No-CP DD MagSorc | 11.6k Ward + Major Defile | Oncoming Storm | Build & Gameplay Murkmire

~~~ Oncoming Storm ~~~

This is my balls-to-the-wall no-CP MagSorc build for Murkmire.

Playing no-CP MagSorc comes with a few unique challenges, namely our reduced base max resources, which creates a few knock on effects-
> shields less powerful
> which means have to spend more resources on defense
> therefore higher regeneration needed
> higher regeneration achieved through the sacrifice of max magicka sets
> which makes our shields even weaker
> meaning more shield spam
> which takes even more regeneration!
> all culminating in significantly reduced damage

Alas it's not all doom and gloom though! I've always found sorcerer so much more enjoyable when I don't have to shield stack, so with that in mind, and to counter the classic no-CP conundrum I detailed above, I present to you the Oncoming Storm!

Build and Gameplay

Did I few things different in this build video-
1) I tried being funny for once, let me know I failed and I'll shut the hell up.
2) Added some soft background music so it's not my voice droning on the entire time, let me know how it went.

5x Necropotence
5x Bright-Throat's Boast
2x Mighty Chudan

* pot active and berserker enchant active

Why Might Chudan?
I agree, I never thought I'd make a build with Chudan in it, but since release it's received a 1k HP boost and benefited from the numerous resistance set bonuses increases which has increasingly made it more attractive. I discuss this in detail in the video, but in brief-
• Chudan gives you the perfect balance of max magicka (allowing you to slot Bound Aegis) and max HP to get a huge no-CP shield whilst providing extra resistances to make that shield last longer.
• Chudan + Bound Aegis out performs any combination of Monster Set + Boundless Storm due to this builds specific focus on max magicka.
*only negative is you lose the DoT of boundless and its anti-NB properties, for myself this is insignificant, but obviously your mileage may vary and may not be appropriate

Hope ya'll enjoy my MagSorc!
- Tay
PvP Defensive Set Comparison
Firestarter MagDK 1vX
- build and gamplay!
LagPlar Ranged Lag Proof(ish) Magplar
- build and gamplay!
ShadowGaurd MagBlade Group Utility Tank
- build and gamplay!
Oncoming Storm No-CP 11.6k Ward MagSorc - build and gamplay!
My YouTube Chanel

  • ccmedaddy
    Neat. This is actually what I'm running on my magden in BGs at the moment, except with Pirate Skelly instead of Chudan. Having 45k magicka on an Argonian in no CP feels amazing.
  • mav1234
    That's a terrifyingly balanced looking build... nice job and thanks for the share!
  • Taylor_MB
    Stamina (max and regen) is a little low, but alas that is the no-CP life. No easy way to get them higher without sacrificing primary stats.

    Yup! Perfect set combo for max magicka.
    PvP Defensive Set Comparison
    Firestarter MagDK 1vX
    - build and gamplay!
    LagPlar Ranged Lag Proof(ish) Magplar
    - build and gamplay!
    ShadowGaurd MagBlade Group Utility Tank
    - build and gamplay!
    Oncoming Storm No-CP 11.6k Ward MagSorc - build and gamplay!
    My YouTube Chanel

  • brandonv516
    Just trying to understand Charged inferno staff with disease enchant. Is it really effective?
  • Taylor_MB
    Standard Status Effect Proc Chances
    Enchants: 20%
    Direct damage & Initial DoT Tick: 10%
    Single Target DoTs: 3%
    AoE DoTs: 1%

    With Charged Destruction Staff (100% from destro passives, 220% from charged)
    Enchants: 84%
    Direct damage & Initial DoT Tick: 42%
    AoE DoTs: 12.6%
    Single Target DoTs: 4.2%

    So smashing a target dummy, disease enchant has a 4 second proc cooldown, and the Major Defile status effect lasts for 4 seconds. EDIT: If the Elemental Force description is accurate, that means we have an uptime of 64%, otherwise if it actually effects all damage types it's an uptime of 84% (my test of 72 hits had a 75% uptime, so larger sample size required for definitive answer).

    Additionally, charged means-
    • Twilight has a 42% chance to proc Minor Vulnerability every 2 seconds.
    • Flame Reach has a 63% chance to proc burning every rotation (42% initial hit + 5x 4.2% for DoT)

    However, status effects cannot proc on damage shields and Bosmer and Argonian cannot recieve Major Defile from a status effect due to their racial disease resistances. The racial immunities are likely to chance soon though given upcoming re-balancing.

    Edited by Taylor_MB on December 27, 2018 12:07AM
    PvP Defensive Set Comparison
    Firestarter MagDK 1vX
    - build and gamplay!
    LagPlar Ranged Lag Proof(ish) Magplar
    - build and gamplay!
    ShadowGaurd MagBlade Group Utility Tank
    - build and gamplay!
    Oncoming Storm No-CP 11.6k Ward MagSorc - build and gamplay!
    My YouTube Chanel

  • brandonv516
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    Standard Status Effect Proc Chances
    Enchants: 20%
    Direct damage & Initial DoT Tick: 10%
    Single Target DoTs: 3%
    AoE DoTs: 1%

    With Charged Destruction Staff (100% from destro passives, 220% from charged)
    Enchants: 84%
    Direct damage & Initial DoT Tick: 42%
    AoE DoTs: 12.6%
    Single Target DoTs: 4.2%

    So smashing a target dummy, disease enchant has a 4 second proc cooldown, and the Major Defile status effect lasts for 4 seconds, which means max up time is a respectable 84%.

    Additionally, charged means-
    • Twilight has a 42% chance to proc Minor Vulnerability every 2 seconds.
    • Flame Reach has a 63% chance to proc burning every rotation (42% initial hit + 5x 4.2% for DoT)

    However, status effects cannot proc on damage shields and Bosmer and Argonian cannot recieve Major Defile from a status effect due to their racial disease resistances. The racial immunities are likely to chance soon though given upcoming re-balancing.

    Great info...definitely something I need to look into for my Magblade.

    As for the bold part, I keep hearing conflicting answers on this. Some say it was changed, others no. Not doubting you but have you tested this recently?
    Edited by brandonv516 on December 26, 2018 11:04PM
  • Jaxaxo
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    Standard Status Effect Proc Chances
    Enchants: 20%
    Direct damage & Initial DoT Tick: 10%
    Single Target DoTs: 3%
    AoE DoTs: 1%

    With Charged Destruction Staff (100% from destro passives, 220% from charged)
    Enchants: 84%
    Direct damage & Initial DoT Tick: 42%
    AoE DoTs: 12.6%
    Single Target DoTs: 4.2%

    So smashing a target dummy, disease enchant has a 4 second proc cooldown, and the Major Defile status effect lasts for 4 seconds, which means max up time is a respectable 84%.

    Additionally, charged means-
    • Twilight has a 42% chance to proc Minor Vulnerability every 2 seconds.
    • Flame Reach has a 63% chance to proc burning every rotation (42% initial hit + 5x 4.2% for DoT)

    However, status effects cannot proc on damage shields and Bosmer and Argonian cannot recieve Major Defile from a status effect due to their racial disease resistances. The racial immunities are likely to chance soon though given upcoming re-balancing.

    just saying, that the passive from destro staff is working only for chilled/concussion/burning (at least that's what they wrote there, i didnt test it)
    Forum War - pro AC side

    EU PC Azura Star/Sotha Sil/Bahlokdaan/Ravenwatch
    Triggered Tryhards / Aetherius Art / LND / DC-PD

    DC - Frostitute magden
    AD - Pees-under-Trees magden
    DC - Lemme Dark Deal stamsorc
    EP - Lemme Dark Déal stamsorc
  • Taylor_MB
    Just re-tested, does not proc on damage shields. The befoul enchant still procs and does damage, but the extra "disease" damage and status effect does not proc.

    Good point, I didn't even notice it was restricted to only the elemental damage types. Just hit the target dummy 72 times and it didn't proc 11 of the those times, so that's a 75% uptime. Which puts in right in the middle of 64% (no Elemental Force) and 84% (with Elemental Force).

    So either we need a higher sample size (can't be assed right now) or we calculating it wrong? Not sure.

    Edited by Taylor_MB on December 27, 2018 12:03AM
    PvP Defensive Set Comparison
    Firestarter MagDK 1vX
    - build and gamplay!
    LagPlar Ranged Lag Proof(ish) Magplar
    - build and gamplay!
    ShadowGaurd MagBlade Group Utility Tank
    - build and gamplay!
    Oncoming Storm No-CP 11.6k Ward MagSorc - build and gamplay!
    My YouTube Chanel

  • pzschrek
    Gee thanks for letting everyone in on the secret, TAY

    I run a close variant of this (though the seed of my own build was from zheg). I find I hit noticeably less hard than my old pre-Murkmire build but survivability is vastly better. I never thought of charged cheese for defile that might be just the ticket.

    “The enemy is anybody who's going to get you killed, no matter which side he is on.”
  • PhoenixGrey
    This is my preferred setup for CP actually. I run S&B with 2 wards and ele drain though. Big shields with decent damage
  • brandonv516
    Very impressed with the Destro Charged with Disease enchant (and Charged as a whole).

    On my Magblade I have a higher chance to apply status effects with:

    Ice Comet
    Destructive Reach
    Light/Heavy attacks

    So the majority of the time an enemy has a status effect applied on them!
  • Taylor_MB
    Yeah! Shield is great for back bar to stack even more magicka. I wanted to play with defile this time though, so that required 2x staffs so I could still keep an easily proc-able berserker enchant.

    Yup, charged trait is low key very powerful. If you play CP, you should play around with lightening attacks (or enchant) + lightening WoE of elements to proc off balance. You'll get 8% from Minor Vulnerability + whatever the CP damage done passive for off balance is (not in game can't check).

    Works awesome with Force Pulse also. Not 100% up time on them all, but just a constant rotating debuff roster, haha.
    PvP Defensive Set Comparison
    Firestarter MagDK 1vX
    - build and gamplay!
    LagPlar Ranged Lag Proof(ish) Magplar
    - build and gamplay!
    ShadowGaurd MagBlade Group Utility Tank
    - build and gamplay!
    Oncoming Storm No-CP 11.6k Ward MagSorc - build and gamplay!
    My YouTube Chanel

  • Kikke
    Personaly I just dropped wards all together....

    Did not change my class cannon build from pre-nerfmire....

    Cant tank them? Kill them before they kill you.
    Cleared Trials:
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    "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, and a lot of bitching."
    -Someone said it, I guess.
  • mursie
    @Taylor_MB wouldn't you rather have bound aegis on your main attack bar (where frag and fury are) as it buffs max magicka to make it hit harder?

    the bar you have it on does nothing to boost shields.. seems like a waste on that bar? am i missing something
    twitter: @mursieftw
  • dazee
    Wait is there a CP star which increases max resources? I must have missed it becuase I can't find one which does that at all.
    Playing your character the way your character should play is all that matters. Play as well as you can but never betray the character. Doing so would make playing an mmoRPG pointless.
  • Taylor_MB
    Shields are still scaled off max magicka, they are just now capped at a certain % of max HP (50% for Hardened Ward, 40% for Annulment). So it is making shields bigger. But you are right, I lose a little damage by having less max magicka on front bar.

    Each CP adds like 10 to the max resource of the tree it falls under. So with max CP assigned you get an extra ~3k of every resource (I don't recall the exact numbers, but it is around that level).
    PvP Defensive Set Comparison
    Firestarter MagDK 1vX
    - build and gamplay!
    LagPlar Ranged Lag Proof(ish) Magplar
    - build and gamplay!
    ShadowGaurd MagBlade Group Utility Tank
    - build and gamplay!
    Oncoming Storm No-CP 11.6k Ward MagSorc - build and gamplay!
    My YouTube Chanel

  • Solariken
    I love the build, but I'm fairly sure I would be garbage with it. I can barely play my magicka toons without Shacklebreaker, trifood, and 1pc Domihaus. Stamina pool is the real lifeblood of survivability for me, but maybe I just need to L2P more on shields.
  • HansProlo
    I am using iceheart on my frost warden and i am having great success with that. Your idea would probably also work good with boundless backbar and iceheart. Perhaps with frost staff backbar and psijic ultimate. This way you would have 3 shields.
    Could compensate with 1 protective ring.
  • mursie
    good build - I can't make up my mind which I like more. drop chudan for a necro head/shoulder and run master's lightning for a cheap hard hitting spammable (slot boundless storm where u have aegis)... or this setup.

    I also hate the fact that a dk can shut the build down pretty hard. leaving only curse, fury, and LA/HA's available for dmg.
    twitter: @mursieftw
  • Minno
    This build will get a buff after the bug for chudan gets fixed. Some people reported it doesn't grant major ward/resolve in murkmire.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • MalagenR
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    Yeah! Shield is great for back bar to stack even more magicka. I wanted to play with defile this time though, so that required 2x staffs so I could still keep an easily proc-able berserker enchant.

    Yup, charged trait is low key very powerful. If you play CP, you should play around with lightening attacks (or enchant) + lightening WoE of elements to proc off balance. You'll get 8% from Minor Vulnerability + whatever the CP damage done passive for off balance is (not in game can't check).

    Works awesome with Force Pulse also. Not 100% up time on them all, but just a constant rotating debuff roster, haha.

    People are catching on - Wall of Elements + Class Root (30% Vitality) with surge up and a force pull will literally take you from low to full health in a matter of 1 GCD.

    Only way imo to get powerful healing + damage without a pet as a Sorc, even nastier if you use frost + charged + frost enchant on front bar for minor maim. minor maim is a huge damage debuff - riposte is almost on par with pariah for defense according to that big defense thread and charged frost enchant + frost wall of elements = deadly
  • HansProlo
    MalagenR wrote: »

    People are catching on - Wall of Elements + Class Root (30% Vitality) with surge up and a force pull will literally take you from low to full health in a matter of 1 GCD.

    Only way imo to get powerful healing + damage without a pet as a Sorc, even nastier if you use frost + charged + frost enchant on front bar for minor maim. minor maim is a huge damage debuff - riposte is almost on par with pariah for defense according to that big defense thread and charged frost enchant + frost wall of elements = deadly

    heal from surge says pnly one per second so how will you be healed to full in one gcd?
  • MalagenR
    HansProlo wrote: »

    heal from surge says pnly one per second so how will you be healed to full in one gcd?

    Not sure what to tell you, how do you think so many Sorc's heal themselves in Maelstrom with only Surge while using Spellpower pots, it's definitely not just 1 per second, the same way Elemental Drain doesn't feel like only 600 per tick, feels like a lot more, feels like every hit generates the +++++
  • HansProlo
    Not sure what to tell you, how do you think so many Sorc's heal themselves in Maelstrom with only Surge while using Spellpower pots, it's definitely not just 1 per second, the same way Elemental Drain doesn't feel like only 600 per tick, feels like a lot more, feels like every hit generates the +++++

    if its right what you say, them the tooltips are wrong or not accurate. probably once per second per mob. have to test this out.
  • Minno
    Taylor_MB wrote: »
    Just re-tested, does not proc on damage shields. The befoul enchant still procs and does damage, but the extra "disease" damage and status effect does not proc.

    Good point, I didn't even notice it was restricted to only the elemental damage types. Just hit the target dummy 72 times and it didn't proc 11 of the those times, so that's a 75% uptime. Which puts in right in the middle of 64% (no Elemental Force) and 84% (with Elemental Force).

    So either we need a higher sample size (can't be assed right now) or we calculating it wrong? Not sure.

    I am guessing even if the disease enchant isnt boosted by the destro staff passive, force pulse dmg is. So you will get the 8% dmg increase from lighting dmg which will offset the lower uptime on the disease.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Sotha_Sil
    Great build, thank you for sharing. Really enjoying it.
    Edited by Sotha_Sil on March 14, 2019 11:42PM
    Restoration is a perfectly valid school of magic, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! - Spells and incantations for those with the talent to cast them!
  • Ollowaiin2
    Comparing this build to alcast's storm, you have a lack of resistance and get your *** kicked. How do you survive anything?
    Edited by Ollowaiin2 on March 18, 2019 2:23PM
  • glavius
    I'm surprised you can manage with base stamina regen+high elf passive on no cp. When I tried sorc on no cp, one dk using fossilize pretty much killed my stam pool (with much higher pool and regen than you have)
    And a good player or 2 cc'ing you every 8 seconds will drain the pool pretty fast too.
    Edited by glavius on March 22, 2019 7:19AM
  • Romilly
    Does the build still work in Dragonhold? Been looking for a NOCP build that's tried and tested.
  • Iskiab
    Romilly wrote: »
    Does the build still work in Dragonhold? Been looking for a NOCP build that's tried and tested.

    Yes, but with some changes. Altmer's a good choice too, but with the sorc stamina sustain passive I went for wood elf instead.

    Magsorc is strong enough there are lots of ways to do it. I play mine this way, and it's an alt that I rarely play but I felt it was strong enough I didn't need to tweak it anymore. Basicly Chudan + Necro + BTB is great for shields and boosting the pet heal so it's a good starting place:
    Edited by Iskiab on January 26, 2020 7:04PM
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
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    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
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