i agree this is great no more healbots tanking at the gate anything thats thrown at them. now people has to think and attempt tactical approaches and thats where the people complain that are to lazy to think
My complaints are based on the implementation of siege gameplay. Area of denial is tactical, but the way you are applying it just is boring to me. All you do is point and click. If it's going to be this strong at least make it interesting to use.
One of the lovely things about this game is that it has something for a wide range of play styles. I think PvE is as boring as milk. If Gankimus decided what was fun to do then there would be no PvE, and that's no fun for PvE nerds. Let players play, siege is fun for some folks and those folks are figuring out how to use it. Once they have worked out the new meta with their flexible attitudes they might tell you how to do it. Or not, no judgment, your kink is your kink, PvP the way you like, this new siege shouldn't stop you. Don't stand in red...
This game has come to a place where people are happy to kill someone who would largly outmatch them skill-wise just becouse of a broken mechanic as siege
This game has come to a place where people are happy to kill someone who would largly outmatch them skill-wise just becouse of a broken mechanic as siege
Nah I find it to be the most effective counter to large masses of players rushing in an area with no tactic besides "keep throwing bodies at the breach until the area is overwhelmed or the defenders disconnect."
Any veteren player wouldn't get put into a position where he/she dies to siege because they know not to stand in choke points/ under oils/ in the expanding red circles.
Don't stand in red bruh.
You'll get over it as soon as you have something else to troll. If I can kill you with a siege weapon you might want to reconsider your claim to skill.
If you un-ironically Think this amount of damage is legit, then I´ve no words really......
People cried their eyes out about werewolfs abusing double infused Torug´s and oblivion damage, but think it´s balanced to have these numbers with the click of a button.....
The dot stays on you. He only had to stand there when it hit the ground.
This game has come to a place where people are happy to kill someone who would largly outmatch them skill-wise just becouse of a broken mechanic as siege
Yes, it is very sad, because this hilarious glitch laid bare how much "skilled" players in fact rely on being carried by metagaming, but in actual game can be easily baited, over and over, in front of ballista and then just burn to death in blaze of stupidity.
But do not worry, since ZOS business plan equally heavily relies on driving sales through access to gear, and current gear is largely incapable of carrying doughnuts through red circles alive, it will have to roll the buff back. Or release some "reduces siege damage by 50%" or even "returns 150% of siege damage" sets in the next DLC.
EDIT: or "heals you and nearby allies for 200% of siege damage taken; this effect can occur every 300ns". Yes, that would sell DLC like crazy, every PvD nightcap squad would have to have it, in case they got ambushed with oil.
You'll get over it as soon as you have something else to troll. If I can kill you with a siege weapon you might want to reconsider your claim to skill.
Yes, it is very sad, because this hilarious glitch laid bare how much "skilled" players in fact rely on being carried by metagaming, but in actual game can be easily baited, over and over, in front of ballista and then just burn to death in blaze of stupidity.
But do not worry, since ZOS business plan equally heavily relies on driving sales through access to gear, and current gear is largely incapable of carrying doughnuts through red circles alive, it will have to roll the buff back. Or release some "reduces siege damage by 50%" or even "returns 150% of siege damage" sets in the next DLC.
EDIT: or "heals you and nearby allies for 200% of siege damage taken; this effect can occur every 300ns". Yes, that would sell DLC like crazy, every PvD nightcap squad would have to have it, in case they got ambushed with oil.
Bone_Demon wrote: »
If you have 5 people cc-ing and slowing down a player while the other 5 siege that solo player you might want to reconsider your silly speech. Siege is being abused.
Integral1900 wrote: »This one is confused.... it is a siege.... siege weapons are big and scary.... errrrrr, are they not supposed to hurt like hell?😕
I mean if one has gallons of boiling death poured over, and indeed through, their armour I would expect it to do a dam site more damage than an axe.....🤓
Siege barely even killed me since the patch went live. In fact, I'm still laughing it off. I only died when trolling, otherwise I just use crushing shock or another ranged stun/interrupt on siege users. Only died once to siege unexpectedly and that's because I was too busy playing around with someone I thought was testing build. Instead they were serious about killing me
I should have killed them...oh well! I had a good laugh, and that is more important than winning!
Bone_Demon wrote: »
If you have 5 people cc-ing and slowing down a player while the other 5 siege that solo player you might want to reconsider your silly speech. Siege is being abused.