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How would You rate year 2019 in ESO ?

  • Azurya
    ChefZero wrote: »
    Performance - 1
    Content - 1
    Necro - 10

    Average - 3.3

    to be true, the average out of 12 divided by 3 themes is 4.......................
  • Kel
    Nyladreas wrote: »
    The fact that currently, while typing this message, the number of people voting for points 1-3 is actually exceeding people voting 4 and above, is absolutely ridiculous and goes to show just how much ZOS *** up.

    I'm worried about the 10 people who voted this a 9 or 10.

    I guess if you're just playing house I can see it, but otherwise...🤪
  • BomblePants
    Love Southern Elsweyr in particular.... the more appropriate dragons are awesome.... loved the quests. Some of the nerfs were pretty hard to take.... but still an awesome game which I really enjoy.

    If I was voting anything under a six I wouldn’t even be playing....
  • Sandman929
    Kel wrote: »
    Nyladreas wrote: »
    The fact that currently, while typing this message, the number of people voting for points 1-3 is actually exceeding people voting 4 and above, is absolutely ridiculous and goes to show just how much ZOS *** up.

    I'm worried about the 10 people who voted this a 9 or 10.

    I guess if you're just playing house I can see it, but otherwise...🤪

    I lag out in my house sometimes too
  • NaomiHutt
    I get that people are upset with performance but to rate it so low is unfair.

    The Elsweyr chapter is great, the new dungeons are fantastic.

    I do feel Southern Elsweyr was a little lack luster and should of came with a trial or a new arena.

    Where I feel things lose points would have to be the huge nerfs and the terrible performance we have all been suffering lately.

    For that I will rate 8/10
  • Ilision
    I absolutely love the game and everything that has been added to it BUT the lag, loading screens, and bugs are overwhelming.
  • NaomiHutt
    Just to add another note, if you have rated this year below 5 then in my honest opinion I feel it's time for you to move on and find a new game.

    Why on earth would you play a game that you have clearly rated so low?

    That makes no sense.

    I play this game because I enjoy the overall experience (When the server is working of course 😏)
  • MotokoHutt
    I would score this year a 7/10 and this is how I would break it down in a 10 point must score system.

    +2 Wrathstone began the year strong with 2 new dungeons Depths of Malatar and Frostvault, with DoM releasing some amazing sets and FV having one of the most fun boss fights in ESO imo.

    +3 The main chapter was amazing this year, the area is deceptively large, the biomes are breathtaking and the story was beyond amazing, I feel like Elsweyr has been ZoS most fleahed out chapter yet. And while its not exactly what people were expecting, It's nice they listened to what class the community have been wanting with the inclusion of Necro.

    +1 Scalebreaker while coming with nerf's it did introduce 2 new dungeons in which I love Moongrave Fane cus common boxes "does it not entertain? What more reason does khajiit need".

    +1 Year of the Dragon was a smart idea with the amazing cinematic work and edition of dragons they really drew ESO into the lime light rivaling the story arch of solo TES games.

    -1 The year has seen many bugs, with events towards the end of the year ruined by the service being plagued with server issues. With even an entire event being cancelled after live release such things cant be ignored.

    -1 From an under the hood perspective the second half of this year has been a cluster fudge decision wise. With non stop nerf's never addressing the heart of balance issues and the edition of several wildly over priced crown gem pay walled exclusives.

    -1 Lets get this straight Dragonhold was just bad, the area is puny and calling it "southern Elsweyr" is just insulting, to compound the issue there was no new arena, no new trial or new dungeon making the new zone THE ONLY purely overland story area in ESO.
    Edited by MotokoHutt on November 20, 2019 7:30PM
    PC EU
  • MeisterGrilla
    Soul Shriven
    Reasonably speaking, I can't say I'd consider it "worse" than it's ever been, but maybe "stayed consistently the same"...

    At this point I'm squarely middle of the road. I'll enjoy what I can and leave out all the rest.
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    I want to love this game, but if I'm honest the real standout moments of 2019 so far have been bad:

    At the start of the year there was poor server performance, randomly extended loading screens, and then finally a login queue. That was fixed, but then...

    Racial passive changes came out which, combined with a series of NB and bow skill nurfs, destroyed my Bosmer character. I was heavily invested. I mourn him still. Snug Pod now feels like a dead person's house, full of a dead person's belongings.

    And now we're back into poor server performance, lockouts lasting hours, and even withdrawn content. Worse than the beginning of the year.

    I've unsubbed twice this year.

    Other moments...

    Necromancer is an interesting and fun class, but the lack of class change tokens means I have to go back and take my new necro characters through the base game content. For me it is the umpteenth time through that content, and it's getting stale. It's going to be a slog.

    Northern Elsweyr is mostly an ugly zone, with genuinely annoying sand storms. The thing with the billion-year-old geology in a 6000 year-old world was amusing, but still kind of sad. Southern Elsweyr is better on all counts, except for all the dilapidated housing. None of characters will have homes in Elsweyr. They deserve better.

    The khajiit fur stocks were done well, except for the ones that weren't done at all. I especially like the Alfiq, but then they had to go and get all flirty, like suggestive of bestiality, and that was just weird, and uncomfortable. Why did they even go there?

    The new story content was good, up to a point. Getting re-acquainted with the Tharn was a high point. And then they resurrected Sai Sahan, which I can only describe as weak.

    Dragon hunting has been a good bit of mindless knock-about fun, but I found the lore around dragons, and their stories to be weak too. Forced would be a better word. Like Dragons have been forced into a world and into a story that was not originally made to accommodate Dragons.

    The Tsaesci Akaviri content in Northern Elsweyr was simply an unwelcome revelation. It was the cheapest of cop-outs. For months I felt like ZOS had completely killed that particular dream. Only the appearance of the enigmatic Chevalier Renald saved it for me.

    And, as I'm being honest, I have to say that all the really good stuff, the stuff that keeps me coming back day-after-day, is the stuff I bring to the game myself. My roleplay. My developing headcanon. My character stories. The way I have pavloved myself to get a small braingasm every time one of my characters uses a skyshard. Stuff like that.

    So, while I'd still give my overall ESO gaming experience a 9, I'm only going to give ZOS a 4 as the measure of their contribution to that experience this year.

    Must do better 4/10
    PC EU
  • CiliPadi
    2019 = Elder Servers Offline
  • Loves_guars
    The expansions were good, although not as good as Morrowind year or even Summerset. I think I'm giving it higher that it deserves, I love the game content, but the situation with our fellow europeans is truly unacceptable.
  • Casul
    I rate 7/10 mostly good, some bad mixed in. C.
    PvP needs more love.
  • Goregrinder
    ZOS keeps letting me buy everything I want in the game, so definitely a Ten.
  • wavingblue
    I had to go with a 1... the issues have just destroyed what good the content was. Just a few examples:

    1. Huge issues with trading data and using the trading data add-ons as boogymen for all the problems. Right now getting trading data is abysmal, no fix in sight. And of course trading data is the biggest problem because consoles run oh so smoothly and never have any outages of their own nor any problems.
    2. Scaling issues, as load increases the product goes to complete ***.
    3. Lack of listening to the community, time and time again on the PTS things have been mentioned.. no response and the issue ends up in production.
    3a. Classic example was multi-bid, it was obviously not QA'd in any sort of loaded environment. Many posts begged and pleaded to not release... they were ignored, and it turned into a massive *** storm on EU leading to numerous man hours wasted at ZOS to recover from the horrible situation along with dropping ban hammers.
    4. QA process is horrid. How the GF made it into production as is is beyond me. Take a test environment with loaded CPU doing something... script 10000 people hitting it and see what happens. OK, that does well... script 20k... then 30k.. scripting can really help detect all these scaling issues. No... compile, release and watch it crater EU in a matter of hours
    5. EU - Those poor folks have been through hell and back, but you know what... "We are killing it!" Yes, killing a server farm is technically killing it.
    6. After years of going we need to get better at communication.... we will get better... we understand we don't well in this. Again and again and again its repeated... and yet in 2019 you have better luck getting information from devs on other sites or even other languages than you do the english forum.
    7. Crownstore fixes are immediate and blindingly fast. Game breaking issues may NEVER get addressed... or fixed.

    I could keep going.. but it doesn't matter. There is no fix coming for most of these issues. ZOS has made calculated decisions that they can bring in enough n00bs to raise revenue while leaving those that spend a few hundred dollars per year in the dark and in some cases are outright hostile to the veteran players. Its a corporate mentality that will take massive shift in manglement attitude to fix. I don't think its possible at this point.
  • Kel
    NaomiHutt wrote: »
    Just to add another note, if you have rated this year below 5 then in my honest opinion I feel it's time for you to move on and find a new game.

    Why on earth would you play a game that you have clearly rated so low?

    That makes no sense.

    I play this game because I enjoy the overall experience (When the server is working of course 😏)

    You're entitled to your opinion, I'll never understand why people like you, however, feel the need to push people out of the door.

    A lot of us were here when One Tamriel changed everything...basically a rehaul of the game. Some of us are hoping Zos will recognize the need to do so again.

    You can love something and not be happy with it. Your spouse, kids, or even a friend, might be going down a bad path. Doesn't mean you love them less. And it's a disservice to the thing you love as well as yourself to ignore shortcomings and mistakes like they are nothing.

    We don't leave because we still love this game. Wanting to see it improved isn't a bad thing. Being silent won't magically make things better.

    Push enough people out the door, will there even BE a game to love?
    Telling someone to leave has got to be the most useless, self destructive thing to tell someone.

    Hope...hope is why some of us stay.
    Edited by Kel on November 20, 2019 8:21PM
  • Vlad9425
    Solid 2 out of 10. Maybe on days where I'm crashing less and being hit by less Random load screens I can bump it up to a 3.
    Edited by Vlad9425 on November 20, 2019 8:22PM
  • dcam86b14_ESO
    Since everyone has a different playstyle each experience will also differ.

    I play mostly play PvE/housing/story so I had no complaints other than some lag here and there
  • Waynerx8
    This level
    P?ss poor
    This level

    And 5 4 3 2 1- a mod will come edit/delete more comments, with their little ban hammer.
  • Frozen_Heart246
    PC EU is just unplayable
  • xMovingTarget
    logarifmik wrote: »
    I rated this year so high mostly because of well-written Elsweyr story. Sure, there are a lot of annoying problems still exist in the game (bugged for almost 5 years quests, annoying Cyrillic font, bugged riding animations, you name it), but personally I'm more interested in the story. I hope, though, that they'll reconsider this "fractured but whole" approach to the narrative, and the last DLC this year gave a cue, that my hope is not baseless anymore.

    This is why this company will never care to actually fix anything and keeps pumping more and more over monetized and bugged crap onto the servers.
  • Dojohoda
    From a Cyrodiil PVP perspective and PC NA, it's very much IFFY in that you ride to a skirmish and maybe you will stay logged on or maybe you will get the boot. And if you are lucky enough to stay logged on, maybe your buttons will work or maybe they won't.

    The game is okay for the players who are running around doing overland quests, mostly, assuming they are logged in and not asleep dreaming of playing.

    I gave it a 6 because it's a top-notch game, but some key elements aren't working as well as one would expect. Being a broad poll, or I think it is, I don't want to skew it with a low vote because I enjoy PVP more than the parts of the game that work well. That said, I don't like the homogenizing thing being done to skills at all. I also find having to learn-to-play over and over again very tiresome.
    Edited by Dojohoda on November 20, 2019 9:42PM
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • FakeFox
    - placebo performance changes
    - huge server issues (especially EU)
    - game breaking bugs in PvE content for months
    - events that completely break the game (activity finder not working, zones inaccessible, login issues)
    - worst balance changes since Morrowind (Elsweyr, Scalebreaker and Dragonhold)
    - more monetization (skilllines, skyshards, bagspace pet)
    EU/PC (GER) - Healermain since 2014 - 50305 Achievement Points - Youtube (PvE Healing Guides, Builds & Gameplay)
  • BejaProphet
    I think they did awesome this year.

    Limiting factors in the score was that they did nothing to add new aspects to the game, just more content.

    And second that they have not addressed character advancement.

    Those two kept them from a 10.
  • DukeDiewalker
    Without any doubt, the worst year the game ever had. With Scalebreaker and Dragonhold possibly being the worst patches in the games history, balance wise and performance wise.
    The Elsweyr patch was good, hence it got at least a 2 from me :smile:
  • ArchMikem
    I mean its been pretty sweet for me on xbox, and i got all the cat content. But with all the crap PC has been going through i feel like its become a crime to speak well of the game in any way publicly. :/
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • akl77
    1 is poor right? 1 of course
    I used to love eso, now it’s just disappointment none stop this year, so no good feedback about it.
    Edited by akl77 on November 20, 2019 9:35PM
    Pc na
  • NaomiHutt
    Kel wrote: »
    NaomiHutt wrote: »
    Just to add another note, if you have rated this year below 5 then in my honest opinion I feel it's time for you to move on and find a new game.

    Why on earth would you play a game that you have clearly rated so low?

    That makes no sense.

    I play this game because I enjoy the overall experience (When the server is working of course 😏)

    You're entitled to your opinion, I'll never understand why people like you, however, feel the need to push people out of the door.

    A lot of us were here when One Tamriel changed everything...basically a rehaul of the game. Some of us are hoping Zos will recognize the need to do so again.

    You can love something and not be happy with it. Your spouse, kids, or even a friend, might be going down a bad path. Doesn't mean you love them less. And it's a disservice to the thing you love as well as yourself to ignore shortcomings and mistakes like they are nothing.

    We don't leave because we still love this game. Wanting to see it improved isn't a bad thing. Being silent won't magically make things better.

    Push enough people out the door, will there even BE a game to love?
    Telling someone to leave has got to be the most useless, self destructive thing to tell someone.

    Hope...hope is why some of us stay.

    Not pushing anyone out of the door, I just don't understand why you would continue to play a game you think so little off.

    Performance aside Zos have done an amazing job.

    That's like saying your girlfriend is going through a bad time so you're going to rate her 3/10

    No you wouldn't do that, you would rate her much higher, because you love her despite the fact you are just not enjoying her company right now.
    Edited by NaomiHutt on November 20, 2019 9:50PM
  • redspecter23
    NaomiHutt wrote: »
    Kel wrote: »
    NaomiHutt wrote: »
    Just to add another note, if you have rated this year below 5 then in my honest opinion I feel it's time for you to move on and find a new game.

    Why on earth would you play a game that you have clearly rated so low?

    That makes no sense.

    I play this game because I enjoy the overall experience (When the server is working of course 😏)

    You're entitled to your opinion, I'll never understand why people like you, however, feel the need to push people out of the door.

    A lot of us were here when One Tamriel changed everything...basically a rehaul of the game. Some of us are hoping Zos will recognize the need to do so again.

    You can love something and not be happy with it. Your spouse, kids, or even a friend, might be going down a bad path. Doesn't mean you love them less. And it's a disservice to the thing you love as well as yourself to ignore shortcomings and mistakes like they are nothing.

    We don't leave because we still love this game. Wanting to see it improved isn't a bad thing. Being silent won't magically make things better.

    Push enough people out the door, will there even BE a game to love?
    Telling someone to leave has got to be the most useless, self destructive thing to tell someone.

    Hope...hope is why some of us stay.

    Not pushing anyone out of the door, I just don't understand why you would continue to play a game you think so little off.

    Performance aside Zos have done an amazing job.

    That's like saying your girlfriend is going through a bad time so you're going to rate her 3/10

    No you wouldn't do that, you would rate her much higher, because you love her despite the fact you are just not enjoying her company right now.

    Ah, that seems to be the disconnect. If I'm unhappy with something, I rate it appropriate to that moment. I rated ESO a 5 as that's how I feel about it right now. It may get better and I'd rate it higher at that time. You are taking an alternate (but still acceptable) approach of rating it based not only on how it is right now, but previous experiences with the game as well. The time you've put in previously is counting in your rating. Understand that others do not rate things the same way. If it's a dumpster fire right now, they will feel it necessary to rate it a 1 even if it might have been a 3 last week or a 9 3 months ago.
  • NaomiHutt
    NaomiHutt wrote: »
    Kel wrote: »
    NaomiHutt wrote: »
    Just to add another note, if you have rated this year below 5 then in my honest opinion I feel it's time for you to move on and find a new game.

    Why on earth would you play a game that you have clearly rated so low?

    That makes no sense.

    I play this game because I enjoy the overall experience (When the server is working of course 😏)

    You're entitled to your opinion, I'll never understand why people like you, however, feel the need to push people out of the door.

    A lot of us were here when One Tamriel changed everything...basically a rehaul of the game. Some of us are hoping Zos will recognize the need to do so again.

    You can love something and not be happy with it. Your spouse, kids, or even a friend, might be going down a bad path. Doesn't mean you love them less. And it's a disservice to the thing you love as well as yourself to ignore shortcomings and mistakes like they are nothing.

    We don't leave because we still love this game. Wanting to see it improved isn't a bad thing. Being silent won't magically make things better.

    Push enough people out the door, will there even BE a game to love?
    Telling someone to leave has got to be the most useless, self destructive thing to tell someone.

    Hope...hope is why some of us stay.

    Not pushing anyone out of the door, I just don't understand why you would continue to play a game you think so little off.

    Performance aside Zos have done an amazing job.

    That's like saying your girlfriend is going through a bad time so you're going to rate her 3/10

    No you wouldn't do that, you would rate her much higher, because you love her despite the fact you are just not enjoying her company right now.

    Ah, that seems to be the disconnect. If I'm unhappy with something, I rate it appropriate to that moment. I rated ESO a 5 as that's how I feel about it right now. It may get better and I'd rate it higher at that time. You are taking an alternate (but still acceptable) approach of rating it based not only on how it is right now, but previous experiences with the game as well. The time you've put in previously is counting in your rating. Understand that others do not rate things the same way. If it's a dumpster fire right now, they will feel it necessary to rate it a 1 even if it might have been a 3 last week or a 9 3 months ago.

    But the Question is...

    How would you rate your 2019 in ESO?

    Not how was your October and November experience.
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