To answer that question yes, NB's have the burst heal from killers blade and mark target, Sorc's also have a few, blood magic passive, and the clannfear/matriarch heals.
And both classes consider themselves that they do not have class heals.
NB's % health heals require killing blows, Sorcs are either from derpy pets or blood magic which can't be as easily spammed given the nature of the dark magic skills. None of those heals are instant.
spenc_cathb16_ESO wrote: »
Are you trying to imply that you can spam GDB? You do realize it's only effective when you're in execute range right?
And implying that a heal that only triggers on kill or when a pet feels like it is any more reliable?
And implying that a heal that only triggers on kill or when a pet feels like it is any more reliable?
Darnathian wrote: »
DKs are suppose to be tanks. they nerfed wings big time, didnt destroy it. they nerded gdb, destroyed it. and to put icing on the cake, they nerfed blocking for what ever reason. that finished the class off
i mean seriously. burst damage has been a problem forever not tanks. why was the answer to make it easier for damage dealers? i dont get it.
Darnathian wrote: »
DKs are suppose to be tanks. they nerfed wings big time, didnt destroy it. they nerded gdb, destroyed it. and to put icing on the cake, they nerfed blocking for what ever reason. that finished the class off
i mean seriously. burst damage has been a problem forever not tanks. why was the answer to make it easier for damage dealers? i dont get it.
IxskullzxI wrote: »
Because people with burst builds cried that they couldn't instantly melt people who held block. Blocking wasn't a problem. It was just annoying. It really shouldn't have been nerfed. Especially that hard. I want to see scaled armor give physical resistance too, talons 8m range, fix dragon blood and give ash cloud major evasion. I would like to see a passive give like 50% stam regen while blocking but I know that won't happen.
s&b stam dk is really strong atm, the eu duel tournament proved that quite well
Alcast is using a oneshot build, it's PvE not PvP, I wouldn't take that into account at all.
Also stam dk isn't even good b/c its a dk with the exception of dragons leap. Eveything about a stam dk is passives and weapon abilities.
spenc_cathb16_ESO wrote: »Why do people still bother? We had a 24 page in depth discussion courtesy of Jules and we got a whole lot of nothing from that.
Do you guys just like venting or whats the deal? We've taken ZOS' hand and walked them through every possible issue yet people still take time out of their day to create duplicate threads and reiterate the same conversations over and over. You guys are either extremely patient, suffer memory loss, or just down right stubborn.
Could this topic be beaten to death any more? Let's find out!
We got alot out of what people have been complaining about. Zenimax said plenty of times that DKs will get major changes but they won't touch class balance until the next major update (Thieve's guild DLC) in march.
spenc_cathb16_ESO wrote: »
Major changes just in time for major content updates?
Wonder how long those new bugged skills will be glitched out while they work to put out broken content fires.
They quite clearly have zero idea what level loading is.
IxskullzxI wrote: »I don't get why ZOS doesn't start adding some of these class balance changes on the PTS now so they actually have more than 3 weeks of feedback. Plus, they could implement changes slowly and see how it plays out instead of just dumping tons of changes all at once and completely messing everything up.