How would You rate year 2019 in ESO ?

  • WuffyCerulei
    I apparently voted 9. I’m crying and shaking how could I even do that

    Solid 6. The ambitious year of the dragon was certainly nice, and the DLC this year weren’t bad. However, both Elsweyr chapter and DLC felt they were lacking. I don’t know if rushed or what, but I’m hoping the next chapter is more like Morrowind with content. And the 180° changes in combact with Dragonhold and Scalebreaker did not help.
    Edited by WuffyCerulei on November 24, 2019 3:22PM
    For the love of Kyne, buff sorc. PC NACP 2100+Star-Sïnger - Khajiit Magicka Sorc - EP Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror vMA/vBRP/vDSA no death/vHel Ra HM/vAA HM/vSO HM/vMoL HM/vHoF HM/vAS +2/vCR+3/vSS HMs/vKA HMs/vVH/vRG Oax HM/vDSR
  • wolfbone
    it's been terrible. 2 events where cancelled and their apprent actitvity finder fix just caused more issues.
  • wolf486
    It was fun despite the issues a few years ago as the game felt alive, lots of people. Now everywhere seems empty and dead. Also the way they did Elsweyr gave me zero incentive to buy it
    Moved onto BDO and GW2 Skyrim, ATS/ETS2, ACNH and the overall goodness of single player games

    RIP to the following:
    (DC) Tharbûrz gro-Glumgrog - Orsimer -Stamden (lvl 50)
    (AD) Vukz - Bosmer - Stamblade (lvl 50)
  • Shievarei
    Q1 and Q2 were alright. Then came Q3 and Q4 with weird game balance decisions, performance issues, free Necro bug, and all the PCEU problems and canceled events.
  • Aurielle
    2/10. I unsubbed a few months ago after subbing continuously since April 2016, and then uninstalled the game about a week ago.

    A few reasons why:

    1. Performance: Frequent crashing in Cyrodiil, that was further exploited by certain loser players when they figured out how to deliberately cause crashes during big keep battles (i.e. by capping a keep resource, which results in the keep upgrading and then crashing many players fighting at the keep during the upgrade). Major FPS loss when leaving transit shrines at times (has been a problem for at least two years, nothing has been done about it). Stuttering in open world, especially Elsweyr. Major issues with the dungeon/BG group finder. Losing voice chat every game session. Skills not firing. All major, game breaking stuff.

    2. Buff/Nerf Cycle: Too many drastic changes in too short a period of time. No one likes golding out equipment or grinding up a particular skill one patch, only for it to be rendered useless the next.

    3. Disparity between PC/Console Patches: Console users had to deal with some seriously broken crap this year for a lot longer than PC users, the biggest offender being Necromancer bash builds. The claim of “but console has a lengthy patch authentication process” doesn’t hold up, because I’ve played many other games over the past three or four months that deliver patches to both systems at the same time. PC users in other games never have a clear advantage, as far as patches go.

    4. Event Fatigue: I stopped participating in the inane “berry grind” ages ago, but it followed me into other preferred content. PVEers bitching about getting killed in PVP zones because I want mah berry. Open world players who do less than 5k DPS demanding carries because I want mah berry. Events are supposed to be special and fun, not held practically year-long. I hate how the Indrik acquisition mechanic has turned events from fun activities into a grind, and how it has accordingly made other players feel more entitled to coast through content that was never meant to be coasted through.

    Sigh. I just wish I could play the game I originally bought in 2016. :/
    Edited by Aurielle on November 24, 2019 3:59PM
  • zvavi
    To be honest i do love the game so i couldn't give it 1 or 2. But. But. With the performance, changes, event fatigue, i just dont enjoy the game as much. Also the "quality life of paid crafting bag" which without it you are stuck in loading screens to manage your inventory.
    And no, i am not f2p, i just went f2p when i couldn't play properly
    Edited by zvavi on November 24, 2019 4:53PM
  • OsManiaC

    - No communication for Bosmer losing passive - useless/not lore-friendly PvE passive that detects enemies - 80 pages and locked
    - No communication for multi-bidding - lots of pages in PTS section and general section - devs did not care
    - update 23 - sunday bidding fiasco - very very late return

    Some sad moments for me cuz I am one of the guys
    - Was against fungal grotto 1
    - Fought too much for update 23
    - was against free necromancer bug - I have 2 elsweyr accounts - I feel scammed
    and worst;
    - I returned 19800 crowns to ZOS, they had no idea I had duplicated. This is wrong I know, but they did not care for whole steam operations and I had to tell them their job in the end. If it was today I would never return 19800 crowns.
    Edited by OsManiaC on November 24, 2019 7:11PM
    GM of The Argonian Kebab, The Argonian Steak & The Argonian BBQ - PC - EU (The Tamriel Kitchen) @OsManiaC

    Don't worry, the tail grows back!
    if it breathes we eats. #justbosmerthings - we can detect stealth boy NPCs and hunt them thanks to our skill!
  • TheHsN
    Hey folks, we appreciate you all providing your feedback here. It helps us really understand what has made your experiences great, along with some of the frustrating things that you encounter.

    @heaven13 For a "requesting character load" error we recommend this support article. If the error persists or you need any additional technical support, please submit a support ticket at and a member of our support staff would be happy to assist you.

    Some of The Frustrating?!!!
    Magicka SORC - PvE/PvP
    Stamina NB - PvE/PvP
    Magicka NB - PvE/PvP
    Magicka Templar - PvE
    Stamina Templar - PvP
    Magicka DK - PvE
    Stamina DK - PvE
  • Karminathevamp
    I just love this game for wonderful stories, fantastic art and superb music. I love to explore Tamriel and take my time just looking around me. I don't PVP and when I do dungeons and trials with friends or guildies, we just port in when we are ready. No problem there. I have not had many performance problems so far. In my game, I give a 9. <3
    Master Angler
  • Cireous
    • 1 point for dragons.
    • 1 point for Alfiq and rock paintings.
    • 1 point for amazing views everywhere.
    • 1 point for S. Elsweyr (Senchal, New Dragons, everything, awesome, etc.)
    • 1 point for ridiculously beautiful furniture.
    • 1 point for upgrading Dragonguard Sanctum.
    • 0 points for 85% of the buildings in N. Elsweyr being locked.
    • 0 points for no new furnishing patterns in S. Elsweyr.
    • 0 points for splitting a zone in half and calling it a Chapter + DLC when it's really not even a complete zone and not even a Chapter.

    Total = 7 points
    Elsweyr = 7/10

    (P.S. Morrowind = 2/10, Summerset = 10/10; Oh, and Wrothgar = 10/10 as well)
  • Alienoutlaw
    if you get up early or dont have to work you can play without to many issues, want to relax after work or with friends in the evening then you have no chance, the game has become unplayable for many and its slowly getting worse, what used to be an annoying once a week crash or game failure is now the normal "feature" of prime time EU, the new chapter for me was rushed and unfinished the whole zone is bugged and full of "lag chokes" (my opinion its the dragons causing the issue as they are the only new coding) PvP has dwindled into total chaos, the group finder has never worked, the events launched alongside "free to play" has pushed an already struggling server beyond its limits but the events kept coming despite the warnings from the player base, the open dialogue from ZOS we was promised has come crashing to a halt, the live streams have dried up and the wall we bang our heads against seems only to be getting higher
  • vesselwiththepestle
    Rapid Meta changes were really exhausting. I started playing less and less characters because it was to much of a hassle to keep up, learn new rotations, get gear etc. over and over. Several classes/builds stopped being fun for me or just weren't working anymore.

    Canceled events and problems with the EU server were annoying. However, I ignore most of the events anyway because I don't like grinding and it's just too much. Now we get so many new items, new styles etc. I can't keep up so I just ignore completely.

    I've bought all DLC with crowns and stopped paying for ESO+ a few months ago. Inventory management is hell and I even opened up a second account, so I could send stuff there. Often I just want to play and sort out later what to keep, sell or decon. However, I am forced to decide it much earlier than I want to and as a crafter now I've got several mule characters just keeping the mats. Most of my bank and house chest space is filled with set items and other stuff I keep or change between characters. It's not fun, it's plain annoying. I'd need not only more inventory space in general, it would need at least something like the craft bag for furniture and sieges.

    I ignored Dragonhold. It didn't have a trial or arena and I don't do questing anymore, because the missing difficulty in overland content bores me. The last few months I mostly did only trials, group dungeons and vma, which got pretty repetitive and I am thinking of just taking a longer break from the game. Especially as someone who likes to play solo I find the lack of engaging solo pve content disappointing. Often I log into the game, no friends online. So it's either 45 minutes of vma to get a better score or doing some Cyrodiil.

    The new dungeons were very long. I don't do them often, they aren't my favorites. Sunspire is ok.

    Overall I consider my year 2019 pretty much mediocre. There wasn't any true highlight, but I guess it could have been worse. However, if nothing changes I don't know how long I'll keep playing.
    1000+ CP
    PC/EU Ravenwatch Daggerfall Covenant

    Give me my wings back!
  • Tannus15
    The start of the year was good, but the second half I've been getting less and less interested in the game.

    Pretty much Sunspire was great, but everything after that disappointing.

    The main thing I'm playing for these days is my progression trials guild and it's disheartening to be regressing due to so many nerfs.

    My gut feeling is that the sets are too powerful and classes have been nerfed to compensate which really feels bad.
  • jazsper77
    So most players voting 7 and above have the same basic positives.
    3TES lore

    Things they don’t do

    My question is why are you playing an MMO?

    Your basically playing an MMO as a single player game. Yes your not experiencing the issues that arise from how an MMO is played. (Shrugs)

    Which goes against a lot of players on another poll this week about how many players will leave when the TES6 drops. Some replies here are all you need to read.
    Edited by jazsper77 on November 24, 2019 10:29PM
  • Nomadic_Atmoran
    The content is amazing but the stability of the game is now interfering with game play and the experience. I cant fairly rate it any lower than a 5 because the storytelling and additions to the game is still above board. Hopefully they get things together because another year like this will not fair well for them.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry - Laerinel Rhaev - Enrerion - Caius Berilius - Seylina Ithvala - Signa Squallrider - H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Yynril Rothvani - Tenarei Rhaev - Bathes-In-Coin - Dazsh Ro Khar - Aredyhel - Reads-To-Frogs - Azjani Ma'Les
    Kheshna gra-Gharbuk - Gallisten Bondurant - Aban Shahid Bakr - Etain Maquier - Atsu Kalame - Faulpia Severinus
  • Gederic
    Worst state the game has been in since its launch tbh. But the did a top to bottom fix and overhaul of group finder right?
    Ours is the Fury
  • Cundu_Ertur
    Performance: For me it's been ok (PCNA), but obviously there are issues in Europe. The occasional outage, the occasional glitch, but mostly the game is up and available when I want to play. But not always, and there are some places and/or times where my performance is not ideal. 7/10

    Events: Generally I have enjoyed the events. Even the frustrating PVP vs PVE ones. I am, apparently, a glutton for punishment events. 9/10

    Constant changes to combat: Very, very frustrating. DOT's go up, DOT's go down; Grim Focus goes from being a combat buff to a defensive buff; the list is eternal. It's hard to come up with any kind of build if the goalposts move so much from patch to patch. 2/10

    Racial changes: While I would give a 10/10 for the basic concept of getting away from percentages to flat bonuses, the fact is that some races are overbuffed (hi Mr. Orc) while others got hosed. Specifically, Argonians and Bosmer had changes that are completely contrary to lore, even the lore mentioned in this game, and weak besides. Argonian passives are commonly recognized as some of the worst, and Bosmer lost stealth to get a useless detection ability that has not the slightest use outside of Cyrodiil. Altmer have a valid beef, too, for off-stat regen. These issues were brought up during the PTS and true to form they were ignored. As was an 89 page thread, and several other threads about the Argonians. 2/10 for the changes themselves (despite most of them being good or OK, the bad ones just stank that bad) and 0/10 for how it was handled.
    Taking stealth away from the Bosmer is like taking magic away from the Altmer, making Nords allergic to mead, or making Orcs pretty.
  • SydneyGrey
    The content we got has been excellent.
    Two points taken off for nerfs, and for bad performance for the EU server, and for group finder.
  • GreatGildersleeve
    I can’t vote. I stopped my eso+ a month ago and haven’t logged in since and it’s not fair to vote in a game I don’t play. Whatever zos did this year killed the ‘fun factor’ and enjoyment of the game. I pop into the forums once in a while to see if anything has changed but evidently not...
  • NBrookus
    • Performance
    • Bugs, new ones, old ones, ones "fixed" yet keep returning
    • "Hey guys, let's see what happens if we do this huge change" yoyo development pattern causing change fatigue which is utterly disrespectful to the players' game experience
    • Not listening to feedback provided on PTS, which is disrespectful to the time of players who are testing your game for free
    • Lack of meaningful communication and dialog with the player base including locking down information on whatever is being talked about with the Class Reps
    • Faction lock added for no communicated reason, which did nothing but separate guilds and friends, followed by a deliberately doomed unlocked option provided
    • Deliberately adding a mechanic to PVP knowing it would hurt already crippled performance (hammer)
    • Making guild trading harder by throttling the API trader addons used, meanwhile console still gets nothing here
    • Introducing multi bidding in a way that ignored the feedback of guild traders... and then didn't work
    • Rewriting the Group Finder... which didn't work
    • Cancelling the pvp event citing potential problems, then...
    • Releasing a huge schedule of pve events... some of which didn't work
    • Releasing a crown store item which provides an in-game stat improvement only available for real money, like we can't smell that pig as a test balloon.

    The good:
    • I liked Khamira
    • I liked seeing Tharn again
    • Guild finder
    • Multi-craft
    • The animal charity tie-in was a nice touch

  • Sylvermynx
    jazsper77 wrote: »
    So most players voting 7 and above have the same basic positives.
    3TES lore

    Things they don’t do

    My question is why are you playing an MMO?

    Your basically playing an MMO as a single player game. Yes your not experiencing the issues that arise from how an MMO is played. (Shrugs)

    Which goes against a lot of players on another poll this week about how many players will leave when the TES6 drops. Some replies here are all you need to read.

    For the same reason I played WoW and RIFT: non-static games are a nice change from games like Oblivion and Skyrim even with multitudes of addons.

    Since my connection is anything but optimal, it's really hard for me to ask/expect people to put up with that in group content. Early in my ESO journey, I had a RL friend help me get through the final Psijic quest. He had me hit the boss first, then killed her and the adds. I couldn't even see what he was doing (as he's on gig 'net). My ping even on this somewhat better satband is 750 +, and often 999 + - there are things I CAN do, like minor quests, crafting, housing. And there are things I CAN'T do and may never be able to do: quest bosses, dungeons etc. Some delves i can manage okay - Divad's Chagrin is where I park my toons when I need to kill a delve boss for tickets - but even then sometimes my ping is just high enough that I'm not able to do it unless others are there too.

    But the game as a whole is a very nice change of pace from Skyrim and Oblivion - both of which I'm still playing.
  • GDOFWR420
    Would have ended fine if they wouldnt have given us that last patch.
  • faeeichenlaub
    Still spend much of my free time exclusively with this game, disappointment as follows:
    Very unhappy with Bosmer Racial/Lore changes.

    Spent alot of in game gold buying/improving/adjusting sets based on combat /racial changes.

    Disappointed that so many forum members seem disappointed. It creating a feeling of dread. Sad, especially for something I want to love so much.

    Kinda pissed about the Watcher pet Gem purchase situation. Kinda Wanted that... oh well.

    Luxury vendor has had some pretty lame offerings.

    Muh Azura pack?

    Other than that. Still hopeful some things get worked out. Finally got on the forum! Great couple guilds I'm in. Enjoying housing. Prefer PVP more than the new story line and I'm surprised by that. Dragons were cool new thing 👍
    "Azura give me strength, Let my voice change the world as long as I am in it."
  • rpa
    Game gets constant updates and tweaks and (at least PCEU) is very populated but still feels oddly like dead game in maintenance only mode. For that reason I have not invested in it but just played casually without caring about performance of myself or of the game and it's been great fun. Except loading screens and inventory management. To my shame I admit I bought Elsweyr from sale despite the state of game but other than that I've avoided throwing money in fire.

    I'm nearing to the point where I should either go semi hardcore or just give up but I think I can keep up casual interest until Q2 when either the performance is successfully fixed and endgame content plays fluidly or its time to find another game.
  • wolf486
    jazsper77 wrote: »
    So most players voting 7 and above have the same basic positives.
    3TES lore

    Things they don’t do

    My question is why are you playing an MMO?

    Your basically playing an MMO as a single player game. Yes your not experiencing the issues that arise from how an MMO is played. (Shrugs)

    Which goes against a lot of players on another poll this week about how many players will leave when the TES6 drops. Some replies here are all you need to read.

    My vote was a 1 and my primary reason for playing was questing, exploring and then housing. ESO, BDO and GW2 I all play as a single player games. Even doing those things the game is in a bad state.
    Moved onto BDO and GW2 Skyrim, ATS/ETS2, ACNH and the overall goodness of single player games

    RIP to the following:
    (DC) Tharbûrz gro-Glumgrog - Orsimer -Stamden (lvl 50)
    (AD) Vukz - Bosmer - Stamblade (lvl 50)
  • x4livin
    For the first time since beta...I pulled my sub and spent about 3 months not even logging on. I thought I would come back for the Dragonhold release. Now that's done......watching for something to become interesting......just doing a bunch of dailies for Murkmire(requires 150 of them complete.. for the achievement) and S Elswyer.
  • DrOuttaSight
    I voted a generous 5

    Reason: The lag is back again. (please fix, it's bad for the game experience)

    Also because of the server down time due to fix's causing problems.
    Edited by DrOuttaSight on November 25, 2019 11:53AM
    Forums are for........... venting/letting off steam
    Feed the needy Not the greedy
    In Virtual Space No One Can Hear You Scream!!!

    PC EU Clockwork Server
  • vlakipn
    Worst ever game state, worst ever customer care. WGOTY definetly.
    p.s. @op Why there was no 0 in voting options?
  • FinneganFroth
    I've definitely enjoyed the updates this year. Sure, there are still bugs and performance issues but I heard you can take special pills for your performance issues and fix things down there.
  • Wayshuba
    It is very telling how all these performance issues and sledgehammer combat changes have been received by so many players when 55% of people (at the time I am writing this comment) have rated the game a 4 or below and that the number one voted category is a 3.

    If this doesn't wake ZoS up I have no idea what will. Because they sure as heck haven't been listening one iota to player feedback on PTS.

    Honestly, the classes and skills are an utter mess right now.

    I once loved this game and was faithful to log in every day. This month I won't even make it to the end of the second row of daily log in rewards because the sledgehammer approach to the combat changes just has me saying "what's the use". Why even put in the effort to improve your character and learn rotations just to have ZoS completely obliterate it the very next patch. I just don't see it ending so I have reached an attitude of complete apathy about the game at this point.

    I have no idea how they are even going to fix the mess that are skills and class identity at this point. And we know if we don't, this current combat team has even less of a clue of how to correct it.
    Edited by Wayshuba on November 25, 2019 10:24PM
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