5. Not the best year I would say.
  • exeeter702
    Broken queue system and a fundamental philosophy change for my main class made me put the game on cool down about 75 percent of 2019

    If this thursday (I will be there in person), they dont announce any significant shift in the foundation of the game and yet another identical chapter release with a skill line of some kind I think I'll be on a longer break still.

    I need something regarding their plans for the cp system and meaningful progression or engagement for activites in the overworld for "end game" characters.
    Edited by exeeter702 on January 12, 2020 6:54PM
  • x48rph
    The racial overhaul sucked for some races and builds. Then there were the massive swings back and forth in damage from dots, not to mention the too numerous to count nerfs to various abilities and sets that rendered so many things useless and wiped out entire play styles in the process. For me this led to a massive reduction in the amount of characters I play (read less time in eso and a lot less money spent) and it overshadowed any of the good things and content that came along. Having to overhaul every single build every three months is frustrating and sucks all the fun out of playing.
  • Valykc
    I put seven.

    Overall, I enjoyed the content released throughout the year and I found the characters very neat and well done. However, I took one point off for each of the the following.

    Performance: still pretty abysmal at times, activity finder had major issues, lag has spread to areas which never had lag before (on my side possibly)

    Nerfs: we got hit with some hard nerfs throughout this season and the buff to DoTs to then Nerf them later just shows how terrible the combat changes can be. They should stop with large, sweeping nerfs across the board and change to tiny incremental changes overtime, test live, adjust again. I would rather combat changes be done weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly instead of waiting until the next major update to see changes to major combat issues.

    Necromancer: while the class is fun, it was some serious coding problems associated with its key skills, such as Blastbones. Putting a pet AI in blastbones makes it very unreliable unless specifically heavy attacking everything. Blastbones also has a ridiculous cast time and chase time which can delay burst and miss opportunity (PvP perspective). Some of the other skills are so lackluster that they hardly find a place in your bar (PvE perspective). The corpse gameplay is unique and I do like the concept but it also makes it feel like a chore (also my opinion). They have a unique ultimate in colossus but that’s primarily why they are considered top tier characters. The Goliath transformation is also lackluster and I wish it providing something more than just a health boost and offensive bash attack. Necromancer has potential but I was a bit disappointed with them as of right now.
    Edited by Valykc on January 12, 2020 7:29PM
  • Recent
    I love eso have to make that clear first. BUT all the changes we had to races and then combat threw me off my game and I barely recovered from it.

    The best thing 2020 could offer me would be stability.

    Also the nerf to drops over the board with writ rewards, chest loot in overlands has been a huge negative to my game experience. Spending weeks, months to just get one gear item i need is insane.
  • Jenzi
    Considering they took away my stealth and my werewolf, two of my favourite things I like to play, it’s been a pretty bad year for me to say the least.
  • BlueRaven
    Juhasow wrote: »
    So as it stands right now average is 4,5. Not the best year I would say.

    Personally, I am surprised the average is that high.
  • Coggo
    My low mark reflects how for nearly 8 months of 2019 ESO was literally unplayable. ZOS' routing of Oceanic traffic through Akamai spiked our ping from playable white numbers to constant 300 to 500 red ping.

    For. Two. Thirds. Of. The. Year!!!

    Custom support was absolutely silent as the Down Under player base rallied for a fix. I quit my ESO plus and many Aussies I know left the game.

    Actually, now reliving this experience and recalling ZOS' absolute abandonment of the Oceanic population I wish I voted a "1" instead.
  • Iskiab
    NaomiHutt wrote: »
    I get that people are upset with performance but to rate it so low is unfair.

    The Elsweyr chapter is great, the new dungeons are fantastic.

    I do feel Southern Elsweyr was a little lack luster and should of came with a trial or a new arena.

    Where I feel things lose points would have to be the huge nerfs and the terrible performance we have all been suffering lately.

    For that I will rate 8/10

    If things don’t work so you can’t play it nothing else matters. PvP on PC-NA is dying because of performance.
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • Juhasow
    What is truly terryfying is that judging on U25 patch notes it looks like they really havn't learned their lesson.
  • Iccotak
    For me it's between 6-7
    NOTE: I don't play PvP that much so I can't speak on that

    - I like that they are trying to tell a consistent story throughout the year.
    - I enjoyed exploring Khajiiti culture and more Dragon Lore
    - Zones were beautiful
    - Side Quests were well done and never painful
    - Dungeons were fun
    - EDIT: The improved dungeon finder is fantastic

    - The Story could have been better. The Ending felt rushed and the DLCs did not feel like a cohesive over-arching narrative.
    - Separation of the narrative between Beginner Friendly Quests & Dungeons that are designed for Veterans created an inconsistent gameplay experience in the Story.
    - There's still a large section of Elsweyr missing
    - Maps are too Small

    EDIT: What I want to see
    #1: More Cohesive narrative throughout the year - less disjointed.
    #2: Final Story Boss fights with a Group Dungeon Mode that I can do with Friends
    #3: System put in place that allows Players start the Base game or any Chapter of their choice.
    Edited by Iccotak on January 24, 2020 5:26AM
  • Rogue_Ghost
    Wow - as a console player (PS4) this is the first time in a VERY long time I feel that consoles are getting the better end of the deal in the long run.

    I have been a casual, yet dedicated, ESO player since 2015 - I believe. Personally, I thought 2019 was the best year yet and loved that you made it a year long engagement with everything tying into the same general story line. It felt like playing through an "episode" - each episode ending on something of a cliffhanger - and then waiting for the next episode to release so I could dig into what happens next. Elsweyr was an outstanding opening volley for such a format and I look forward to Greymoor in 2020.

    From reading through the negative votes, it seems like the vast majority are related to PC issues and/or PvP server related. In my opinion, the PvP community is the most toxic, angry, and childish community ESO has so I actually make it a point not to participate anyway. If I wanted to run and gun, I'd play Battlefield or Fortnight. Both of which I don't play either for largely the same reasons. I play to enjoy the game, not listen to some self-entitled voice on the mic scream about how their character is under-performing and "it's not fair". I've never had an issue with my character while playing PvE, and have never experienced server issues/disconnects while doing so either.

    So, keep up the great work!
    "Death smiles at us all. All one can do, is smile back."
  • NekoTashi
    2019 was miautastic (for me)! =^.^=
    PS4/EU Gamer | I don't have haters, just fans in denial.
  • Trancestor
    Wow - as a console player (PS4) this is the first time in a VERY long time I feel that consoles are getting the better end of the deal in the long run.

    I have been a casual, yet dedicated, ESO player since 2015 - I believe. Personally, I thought 2019 was the best year yet and loved that you made it a year long engagement with everything tying into the same general story line. It felt like playing through an "episode" - each episode ending on something of a cliffhanger - and then waiting for the next episode to release so I could dig into what happens next. Elsweyr was an outstanding opening volley for such a format and I look forward to Greymoor in 2020.

    From reading through the negative votes, it seems like the vast majority are related to PC issues and/or PvP server related. In my opinion, the PvP community is the most toxic, angry, and childish community ESO has so I actually make it a point not to participate anyway. If I wanted to run and gun, I'd play Battlefield or Fortnight. Both of which I don't play either for largely the same reasons. I play to enjoy the game, not listen to some self-entitled voice on the mic scream about how their character is under-performing and "it's not fair". I've never had an issue with my character while playing PvE, and have never experienced server issues/disconnects while doing so either.

    So, keep up the great work!

    OK Boomer.
  • Indoril_Nerevar

    1 of 5 stars.

    This game is only as good as the people around you - wether or not they are your friends, unfortunately.

    On PS4, I learned over a full 12 month period, that most of the players are just plain losers. There is an over abundance of botting, trolling, scamming, and ignorance. With a slim population.

    You should review how many players quit over 2019. As well as the rate of player activity.

    It is my experience. Something you witness and endure. It is fact. There will be those who dislike to hear it or see it exposed. But that is how this works, no? I share my experiences based on my... experiences....? 😂 So...yeah...

    It was important to me, because it was literally mostly every player. There are a lot of old people coughing in microphones and yelling at their kids with a smoke in their mouth or slapping their lips together in area chat, eating and blowing a fart out their arsehole with zero friends in sight to play with: Just standing around all day on a virtual avatar.

    Than there are these fake people and a ton of fronts. You'll see blacklisted players and unwanted players change their names and create new guilds, pretending to be something they aren't. Leading on players and what not.

    Every year TONS AND TONS of people pretend to be a new player to mooch *** outta you😂

    I am in ONE guild today. Why? I've been in all of them. I leave all of them. I am too good with names. I am popular. Its all really simple. I didn't need them.

    I used to have to bite my tongue, just to play trials because the only people playing them today DO NOT WANT to teach you. They want to DOG you. Which means:

    "Do this. Do that. I know everything. Endgame, Meta, Reeeeee!"

    You don't learn. You get dogged.

    People are too competitive with their opinion toward builds and guilds that theyre willing to kick 100 people out or get kicked themselves just because they get MAD and say crazy *** all over the idea of you not agreeing with "their build info" or with "what their opinion" is😂 but whats *** up about that? That MOST of the players who are willing to even type, talk or give advice have that crappy personality! LOL

    Its just incredibly toxic and mostly everyone in it is, too.

    The TRUE Alpha players and communities are those small guilds of endgame players that are actually relaxed, friendly, and helpful with experience. They dont spam guild links on a daily basis and try have under 100 players but everything unlocked and finished. Run content DAILY and have a minimal of 50 players online ALWAYS.

    Like my guild.

    Some of us are just better than that. There are telltale signs that give players away - like what kind of player they are or if they are no good to be around, trolls and scammers, old timers who spend crazy money on games or lie about weird stuff or have incredibly racist or political remarks - incompetent or annoying. Yo. Its brutal😂

    The problem was: Not that this stuff is bound to exist? BUT that it exists in ESO more than it has ever existed AND been rubbed into your face so consistently in ANY OTHER GAME.... everyday basis from the majority of players. It feels like I am playing Runescape all over again, but not back in 2001 when we thought it was amazing...

    I mean, It feels like Runescape TODAY

    Which is dead..

    Imagine who still plays Runescape today? That's how I see ESO on PS4 today.

    😂 New content isn't going to change ***, if the community is that persistently horrid.

    The fact that 2019 and all of it's PROBLEMS AND ISSUES made me the player I am today, and my guild what it is today?

    I am still not thankful😂
    Edited by Indoril_Nerevar on January 23, 2020 11:15AM
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