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So? How's DK wings in Live server?

  • Davadin
    good point.

    personally i havent slot wings in a long time. Only in PTS and now Elswyr live I slotted it to see what the fuzz is all about. Honestly, it's just been sitting on my bar I often forget about it. Back to my (now buffed!) Race Again Time. Back to LOS and dodge-roll. (my CP/build geared toward that anyway, roll, off-balance, extra damage)

    I agree most DK been using it as a crutch, but it is kinda harsh to nerf it to 50%. Had they change it to half the duration, but still 100% negate, then people will cry less. Why? Because full negation is the main objective of the skill. The main reason people slot it. Taking it down to 50%, even with double time or anything, I see it as a "broken" skill. Using the fireball morph is a good salvage though for people who like sprouting dragon wings from their back.

    My point is, DK can have 2 options:
    1. beg ZOS to tweak the skill, one way or another. i think this is fair.
    2. adapt. resistance, dodge, shield, skills, anything. what i'd do coz i got no patience to wait for changes from ZOS.

    August Palatine Davadin Bloodstrake - Nord Dragon Knight - PC NA - Gray Host
    Greymoor 6.0.7 PvP : Medium 2H/SnB The Destroyer
    Dragonhold 5.2.11 PvE : Medium DW/2H The Blood Furnace
    March 2021 (too lazy to add CP) PvP: Medium DW/Bow The Stabber
  • Chelo
    There's no point in keep talking about this, Reflect is gone... DKs are easy targets now. Adapt or die...

    Right now I'm feeling DKs are the easiest class to kill in PvP hahaha
  • JumpmanLane
    SnB with wings up blocking is a LOT of mitigation. I’ve found 1v1 vs magsorcs to be funny because they THINK wings is a nerf and get sloppy, overly aggressive. It’s plenty enough mitigation to survive their burst.

    NB’s the same. Sure old wings gave 100% mitigation on FOUR projectiles. I’ll take 80-90% mitigation on ALL projectiles.

    I only regret the changes in PvE where I enjoyed watching stupid NPCs killing themselves. At least people are smart enough to run.

    This patch wings SnB lol.
  • Trancestor
    Its the best thing ever for non dk mag classes, best change zos ever made tbh.
  • Chelo
    SnB with wings up blocking is a LOT of mitigation. I’ve found 1v1 vs magsorcs to be funny because they THINK wings is a nerf and get sloppy, overly aggressive. It’s plenty enough mitigation to survive their burst.

    NB’s the same. Sure old wings gave 100% mitigation on FOUR projectiles. I’ll take 80-90% mitigation on ALL projectiles.

    I only regret the changes in PvE where I enjoyed watching stupid NPCs killing themselves. At least people are smart enough to run.

    This patch wings SnB lol.

    You still eating all the cc and debuffs... A single skill will not kill a DK, it's a combination of everything, and DKs were immune to most of this using the old wings...

    In just 1 Destructive Reach, people can pretty much burst you down (the knock back animation and the break free last like 2 seconds).

    The MagNB combo was impossible to use on a DK before this patch. Now I encountering a lot of my DK friends asking me how their HP went from 100% to 0% that fast (when we duel).

    And in group PvP, DKs are now forced to be more careful because a good timed group burst focusing on 1 DK, can get him down in a second (like any other class).

    Also remember MagNB still have the Major Defile with Soul Harvest, and imo that still the strongest Debuff in PvP, certainly a counter to DKs, Templars and Wardens...
  • killimandrosb16_ESO
    What so many fail to see is the bigger picture. Even ZoS fails here; With the nerf to wings the one true predator to magsorcs (and magblades, but its not them I am worried about) vanished. DKs with wings were, and rightly so, according to the stone, paper, scissor theory around eso pvp, the only class which could challenge a good magsorc. Now with the super potency of ranged combos, theres no good magsorc bursters left. And no, sniper catching a magsorc with shields down, doesnt count.
    So what has happened now? half of the pop in BG's are magsorcs, with and/or without pets. In cyrodiil theres ONE 1vx class left, thats magsorcs. Actually, maining a stamDK, for me, I dont have the biggest issue with this. The new wings mitigates so much I can normally withdraw and just cancel the fight if I dont see a good opportunity. If the magsorc is decent, there wont be such an opening, so I go away. But for classes not so tanky from their designed intentionally perspective, the situation is worse. Hence why the meta is tanker than ever, to survive and escape. Not to kill.
    So what will be the outcome here? During the next two months, two things will happen; Magsorcs WILL be nerfed, dont doubt it, and medium armour will be buffed. All these because of the change originally done to wings. So come autumn (september) medium armour burstblades will be absolutely cancer. Magsorcs damage will be puny and DKs will be tankier than ever. Thank you zos. Can we return to somewhere around Sommerset?
  • heng14rwb17_ESO
  • Xvorg
    Valencer wrote: »
    Oh, a good magblade can't kill a mediocre DK that keeps wings up?

    If only mediocre nightblades had a skill or something that would allow them to become very hard to kill as well. Maybe make them untargetable for the duration? Hmmm

    In fact it was automatic, you fired reach then cloak. Reflection not found.

    On top of that, wings were prety noticeable and range (beloved range) allowed you to see the projectile coming back to you (except in the case of bows, but that's a cue problem), so you had the chance to block, dodge, cloak, heal, shield, etc. unless you were in middle of a zerg not paying attention to what you were doing.

    I fought DKs a lot. I fought them on magblades with bows and staves, on sorcs with bows and staves and even with templars using bows and staves. I killed a lot of them, and thek killed me a lot of times too, but it was NEVER because of wings. It was when they closed the range . So if anybody comes to tell me that his/her build was "shut down" because of a reflectable skill... sorry, first it is your fault for throwing 4 projectiles in less than 6 secs. Don't you think that that playing style deserves punishment in some way? Mashing buttons has never, ever be considered a skilled playing style. True, spamming wings mindlessly wasn't skilled too, but that mindless spam was just a consequence of the first.

    Now there's no consequences. You can still mash buttons, but you won't be punished for that, and that's utterly wrong.

    Regarding DKs complaining about cloak... sorry. It must be tretaed in the same way than old wings. You have counters, then use them. Advocating for a nerf on a skill that has counterplay will just put you at the same level than those who cried "nerf" when they spammed their projectiles against wings.

    Finally, the only solution was making strife unreflectable, just like soul trap... because I imagine you know that soul trap is unreflectable, right?
    Edited by Xvorg on June 3, 2019 11:34PM
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Kadoin
    Chelo wrote: »
    There's no point in keep talking about this, Reflect is gone... DKs are easy targets now. Adapt or die...

    Right now I'm feeling DKs are the easiest class to kill in PvP hahaha

    Do we play the same game? This comment seriously made me :D
  • Elusiin
    NBrookus wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    My friend mains a magdk, and last night I asked him about it. His response was to the tune that it's "a buff on paper" but that it "took a lot of the fun out of the ability". Why, he couldn't outright articulate. We eventually discussed enough and he agreed with me that the most likely reason it was less fun was that you can't see it working.

    Before it was a skill that required your opponent to change their behavior, and you were rewarded when they didn't. Now it's a boring self buff. A strong buff, to be sure, but just another thing to keep in your buff rotation.

    "change their behavior", you can't change your sets, skills, and weapons during combat. Additionally, this was just to counter a single ability from a single class. The reflect mechanic was broken and there was no counterplay, only counterbuilding (something that kills build diversity and limited the number of free slots you can use for a build). It had to go, instead of being stuck in the past, try coming up with ways the new ability can be improved.
  • HalvarIronfist
    Played DK, and played other ranged classes against DK..

    Old Wings was not a problem unless you're a bot...

    To me, this was a nerf for normies who couldn't contemplate a quick counter:

    Literally, not hard to LA 4 times, Stam DK couldn't afford to spam wings that way, and MagDK would lose damage having to spam resources from that. When I played a magsorc, that was my primary strategy. 4x LA,flame reach, curse, frags, and then execute. Worked plenty of times for me. Wings was literally just a way for me to troll spam-bot players when playing a dk
  • Arzharo
    I think wings are useless now. 50 % damage mitigation against projectiles doesn't justify slotting it in my opinion.

    Not quite sure what to replace it with though.
  • StShoot
    Arzharo wrote: »
    I think wings are useless now. 50 % damage mitigation against projectiles doesn't justify slotting it in my opinion.

    Not quite sure what to replace it with though.

    if you are a vamp go mistform, 75% dmg reduction agains ALL dmg (besides oblivion) and a realy nice speedbuff that stays even if you canceled the mistform, sure you cant heal up and fire dmg will realy hurt you but atleast you are cc imune and close the distance/get away.
    Also Vamp comes with some other benefits, additional regen, and the swarm ulti works realy awesome with the new inhale.

    If you dont want to be a vamp, than just slot race against time, same time of snare/root immunety but you gain an awsome speedbuff
  • technohic
    I dunno. Its not reflecting 100% damage any more but 50% on ranged with some of the sorcs running around is pretty nice. It is pretty short though to where I would much rather have a longer buff at less reduction.
  • Davadin
    Arzharo wrote: »
    I think wings are useless now. 50 % damage mitigation against projectiles doesn't justify slotting it in my opinion.

    Not quite sure what to replace it with though.

    and being stamDK, negating 4 projectiles (minus a few exception like meteor or Valkyn) is better?

    Slot Race Against Time from Psijic or Cauterize for free heals (it's not scaled to either stam or mag)
    August Palatine Davadin Bloodstrake - Nord Dragon Knight - PC NA - Gray Host
    Greymoor 6.0.7 PvP : Medium 2H/SnB The Destroyer
    Dragonhold 5.2.11 PvE : Medium DW/2H The Blood Furnace
    March 2021 (too lazy to add CP) PvP: Medium DW/Bow The Stabber
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