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Nightblades need their skills reverted back to how they were.

  • Deathlord92
    Don’t even get me started how unreliable nb burst is compared to other classes 😒
  • StaticWave
    StaticWave wrote: »
    @StaticWave You generalizing. I've no idea who else you've spoken to but that has nothing to do with me. I'm not included in any rant about "people." I'm only responsible for what I say.

    And as for burst if you don't think stacking multiple attacks in a single gcd isn't about doing the most damage in a short amount of time than there's no more to be said.

    Have a nice day :#

    You still think stacking multiple skills is called burst.. lol. If I do 8k heavy attack and 15k onslaught totaling 23k damage, that is still burst dude. Apparently that isn’t burst with your logic 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

    You make a lot of assumptions. Try not to make claims on what you assume someone else thinks. It's not great for conversations. Thanks!

    When I say multiple attacks in a single gcd. I'm referring to one global Cool down. All abilities landing at the same time.

    Like that heavy attack into an ultimate. Nice combo huh. What if you can stack multiple abilities to land at that exact same moment? Would that add burst? Hmm...

    Yes I know what you meant about gcd, yes I know it adds burst. I'm just saying it's not the only way to add burst, and certainly doesn't guarantee the best burst. You mentioned magsorc having better burst than nb in that thread, which is false. I mentioned the 16k onslaught for a reason, not just to show off numbers. You can stack curse frag ultimate all you want, but a curse isn't going to do 8k damage. A frag isn't going to do 10k damage either. Meteor doesn't either. Most magsorcs stack 12k-15 penetration, so realistically an average curse against a 25k resistance player is going to hit for 4-5k crit, a frag is going to hit for ~7k crit, and a meteor is going to crit for 8-9k. That's an average total of 19-21k crit combo, provided it all land at once. A nb heavy attacking + onslaughting can pull off 21k+ easily.

    The less skills you need to stack, the more lethal you're going to be. Imagine like this, when a magsorc casts curse on you, you know he's going to apply his combo. A NB heavy attacking on the other hand is more unpredictable. You never know when he's going to use his combo because he only uses 1 skill. There's no telegraph here to anticipate. But you can anticipate the magsorc combo. That's what people tried to tell you.
    PC NA

    Static Wave - AD stamsorc

  • StaticWave
    StaticWave wrote: »
    StaticWave wrote: »
    First off I have played a stamina nightblade exclusively since the launch of this game. I have no interest in playing a different class. I have adapted to every patch and normally I say it’s a learn to play issue. But now our nerfs have just made us virtually unable to compete in today’s pvp meta.

    First off let’s describe the concept of the nightblade. It’s a stealthy rogue/mage that uses the power of the shadows to attack its targets. That means that it’s not the kind of class that had running around in clunky heavy armor wielding a battle ax screaming into battle. It was meant to be a strategic striker. Meaning you chose your target you attack swiftly and get out. It wasn’t meant for 1v X in the same way that a dk or a Templar can 1 v x it requires a lot of strategy to split up your opponents and get them by themselves.

    Now in today’s heavy dot meta pvp is full of large groups. And let’s face it ganking is not much of a thing today. The forums are full of people saying that they hardly see nbs running around and the few that are, are the ones like me who refuse to give up. Because we love the class. However now the class isn’t all that fun to play now that it’s identy has been stripped and a new identity has been thrust down our throats.

    So many people have cried that one nb was able to burst them down and to be honest that’s what it’s intended to do. If you were with friends more than likely you were fine. The combined buffs and aoes and heals your friends contributed made a nb gank much more likely to fail. And if that nb managed to split you all up and kill 3-4 of you more than likely that was due to them being skilled and you and your group making a strategic error not to stay together.

    Now we have among the weakest class skills in the game. Some of which don’t even make sense to the class
    •incap- removed the stun and major defile and replaced with a silence that has virtually no impact in combat and many nbs choose not to wait that long to get 120 ulti - this skill has one of the shortest ranges at 5 meters is dodgeable, blockable, misses often and is single target. Which means it was meant to have extreme effect on the one target you fight again. Nothing was more satisfying than when your incap landed and you saw your target get knocked flat on the ground. This skill made it so when used a target had to quickly react to not get bursted down. Now however most classes can shrug it off no big deal. There are other class ultimates that do considerably more damage and have greater impact than this single target ulti. Dragon leap undodgable unblockable does insane damage and knocks back. Templar crescent sweep is an aoe does 60% more damage to everyone hit and is instant cast and has a dot meaning it’s virtually undodgable due to its 8 meter range. Warden has that blizzard skill again a large damaging aoe that is virtually undodgable and stuns the target, sorc has overload which I will admit needs a rework due to how easy it is to dodge but they have other skills that make them op with shields and how easy it is to mitigate damage

    Next we have surprise attack- again a skill that had great spammable potential. Stunned from stealth and applied major fracture to your target. This skill was single target and again limited range. This spammable requires both the magic and stam nb to be up close in a targets face which to mag class is not recommended. Now this skill no longer applies major fracture which was great against the heavy armor meta and is instead gifted the terrible 5% armor reduction if attacking from a flanking position. Which at most means that if your fighting a target with 30k armor your only removing 1500 of that armor. And even less if they are running around 15k and 20-25k making this spammable not very impactful. Compared again to Templar’s jabs which again do huge damage, was a dot direct damage hybrid which is now going to be instead buffed by the other direct damage buffs making it stronger, it slows the target has a huge range and cone of effect making dodging very difficult
    All other class spammable sad far as dk whip warden cliff racer sorcs frags and necros blast bones all have far more impact and range than the nbs single target spammable.

    I could go further and complain about the nerfs to relentless and how it’s removal of minor berserk and minor endurance being replaced with damage mitigation or how our gap closer no longer stuns or is even reliable seeing as half the time I have to recast the skill 3-4 times before I actually teleport to my target. (Minor vulnerability is however a welcome buff.)

    At the end of the day every other class has much more effective ultimates, spammables, gap closers and buffs than nb and nbs have also suffered ninja nerfs due to the global nerfs to bonus damage from stealth crit resistance negating most of our stealth attacks which only hit harder because of stealth and the fact that our cloak is broken by sooo many skills. Nb has so many useless skills that many don’t even use from the siphoning tree or shadow tree as there are other faction skills that are more effective versions of our class skills that all other classes have access too.

    Ahhhh, finally a NB QQ thread. You complain about your class's skills being stripped off but have you looked at other classes that have little to zero offensive class skills and have to rely on weapon skills? (aka stamsorc) We're doing just fine.

    Nightblades were utterly broken strong a few patches ago. Anyone remember heavy armor bleedblade? They packed insane burst damage and sustained pressure with bleeds, while maintaining incredible survivability. Even with 2h/bow build NB still out-classed other classes in that setup in damage output. Heavy Attack > Incap > Spectral Bow > Execute is arguably one of the best burst combos in the game. Even this patch, it remains the most lethal stamina combo that can 100-0 an opponent in seconds. Surprise Attack got nerf, sure, but compared to other classes it remains one of the best spammables in the game. Heck, I'd trade dizzyswing for SA anyday if I could. It has zero cast time, can be weaved with light attack bash, procs Major Resolve/Ward when you use it, stuns people and sets them offbalanced from stealth. So many things packed in 1 skill. Spectral bow has a tooltip higher than ultimates, reduces damage taken for 10%, and heals you whenever you land the skill. A burst that does great damage, heals for a portion of that damage, and gives dmg reduction. How is that not strong? Incap got the nerf it deserved, but it still amplifies damage by 20% which is insane when comboed.

    So no, NB does not need a revert. They are still one of the best classes for burst damage if you build right, and they still perform really well in openworld. The only thing I think would need to be reverted is the ultimate cast time.

    By the way, Dragonleap isn't unblockable.
    You obviously hate nb maybe took few to many Ls. I rolled my eyes and stopped reading somewhere at the very beginning lol 😒
    And you’re probably one of those bad nbs that doesnt know how strong the class is. Any good player knows nb is strong. But that’s fine, the forums is mostly casuals anyways
    You assume I’m bad because I think nb needs a buff lol I know how strong nb is I know what sets work what sets don’t I also know that when I’m fighting a good player I start feeling my nerfs really badly. Nb suppose to be a single target killing machine yet templars with there aoes can kill say 2 players faster then nb can drop 1.

    Then don't assume I hate Nbs and take many Ls? Goes both way dude.

    That's weird. I don't feel my nerfs when I fight good players. If you're on PC NA come to stormhaven.
    PC NA

    Static Wave - AD stamsorc

  • StaticWave
    Don’t even get me started how unreliable nb burst is compared to other classes 😒

    I'm a stamsorc main and I could be qqing about how weak the class is rn. But it isnt. Stamsorc has great defense and heals, and their damage is great, even if they lack offensive skills in their kit. Acknowledge the strength is what i'm saying
    PC NA

    Static Wave - AD stamsorc

  • Royalthought
    StaticWave wrote: »
    StaticWave wrote: »
    @StaticWave You generalizing. I've no idea who else you've spoken to but that has nothing to do with me. I'm not included in any rant about "people." I'm only responsible for what I say.

    And as for burst if you don't think stacking multiple attacks in a single gcd isn't about doing the most damage in a short amount of time than there's no more to be said.

    Have a nice day :#

    You still think stacking multiple skills is called burst.. lol. If I do 8k heavy attack and 15k onslaught totaling 23k damage, that is still burst dude. Apparently that isn’t burst with your logic 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

    You make a lot of assumptions. Try not to make claims on what you assume someone else thinks. It's not great for conversations. Thanks!

    When I say multiple attacks in a single gcd. I'm referring to one global Cool down. All abilities landing at the same time.

    Like that heavy attack into an ultimate. Nice combo huh. What if you can stack multiple abilities to land at that exact same moment? Would that add burst? Hmm...

    Yes I know what you meant about gcd, yes I know it adds burst. I'm just saying it's not the only way to add burst, and certainly doesn't guarantee the best burst. You mentioned magsorc having better burst than nb in that thread, which is false. I mentioned the 16k onslaught for a reason, not just to show off numbers. You can stack curse frag ultimate all you want, but a curse isn't going to do 8k damage. A frag isn't going to do 10k damage either. Meteor doesn't either. Most magsorcs stack 12k-15 penetration, so realistically an average curse against a 25k resistance player is going to hit for 4-5k crit, a frag is going to hit for ~7k crit, and a meteor is going to crit for 8-9k. That's an average total of 19-21k crit combo, provided it all land at once. A nb heavy attacking + onslaughting can pull off 21k+ easily.

    The less skills you need to stack, the more lethal you're going to be. Imagine like this, when a magsorc casts curse on you, you know he's going to apply his combo. A NB heavy attacking on the other hand is more unpredictable. You never know when he's going to use his combo because he only uses 1 skill. There's no telegraph here to anticipate. But you can anticipate the magsorc combo. That's what people tried to tell you.

    Nothing you just said counters ability stacking.
    For 1, onslaught isn’t a nightblade ability. All classes have access to it. The fact that it’s your main go to for describing “nightblade” potential burst says a lot! Lol

    For the record, I stated nb does NOT have the highest burst. Which is true. If your standard is heavy attack into onslaught, we both know any class with delayed burst will have higher numbers. Simply add the extra ability damage to your comparison and voila.

    Keep in mind heavy + onslaught was your standard. Not mine.
  • mb10
    Needs way more group utility in pvp

    Sap essence needs to do more, refreshing path needs to do more and those two are really the only AoE potential skills

    When I say more I mean an additional group buff or enemy debuff
  • Langeston
    StaticWave wrote: »
    Also for reference, this is a video of a great stamblade on PC EU. Watch it and you'll see how NB can be played to its full potential.

    Even with the nerfs, NB remain among the best classes right now in ESO.

    Edited by Langeston on November 1, 2019 6:28AM
  • barney2525
    I have a character.... that uses a blade.... and runs around at night

  • Tommy_The_Gun
    I have to say, some people here on forums amaze me with the amount of effort they put in call for nerfs. But calling to nerf a class that 90% of people (even not mains) call useless & underperforming is just ridiculous... I mean if you do so (call for nerfs) you simply make yourself look bad...
  • Stebarnz
    Stebarnz wrote: »
    Stebarnz wrote: »
    cloak not being invis.


    lol, was hoping that would sneak through, it is the worst skill in the game though.

    Kind of showing your true colours there mate of what you think about NB play style ;)

    Correct! I think its crap used by trolls.

    90% of NB players are bad and need the old OP crutches, the other 10 can still make it work now that it has been brought into line, only thing left to get nerfed is cloak.

    90% of NB fights I have are boring playing hide and seek, I mostly just ignore cloaking NB's now that 90% of NB players cant use them and their damage is like the buzzing of flies.
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    Stebarnz wrote: »

    90% of NB fights I have are boring playing hide and seek, I mostly just ignore cloaking NB's now that 90% of NB players cant use them and their damage is like the buzzing of flies.

    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • Asys
    Dont worry. All this crying about nerfs is gonna get all you crying NB´s buffed again so you can kill again without effort. Sad people
    I need TP for my ***!
  • Wolfshade
    Purge on my Cloak and stam reg on focus again. Thanks, thats all!
  • Deathlord92
    StaticWave wrote: »
    Don’t even get me started how unreliable nb burst is compared to other classes 😒

    I'm a stamsorc main and I could be qqing about how weak the class is rn. But it isnt. Stamsorc has great defense and heals, and their damage is great, even if they lack offensive skills in their kit. Acknowledge the strength is what i'm saying
    All I’m saying is at the very least incap should 100% get the stun back there’s no argument when I say removing the stun was just stupid and give major fracture back to SA. Every other class has excess to major fracture on there most used skills.
  • Deathlord92
    Well sorry maybe not stam sorc.
  • Deathlord92
    Asys wrote: »
    Dont worry. All this crying about nerfs is gonna get all you crying NB´s buffed again so you can kill again without effort. Sad people
    Well that is what a rogue is supposed to do atm templar does this better except to multiple players not single target like a rogue should be doing.
    Edited by Deathlord92 on November 1, 2019 2:48PM
  • Kalante
    I just want major fracture back on SA and also remove that useless silence delay from incap. Holy ****. Not everyone uses a nightblade for its ganking play style, some of us like brawl with it. When you have dumb ass delays like the one incap has it just doesn't work well on a class that constantly requires you to be dodging enemy attacks. It feels clunky having to sit trough for my ultimate to go off. Nightblade isn't made for wasting time specially if you are running medium armor. You just get deleted specially in this day and age of snares galore.
    Edited by Kalante on November 1, 2019 4:43PM
  • hakan
    there are still salty people on this forum because they dont like cloak playstyle and make dumb comment how it is boring or coward.

    really interesting.

    but then again most of them are sorcs, so....

    worst part is, zos removed buffs because it was overloaded then gave so many buffs to skills that doesnt even need it, making them op, just to nerf them again lol.
  • Stebarnz
    NB can have everything else back but remove invis from cloak. Deal?
  • Deathlord92
    Stebarnz wrote: »
    NB can have everything else back but remove invis from cloak. Deal?
    You make zero sense how about we remove the heal from breath of life to yeah lmao
  • Stebarnz
    Stebarnz wrote: »
    NB can have everything else back but remove invis from cloak. Deal?
    You make zero sense how about we remove the heal from breath of life to yeah lmao

    Ill take that, no heal on BoL but some other buff and then no invis on cloak something else like maj evasion and a purge.

    Weird how crutch needing, crybaby NB's assume everyone is magplar, I don't main a magplar, so im all good with this change.
    Edited by Stebarnz on November 1, 2019 3:08PM
  • Deathlord92
    Stebarnz wrote: »
    Stebarnz wrote: »
    NB can have everything else back but remove invis from cloak. Deal?
    You make zero sense how about we remove the heal from breath of life to yeah lmao

    Ill take that, no heal on BoL but some other buff and then no invis on cloak something else like maj evasion and a purge.

    Weird how crutch needing, crybaby NB's assume everyone is magplar, I don't main a magplar, so im all good with this change.
    I don’t even know why I bother with you ur either a troller or a noob that has no idea what a rogue is or how eso even works.
  • BohnT2
    For anyone complaining about stamnb not being a viable class i advise taking a look into this thread.
    Almost any single problem mentioned in this post could be solved by getting better at the game or accepting the strengths of Stamnbs
  • deepseamk20b14_ESO
    StaticWave wrote: »
    Nightblades definitely need some work. It’s single target damage is rivaled by AoE classes.

    Looking at these posts..... Balance discussions should be based on experience and knowledge of mechanics.

    Not YouTube montages ;)

    Which the person in the video does have while many in this thread don’t. See the problem?

    Are you under the impression that insults and character assassination makes you opinion more valid?

    If you know someone in this thread personally, address them by name. If you actually don’t, you’re coming across as having an agenda tbh.

    Insults and character assassination? A bit dramatic don’t you think? I don’t know this person but come on....they didn’t insult anyone lol.
    Stebarnz wrote: »
    Stebarnz wrote: »
    Stebarnz wrote: »
    cloak not being invis.


    lol, was hoping that would sneak through, it is the worst skill in the game though.

    Kind of showing your true colours there mate of what you think about NB play style ;)

    Correct! I think its crap used by trolls.

    90% of NB players are bad and need the old OP crutches, the other 10 can still make it work now that it has been brought into line, only thing left to get nerfed is cloak.

    90% of NB fights I have are boring playing hide and seek, I mostly just ignore cloaking NB's now that 90% of NB players cant use them and their damage is like the buzzing of flies.

    Cloak did get nerfed. It used to purge DoTs completely.

    Though I would agree to an extent there are a lot of bad NB’s out there, really, there are a lot of bad players out there in general.

    If 90% is what you truly believe, than such a high number simply couldn’t be just bad players, unless it’s equal across the board, as it would statistically improbable the other way around. Meaning 90% of DK’s are bad, 90% of sorcs are bad, and so on. If that is not the case and you only believe the NB class has a majority of bad players, then there is clearly something else going on. Either you’re being disingenuous or there really is something wrong with the class and that’s the real reason people seem bad with it.

    You also contradict yourself. You claim most NB’s need their old crutches and they can’t kill anyone without those crutches, yet they also NB’s hit like flies and you’re just so damn amazing you shrug them off and don’t bother with them. One statement points towards a player issue, other points to a class issue. So which is it?

    And what do you mean by crutches? What crutches? Everything NB lost NB still has access to using skills outside of class skills. Rally gives minor endurance, mark or ransack for breach, and minor berserk from evil hunter. Cloak is still fine and only bad players can’t counter it.

    The class is fine, by the way. At least in my humble opinion. It’s actually balanced compared to some of the other classes.
    Hey everyone! Look! It's a signature!
  • Royalthought
    “Balance discussions should be based on experience and knowledge of mechanics.”

    “Which the person in the video does have while many in this thread don’t. See the problem?”

    Perhaps you’re under the impression that claiming someone lacks knowledge is a compliment?

    If so, I can offer you some kind words. ;)
    Edited by Royalthought on November 1, 2019 4:36PM
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    BohnT2 wrote: »
    For anyone complaining about stamnb not being a viable class i advise taking a look into this thread.
    Almost any single problem mentioned in this post could be solved by getting better at the game or accepting the strengths of Stamnbs

    Ahh its a l2p issue.

    Then I may as well give up then. After playing nb successfully for 6 years its obviously now working as intended and I am the problem.
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • BohnT2
    BohnT2 wrote: »
    For anyone complaining about stamnb not being a viable class i advise taking a look into this thread.
    Almost any single problem mentioned in this post could be solved by getting better at the game or accepting the strengths of Stamnbs

    Ahh its a l2p issue.

    Then I may as well give up then. After playing nb successfully for 6 years its obviously now working as intended and I am the problem.

    Have you checked what the linked post is about?
    For stamnb there's no excuse to say it's weak in solo play other than admitting that oneself isn't able to perform well on it.
  • Deathlord92
    All I’m saying is my stamblade destroys bad players I know the class in side and out it’s all I played since eso release and a small amount magblade. But when I’m fighting a good player specially when they playing stam dk or templar I feel them nerfs a lot and templar does way more damage better survivability imo.
    Edited by Deathlord92 on November 1, 2019 4:47PM
  • Cirantille
    I don't main this class so I can not talk about PvP
    But in PvE I am quite annoyed by the lack of AoE effects and self-heals
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    BohnT2 wrote: »
    BohnT2 wrote: »
    For anyone complaining about stamnb not being a viable class i advise taking a look into this thread.
    Almost any single problem mentioned in this post could be solved by getting better at the game or accepting the strengths of Stamnbs

    Ahh its a l2p issue.

    Then I may as well give up then. After playing nb successfully for 6 years its obviously now working as intended and I am the problem.

    Have you checked what the linked post is about?
    For stamnb there's no excuse to say it's weak in solo play other than admitting that oneself isn't able to perform well on it.

    Yeh its just me, my bad, and those like me. obviously we have been doing it wrong all along, but the class accommodated our ineptitude. Now that class 'identity' has been resolved its shown us for what we really are and we can happily stop playing in the knowledge that we don't know how to play nb's properly.
    Edited by martinhpb16_ESO on November 1, 2019 5:05PM
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
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