You'll get over it as soon as you have something else to troll. If I can kill you with a siege weapon you might want to reconsider your claim to skill.
Tonnopesce wrote: »And we are back to the usual zerg/brute force gameplay once again...
Is sad that they reverted someting that potentially could bring back players to the pvp (Tactics instead of pure numbers).
Tonnopesce wrote: »And we are back to the usual zerg/brute force gameplay once again...
Is sad that they reverted someting that potentially could bring back players to the pvp (Tactics instead of pure numbers).
Lol yup. First fight in the bug fix and EP zerged FD bleaks. Then chased any solo player till they died.
Lag was starting to be choppy at 9am with only 2 bars across factions.
I'll file this under "changes made with elitist intentions that impact fluidity of combat" like locking IC under "competitive" flags/Rez lock, cyro changes that push players to grouping up, etc.
It had been pleasant to play Vivec the last week or so, but I won't be able to anymore if today was anything to go by.
We're back to the old game of throw people at a keep until the enemy can't use skills and disconnects.
Warden ball groups have gone back to troll-level unkillable without ridiculous numbers.
Time to head back to nocp?
We're back to the old game of throw people at a keep until the enemy can't use skills and disconnects.
Warden ball groups have gone back to troll-level unkillable without ridiculous numbers.
Time to head back to nocp?
KappaKid83 wrote: »
For groups in the 8-16 range that were trying to take keeps, I am in a group of this size, it was near impossible. The countersiege basically slowed the take down to a turtle letting entire factions stack keeps/outposts. And if you did manage to get inside there was only 1 or 2 coldfire on the back flag with more up top. How is this more fun than actually tactically using group mechanics and timing/layering ults to take similar size groups down?
InvictusApollo wrote: »
Have you ever seen that actually happening? PvP people have already adapted and learned new skill that PvE players learned ages ago - roll dodge from the red circle. The farther your target the more time people have to evade your balista shots. In all of my gameplay I have managed to kill maybe four players with a siege engine. But thanks to the elimination of stacked ball/zerg groups I have managed to rack over 100 kills on the weekend. And all of those kills were done with combos because all players became vulnerable to other players standard attacks. Before the siege buff people were just stacking and invincible while several dedicated healers were spamming aoe heals. It wasn't fun, especially since it was detrimental to game performance.
I'll throw this comparison out again. If a decent First Person Shooter clan collectively went to an FPS public server and played a GvRandoms, it would suck for everyone. This happens for lulz and all it does is clear out the servers.
It wouldn't be that the FPS clan wasn't entitled to win because they worked hard to have effective strategies and skills to obliterate their opponents, it's that it would be a pathetically easy win that shouldn't be entertaining to anyone. If that can could fight 5x their numbers, it still wouldn't be entertaining for the randoms to be slaughtered.
You can say the same about any sport. Most players say the same about ESO BG Premades vs randoms. If you're casual at any game, you probably don't want to fight the hardcore enthusiasts.
There aren't many competitive platforms that don't have the goal of segmenting players on their interest level, and for good reason. This has been a key practical failure of ESO AvA from the start.
It's not about protecting or coddling players, it's about right-sizing fights so players of all types can have an enjoyable experience with what is just a passtime.
If AvA was more popular, maybe this could correct itself. When the EP multiguild pain train completely ruined Thornblade in 1.5, we had other campaigns to go to. The option now is to log off.
It would be interesting to see how many of these pug stompers would still play if they had to face equal competition every single night and lose as often as they win.
It's a good point. I can only talk for my guild in that while we like mowing down PUGS if they are stupid enough to stand in our way but what we usually look for and what we really want are guild groups to fight against. That is our real end game.
As for multi guild groups, we get that on EU Vivec with DC. It's laughable but if you can do it in the game, someone is going to enjoy it. Like life really. Horses for courses.... One man's meat is another man's poison... Different folks for different strokes and all that.
I have a question for you. What's the point of being in a PvP guild?
What did they get besides keep traders and heraldry? PvP guilds are the backbone of a healthy PvP community but they suffer since release. It's a good example how neglected AvA is. No ladder boards, no prestige, no reputation, no rewards...
We got classreps. But where are the meetings between PvP devs and leaders of popular PvP guilds like in other MMOs?
Yup. They should delete cyro at this point turn it intoa pve zone lol
InvictusApollo wrote: »
Im sorry to bring you this bad news but it is as bad in no CP campaign. Train groups just destroy everything on their path. Even if you tab target one squishy player and use best combos with ultimates, they are still immune to everything. And they even dare to call that "skill". There is no skill in stacking and spamming aoe attacks while 4 healers keep you immune to any and all damage.
When sieges were good they havent dared to play that cancerous way. We had multiple small scale battles between several players. Now it's just boring "chase the ball group".
I think Im gonna return to BG. Although there also everyone has to be stacked up.
TheBonesXXX wrote: »
Maybe I'm naive enough to believe that Wheeler can reinvent Cyrodiil while the numbers are low.
It's the same thing over and over. The map still is not interactable.
-Id get rid of rapid and make roads the fastest mode of travel.
-Id make siege deploy and rotate at a 50% slower rate when not by keeps. But they'd hit like like they're supposed to.
-Id put in a Major/Minor attack speed to people would have a choice other than Attack Power.
-Id make the map based off of actual resources that players would have to collect on the map.
-AoEs/Walls on the ground would not be blockable, dodgeable but AoEs that follow the player would be. In addition AoEs that follow players would get bonus damage per player hit.
-Single target would hit harder than AoEs and ground effects.
-Execute damage would be scaled down further but the bonus damage would be increased to around 1k%, there would be no undodgeable executes.
Steel Tornado would get reworked unto a lunging cleave with a 270% arc.
-The waygates would be in a constant state of War and Decay.
-The point system would get reworked so players can lose position, get knocked off leader boards. Lower ranking players would not be worth anything to higher ranks. K/D/A/Caps/Heals (self, others, total) would be displayed
-There would be a point system for guilds, based off of chosen faction. Collective total points earned.
-Cyrodiil exclusive one piece weapons and 2 piece helm/shoulder sets.
That's just really off the top of my head. Cyrodiil is only lost if the team gives up on it.
FleetwoodSmack wrote: »
I wish I had your optimism. I'll eat my hat if Wheeler actually pulls out a decent way of reviving Cyrodiil, but until then I'll probably just go back to logging in for the daily reward until Necromancer hits.
TheBonesXXX wrote: »
I have my optimism because I have to. I love ES, I want ESO but I want @ZOS_BrianWheeler & crew ,to make Cyrodiil their own and get away from this DAoC strange child.
Also they do listen because some of the things I've criticised they have changed.
@ZOS_GinaBruno want you to see these threads!
FleetwoodSmack wrote: »
I've stopped having optimism over the numerous issues that haven't been addressed since Tamriel Unlimited. So in my experience, they haven't listened much if at all. I will say good luck trying. That's not sarcasm, I genuinely mean it. Because at this rate? This game's going to need all the luck it can get. Especially when they incidentally fix something (which showed what the problem was and everyone knows it) and then turn around and revert that accidental fix.
TheBonesXXX wrote: »
I think they tried to make Cyrodiil, DAoC 2.0, when it's Cyrodiil.
alot of great ideas. I was just trolling btw lol.
I'll throw out this comparison again. If a decent First Person Shooter clan collectively went to an FPS public server and played a GvRandoms, it would suck for everyone. This happens for lulz and all it does is clear out the servers.
It wouldn't be that the FPS clan wasn't entitled to win because they worked hard to have effective strategies and skills to obliterate their opponents, it's that it would be a pathetically easy win that shouldn't be entertaining to anyone. If that clan could fight 5x their numbers, it still wouldn't be entertaining for the randoms to be slaughtered.
You can say the same about any sport. Most players say the same about ESO BG Premades vs randoms. If you're casual at any game, you probably don't want to fight the hardcore enthusiasts.
There aren't many competitive platforms that don't have a goal of segmenting players on their interest level, and for good reason. This has been a key practical failure of ESO AvA from the start.
It's not about protecting or coddling players, it's about right-sizing fights so players of all types can have an enjoyable experience with what is just a passtime.
If AvA was more popular, maybe this could correct itself. When the EP multiguild pain train completely ruined PC/NA Thornblade in 1.5, we had other campaigns to go to. The option now is to log off.
It would be interesting to see how many of these pug stompers would still play if they had to face equal competition every single night and lose as often as they win.
Every guild probably thinks I'm referring to them, but that's not the case. There's only a few guilds left on PC/NA that I'd put into this category in terms of ability and maybe fewer who I think are disruptive.
The general idea is that if you play in a public environment like a park or public server in a computer game, you should show some restraint if you outclass your opposition. Even in the pros, there's a general ethic that teams shouldn't run up scores.