Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23


  • MirkoZ
    ChunkyCat wrote: »
    Maybe if EU PC folk would stop using that cheat engine, your server wouldn’t be dying :D

    We use cheat engine in order to make hamsters stronger and it just works
    Edited by MirkoZ on March 25, 2019 9:30PM
  • freespirit
    Yep now I have no guilds and no friends #BillynoMates! >:)

    When people say to me........
    "You're going to regret that in the morning"
    I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Update: We identified the issue, and are working on getting it fixed. No downtime is expected, but it may take some time to resolve (think hours, not days).
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Alucardo
    Hi all, just confirming we've seen this thread and are looking into what's going on.

    Thanks Gina. This is why you're my favourite (don't tell the others)
  • killimandrosb16_ESO
    Mayrael wrote: »
    Hi all, just confirming we've seen this thread and are looking into what's going on.

    Our savior and prophet <3

    What exactly do you think will change? The service zos has offered europe the last year has been beyond any considerable excuse. And to make it worse, the service they provide in US is of such higher standard it feels like they are two different companies (which is probably the correct assumption). I started playing NA sometime in december, and running a 200 ping primetime vivec NA is a blessing compared to any time in EU. No lag, or not noticeable, even when I get the 500+ ping symbol I can play as normal, skills go off when they should, movement is smooth and there is no waiting screens while porting.
    We have the same codes in NA and EU (i assume we do), more or less the same playerbase, but still the EU servers performance has been up to and until today, with peaks the wrong way, absolutely garbage. The brand is under a huge strain in EU, players are losing confidence in the ability to handle a thing which in US seems like an easy daily routine.
    How can we expect the servers to improve when clearly the problem lies within the actual hardware. Theres nothing to change or sort out in the software department, as long as the codes are equal in EU and NA. Its only a question of WHY zenimax chose to offer their EU partners such cheap hardware compared to what they offer their american audience.

    Clearly it is hardware.

    Based on what evidence?

    I can only assume the software presented on the US servers and the EU servers is the same. Meaning same coding and same game, basically (though I COULD be wrong).
    IF that assumption is correct, my SUBJECTIVE observation playing BOTH NA and EU during prime time, is the US servers work, while the EU servers doesnt. Right now, although not yet primetime US, there is absolutely zero lag, zero loading screens and not any visible issues FOR ME. At the same time I had to force quit from the EU servers due to extremely bad performance. Then agains, all since I started playing both EU and US, I notice the difference in performance. Its very noticeable. Hence, the only explanation I can offer from my journeyman point of view, is that there must be a difference in hardware. Where that difference is, I can not tell. What I can offer, is some amateurish insights; It could be the IT provider. But not mine, since I dont have problems playing on the NA servers. It could be the servers itself, which is what I have a lurking idea could be the root of the evil, or it could be human errors executing software operations, but here I am very uncertain, as this is something which should have been sorted a long time ago, then.
    To conclude, since the issue has been ongoing to a certain degree more or less for several months, I think the most logical conclution would be directed at the hardware, but please offer any other theories
    Edited by killimandrosb16_ESO on March 25, 2019 9:33PM
  • Alucardo
    frostz417 wrote: »
    Glad I don’t play EU, never hear anything good about it

    Yeah it's pretty bad. I do frequent NA from time to time. While my ping obviously shows higher there, the latency doesn't feel as bad, and it's a lot more consistent. I don't get crazy spikes, rubberbanding, or freezes and then dropped back to the login screen.
  • killimandrosb16_ESO
    Alucardo wrote: »
    frostz417 wrote: »
    Glad I don’t play EU, never hear anything good about it

    Yeah it's pretty bad. I do frequent NA from time to time. While my ping obviously shows higher there, the latency doesn't feel as bad, and it's a lot more consistent. I don't get crazy spikes, rubberbanding, or freezes and then dropped back to the login screen.

    Thats actually interesting. I have the same experience as you, and I would like to add, that the 200+ ping I am being offered on the NA servers feels like perfect conditions gameplay on the EU servers. Even when I hit 500+ the gameplay feels just about right. I have seemingly very good ping on the EU servers (relatively), but something else is hindering what I am offered.
  • Kilnerdyne
    What excatly could they change in a few hours to fix the peaktime lag of PvP? It has been unplayable for the last 5 years not just the last few days or over the weekend.
  • zvavi
    Mayrael wrote: »
    Hi all, just confirming we've seen this thread and are looking into what's going on.

    Our savior and prophet <3

    What exactly do you think will change? The service zos has offered europe the last year has been beyond any considerable excuse. And to make it worse, the service they provide in US is of such higher standard it feels like they are two different companies (which is probably the correct assumption). I started playing NA sometime in december, and running a 200 ping primetime vivec NA is a blessing compared to any time in EU. No lag, or not noticeable, even when I get the 500+ ping symbol I can play as normal, skills go off when they should, movement is smooth and there is no waiting screens while porting.
    We have the same codes in NA and EU (i assume we do), more or less the same playerbase, but still the EU servers performance has been up to and until today, with peaks the wrong way, absolutely garbage. The brand is under a huge strain in EU, players are losing confidence in the ability to handle a thing which in US seems like an easy daily routine.
    How can we expect the servers to improve when clearly the problem lies within the actual hardware. Theres nothing to change or sort out in the software department, as long as the codes are equal in EU and NA. Its only a question of WHY zenimax chose to offer their EU partners such cheap hardware compared to what they offer their american audience.

    Clearly it is hardware.

    Based on what evidence?

    as he have said, which should be 100% true "We have the same codes in NA and EU", so if the problem is not in the code, it is either with the player base, or the hardware. and if the problem is a too big player base, then they need a new, third server anyway.
  • Shadow-Fighter
    Moooaaarrrrrr hamsters

    Natch Potes is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're gonna get
  • Bosov
    My friend list dissapeared from PC EU

    ha-ha you have no friends
    Xbox One - EU - GT : Bosov
    PC - EU - @Bosov91

    ESO Highight :

  • TriangularChicken
    Thlepse wrote: »
    you know the lag and state of the server is bad when EP guilds on sotha sil are complaining

    this is going to be in the top 10 of best comments of 2019 :-D
  • TheValar85
    i am not surprised at all.
    First the constant sorc nerf wave (a ton of fine sorc players are confrimed they left pvp cos of the nonsense shield nerfs)
    Then the performances issues, with the constant laggs and frame drops
    No performance upgrades,
    Too much bugs and exploiters
    too much cheaters.
    And the result is leaving players and they have every right to do so.
    And teh list goes on when it comes to the problems what pvp have.
    GM Of The Lusty Argonian ERP
    GM Of THe Alessia Dynasty PVP Guild
    GM Of The Guardians Of MiddleEarth
    My Smiling Emperor Profile Picture: https://ibb.co/bsOM6n
  • Ruinhorn
    Is that really true US servers works better than EU? Excluding PR ofc, obviously latency will be higher for EU players there.
  • LjAnimalchin
    I can't even login :(
  • TheValar85
    Ruinhorn wrote: »
    Is that really true US servers works better than EU? Excluding PR ofc, obviously latency will be higher for EU players there.

    yes its true when i was in L.A due to work i went to US and i had no fram and latency issues at all.
    When i am in EU it is always crap basicly.
    And my country is not even that far away from the eu server park.
    GM Of The Lusty Argonian ERP
    GM Of THe Alessia Dynasty PVP Guild
    GM Of The Guardians Of MiddleEarth
    My Smiling Emperor Profile Picture: https://ibb.co/bsOM6n
  • prototypefb
    while we have some zos attentions, can we get other bug fixes too?
    combat bug plagues cyrodiil, it annoys ppl,
    nighblade shade teleport is bugged, only works on flat terrain,
    dodge roll reverted back to previous op state in one of last patches,
    random loading screen while moving in many areas
  • Ulfgarde
    nice dying server
    Very athletic eso player
    PC EU
  • Master_Kas
    I can't even login :(

    I can log in to characters that are in pve areas, but get a permanent loadingscreen on characters that are in cyro :trollface:
    EU | PC
  • prototypefb
    Master_Kas wrote: »
    I can't even login :(

    I can log in to characters that are in pve areas, but get a permanent loadingscreen on characters that are in cyro :trollface:

    it's not permanent, just very long - 10-25min xD
  • arena25
    DJfriede wrote: »

    Where's the LOL button when you need it?
    If you can't handle the heat...stay out of the kitchen!
  • Master_Kas
    Master_Kas wrote: »
    I can't even login :(

    I can log in to characters that are in pve areas, but get a permanent loadingscreen on characters that are in cyro :trollface:

    it's not permanent, just very long - 10-25min xD

    12 minutes currently, let's see. :neutral:
    EU | PC
  • Zevrro
    Every character I have was last logged in Cyrodiil so I can't log in at all. Been waiting almost an hour now.
    @Zevrro PC-EU
    CP 1200+
    Azura's Star/Sotha Sil/Bahlokdaan
    Magicka Nightblade

    AD | Zevrro
    | Magicka Nightblade | AR43 |
    AD | Zevrro II | Magicka Nightblade | AR50 | 09-02-2019 |
    DC | Not Zevrro | Magicka Nightblade | AR33 |
    EP | Ževrro | Magicka Nightblade | AR14 |
    Other PvP Characters
    AD | Zevrro VII | Stamina Warden | AR33 |
    AD | Zevrro XII | Magicka Warden | AR22 |
    DC | Not Zevrro II | Magicka Warden | AR14 |
    DC | Necrotic Zevrro | Magicka Necromancer | AR17 |
    EP | Real-Skyice | Stamina Warden | AR10 |

    >156m AP
  • fred4
    Can't load characters stationed in Cyrodiil. On characters stationed in PvE: No guilds, no PvP campaigns, friend list intermittent.
    PC EU: Magblade (PvP main), DK (PvE Tank), Sorc (PvP and PvE), Magden (PvE Healer), Magplar (PvP and PvE DD), Arcanist (PvE DD)
    PC NA: Magblade (PvP and PvE every role)
  • goldenarcher1
    All leaderboards gone AWOL?
  • Neoealth
    Someone pied the server?
  • Diundriel
    just a joke if you are Looking Forward for an evening raid and all you get is laggy cyrodil which is bugged, delayed and therefore completly empty….
    GM of former Slack Squad PvP Raid Guild
    Our Vids:

    Zoe'la- AD Magplar AvA 50 x2.5
    Not Zoe'la- DC Magplar AvA 27
    Worst Healbot EU- EP Magplar AvA 20
    Diundriel- AD StamNB AvA 39
    Pugs Got Bombed- AD ManaNB AvA 36
    Cause we have dots- AD ManaSorc AvA 35
    Red Zergs Again- AD StamDen AvA 30
    Synergy Spam Bot- AD MagDK AvA 17
    Heals of Cyrodiil- AD ManaDen AvA 14
    Nawrina- DC StamDK AvA 26
    Not Ganking- StamNB PVE DD
    Stack Pls- DC ManaNB AvA 20
    Der Katzenmensch- AD AvA 30
    Der kleine Troll- DC StamDen AvA 25
    and some I deleted and new ones I am to lazy to add so well above 250 Mio AP and 7 Former Emperor Characters

    PvE: multiple Flawless Conqueror Chars, Spirit Slayer, vAS +2, vCloudrest +3, vRG, vKA, vCrag hms, vDSA 43,5k score ...
  • Alucardo
    Diundriel wrote: »
    just a joke if you are Looking Forward for an evening raid and all you get is laggy cyrodil which is bugged, delayed and therefore completly empty….

    For me the lag isn't a problem at all.

    Because I can't f***ing log on.
  • Diundriel
    Alucardo wrote: »
    Diundriel wrote: »
    just a joke if you are Looking Forward for an evening raid and all you get is laggy cyrodil which is bugged, delayed and therefore completly empty….

    For me the lag isn't a problem at all.

    Because I can't f***ing log on.

    trust me you didnt miss anything if you wanted to go pvp
    GM of former Slack Squad PvP Raid Guild
    Our Vids:

    Zoe'la- AD Magplar AvA 50 x2.5
    Not Zoe'la- DC Magplar AvA 27
    Worst Healbot EU- EP Magplar AvA 20
    Diundriel- AD StamNB AvA 39
    Pugs Got Bombed- AD ManaNB AvA 36
    Cause we have dots- AD ManaSorc AvA 35
    Red Zergs Again- AD StamDen AvA 30
    Synergy Spam Bot- AD MagDK AvA 17
    Heals of Cyrodiil- AD ManaDen AvA 14
    Nawrina- DC StamDK AvA 26
    Not Ganking- StamNB PVE DD
    Stack Pls- DC ManaNB AvA 20
    Der Katzenmensch- AD AvA 30
    Der kleine Troll- DC StamDen AvA 25
    and some I deleted and new ones I am to lazy to add so well above 250 Mio AP and 7 Former Emperor Characters

    PvE: multiple Flawless Conqueror Chars, Spirit Slayer, vAS +2, vCloudrest +3, vRG, vKA, vCrag hms, vDSA 43,5k score ...
  • prototypefb
    Master_Kas wrote: »
    Master_Kas wrote: »
    I can't even login :(

    I can log in to characters that are in pve areas, but get a permanent loadingscreen on characters that are in cyro :trollface:

    it's not permanent, just very long - 10-25min xD

    12 minutes currently, let's see. :neutral:

    i was wrong, watched 1st episonde of doom patrol, can confirm loading screens can be infinite.. xD
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