No Cost Piercing Mark (Worst Idea Ever)

  • Juhasow
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    And people will still cry about cloak. Mark my words.

    Because it's stamblade who makes the biggest use of that ability and for stamblade 5 second detection is not an issue he can just roll away then teleport to shade and then use cloak without invisibility debuff.
  • Nyladreas
    NyassaV wrote: »
    NyassaV wrote: »
    One of the Stupidest ideas ever. After the news broke loose tons of stamblades on Live started using it even with the Magicka cost and it's bloody terrible. Now stamblades can negate your cloak but they can also cloak too since it costs nothing!

    If you have cloak, you have access to Mark, meaning you are equally equip to cancel their cloak. How is this a problem?

    Cuz I'm not a zergling who can afford to put it on their bar

    Well I guess you're in no position to cry about it then if you yourself personally refuse to put it on your bar.
  • NyassaV
    Nyladreas wrote: »
    NyassaV wrote: »
    NyassaV wrote: »
    One of the Stupidest ideas ever. After the news broke loose tons of stamblades on Live started using it even with the Magicka cost and it's bloody terrible. Now stamblades can negate your cloak but they can also cloak too since it costs nothing!

    If you have cloak, you have access to Mark, meaning you are equally equip to cancel their cloak. How is this a problem?

    Cuz I'm not a zergling who can afford to put it on their bar

    Well I guess you're in no position to cry about it then if you yourself personally refuse to put it on your bar.

    It's not a refusal. It's a matter of being able to afford it. Resource wise my build can sustain it. However the mere action of putting it on my bar makes it so I loose other skills. Then you have that one guy in the zerg who doesn't even have a proper self heal just spamming you with mark and light attacks so the others around you get killed. That sound like fun?
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
    She/Her ~ PC/NA | I record things for fun and for info
  • Gilvoth
    Witar wrote: »
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    Wow I really like the idea of cloak being an ultimate so its not used as such a crutch. They should just rework both morphs of cloak into something useful and make a new cloak ulti that costs 70 and cloaks all allies within 5 meters.

    NB main here btw.
    and the removal of shields for sorcs.
    Pretty sure almost all nbs were happy when zos nerfed shields to the ground with 1s cast time. So yeah how about you get the same treatment for a change?

    thats not balance thats just Vengance and hate.
    and by the way, we all as a community stood up and helped you guys out to not get that 1 second delay on shield casting and it worked. we helped you guys.
  • Gilvoth
    Juhasow wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    And people will still cry about cloak. Mark my words.

    Because it's stamblade who makes the biggest use of that ability and for stamblade 5 second detection is not an issue he can just roll away then teleport to shade and then use cloak without invisibility debuff.

    just like all the other classes we need defense and in the case of nightblade our defense is stealth, invisibility.
    sorc is shields
    templar is heals
    please stop trying to Destroy our invisibility.
  • Juhasow
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    And people will still cry about cloak. Mark my words.

    Because it's stamblade who makes the biggest use of that ability and for stamblade 5 second detection is not an issue he can just roll away then teleport to shade and then use cloak without invisibility debuff.

    just like all the other classes we need defense and in the case of nightblade our defense is stealth, invisibility.
    sorc is shields
    templar is heals
    please stop trying to Destroy our invisibility.

    Problem is other classes defenses when they work doesnt grant 100% evasion from attacks and negative effects without any drawbacks. Sorc is shielding damage he recives , templar is healing damage he recives nightblade in cloak just dont recive any damage while still being able to heal , having adventage of engaging and disengaging from combat on demand , controlling resource managment way better thanks to invisibility etc. As for now stamina nightblade is the class that have one of the biggest if not the biggest offensive potential and he is able to engane and disengage from combat on demand thanks to cloak and shade which basically makes this playstyle low risk high reward. There is a difference between ruining invisibility and balancing it and same goes for any type of defense. If anything should stop then that should be comments saying that everything is ok with nightblade stealth plasytyle in ESO.
    Edited by Juhasow on May 1, 2019 7:28PM
  • kalunte
    cloak becoming an ultimate is the best joke i've ever read on this forum xD
  • Juhasow
    kalunte wrote: »
    cloak becoming an ultimate is the best joke i've ever read on this forum xD

    As funny as it sounds there are still ways to implement it the way it would be strong. Not that I am fan of the idea but I'm just saying it's not undoable.
  • Gilvoth
    you see dead nightblades alot, and with the new fresh round of alot of nerfs for us in this next patch, expect to see dead nightblades on a constant basis.
    if anything we need Greater stealth, more invisibility, not less, not nerfed.
    please stop trying to nerf and destroy stealth playstyle and shut down our class, and instead use the LONG List of counters that are in the game.
    the amount of things that can be done to break stealth and invisibility is alot, and would take a while to list. they all work, and i hate them, but they are there and they do work.
    Edited by Gilvoth on May 1, 2019 8:12PM
  • Royalthought
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    And people will still cry about cloak. Mark my words.

    Because it's stamblade who makes the biggest use of that ability and for stamblade 5 second detection is not an issue he can just roll away then teleport to shade and then use cloak without invisibility debuff.

    just like all the other classes we need defense and in the case of nightblade our defense is stealth, invisibility.
    sorc is shields
    templar is heals
    please stop trying to Destroy our invisibility.

    Problem is other classes defenses when they work doesnt grant 100% evasion from attacks and negative effects without any drawbacks. Sorc is shielding damage he recives , templar is healing damage he recives nightblade in cloak just dont recive any damage while still being able to heal , having adventage of engaging and disengaging from combat on demand , controlling resource managment way better thanks to invisibility etc. As for now stamina nightblade is the class that have one of the biggest if not the biggest offensive potential and he is able to engane and disengage from combat on demand thanks to cloak and shade which basically makes this playstyle low risk high reward. There is a difference between ruining invisibility and balancing it and same goes for any type of defense. If anything should stop then that should be comments saying that everything is ok with nightblade stealth plasytyle in ESO.

    This sounds so uninformed. Sorry.

    Shields that absorb "X" amount of damage will do so each cast. Oblivion damage is all that ignores this.

    Heals that heal for "X" amount will heal every cast. Defile and health absortion reduce and prevent certain amounts.

    Cloak can be cast and have 100% of the resources be wasted with no invisibility. Spaming wont help. Shields and heals however can be to great effect.

    What other defense is countered by potions? mage light/hunter? single target beams (ballista, soul assault)? Single target procs(overwhelming surge)? Heck even the nbs own proc (vicecannon)?

    The claim of 100% evasion with no drawbacks with is actually false due to cloak actually having the most counters.

    Of course if youre saying cloak users have 100% evasion with no drawbacks when specifically facing YOU. Then I have no say in the matter.
  • Royalthought
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    And people will still cry about cloak. Mark my words.

    Because it's stamblade who makes the biggest use of that ability and for stamblade 5 second detection is not an issue he can just roll away then teleport to shade and then use cloak without invisibility debuff.

    just like all the other classes we need defense and in the case of nightblade our defense is stealth, invisibility.
    sorc is shields
    templar is heals
    please stop trying to Destroy our invisibility.

    Problem is other classes defenses when they work doesnt grant 100% evasion from attacks and negative effects without any drawbacks. Sorc is shielding damage he recives , templar is healing damage he recives nightblade in cloak just dont recive any damage while still being able to heal , having adventage of engaging and disengaging from combat on demand , controlling resource managment way better thanks to invisibility etc. As for now stamina nightblade is the class that have one of the biggest if not the biggest offensive potential and he is able to engane and disengage from combat on demand thanks to cloak and shade which basically makes this playstyle low risk high reward. There is a difference between ruining invisibility and balancing it and same goes for any type of defense. If anything should stop then that should be comments saying that everything is ok with nightblade stealth plasytyle in ESO.

    This sounds so uninformed. Sorry.

    Shields that absorb "X" amount of damage will do so each cast. Oblivion damage is all that ignores this.

    Heals that heal for "X" amount will heal every cast. Defile and health absortion reduce and prevent certain amounts.

    Cloak can be cast and have 100% of the resources be wasted with no invisibility. Spaming wont help. Shields and heals however can be to great effect.

    What other defense is countered by potions? mage light/hunter? single target beams (ballista, soul assault)? Single target procs(overwhelming surge)? Heck even the nbs own proc (vicecannon)?

    The claim of 100% evasion with no drawbacks with is actually false due to cloak actually having the most counters.

    Of course if youre saying cloak users have 100% evasion with no drawbacks when specifically facing YOU. Then I have no say in the matter.

    Which part of the "when they work" You dont understand ? Seriously I am almost certain that nightblade community is full of dyslectics.

    Also it's funny that You name the counters for shields and heals and then later on You're trying to say that cloak is that bad ability that have lot of counters. Yes cloak have counters but everyone with brain can work around them with the use of shade which I also mentioned so it's further proff for some kind of dyslexia.

    Not knowing how to counter cloak counters actually sounds very uninformed. I am saying about 100% evasion because I also abuse it if I can when I am playing on stamblade and I know from my own experience on both sides how broken and easy it can be to avoid almost every attack from certain setups.

    "When they work"

    For the second time:

    Shields and heals work EVERYTIME you activate them.

    For example:

    Incoming damage: 10k
    Health: 2k
    Shield: 5k

    End result is the player dies. But the shield will still absorb 5k. That means it still worked when activated. Dying doesnt mean the shield/heal didnt work.

    As for cloak it isnt 100% evasion. Even when it "works" haunting curse, potl will hit. 100% evasion is wrong. No drawbacks is wrong. Simple right?

    Lastly, lumping me into a "community" and name calling (dyslexic) takes away from intelligent discourse. On top of that falsely claiming Im trying to call it bad kills this conversation.

    Thats you responding to your own beliefs. Yours. Not mine.
  • Insco851
    Debilitate+either mark morph = an alternate ele drain. With utility percs.

    Marks the snipe blades, gives you a sweet heal after you roflstomp him back to the Zerg while debilitate helps slow him and gives you magicka steal.

    Or you can get major berserk to help in a 1vX scenario.

    No rotation difference, no additional slots. You lose a soft cc that will have little effect next patch with RAT anyways.

    debilitate self procs the magicka steal on possibly multiple targets netting more Magic return in this scenario than ele where you are likely only getting the magic steal from 1 opponent at a time.
    Edited by Insco851 on May 1, 2019 9:51PM
  • templesus
    This change is so amazing. I can’t wait to run this with cripple on my magblade and drop ele drain, and keep all the cloak spammers that ruin my 1vX out.
  • ScruffyWhiskers
    NB main here btw.

    LOL I love your classic appeal to fairness and truth telling. I always love this variant.

    I feel like taxes are too low. And I say that as a gazillionaire so it must be true.

  • usmcjdking
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    And people will still cry about cloak. Mark my words.

    Because it's stamblade who makes the biggest use of that ability and for stamblade 5 second detection is not an issue he can just roll away then teleport to shade and then use cloak without invisibility debuff.

    just like all the other classes we need defense and in the case of nightblade our defense is stealth, invisibility.
    sorc is shields
    templar is heals
    please stop trying to Destroy our invisibility.

    Problem is other classes defenses when they work doesnt grant 100% evasion from attacks and negative effects without any drawbacks. Sorc is shielding damage he recives , templar is healing damage he recives nightblade in cloak just dont recive any damage while still being able to heal , having adventage of engaging and disengaging from combat on demand , controlling resource managment way better thanks to invisibility etc. As for now stamina nightblade is the class that have one of the biggest if not the biggest offensive potential and he is able to engane and disengage from combat on demand thanks to cloak and shade which basically makes this playstyle low risk high reward. There is a difference between ruining invisibility and balancing it and same goes for any type of defense. If anything should stop then that should be comments saying that everything is ok with nightblade stealth plasytyle in ESO.

    This sounds so uninformed. Sorry.

    Shields that absorb "X" amount of damage will do so each cast. Oblivion damage is all that ignores this.

    Heals that heal for "X" amount will heal every cast. Defile and health absortion reduce and prevent certain amounts.

    Cloak can be cast and have 100% of the resources be wasted with no invisibility. Spaming wont help. Shields and heals however can be to great effect.

    What other defense is countered by potions? mage light/hunter? single target beams (ballista, soul assault)? Single target procs(overwhelming surge)? Heck even the nbs own proc (vicecannon)?

    The claim of 100% evasion with no drawbacks with is actually false due to cloak actually having the most counters.

    Of course if youre saying cloak users have 100% evasion with no drawbacks when specifically facing YOU. Then I have no say in the matter.

    Which part of the "when they work" You dont understand ? Seriously I am almost certain that nightblade community is full of dyslectics.

    Also it's funny that You name the counters for shields and heals and then later on You're trying to say that cloak is that bad ability that have lot of counters. Yes cloak have counters but everyone with brain can work around them with the use of shade which I also mentioned so it's further proff for some kind of dyslexia.

    Not knowing how to counter cloak counters actually sounds very uninformed. I am saying about 100% evasion because I also abuse it if I can when I am playing on stamblade and I know from my own experience on both sides how broken and easy it can be to avoid almost every attack from certain setups.

    "When they work"

    For the second time:

    Shields and heals work EVERYTIME you activate them.

    For example:

    Incoming damage: 10k
    Health: 2k
    Shield: 5k

    End result is the player dies. But the shield will still absorb 5k. That means it still worked when activated. Dying doesnt mean the shield/heal didnt work.

    As for cloak it isnt 100% evasion. Even when it "works" haunting curse, potl will hit. 100% evasion is wrong. No drawbacks is wrong. Simple right?

    Lastly, lumping me into a "community" and name calling (dyslexic) takes away from intelligent discourse. On top of that falsely claiming Im trying to call it bad kills this conversation.

    Thats you responding to your own beliefs. Yours. Not mine.

    Cloak DOES have a guaranteed 100% evasion window.
  • Juhasow
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    And people will still cry about cloak. Mark my words.

    Because it's stamblade who makes the biggest use of that ability and for stamblade 5 second detection is not an issue he can just roll away then teleport to shade and then use cloak without invisibility debuff.

    just like all the other classes we need defense and in the case of nightblade our defense is stealth, invisibility.
    sorc is shields
    templar is heals
    please stop trying to Destroy our invisibility.

    Problem is other classes defenses when they work doesnt grant 100% evasion from attacks and negative effects without any drawbacks. Sorc is shielding damage he recives , templar is healing damage he recives nightblade in cloak just dont recive any damage while still being able to heal , having adventage of engaging and disengaging from combat on demand , controlling resource managment way better thanks to invisibility etc. As for now stamina nightblade is the class that have one of the biggest if not the biggest offensive potential and he is able to engane and disengage from combat on demand thanks to cloak and shade which basically makes this playstyle low risk high reward. There is a difference between ruining invisibility and balancing it and same goes for any type of defense. If anything should stop then that should be comments saying that everything is ok with nightblade stealth plasytyle in ESO.

    This sounds so uninformed. Sorry.

    Shields that absorb "X" amount of damage will do so each cast. Oblivion damage is all that ignores this.

    Heals that heal for "X" amount will heal every cast. Defile and health absortion reduce and prevent certain amounts.

    Cloak can be cast and have 100% of the resources be wasted with no invisibility. Spaming wont help. Shields and heals however can be to great effect.

    What other defense is countered by potions? mage light/hunter? single target beams (ballista, soul assault)? Single target procs(overwhelming surge)? Heck even the nbs own proc (vicecannon)?

    The claim of 100% evasion with no drawbacks with is actually false due to cloak actually having the most counters.

    Of course if youre saying cloak users have 100% evasion with no drawbacks when specifically facing YOU. Then I have no say in the matter.

    Which part of the "when they work" You dont understand ? Seriously I am almost certain that nightblade community is full of dyslectics.

    Also it's funny that You name the counters for shields and heals and then later on You're trying to say that cloak is that bad ability that have lot of counters. Yes cloak have counters but everyone with brain can work around them with the use of shade which I also mentioned so it's further proff for some kind of dyslexia.

    Not knowing how to counter cloak counters actually sounds very uninformed. I am saying about 100% evasion because I also abuse it if I can when I am playing on stamblade and I know from my own experience on both sides how broken and easy it can be to avoid almost every attack from certain setups.

    "When they work"

    For the second time:

    Shields and heals work EVERYTIME you activate them.

    For example:

    Incoming damage: 10k
    Health: 2k
    Shield: 5k

    End result is the player dies. But the shield will still absorb 5k. That means it still worked when activated. Dying doesnt mean the shield/heal didnt work.

    As for cloak it isnt 100% evasion. Even when it "works" haunting curse, potl will hit. 100% evasion is wrong. No drawbacks is wrong. Simple right?

    Lastly, lumping me into a "community" and name calling (dyslexic) takes away from intelligent discourse. On top of that falsely claiming Im trying to call it bad kills this conversation.

    Thats you responding to your own beliefs. Yours. Not mine.

    Ok sorry it's 90% evasion. That 10% will definietly kill those nightblades who can freely outheal that damage while in cloak. Shields and heals working every time is wrong as You said there is oblivion dmg and healing debuffs. Also there is that mystical thing called DAMAGE. Try using it agaisnt shields and You'll see something magical will happen. You can still do 100% dmg to someone that is using shield You can still do 100% damage to someone that is spamming heals. You cannot deal damage to someone that is invisible. Simple right ? You really trying hard to ignore that fact dont You ? Lets not forget about that great feature of game registering people in cloak with delay causing very often those sweet "miss miss" even when You have detect pot active and You use abilities on that person in cloak but I guess You dont even know about this since You seem super uninformed and You dont even know that damage can counter shields or heals.

    Also I did not said there is no drawbacks at all to stealth playstyle I said those drawbacks that are present are just easy to avoid when nightblade is not completly caught off guard. It's laughable that in 2019 people still use argument of detect pots where most of the stamblades with brain learned to play against that long time ago with the help of shade which I mention like 3rd time at this point.

    I am not saying there isnt counter to cloak or that nightblade cant die ut guess what ? Everyone can die. You know when people cant die for sure ? When enemies dont see them.

    Inability to read correctly is called dyslexia and lately I see that occurs in every thread about nightblade changes where replies are totally not connected to something somebody else was saying. It's kinda funny that conversations with nightblades always end up like that. They'll bring up those "broken" defenses of other classes vs their "weak" invisibility and will always provide super one sided examples of when other defenses works vs when cloak is not working ignoring the fact that to truly disable and kill stamblade with cloak+shade there is like 3+ people needed when heals/shields user can be defeated by 1 person. I come to the conclusion that delusion of stamblade players is bigger then delusion of magsorcs saying that petsorc atm is 100% fine.
    Edited by Juhasow on May 2, 2019 8:04AM
  • killingspreeb16_ESO
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    And people will still cry about cloak. Mark my words.

    Because it's stamblade who makes the biggest use of that ability and for stamblade 5 second detection is not an issue he can just roll away then teleport to shade and then use cloak without invisibility debuff.

    just like all the other classes we need defense and in the case of nightblade our defense is stealth, invisibility.
    sorc is shields
    templar is heals
    please stop trying to Destroy our invisibility.

    Problem is other classes defenses when they work doesnt grant 100% evasion from attacks and negative effects without any drawbacks. Sorc is shielding damage he recives , templar is healing damage he recives nightblade in cloak just dont recive any damage while still being able to heal , having adventage of engaging and disengaging from combat on demand , controlling resource managment way better thanks to invisibility etc. As for now stamina nightblade is the class that have one of the biggest if not the biggest offensive potential and he is able to engane and disengage from combat on demand thanks to cloak and shade which basically makes this playstyle low risk high reward. There is a difference between ruining invisibility and balancing it and same goes for any type of defense. If anything should stop then that should be comments saying that everything is ok with nightblade stealth plasytyle in ESO.

    This sounds so uninformed. Sorry.

    Shields that absorb "X" amount of damage will do so each cast. Oblivion damage is all that ignores this.

    Heals that heal for "X" amount will heal every cast. Defile and health absortion reduce and prevent certain amounts.

    Cloak can be cast and have 100% of the resources be wasted with no invisibility. Spaming wont help. Shields and heals however can be to great effect.

    What other defense is countered by potions? mage light/hunter? single target beams (ballista, soul assault)? Single target procs(overwhelming surge)? Heck even the nbs own proc (vicecannon)?

    The claim of 100% evasion with no drawbacks with is actually false due to cloak actually having the most counters.

    Of course if youre saying cloak users have 100% evasion with no drawbacks when specifically facing YOU. Then I have no say in the matter.

    Which part of the "when they work" You dont understand ? Seriously I am almost certain that nightblade community is full of dyslectics.

    Also it's funny that You name the counters for shields and heals and then later on You're trying to say that cloak is that bad ability that have lot of counters. Yes cloak have counters but everyone with brain can work around them with the use of shade which I also mentioned so it's further proff for some kind of dyslexia.

    Not knowing how to counter cloak counters actually sounds very uninformed. I am saying about 100% evasion because I also abuse it if I can when I am playing on stamblade and I know from my own experience on both sides how broken and easy it can be to avoid almost every attack from certain setups.

    "When they work"

    For the second time:

    Shields and heals work EVERYTIME you activate them.

    For example:

    Incoming damage: 10k
    Health: 2k
    Shield: 5k

    End result is the player dies. But the shield will still absorb 5k. That means it still worked when activated. Dying doesnt mean the shield/heal didnt work.

    As for cloak it isnt 100% evasion. Even when it "works" haunting curse, potl will hit. 100% evasion is wrong. No drawbacks is wrong. Simple right?

    Lastly, lumping me into a "community" and name calling (dyslexic) takes away from intelligent discourse. On top of that falsely claiming Im trying to call it bad kills this conversation.

    Thats you responding to your own beliefs. Yours. Not mine.

    Ok sorry it's 90% evasion. That 10% will definietly kill those nightblades who can freely outheal that damage while in cloak. Shields and heals working every time is wrong as You said there is oblivion dmg and healing debuffs. Also there is that mystical thing called DAMAGE. Try using it agaisnt shields and You'll see something magical will happen. You can still do 100% dmg to someone that is using shield You can still do 100% damage to someone that is spamming heals. You cannot deal damage to someone that is invisible. Simple right ? You really trying hard to ignore that fact dont You ?

    Also I did not said there is no drawbacks at all to stealth playstyle I said those drawbacks that are present are just easy to avoid when nightblade is not completly caught off guard. It's laughable that in 2019 people still use argument of detect pots where most of the stamblades with brain learned to play against that long time ago with the help of shade which I mention like 3rd time at this point.

    I am not saying there isnt counter to cloak or that nightblade cant die ut guess what ? Everyone can die. You know when people cant die for sure ? When enemies dont see them.

    Inability to read correctly is called dyslexia and lately I see that occurs in every thread about nightblade changes where replies are totally not connected to something somebody else was saying. It's kinda funny that conversations with nightblades always end up like that. They'll bring up those "broken" defenses of other classes vs their "weak" invisibility and will always provide super one sided examples of when other defenses works vs when cloak is not working ignoring the fact that to truly disable and kill stamblade with cloak+shade there is like 3+ people needed when heals/shields user can be defeated by 1 person. I come to the conclusion that delusion of stamblade players is bigger then delusion of magsorcs saying that petsorc atm is 100% fine.

    No he is not wrong oblivion dmg don't magically make shield useless since they are not dispelled so even if someone hit you with a oblivion enchant the shield will absorb every other form of dmg.
    Not to mention oblivion dmg is less common than one of the many counter to cloak that everyone got avaible.

    So healing debuff make healing not working?how?they are weaker but still working otherwise you can go around claiming armor and mitigation effect make the damage skill not working every time.

    Also youre example are biased,you can 100% dmg to a shield or to someone that is healing true but as you claim they are actually working preventing dmg or healing you back there is no stop to them you can make them weaker or outdmg them but they work.always.
    Something that is simple yet you fail to understand.

    Cloak make you evade single target spell not evade everything,if you drink a detect pot or break it then the NB will get everything you throw at them so unlike shield and healing when countered it do Nothing.
    Sound simple yet people fail to understand it.

    Shade is not on everyone build and just the fact that you need shade to make cloak work against decent player seem like this skill is not the ultimate defense like someone here was claiming,also shade is one time tiket not unlimited and you need to place it in place that is hard to see or they will simply watch where youre shade is and get you,if is a X vs1 situation even worse someone will just camp the shade and yeah you get the picture.

    And yes you can dmg someone invisible that's why aoe break cloak because you do dmg to them you know skill like spin to win?they exist and they do dmg to invisible people,simple right?maybe not so simple to someone trying so hard to make the NB skill's sound so strong in every scenario,not the first thread you do that.

    Also where did he say cloak is useless he just corrected your false statement to me youre the one that have dyslexia problem,might explain how everyone point youre wrong in one of the many NB thread you posted in :trollface:
    Edited by killingspreeb16_ESO on May 2, 2019 8:55AM
  • Juhasow
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    And people will still cry about cloak. Mark my words.

    Because it's stamblade who makes the biggest use of that ability and for stamblade 5 second detection is not an issue he can just roll away then teleport to shade and then use cloak without invisibility debuff.

    just like all the other classes we need defense and in the case of nightblade our defense is stealth, invisibility.
    sorc is shields
    templar is heals
    please stop trying to Destroy our invisibility.

    Problem is other classes defenses when they work doesnt grant 100% evasion from attacks and negative effects without any drawbacks. Sorc is shielding damage he recives , templar is healing damage he recives nightblade in cloak just dont recive any damage while still being able to heal , having adventage of engaging and disengaging from combat on demand , controlling resource managment way better thanks to invisibility etc. As for now stamina nightblade is the class that have one of the biggest if not the biggest offensive potential and he is able to engane and disengage from combat on demand thanks to cloak and shade which basically makes this playstyle low risk high reward. There is a difference between ruining invisibility and balancing it and same goes for any type of defense. If anything should stop then that should be comments saying that everything is ok with nightblade stealth plasytyle in ESO.

    This sounds so uninformed. Sorry.

    Shields that absorb "X" amount of damage will do so each cast. Oblivion damage is all that ignores this.

    Heals that heal for "X" amount will heal every cast. Defile and health absortion reduce and prevent certain amounts.

    Cloak can be cast and have 100% of the resources be wasted with no invisibility. Spaming wont help. Shields and heals however can be to great effect.

    What other defense is countered by potions? mage light/hunter? single target beams (ballista, soul assault)? Single target procs(overwhelming surge)? Heck even the nbs own proc (vicecannon)?

    The claim of 100% evasion with no drawbacks with is actually false due to cloak actually having the most counters.

    Of course if youre saying cloak users have 100% evasion with no drawbacks when specifically facing YOU. Then I have no say in the matter.

    Which part of the "when they work" You dont understand ? Seriously I am almost certain that nightblade community is full of dyslectics.

    Also it's funny that You name the counters for shields and heals and then later on You're trying to say that cloak is that bad ability that have lot of counters. Yes cloak have counters but everyone with brain can work around them with the use of shade which I also mentioned so it's further proff for some kind of dyslexia.

    Not knowing how to counter cloak counters actually sounds very uninformed. I am saying about 100% evasion because I also abuse it if I can when I am playing on stamblade and I know from my own experience on both sides how broken and easy it can be to avoid almost every attack from certain setups.

    "When they work"

    For the second time:

    Shields and heals work EVERYTIME you activate them.

    For example:

    Incoming damage: 10k
    Health: 2k
    Shield: 5k

    End result is the player dies. But the shield will still absorb 5k. That means it still worked when activated. Dying doesnt mean the shield/heal didnt work.

    As for cloak it isnt 100% evasion. Even when it "works" haunting curse, potl will hit. 100% evasion is wrong. No drawbacks is wrong. Simple right?

    Lastly, lumping me into a "community" and name calling (dyslexic) takes away from intelligent discourse. On top of that falsely claiming Im trying to call it bad kills this conversation.

    Thats you responding to your own beliefs. Yours. Not mine.

    Ok sorry it's 90% evasion. That 10% will definietly kill those nightblades who can freely outheal that damage while in cloak. Shields and heals working every time is wrong as You said there is oblivion dmg and healing debuffs. Also there is that mystical thing called DAMAGE. Try using it agaisnt shields and You'll see something magical will happen. You can still do 100% dmg to someone that is using shield You can still do 100% damage to someone that is spamming heals. You cannot deal damage to someone that is invisible. Simple right ? You really trying hard to ignore that fact dont You ?

    Also I did not said there is no drawbacks at all to stealth playstyle I said those drawbacks that are present are just easy to avoid when nightblade is not completly caught off guard. It's laughable that in 2019 people still use argument of detect pots where most of the stamblades with brain learned to play against that long time ago with the help of shade which I mention like 3rd time at this point.

    I am not saying there isnt counter to cloak or that nightblade cant die ut guess what ? Everyone can die. You know when people cant die for sure ? When enemies dont see them.

    Inability to read correctly is called dyslexia and lately I see that occurs in every thread about nightblade changes where replies are totally not connected to something somebody else was saying. It's kinda funny that conversations with nightblades always end up like that. They'll bring up those "broken" defenses of other classes vs their "weak" invisibility and will always provide super one sided examples of when other defenses works vs when cloak is not working ignoring the fact that to truly disable and kill stamblade with cloak+shade there is like 3+ people needed when heals/shields user can be defeated by 1 person. I come to the conclusion that delusion of stamblade players is bigger then delusion of magsorcs saying that petsorc atm is 100% fine.

    No he is not wrong oblivion dmg don't magically make shield useless since they are not dispelled so even if someone hit you with a oblivion enchant the shield will absorb every other form of dmg.
    Not to mention oblivion dmg is less common than one of the many counter to cloak that everyone got avaible.

    So healing debuff make healing not working?how?they are weaker but still working otherwise you can go around claiming armor and mitigation effect make the damage skill not working every time.

    Also youre example are biased,you can 100% dmg to a shield or to someone that is healing true but as you claim they are actually working preventing dmg or healing you back there is no stop to them you can make them weaker or outdmg them but they work.always.
    Something that is simple yet you fail to understand.

    Cloak make you evade single target spell not evade everything,if you drink a detect pot or break it then the NB will get everything you throw at them so unlike shield and healing when countered it do Nothing.
    Sound simple yet people fail to understand it.

    Shade is not on everyone build and just the fact that you need shade to make cloak work against decent player seem like this skill is not the ultimate defense like someone here was claiming,also shade is one time tiket not unlimited and you need to place it in place that is hard to see or they will simply watch where youre shade is and get you,if is a X vs1 situation even worse someone will just camp the shade and yeah you get the picture.

    And yes you can dmg someone invisible that's why aoe break cloak because you do dmg to them you know skill like spin to win?they exist and they do dmg to invisible people,simple right?maybe not so simple to someone trying so hard to make the NB skill's sound so strong in every scenario,not the first thread you do that.

    Also where did he say cloak is useless he just corrected your false statement to me youre the one that have dyslexia problem,might explain how everyone point youre wrong in one of the many NB thread you posted in :trollface:

    Same as detect pots dont magically make cloak useless. Also there is more oblivion dmg soureces then just oblivion dmg enchant. There are builds created to kill You despite You having shields up all the time and they can do it just by light/heavy attack spam (hence the reason why shieldbreaker is nerfed). Can anyone kill cloaking nightblade with light attacks spam ? Actually I think more people have some source of oblivion damage then detect potions or any source of detection. Thing is when You use oblivion dmg enchant with torugs or sload You dont gimp Yourself down You're effective against everyone and additionally effective against shield users. When You want to use sources of detection You are gimping Yourself down against everyone who isnt nightblade just to have a chance to fight against stamblade and that is only if he is bad anough player.

    I never said healing debuffs makes healing not working completly . Same as sources of detection are not making cloak to not work completly. Next reason to belive nightblade players have dyslexia.

    What is biased is nightblade attemt to say that stealth playstyle is 100% ok as it is. The thing is more enemies You face lower effectivness of shiel or heal gets to the point recasted shield or heal is instantly outdamaged. Opposite is happening for cloak. Cloak grants You same level of defense no matter how many enemies You sface. So the more damage/heal You take the less effective shield/heal gets. The more damage You could get the more powerfull cloak gets.

    Well once again cloak+shade. Cloak itself is not what creates nightblade stealth plasytyle. Cloak+shade+roll dodge is. Same as shields for example are not what makes sorc defense. Shields+streak+heals are. Simple. Well not simple for stamblade players I guess but I dont expect much from biased stamblades. They'll always fail to understand any reason why the should recive some nerfs because in their imaginary world they think they're 100% balanced as they're.

    Learn to understand context. I never said he said cloak is useless. Thanks for proving my point with nb dyslexia.

  • juhislihis19
    Everybody's complain concerning stamblade:

    Permacloaking or anything related to usage of cloak

    ZOS' solution:

    Nerf, buff or tweak every other skill
  • Juhasow
    Everybody's complain concerning stamblade:

    Permacloaking or anything related to usage of cloak

    ZOS' solution:

    Nerf, buff or tweak every other skill

    That is classic ZoS. Never touching root of the issue always trying to find "ways around" and failing most of the time.
  • actosh
    Right, they should start to adress the root of the problems and maybe get the balls to make some "unpopular changes" to get the classes as well as all their major/minor snare, root, fear, knockback,knockup issues in line.

    Just get a working baseline without that stupid rulebreaker things. *** up 1 Content Patch and take care of Balance and stuff. Wonder how *** up the game will be after adressing weapon lines/guild lines ect....

    Start redesigning the old classes to the Vision/Template u have on Warden/Necromancer or make those two just like the others. Kinda suxx to watch the games direction.

    As a Nightblade i never understood why only Nb´s have the most reliable counter against other NB´s.
    Edited by actosh on May 2, 2019 10:27AM
  • Nerftheforums
    5 years into the game and people still complaining that there are no counters to cloak. All of this is amazing, I love this kind of noobness <3 it reminds me that *** players will remain *** no matter how much time you give them to improve :')
    Edited by Nerftheforums on May 2, 2019 10:30AM
  • Maulkin
    Personally I don’t mind the 0 cost, magblades could already spam it if they were zerglings trying to take one player down.

    However it would be nice if the person using Mark on you was somehow clearly illuminated so you can see who it is and focus them down. Same way Magelight and morphs put a huge glowing ball above the caster’s head so you know who’s the one revealing you.

    And it’s also a bit rubbish design that it can be used from stealth/invis. For those 5 secs that your target can’t go invis, neither should the caster be able to. The skill still conveys another 20secs of advantage so it’s not a wasted cast. But if you’re spamming it, you should be as exposed as the NB you’re marking.
    EU | PC | AD
  • killingspreeb16_ESO
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    And people will still cry about cloak. Mark my words.

    Because it's stamblade who makes the biggest use of that ability and for stamblade 5 second detection is not an issue he can just roll away then teleport to shade and then use cloak without invisibility debuff.

    just like all the other classes we need defense and in the case of nightblade our defense is stealth, invisibility.
    sorc is shields
    templar is heals
    please stop trying to Destroy our invisibility.

    Problem is other classes defenses when they work doesnt grant 100% evasion from attacks and negative effects without any drawbacks. Sorc is shielding damage he recives , templar is healing damage he recives nightblade in cloak just dont recive any damage while still being able to heal , having adventage of engaging and disengaging from combat on demand , controlling resource managment way better thanks to invisibility etc. As for now stamina nightblade is the class that have one of the biggest if not the biggest offensive potential and he is able to engane and disengage from combat on demand thanks to cloak and shade which basically makes this playstyle low risk high reward. There is a difference between ruining invisibility and balancing it and same goes for any type of defense. If anything should stop then that should be comments saying that everything is ok with nightblade stealth plasytyle in ESO.

    This sounds so uninformed. Sorry.

    Shields that absorb "X" amount of damage will do so each cast. Oblivion damage is all that ignores this.

    Heals that heal for "X" amount will heal every cast. Defile and health absortion reduce and prevent certain amounts.

    Cloak can be cast and have 100% of the resources be wasted with no invisibility. Spaming wont help. Shields and heals however can be to great effect.

    What other defense is countered by potions? mage light/hunter? single target beams (ballista, soul assault)? Single target procs(overwhelming surge)? Heck even the nbs own proc (vicecannon)?

    The claim of 100% evasion with no drawbacks with is actually false due to cloak actually having the most counters.

    Of course if youre saying cloak users have 100% evasion with no drawbacks when specifically facing YOU. Then I have no say in the matter.

    Which part of the "when they work" You dont understand ? Seriously I am almost certain that nightblade community is full of dyslectics.

    Also it's funny that You name the counters for shields and heals and then later on You're trying to say that cloak is that bad ability that have lot of counters. Yes cloak have counters but everyone with brain can work around them with the use of shade which I also mentioned so it's further proff for some kind of dyslexia.

    Not knowing how to counter cloak counters actually sounds very uninformed. I am saying about 100% evasion because I also abuse it if I can when I am playing on stamblade and I know from my own experience on both sides how broken and easy it can be to avoid almost every attack from certain setups.

    "When they work"

    For the second time:

    Shields and heals work EVERYTIME you activate them.

    For example:

    Incoming damage: 10k
    Health: 2k
    Shield: 5k

    End result is the player dies. But the shield will still absorb 5k. That means it still worked when activated. Dying doesnt mean the shield/heal didnt work.

    As for cloak it isnt 100% evasion. Even when it "works" haunting curse, potl will hit. 100% evasion is wrong. No drawbacks is wrong. Simple right?

    Lastly, lumping me into a "community" and name calling (dyslexic) takes away from intelligent discourse. On top of that falsely claiming Im trying to call it bad kills this conversation.

    Thats you responding to your own beliefs. Yours. Not mine.

    Ok sorry it's 90% evasion. That 10% will definietly kill those nightblades who can freely outheal that damage while in cloak. Shields and heals working every time is wrong as You said there is oblivion dmg and healing debuffs. Also there is that mystical thing called DAMAGE. Try using it agaisnt shields and You'll see something magical will happen. You can still do 100% dmg to someone that is using shield You can still do 100% damage to someone that is spamming heals. You cannot deal damage to someone that is invisible. Simple right ? You really trying hard to ignore that fact dont You ?

    Also I did not said there is no drawbacks at all to stealth playstyle I said those drawbacks that are present are just easy to avoid when nightblade is not completly caught off guard. It's laughable that in 2019 people still use argument of detect pots where most of the stamblades with brain learned to play against that long time ago with the help of shade which I mention like 3rd time at this point.

    I am not saying there isnt counter to cloak or that nightblade cant die ut guess what ? Everyone can die. You know when people cant die for sure ? When enemies dont see them.

    Inability to read correctly is called dyslexia and lately I see that occurs in every thread about nightblade changes where replies are totally not connected to something somebody else was saying. It's kinda funny that conversations with nightblades always end up like that. They'll bring up those "broken" defenses of other classes vs their "weak" invisibility and will always provide super one sided examples of when other defenses works vs when cloak is not working ignoring the fact that to truly disable and kill stamblade with cloak+shade there is like 3+ people needed when heals/shields user can be defeated by 1 person. I come to the conclusion that delusion of stamblade players is bigger then delusion of magsorcs saying that petsorc atm is 100% fine.

    No he is not wrong oblivion dmg don't magically make shield useless since they are not dispelled so even if someone hit you with a oblivion enchant the shield will absorb every other form of dmg.
    Not to mention oblivion dmg is less common than one of the many counter to cloak that everyone got avaible.

    So healing debuff make healing not working?how?they are weaker but still working otherwise you can go around claiming armor and mitigation effect make the damage skill not working every time.

    Also youre example are biased,you can 100% dmg to a shield or to someone that is healing true but as you claim they are actually working preventing dmg or healing you back there is no stop to them you can make them weaker or outdmg them but they work.always.
    Something that is simple yet you fail to understand.

    Cloak make you evade single target spell not evade everything,if you drink a detect pot or break it then the NB will get everything you throw at them so unlike shield and healing when countered it do Nothing.
    Sound simple yet people fail to understand it.

    Shade is not on everyone build and just the fact that you need shade to make cloak work against decent player seem like this skill is not the ultimate defense like someone here was claiming,also shade is one time tiket not unlimited and you need to place it in place that is hard to see or they will simply watch where youre shade is and get you,if is a X vs1 situation even worse someone will just camp the shade and yeah you get the picture.

    And yes you can dmg someone invisible that's why aoe break cloak because you do dmg to them you know skill like spin to win?they exist and they do dmg to invisible people,simple right?maybe not so simple to someone trying so hard to make the NB skill's sound so strong in every scenario,not the first thread you do that.

    Also where did he say cloak is useless he just corrected your false statement to me youre the one that have dyslexia problem,might explain how everyone point youre wrong in one of the many NB thread you posted in :trollface:

    Same as detect pots dont magically make cloak useless. Also there is more oblivion dmg soureces then just oblivion dmg enchant. There are builds created to kill You despite You having shields up all the time and they can do it just by light/heavy attack spam (hence the reason why shieldbreaker is nerfed). Can anyone kill cloaking nightblade with light attacks spam ? Actually I think more people have some source of oblivion damage then detect potions or any source of detection. Thing is when You use oblivion dmg enchant with torugs or sload You dont gimp Yourself down You're effective against everyone and additionally effective against shield users. When You want to use sources of detection You are gimping Yourself down against everyone who isnt nightblade just to have a chance to fight against stamblade and that is only if he is bad anough player.

    I never said healing debuffs makes healing not working completly . Same as sources of detection are not making cloak to not work completly. Next reason to belive nightblade players have dyslexia.

    What is biased is nightblade attemt to say that stealth playstyle is 100% ok as it is. The thing is more enemies You face lower effectivness of shiel or heal gets to the point recasted shield or heal is instantly outdamaged. Opposite is happening for cloak. Cloak grants You same level of defense no matter how many enemies You sface. So the more damage/heal You take the less effective shield/heal gets. The more damage You could get the more powerfull cloak gets.

    Well once again cloak+shade. Cloak itself is not what creates nightblade stealth plasytyle. Cloak+shade+roll dodge is. Same as shields for example are not what makes sorc defense. Shields+streak+heals are. Simple. Well not simple for stamblade players I guess but I dont expect much from biased stamblades. They'll always fail to understand any reason why the should recive some nerfs because in their imaginary world they think they're 100% balanced as they're.

    Learn to understand context. I never said he said cloak is useless. Thanks for proving my point with nb dyslexia.

    First you proved nothing"They'll bring up those "broken" defenses of other classes vs their "weak" invisibility" basically cloak is useless everything else is op and he never said that.
    Im not a stamblade player only i also play mageblade,magsorc,staminadk my point of view is from those 4 class,but can't expect much from someone that call everyone that disagree with you as "stamblade community" i guess.

    Again no one said detect pot make cloak useless(but yeah dyslexia right?) but they work and they are a counter to cloak,one of many for build all single target or for people that want to be sure to kill the nb when is low and/or trying to escape personally i don't use them and after path nerf 2 of my 4 character have 0 aoe dmg skill yet i can kill other nb spamming cloak you know how?with fear.
    And funny i have more problem on my 2 nb against cloak than my stamina dk or magsorc that can break it much easily.
    And since you seem to fail to grasp what we are saying for idk how many time was said to you for one last time (i hope)detect pot are a counter to cloak they work and people use them,difference between cloak and shield is well that once cloak is broken you get all the dmg and 0 invisibility time unlike shield that can be broken but if they absorb 5k dmg they will still absord 5k dmg.
    Oblivion dmg and enchant are still less common than the counter to cloak because they don't require set or weapon enchant they are in your class kit like spiked armor,jabs,streak etc.

    And before you get the wrong idea(again)this is not useless cloak vs OP shield's,just stating the difference between the two defense.also as you said shieldbreaker is getting nerfed oblivion enchant if i don't remember wrong is also nerfed.

    You did make a comparison with the cloak counter and healing debuff/oblivion dmg,that was simply wrong.
    "Shields and heals working every time is wrong as You said there is oblivion dmg and healing debuffs"
    So yeah you did.

    Also i never said stamblade is 100% fine and balanced but whatever.
    Stamblade single target was overloaded but they where lacking in other area's and ZoS is not just nerfing NB is trying to rebalance them in a better way,we can agree with them or not but that's another story.
    And no the more people you face with cloak the better the chance that it breaks because well more people more possible counter and when they break it?you have to face more dmg cc etc.

    If anything seem like you are living in a different world where everyone is playing in low mmr bg where you can cloak stand still and no one will break cloak.
    Oh and yea cloak playstyle is balanced right now,if you want to nerf cloak some counter need to be revisited aswell and no im not totally against it if they do a good job.
    Edited by killingspreeb16_ESO on May 2, 2019 1:47PM
  • Insco851
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    And people will still cry about cloak. Mark my words.

    Because it's stamblade who makes the biggest use of that ability and for stamblade 5 second detection is not an issue he can just roll away then teleport to shade and then use cloak without invisibility debuff.

    just like all the other classes we need defense and in the case of nightblade our defense is stealth, invisibility.
    sorc is shields
    templar is heals
    please stop trying to Destroy our invisibility.

    Problem is other classes defenses when they work doesnt grant 100% evasion from attacks and negative effects without any drawbacks. Sorc is shielding damage he recives , templar is healing damage he recives nightblade in cloak just dont recive any damage while still being able to heal , having adventage of engaging and disengaging from combat on demand , controlling resource managment way better thanks to invisibility etc. As for now stamina nightblade is the class that have one of the biggest if not the biggest offensive potential and he is able to engane and disengage from combat on demand thanks to cloak and shade which basically makes this playstyle low risk high reward. There is a difference between ruining invisibility and balancing it and same goes for any type of defense. If anything should stop then that should be comments saying that everything is ok with nightblade stealth plasytyle in ESO.

    This sounds so uninformed. Sorry.

    Shields that absorb "X" amount of damage will do so each cast. Oblivion damage is all that ignores this.

    Heals that heal for "X" amount will heal every cast. Defile and health absortion reduce and prevent certain amounts.

    Cloak can be cast and have 100% of the resources be wasted with no invisibility. Spaming wont help. Shields and heals however can be to great effect.

    What other defense is countered by potions? mage light/hunter? single target beams (ballista, soul assault)? Single target procs(overwhelming surge)? Heck even the nbs own proc (vicecannon)?

    The claim of 100% evasion with no drawbacks with is actually false due to cloak actually having the most counters.

    Of course if youre saying cloak users have 100% evasion with no drawbacks when specifically facing YOU. Then I have no say in the matter.

    Which part of the "when they work" You dont understand ? Seriously I am almost certain that nightblade community is full of dyslectics.

    Also it's funny that You name the counters for shields and heals and then later on You're trying to say that cloak is that bad ability that have lot of counters. Yes cloak have counters but everyone with brain can work around them with the use of shade which I also mentioned so it's further proff for some kind of dyslexia.

    Not knowing how to counter cloak counters actually sounds very uninformed. I am saying about 100% evasion because I also abuse it if I can when I am playing on stamblade and I know from my own experience on both sides how broken and easy it can be to avoid almost every attack from certain setups.

    "When they work"

    For the second time:

    Shields and heals work EVERYTIME you activate them.

    For example:

    Incoming damage: 10k
    Health: 2k
    Shield: 5k

    End result is the player dies. But the shield will still absorb 5k. That means it still worked when activated. Dying doesnt mean the shield/heal didnt work.

    As for cloak it isnt 100% evasion. Even when it "works" haunting curse, potl will hit. 100% evasion is wrong. No drawbacks is wrong. Simple right?

    Lastly, lumping me into a "community" and name calling (dyslexic) takes away from intelligent discourse. On top of that falsely claiming Im trying to call it bad kills this conversation.

    Thats you responding to your own beliefs. Yours. Not mine.

    Ok sorry it's 90% evasion. That 10% will definietly kill those nightblades who can freely outheal that damage while in cloak. Shields and heals working every time is wrong as You said there is oblivion dmg and healing debuffs. Also there is that mystical thing called DAMAGE. Try using it agaisnt shields and You'll see something magical will happen. You can still do 100% dmg to someone that is using shield You can still do 100% damage to someone that is spamming heals. You cannot deal damage to someone that is invisible. Simple right ? You really trying hard to ignore that fact dont You ?

    Also I did not said there is no drawbacks at all to stealth playstyle I said those drawbacks that are present are just easy to avoid when nightblade is not completly caught off guard. It's laughable that in 2019 people still use argument of detect pots where most of the stamblades with brain learned to play against that long time ago with the help of shade which I mention like 3rd time at this point.

    I am not saying there isnt counter to cloak or that nightblade cant die ut guess what ? Everyone can die. You know when people cant die for sure ? When enemies dont see them.

    Inability to read correctly is called dyslexia and lately I see that occurs in every thread about nightblade changes where replies are totally not connected to something somebody else was saying. It's kinda funny that conversations with nightblades always end up like that. They'll bring up those "broken" defenses of other classes vs their "weak" invisibility and will always provide super one sided examples of when other defenses works vs when cloak is not working ignoring the fact that to truly disable and kill stamblade with cloak+shade there is like 3+ people needed when heals/shields user can be defeated by 1 person. I come to the conclusion that delusion of stamblade players is bigger then delusion of magsorcs saying that petsorc atm is 100% fine.

    No he is not wrong oblivion dmg don't magically make shield useless since they are not dispelled so even if someone hit you with a oblivion enchant the shield will absorb every other form of dmg.
    Not to mention oblivion dmg is less common than one of the many counter to cloak that everyone got avaible.

    So healing debuff make healing not working?how?they are weaker but still working otherwise you can go around claiming armor and mitigation effect make the damage skill not working every time.

    Also youre example are biased,you can 100% dmg to a shield or to someone that is healing true but as you claim they are actually working preventing dmg or healing you back there is no stop to them you can make them weaker or outdmg them but they work.always.
    Something that is simple yet you fail to understand.

    Cloak make you evade single target spell not evade everything,if you drink a detect pot or break it then the NB will get everything you throw at them so unlike shield and healing when countered it do Nothing.
    Sound simple yet people fail to understand it.

    Shade is not on everyone build and just the fact that you need shade to make cloak work against decent player seem like this skill is not the ultimate defense like someone here was claiming,also shade is one time tiket not unlimited and you need to place it in place that is hard to see or they will simply watch where youre shade is and get you,if is a X vs1 situation even worse someone will just camp the shade and yeah you get the picture.

    And yes you can dmg someone invisible that's why aoe break cloak because you do dmg to them you know skill like spin to win?they exist and they do dmg to invisible people,simple right?maybe not so simple to someone trying so hard to make the NB skill's sound so strong in every scenario,not the first thread you do that.

    Also where did he say cloak is useless he just corrected your false statement to me youre the one that have dyslexia problem,might explain how everyone point youre wrong in one of the many NB thread you posted in :trollface:

    Same as detect pots dont magically make cloak useless. Also there is more oblivion dmg soureces then just oblivion dmg enchant. There are builds created to kill You despite You having shields up all the time and they can do it just by light/heavy attack spam (hence the reason why shieldbreaker is nerfed). Can anyone kill cloaking nightblade with light attacks spam ? Actually I think more people have some source of oblivion damage then detect potions or any source of detection. Thing is when You use oblivion dmg enchant with torugs or sload You dont gimp Yourself down You're effective against everyone and additionally effective against shield users. When You want to use sources of detection You are gimping Yourself down against everyone who isnt nightblade just to have a chance to fight against stamblade and that is only if he is bad anough player.

    I never said healing debuffs makes healing not working completly . Same as sources of detection are not making cloak to not work completly. Next reason to belive nightblade players have dyslexia.

    What is biased is nightblade attemt to say that stealth playstyle is 100% ok as it is. The thing is more enemies You face lower effectivness of shiel or heal gets to the point recasted shield or heal is instantly outdamaged. Opposite is happening for cloak. Cloak grants You same level of defense no matter how many enemies You sface. So the more damage/heal You take the less effective shield/heal gets. The more damage You could get the more powerfull cloak gets.

    Well once again cloak+shade. Cloak itself is not what creates nightblade stealth plasytyle. Cloak+shade+roll dodge is. Same as shields for example are not what makes sorc defense. Shields+streak+heals are. Simple. Well not simple for stamblade players I guess but I dont expect much from biased stamblades. They'll always fail to understand any reason why the should recive some nerfs because in their imaginary world they think they're 100% balanced as they're.

    Learn to understand context. I never said he said cloak is useless. Thanks for proving my point with nb dyslexia.

    I gotta ask... is the nightblade who hurt you in the room with you right now?
  • Trinity_Is_My_Name
    I kinda like the change.
  • BlissfulDeluge
    I like this change. I'll be sure to work it into my build :)
    Former completionist with all achievements unlocked up until Update 29 (Flames of Ambition). Avid RPer, writer, and former Breton lover. Then Legacy of the Bretons was released and I realized just how boring and uninspired the Bretons are according to the writers.
  • templesus
    5 years into the game and people still complaining that there are no counters to cloak. All of this is amazing, I love this kind of noobness <3 it reminds me that *** players will remain *** no matter how much time you give them to improve :')

    Oh the irony
  • Iskiab
    Zerglings spamming mark target? All this thread proves to me is a lot of Nightblades have been excluded from pvp guilds, because it sounds like most Nightblades have no idea how group pvp works.

    Running a spec to kill Nightblades is ridiculous, all you need to do is find one and they’re dead. Why use mark target when every class has aoe abilities.
    Edited by Iskiab on May 2, 2019 6:03PM
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • Insco851
    Iskiab wrote: »
    Zerglings spamming mark target? All this thread proves to me is a lot of Nightblades have been excluded from pvp guilds, because it sounds like most Nightblades have no idea how group pvp works.

    Running a spec to kill Nightblades is ridiculous, all you need to do is find one and they’re dead. Why use mark target when every class has aoe abilities.

    Zerglings arnt really grouped tho. They just follow the wave.

    I also wouldn’t class actual groups under “zerging” unless it’s pugs with no comms
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