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WHY make one of the event tickets tied to the Dark Brotherhood prequest of murdering someone?

  • qbkitsune
    I would just like to point out that people who are targeted by the Brotherhood are people who did something bad enough that someone did the Sacrament, which is not something casually done. The people targeted are usually abusers, thieves, or murderers themselves.

    If you don’t mind killing criminals, you can view it all as being a vigilante. I don’t think I’m spoiling too much by saying that view works with the storyline (as it did even in Skyrim). If you have trouble killing an innocent, there’s at least one woman, I think an altmer, scoffing at an impoverished... khajiit? Anyway, you could roleplay that she is a racist Veiled Heritance agent or whatever makes you feel better. As you get into the story and side quests, you’ll find that there is corruption all over the place, especially with the “innocent” residents of the region.

    And if you don’t believe In vigilantism, then perhaps this is not the best game for you, as most of the quests involve going somewhere and killing bandits for random complaining NPCs.
  • AcadianPaladin
    Regarding the bigger question of quests involving assassination, humans (well, elves and the tailed folk as well) have darker urges - it is their nature. I don't think games fuel these urges; rather, I think games can provide a harmless outlet for such urges.
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • max_only
    bearbelly wrote: »
    And regarding the tickets... are the Impressarios offering anything other than berries and feathers, yet? (Or is that change coming with Elsweyr?)
    I'm at the 12 ticket limit (too murdery, I guess), but I'm not going after any of the Indrik stuff.

    @bearbelly unfortunately she still only has Indrik stuff. I was hoping for the same thing.

    Op, if you look around the city long enough you can find npcs that aren’t that innocent.
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • RebornV3x
    Ruinhorn wrote: »


    lol OP I think this game might be to grown up for you could always play Fortnight or Minecraft or the latest Mario game secondly you kill a lot of bandits, soldiers, possessed civilians, sentient things but killing "innocent" civilians is somehow wrong nice troll thread but its a bit to obvious 5/10 tho for a good effort none the less
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • nickl413
    What event?
  • MaleAmazon
    I would just like to point out that people who are targeted by the Brotherhood are people who did something bad enough that someone did the Sacrament, which is not something casually done. The people targeted are usually abusers, thieves, or murderers themselves.

    Well, certainly not always. As Elam Drals puts it

    "Anyone can find a reason to kill someone. Ambition, jealousy, humiliation. I once killed for a jester who couldn't take a joke.
    Careful who you heckle in Stormhaven."

    While the OP seems slightly.. nuts (no offense), I always had to make up some excuse for joining the DB in TES.. like my character was cursed, possessed or something. It is kind of hard to roleplay DB on my usual character. Thieves´ Guild, sure, that´s within the RP limits for me.

    But then ESO is hard to RP period. Some stuff you just do for other reasons and ignore it character-wise.

    They respawn anyway B)
  • Shardaxx
    If you don't wanna join the DB can't you just do Thieves Guild quests to get your tickets instead?
    PS4 - Europe - Shardaxx - Wood Elf Nightblade - Aldmeri Dominion
  • Everstorm
    Just reading some of the comments on this thread makes me really depressed at humanity.

    Doesn't matter if its a "game". The very idea of killing an innocent person should be avoided entirely in theory and in actual practice.

    Tells you the psychological state of the people in this world.

    It matters a lot that it's a game. Everyone has a dark side, weither they dare to admit it or not. Having a harmless outlet for ones darker desires is a good thing. People who can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality are the ones you need to keep sn eye on...
  • bearbelly
    Just reading some of the comments on this thread makes me really depressed at humanity.

    Doesn't matter if its a "game". The very idea of killing an innocent person should be avoided entirely in theory and in actual practice.

    Tells you the psychological state of the people in this world.

    Slow your roll, Mr. Oversensitive.

    It absolutely does matter that it's just a game; a game isn't real.
    Just because I choose to partake in this particular aspect of a game does not mean that I'm going to run out my door in real life and start killing people in the street.

    You (and anyone else) making a blanket judgement about the psychological state of people is insane. Just stop.

    Edited by bearbelly on March 10, 2019 1:06AM
  • peacenote
    I very frequently, for amusement purposes, refer to my gaming hobby and time as "killing stuff." Almost everything in this game requires taking someone's health bar to zero. :p

    On a slightly more serious note, after playing through all three factions, and all new content since beta, in my opinion one of the best things about ESO is how it presents tough choices and different perspectives. There are so many quests where you have to choose a side, or make a tough choice such as killing someone vs. letting them live in agony, even when you are trying to be the hero. There is often no clear cut "right answer." In fact I think part of Cadwell's role in the main story line is to make you think about the other perspective, even where Molag Bal is concerned.

    DB quests and stories are no different than any other. It's a GAME, you aren't killing anyone for real... but being presented the quest can make you think about what type of culture or religion would require those choices. It is a mechanism to consider the world in a different way, the same as any other art or entertainment form. It's not like ESO came up with the idea of murder. The game is reflecting concepts and ideas that have existed long before it was created.
    My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.
    • Advocate for this HERE.
    • Want the history of this issue? It's HERE.
  • Zacuel

    What's not to like?
  • TheShadowScout
    WHY make one of the event tickets tied to the Dark Brotherhood prequest of murdering someone?
    ...because its an anniversary event for those DLCs?
    You can always pass it by and buy events ticket in the crown store instead. Or fill your quota at the jesters festival instead.
    You understand there are kids who play this game?
    As has been said, if they are, they should not be!
    Ruinhorn wrote: »
    Blame the parents who let their kids play whatever they want without checking if its "mature" themed, or not.


    Now, all that being said... yes, it is a bit vexing that we have "life of crime" DLCs forcing our characters to steal and murder, and that the people at ZOS did not think to add a alternate route through those DLCs for goody-two-greaves... an option to join with the iron wheel or the order of the hour instead and tackle the same plotline from the "other side"...
    Alas... paths not taken.
  • kargen27
    My nicest character, a healer, will kill an entire group just because they are standing by a backpack that might have something in it she wants. I have no idea how many drunks she killed so she could learn to make a skooma pipe. It was a lot!

    Oh and she likes to hit monkeys with a lightning bolt just to watch them do the little ballet spin. Again she is my nice one so a little Dark Brotherhood mission doesn't bother me or my characters much.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • nickl413
    what event is this?
  • Dracan_Fontom
    Sweet Mother, Sweet Mother send your child unto me...
  • Monte_Cristo

    I get that, but its stupid that they require you to MURDER an innocent NPC just to unlock event quests.[/quote]

    They're not always innocent.
  • Jayroo
    The irony of someone complaining about violence for kids , and in the same post having it also edited by zos for profanity... just gold
  • Arato
    LIKE WTF kind of message are you trying to put out there with this kind of prerequisite?

    WHY must I kill an innocent NPC just to unlock the event quests for Dark Brotherhood?

    Who the hell thought this was a good idea?

    You understand there are kids who play this game?

    This game isn't for children. If you're a parent who bought this game for your kids you know how the ratings system works and you decided to expose your children to it. You DON"T get to complain about it's appropriateness for children when the label outright tried to warn you. You lose. Good day sir.
  • Ragnork
    Kalgert wrote: »
    .... Is this a Frost Troll or a River Troll? I can't tell....

    If it throws crabs.... its a river troll
  • JackAshes
    So now we know who posted the reviews of Captain Marvel before the movie even came out! Oh wait what thread am in again?
  • starkerealm
    Hasn't every single ticket to date been tied to the task of murdering someone or something?
  • Deathlord92
    LIKE WTF kind of message are you trying to put out there with this kind of prerequisite?

    WHY must I kill an innocent NPC just to unlock the event quests for Dark Brotherhood?

    Who the hell thought this was a good idea?

    You understand there are kids who play this game?
    If kids are playing this game thn it’s there parents fault not zos there is an age limit
  • JumpmanLane
    Hey op, what are you doing in the game if you aren’t killing folks lol
  • Fur_like_snow
    You should check out Star Dew Valley or The Sims or maybe one of those flash dress up games they sound like they’re right up your alley OP.
  • dem0n1k
    Don't fret! Zos put a seed of pure evil in each & every NPC .. killing them is 100% justified. They may look innocent enough with their off-yellow outlines... but look in the wrong box & they try to MURDER you!
    NA Server [PC] -- Mostly Ebonheart Pact, Mostly.
  • Monte_Cristo
    Well, all I got to say is all of y'all white knights out there are missing out on the funnest, most viscerally satisfying animations and sound effects ever added to this game. The Blade of Woe never gets old. Peace my brothers and sisters. And Hail Sithis.

    Especially when it stabs them in the groin.
  • Valldez
    aww, it must be soo hard being you.. :(
  • Monte_Cristo
    You should check out Star Dew Valley or The Sims or maybe one of those flash dress up games they sound like they’re right up your alley OP.

    Do you know how many ways there are to kill sims in The Sims? It can be quite a violent game.
    I recently summoned a meteor onto one because they wouldn't die in the magic box like I wanted them to.
  • Numerikuu
    I didn't know Flaming Trolls were a thing.
  • kamimark
    LIKE WTF kind of message are you trying to put out there with this kind of prerequisite?
    WHY must I kill an innocent NPC just to unlock the event quests for Dark Brotherhood?
    Who the hell thought this was a good idea?
    You understand there are kids who play this game?

    Every Elder Scrolls game, very much including ESO, starts with you as a prisoner or exile, and makes thievery, murder, necromancy, daedra summoning, and littering possible. You don't have to do it, but it's there as an option, and if you don't, you miss out on a lot of loot and experience.

    So, if you have some moral compunction against it, don't do it. You have to sacrifice something to be "good", whatever that is. I'm not religious, but apparently sacrifice is a big deal to people who are.

    Me, I'm gonna murder and steal like every day, but now getting rewarded extra for it. There's nothing you can do to stop me.

    The game is rated M, there should not be any children playing.
    Kitty Rainbow Dash. pick, pick, stab.
This discussion has been closed.