This game needs an auction house..

  • apterous
    Kono wrote: »
    The Guild Store System - is TOTALLY USELESS
    ZoS please own up and admit you we just trying to minimize your development work.
    Step-up and make an AH!!.
    have you thought that maybe the guild you are just isn't a trading guild?

  • KanedaSyndrome
    I think the guild auction houses are fail. They destroy the guild spirit. They make it so only 499 people can view your items. I'm having more success spamming zone chat with my items and that's a huge pain.

    I don't need one big auction house, I just need public auction houses, make one in each of the major cities if you want, that would be fine.
    KanedaSyndrome's Suggestions For Game Improvements
    The Fortuitous Collapse of the Wave Equation
    The Best Plans Require No Action
  • Gwarok
    Have a question for everybody:
    When you run around burglarizing NPC houses, Town/Guild Halls etc. Are you actually READING the books you click on for are you just "fast tapping" and moving on? Cause if you are doing the latter YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG!!!
    ALL of the answers to your problems are addressed and solvable IF you LRN2READ.

    This game does NOT need an public wide AH. YOU people need to accept that there is a different economic system in place and you are going to have to learn to play by THEIR (our dungeon master's a.k.a Zenimax) rules and get use to a NEW system and set of rules that the Dev's want us to play by. Is the art of bartering really lost to this generation of gamers that they insist EZ-mode AHing?

    The answer (again) to making money if you are looking to be "rich" is in the books/scrolls. I rarely am using these "guild stores" for ANYTHING and when I do I'm putting up certain items I come across and UNDERCUTTING the NPC vendors AND MAKING A FRIHGEN KILLING!!! AND get this I only belong to 3 guilds, yes THREE and only one is a "mercantile" guild and have PLENTY of bag/bank space. (Please note also that I am only running ONE character) I just hit level 20 and I'm close to a quarter million gold. I am not selling blue/purple/gear or all that other [Epic Pixel Crack Crap] to other players (exception to crafting mats), the REAL the money is in common goods.

    "Strive for BALANCE of all things. When the scales tip to one side or the other, someone or somethings gets short-changed. When someone gets sort-changed, unpredictability and strife unbalance the world around us...To achieve freedom from GREED, from want, and from strife, all parties in any exchange MUST find BALANCE."

    -House Hlaalu's Philosophy of Trade
    Edited by Gwarok on April 15, 2014 7:02PM
    "Strive for balance of all things. When the scales tip to one side or the other, someone or somethings gets short-changed. When someone gets short-changed, unpredictability and strife unbalance the world around us...To achieve freedom from greed, from want, and from strife, all parties in any exchange MUST find balance." -House Hlaalu's Philosophy of Trade

    "I am ALWAYS very busy, so I KNOW what's best. You need to stay away from the waterfall. TRUST ME, you're better off keeping busy than playing in the stream....Do you know how to swim, Little Scrib?"

    "I am but a simple farmer". -Rags'nar LodesBroke


    (Juliet): is nor hand, nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
    Belonging to a man.
    O, be some other name!
    What's in a name?
    That which we call a rose?
    By any other name would smell as sweet.
    Retain that dear perfection to which he owes...
    (Act II, Scene II -William Shakespeare's: Romeo & Juliet -1595 A.D.)

  • Adlerson
    The current implementation of guild stores could use some UI refining, which I suspect will come, but I can live quite happily without a centralized AH. It takes a bit more work, but then again I enjoy that, it weeds out the lazy instant gratification crowd.
  • nimbli
    Lol Gwarok. Actually, no I haven't read most of them. A few about the Bosmer I have though and those are hilarious. Ive no need for gold (storebought...ewww) but it is interesting to note Ive missed something so huge. Thanks for the info.
  • Aggelos
    No it doesnt need an auction house. Get out there and be social.
  • Tandor
    Core features of the game (such as the ability to trade effectively) shouldn't be dependent on guild membership, nor should the general chat channel be filled up with attempts to overcome that failing.

    We do need a better way of trading. Whether it's a global AH or some other way of achieving more effective trading is open to discussion, but only a very few are supporting the status quo. I don't have a problem with Zenimax trying something different, indeed I welcome that, but this particular "something different" isn't working, and it needs changing.
  • Alurria
    No AH, please. It ruins the prices sorry its my opinion.
  • Emopower
    Kono wrote: »
    The Guild Store System - is TOTALLY USELESS
    ZoS please own up and admit you we just trying to minimize your development work.
    Step-up and make an AH!!.

    Did any of the Elder scrolls games ever have an Auction House? No they did not, and they shouldn't now, if you want an auction house go play "World of Warcraft".

    I'm in a few Trading guilds and the guild stores aren't auction houses, they're guild stores. They work perfectly fine for what they are. I wouldn't want to see an auction house. It's a different game. A better one.
  • Gwarok
    Tandor wrote: »
    We do need a better way of trading. Whether it's a global AH or some other way of achieving more effective trading is open to discussion, but only a very few are supporting the status quo. I don't have a problem with Zenimax trying something different, indeed I welcome that, but this particular "something different" isn't working, and it needs changing.

    Anyone know someone that might be working on a BananAH type add-on? The search and sort feature I have seen in other MMO is pretty much priceless just for those features alone. It might be the way to go for now seeing that it probably will be an estimated 3 months before the Devs can re-skin the guild stores and add a better functioning search feature. (unless they decide to go with this public AH system people are insisting on, which TBO I really am against)
    Edited by Gwarok on April 15, 2014 7:54PM
    "Strive for balance of all things. When the scales tip to one side or the other, someone or somethings gets short-changed. When someone gets short-changed, unpredictability and strife unbalance the world around us...To achieve freedom from greed, from want, and from strife, all parties in any exchange MUST find balance." -House Hlaalu's Philosophy of Trade

    "I am ALWAYS very busy, so I KNOW what's best. You need to stay away from the waterfall. TRUST ME, you're better off keeping busy than playing in the stream....Do you know how to swim, Little Scrib?"

    "I am but a simple farmer". -Rags'nar LodesBroke


    (Juliet): is nor hand, nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
    Belonging to a man.
    O, be some other name!
    What's in a name?
    That which we call a rose?
    By any other name would smell as sweet.
    Retain that dear perfection to which he owes...
    (Act II, Scene II -William Shakespeare's: Romeo & Juliet -1595 A.D.)

  • Seraseth
    Emopower wrote: »
    Did any of the Elder scrolls games ever have an Auction House? No they did not, and they shouldn't now, if you want an auction house go play "World of Warcraft".

    They were single player games, of course they didn't have an auction house. Who were you going to trade with, the barkeep and the stable master??
  • JunkyardWolf
    how about a dedicated trade channel, then maybe the zone spam would drop and folks would be happier
  • Hawtsauce
    I would prefer the AH but at the very least FIX the broke guild store UI and add a few trade channels
    Ebonheart Pact
    Darkmoon - Mag NB
    Ermak - Mag Templar
    Pukk - Stam NB
    Hawtsauce - Mag DK
    Mystik - Mag Sorc
    Brutikus - Stam DK
  • Hawtsauce
    Seraseth wrote: »

    They were single player games, of course they didn't have an auction house. Who were you going to trade with, the barkeep and the stable master??

    LOL i was thinking the same thing, you beat me to it
    Ebonheart Pact
    Darkmoon - Mag NB
    Ermak - Mag Templar
    Pukk - Stam NB
    Hawtsauce - Mag DK
    Mystik - Mag Sorc
    Brutikus - Stam DK
  • Drachenfier
    Gwarok wrote: »

    "Strive for BALANCE of all things. When the scales tip to one side or the other, someone or somethings gets short-changed. When someone gets sort-changed, unpredictability and strife unbalance the world around us...To achieve freedom from GREED, from want, and from strife, all parties in any exchange MUST find BALANCE."

    -House Hlaalu's Philosophy of Trade

    That just screams auction house to me. A market that's open to and accessible by everyone gives that balance that small localized markets and individual sellers do not.

    Don't think that post worked out the way you planned.
  • Drachenfier
    No AH, please. It ruins the prices sorry its my opinion.

    In other words, you want to continue to rip off your fellow players.
  • Drachenfier
    Aggelos wrote: »
    No it doesnt need an auction house. Get out there and be social.

    Are you social when you go to Wal Mart? Gabbing it up with everyone that's shopping around you? I doubt it.

    Social is for dungeons and pvp.
    Edited by Drachenfier on April 15, 2014 8:19PM
  • Hawtsauce
    ^ I like this Drachenfier guy LOL
    Ebonheart Pact
    Darkmoon - Mag NB
    Ermak - Mag Templar
    Pukk - Stam NB
    Hawtsauce - Mag DK
    Mystik - Mag Sorc
    Brutikus - Stam DK
  • rdfarley89
    IMO the game needs an auction horse...That would be awesome, we would call him Mr. Ed..
  • Hawtsauce

    That just screams auction house to me. A market that's open to and accessible by everyone gives that balance that small localized markets and individual sellers do not.

    Don't think that post worked out the way you planned.

    I agree - the guild stores are like mud puddles and the AH is an ocean - when my fat *** does a cannonball in the mud puddle - your gonna know, in the ocean - not so much. same with fluctuations in prices , spikes in supply or demand - a bigger system like the global AH is much more stable
    Ebonheart Pact
    Darkmoon - Mag NB
    Ermak - Mag Templar
    Pukk - Stam NB
    Hawtsauce - Mag DK
    Mystik - Mag Sorc
    Brutikus - Stam DK
  • Crumpy
    AH please!
    I lyke not this quill.
  • scruffycavetroll
    Crumpy wrote: »
    AH please!

    just gonna keep this idea alive:

    What about if all guild stores were merged into 1 main place where all people could look?

    1- You're keeping the guild stores, which puts that check in to limit the bots
    2- guild stores are still independent
    3- can be faction specific
    4- all items in these guild stores are displayed in this main Commerce house
    5- add another option where the banker is for 'public auctions', that way no more rendering for buildings, just a simple little addition to what's already there.
    6- player has option to make item guild only, public, or both. can set different prices for each.

    Edited by scruffycavetroll on April 15, 2014 8:50PM
  • Gwarok

    Hawtsauce wrote: »

    I agree - the guild stores are like mud puddles and the AH is an ocean - when my fat *** does a cannonball in the mud puddle - your gonna know, in the ocean - not so much. same with fluctuations in prices , spikes in supply or demand - a bigger system like the global AH is much more stable
    No, the post worked out exactly the way I wanted it to...the point I was "gunning" for was for people to start thinking outside of the obvious proverbial box of worms. If people cant grasp the concept then I guess all hope is possibly lost.

    Edited by Gwarok on April 15, 2014 10:38PM
    "Strive for balance of all things. When the scales tip to one side or the other, someone or somethings gets short-changed. When someone gets short-changed, unpredictability and strife unbalance the world around us...To achieve freedom from greed, from want, and from strife, all parties in any exchange MUST find balance." -House Hlaalu's Philosophy of Trade

    "I am ALWAYS very busy, so I KNOW what's best. You need to stay away from the waterfall. TRUST ME, you're better off keeping busy than playing in the stream....Do you know how to swim, Little Scrib?"

    "I am but a simple farmer". -Rags'nar LodesBroke


    (Juliet): is nor hand, nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
    Belonging to a man.
    O, be some other name!
    What's in a name?
    That which we call a rose?
    By any other name would smell as sweet.
    Retain that dear perfection to which he owes...
    (Act II, Scene II -William Shakespeare's: Romeo & Juliet -1595 A.D.)

  • reignfyre
    Why did I read the title of this thread in the tone of Jack Nicholson saying "This town neeeeds an enemah!!"
  • Gwarok

    just gonna keep this idea alive:

    1- You're keeping the guild stores, which puts that check in to limit the bots
    2- guild stores are still independent
    3- can be faction specific
    4- all items in these guild stores are displayed in this main Commerce house
    5- add another option where the banker is for 'public auctions', that way no more rendering for buildings, just a simple little addition to what's already there.
    6- player has option to make item guild only, public, or both. can set different prices for each.

    There is a lot of potential with this idea. +1
    What about if all guild stores were merged into 1 main place where all people could look?
    As far as I know the cap on members of a "guild" is 1200 individual accounts (people)...which is one helluva strong community with plenty of gold coin floating around. Would 3000 be an acceptable cap instead?
    Edited by Gwarok on April 15, 2014 10:45PM
    "Strive for balance of all things. When the scales tip to one side or the other, someone or somethings gets short-changed. When someone gets short-changed, unpredictability and strife unbalance the world around us...To achieve freedom from greed, from want, and from strife, all parties in any exchange MUST find balance." -House Hlaalu's Philosophy of Trade

    "I am ALWAYS very busy, so I KNOW what's best. You need to stay away from the waterfall. TRUST ME, you're better off keeping busy than playing in the stream....Do you know how to swim, Little Scrib?"

    "I am but a simple farmer". -Rags'nar LodesBroke


    (Juliet): is nor hand, nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
    Belonging to a man.
    O, be some other name!
    What's in a name?
    That which we call a rose?
    By any other name would smell as sweet.
    Retain that dear perfection to which he owes...
    (Act II, Scene II -William Shakespeare's: Romeo & Juliet -1595 A.D.)

  • Greydog
    Gwarok wrote: »
    No, the post worked out exactly the way I wanted it to...the point I was "gunning" for was for people to start thinking outside of the obvious proverbial box of worms. If people cant grasp the concept then I guess all hope is possibly lost.

    Throughout all the threads on this issue there have been many good suggestions that were "outside the box" except no-one noticed. They were too busy shooting down every idea flying by to give them a thought.

    You may be looking for something outside the box, but I think you left in in that niche in the corner.

    "I Plan on living forever far so good"
    Sanguine's Disciple

    Asylum Amoebaeus ..A refuge for those who normally fly solo.
    Message me here or in game for an invite
  • Zilas
    Greydog wrote: »

    Throughout all the threads on this issue there have been many good suggestions that were "outside the box" except no-one noticed. They were too busy shooting down every idea flying by to give them a thought.

    You may be looking for something outside the box, but I think you left in in that niche in the corner.

    If the thread remains getting bumped and gaining pages, eventually, someone who means something will tell someone who will then tell someone who will then, hopefully, take action!

    Nah but seriously, I believe the developers are aware there is a demand for an auction house

    The current system, one that me and many others hate (just check the thread responses) has to be changed, it's way too time consuming to sell your items right now.

  • Morthur
    Edited by Morthur on April 28, 2014 12:21PM
  • Zilas
    Morthur wrote: »

    What check are you referring to exactly? The 4 trading guilds I'm in have the sole goal to reach the 500 player cap ASAP and there was absolutely NO check whatsoever upon entry. Someone was spamming chat saying "whisper me for invite to our trade guild! only 10 slots left!". I then whispered him and said "hi mate, can I get an invite pls?" and bang - I was in. Do you really think that a gold seller could not have joined just as easily?

    It was exactly the same in the other 3 trade guilds. They just want to maximize members to compensate for the idiotic lack of a decent AH - and to further increase the amount of members they give everyone in the guild the right to invite new people (so if there is a single gold seller/botter in one of those guilds then they'll be able to invite their cronies without any problems).

    So if you're laboring under the illusion that this idiotic system offers some form of "social control" over gold farmers and sellers then you are sadly mistaken. Since there is also no decent UI for the Guild Store it's also virtually impossible to tell what's actually going on in your own guild market (I mean, you can't even search for specific items, not to mention searching for listings from the same seller etc.) so it's not like it will be harder for gold sellers to play the market in a Guild Store then in an AH (actually it's much easier because the market is smaller and thus requires way less goods and/or gold to manipulate). This is Econ101 guys...

    Anyone who played an MMO (on a serious level) before could have told the devs that this would be the case - but seemingly most beta testers were chosen for their (blind?) love of the franchise, not because they actually have any prior experience with MMOs or the internet in general (or at least that would explain how this kind of thing didn't get changed after the very first beta weekend). Either that or the devs simply didn't listen to their testers (which totally defeats the point of a beta).


    Aside from that I find scruffycavetroll's idea quite good. A kind of mix of public AH and Guild Store - but then again they also might as well simply implement a public AH out-right since all you're doing is forcing people to join a guild before they can sell (which makes no sense whatsoever except wasting peoples time). Then they can simply implement a "sell to guild only" option in the public AH and you have the same functionality as Guild Stores, just without the needless tedium.

    So please dear devs, get your act together and listen to the people that have been playing MMOs for the last 15 years, not the hardcore fans of your franchize that were playing single player TES games for the last 15 years.
    You've entered the MMO market now so you'll need to cater to the MMO customers if you want your game to thrive - simple as that. It would be a huge shame to see you announcing "f2p" within 12-18 months simply because you didn't want to adapt to the market that you chose to enter. This game has so much potential to become a great MMO - please don't waste it.

    A great wall of text, and the great here taken literally, everything you said made sense and I agree with every bit of it, I think most of the people who dislike the idea of having an auction house (even though, a low amount of people seen in this thread) are too used to the single player TES games, others are just overexcited with the game and can't accept anything being wrong, soon their opinions will change, that I am sure of, and I'm referring to the latter, the first, well, they just can't accept the fact that this is not a single player game but an MMO which is meant to have an auction house in the first place, and not one with max 500 people browsing your wares, probably of which 50% doesn't check them in the first place.

  • jesterstear
    If they think omitting an AH, solves the problem of gold sellers, we can see it's not been a success. Lord Of The Rings Online had quite a problem with gold sellers too at launch, I think the reason is that the best available items were crafted but required ultra rare named mobs drops as part of the ingredients, plus maxing the craft tier itself was a huge grind.

    So, the best gear naturally sold for huge amounts of money, creating the demand for bought gold. Bots and Spam were everywhere.

    Later, it was made easier to level up crafting and a reliable source of the rare ingredients was made available in the form of weekly quests that gave this item, removing the demand for gold.

This discussion has been closed.