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Don't Nerf curse eater

  • ToRelax
    ToRelax wrote: »
    As it stands if you're applying one or 2 negative effects and crying it's removing those negative effects you're either not reading it AT ALL or you're wilfully trying to get something nerfed.

    Well, yes... we are willfully trying to get something nerfed.
    So that is what i'll say to the community. If we want something balanced it's not crying on the forums to be done, provide actual balanced evidence.

    Show us it doing this when their debuff screen is covered with snares, poisons, dots, burning/bleeds and then breaking people out of stuns. Show me this and i'll back it with a new thread linking then all stating "ZOS REWORK THIS."

    Literally every clip shown so far is casting a single ability and crying it's broken.

    *And yes i'm saying DK's because we're the "DOT CLASS"

    There isn't more to show because you don't get random Cyrodiil encounters on PTS. We can compare it to other sets and using Purge on Live, which is what we do. And Curse Eater comes out so far ahead it's not even funny.

    So it's apparent that none of you have thought "hmmmm..... a stam Dk throwing down caltrops and dotting up a player wearing it might ACTUALLY be a better test than spamming a single stun" lol.

    How many times in cyro is the only debuff on your bar a stun? You have ground based dots that reapply every second with snares (ritual, caltrops, eruption etc), you have bleeds, you have poisons, burning, defiles and other dots.

    Showing a single cast negative effect being removed means literally zero, and if that is your Cyro tactic then you're either a potato or a zerger. Show us something REAL. not single stuns and OMG LUL IT'S BROKE THEM FREE MEGA LUL BROKEN

    Actually I tend to not stand around in Caltrops. And a DK putting DoTs on me? Well, guess what, this set is going to periodically purge them, taking their pressure away.
    I have plenty effects on my current setup; 3 from ele drain, status effects from ele weapon, curse, rune cage or BoL. If Curse Eater will be nerfed before live, I'll probably use the ice damage proc set as well.
    So we can expect about 6 effects on my target when my burst is supposed to land.
    Now, playing against Curse Eater, I can choose to not use light attacks until I use my ult, but even then it just needs to purge either rune cage or curse and I can forget about killing any decent player. I also lose out on a lot of pressure that way. It also means either putting a spell damage glyph on my front bar or not using one in that instance, as otherwise I will trigger 2 Purges, making it even less likely to kill my target.
    The Covenant is broken. The Enemy has won...

    Elo'dryel - Sorc - AR 50 - Hopesfire - EP EU
  • Urvoth
    Healers are already ridiculously strong in PvP and have access to a host of borderline op sets. Out of all the stuff that needs to be buffed in PvP, healers are at the bottom of the list.

    If Curse Eater goes live as is, every mag player and their dog will be running this in PvP. The 5p is so strong that it'll be even worth it to run for stam builds.
  • Wuuffyy
    Urvoth wrote: »
    Healers are already ridiculously strong in PvP and have access to a host of borderline op sets. Out of all the stuff that needs to be buffed in PvP, healers are at the bottom of the list.

    If Curse Eater goes live as is, every mag player and their dog will be running this in PvP. The 5p is so strong that it'll be even worth it to run for stam builds.

    And does this matter? Your sacrificing recov for this. This is clearly for small scale and solo. Benefitting the people hit with the cancer the hardest, the most.
    ESO player since 2014
    -PM for questions
  • Twohothardware
    I don't know about PvE but healers don't need any help in PvP.

    Exactly. I'd like to see a change that ONLY impacts curse eater for healers lol.
  • technohic
    Can we just get a set that just automatically purges just roots and snares? Or just procs and bleeds somehow at times as a counter for other sets?
  • Urvoth
    Urvoth wrote: »
    Healers are already ridiculously strong in PvP and have access to a host of borderline op sets. Out of all the stuff that needs to be buffed in PvP, healers are at the bottom of the list.

    If Curse Eater goes live as is, every mag player and their dog will be running this in PvP. The 5p is so strong that it'll be even worth it to run for stam builds.

    And does this matter? Your sacrificing recov for this. This is clearly for small scale and solo. Benefitting the people hit with the cancer the hardest, the most.

    It has recovery pieces and there are other sources to get recovery from. I'm all for buffing cancer removal, but this will cc break, get rid of class abilities, bleeds, all for a small price.
  • Wuuffyy
    Urvoth wrote: »
    Urvoth wrote: »
    Healers are already ridiculously strong in PvP and have access to a host of borderline op sets. Out of all the stuff that needs to be buffed in PvP, healers are at the bottom of the list.

    If Curse Eater goes live as is, every mag player and their dog will be running this in PvP. The 5p is so strong that it'll be even worth it to run for stam builds.

    And does this matter? Your sacrificing recov for this. This is clearly for small scale and solo. Benefitting the people hit with the cancer the hardest, the most.

    It has recovery pieces and there are other sources to get recovery from. I'm all for buffing cancer removal, but this will cc break, get rid of class abilities, bleeds, all for a small price.

    change the 2,3, 4 to 500 health, stam, and then mag. I'm cool.
    ESO player since 2014
    -PM for questions
  • cpuScientist
    For all those saying look you get 1000's of negative effects on you a second. Sure cool. Neato stat. But to see if this set is OP simply look at the other means of getting it... 2 sets with 15-30 second cooldowns. An alliance war skill that is incredibly expensive for only 2 effects. And a Templar still expensive purge skill, that is basically the key to how that class performs.

    Compared to a set which grants 2 effects for the cost of a mutagen or a rally. Which can be precast and will not have opportunity cost to switch to the defensive to start purging.

    It is very powerful if only when compared to the other means of purging. Besides just being a really fantastic set to use in general.

    I get it though dying sucks. It really does. Living is great it really is. But these crutch sets need to be taken out. Learn to appreciate soul gems and rezzes hug those camps. Admire the artistic choices ZOS has made at your spawn. And in time you will die less and less. And not need these sets to crutch on so dearly.

    Furthermore for those saying this set is weak anyways. Then how about we Nerf it, a weak set gets weaker so what you wouldn't have ran it anyway it was WEEEEEEAK
  • Tasear
    And again. Everyone screaming it's OP without actually testing it.

    So here's your challenge, same as the other thread for PvP, write down your burst combo and your enchants/poisons. Then let us count the number of debuffs/snares/dots and let us see where we stand. And be honest.
    If you come back telling me you run a hardening enchant and a mag drain with no siphoner cp etc then everyone here will know you're lying or not in a position to advise on PvP.

    And to the magblade going to stop running cloak for this set please do. Makes you an easy target when you realise most specs can apply around 8 negative effects in a second 😂.

    We're talking skill procs, ground dots, snares, poisons and status effects. If it takes 4 players procs to purge you for a second and the effects can just reapply them then unless we're 1v4 then eventually they'll proc on another and you'll get melted.

    Yes I see the thought here as healers come in and m
    For all those saying look you get 1000's of negative effects on you a second. Sure cool. Neato stat. But to see if this set is OP simply look at the other means of getting it... 2 sets with 15-30 second cooldowns. An alliance war skill that is incredibly expensive for only 2 effects. And a Templar still expensive purge skill, that is basically the key to how that class performs.

    Compared to a set which grants 2 effects for the cost of a mutagen or a rally. Which can be precast and will not have opportunity cost to switch to the defensive to start purging.

    It is very powerful if only when compared to the other means of purging. Besides just being a really fantastic set to use in general.

    I get it though dying sucks. It really does. Living is great it really is. But these crutch sets need to be taken out. Learn to appreciate soul gems and rezzes hug those camps. Admire the artistic choices ZOS has made at your spawn. And in time you will die less and less. And not need these sets to crutch on so dearly.

    Furthermore for those saying this set is weak anyways. Then how about we Nerf it, a weak set gets weaker so what you wouldn't have ran it anyway it was WEEEEEEAK

    Templar skill isn't expensive in the slightess.
  • Sheezabeast
    I would be happy with an increase to 5 seconds. 10 seconds for 2 removed would be silly. 5 sounds like a compromise.
    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • ccmedaddy
    I would be happy with an increase to 5 seconds. 10 seconds for 2 removed would be silly. 5 sounds like a compromise.
    Agreed. I'd also be ok with this set not removing hard CCs, just debuffs and DoTs instead.
  • Wuuffyy
    I would be happy with an increase to 5 seconds. 10 seconds for 2 removed would be silly. 5 sounds like a compromise.

    4 seconds or less or it’s useless
    ESO player since 2014
    -PM for questions
  • Wuuffyy
    ccmedaddy wrote: »
    I would be happy with an increase to 5 seconds. 10 seconds for 2 removed would be silly. 5 sounds like a compromise.
    Agreed. I'd also be ok with this set not removing hard CCs, just debuffs and DoTs instead.

    And soft ccs
    ESO player since 2014
    -PM for questions
  • kvlou79

    That’s actually a really good idea. And the devs should seriously consider the “purges 2 effects on over heal” ala SPC. That would keep it good for healers and avoid all the everyone cheese loopholing that would otherwise occur.
    Tasear wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    You´re way too narrowminded in terms of it´s application.

    Yes it would be good on a healer - you know where it´s better? When everyone in your grp uses it because that makes the grp virtually immune to any hostily effects including CC.

    You don´t seem to be particularly experienced with pvp making such a statement without considering any implications this would inevitably have.

    Back on this yes it needs changes but this is healthy counter for some things in game. It's not like there isn't a skill just like this in Templar toolkit, but even better.

    My stance is set should exist, but others just want it downright deleted. Here about this make it like spc proc trigger?

    Edited by kvlou79 on January 22, 2019 9:28PM
  • Urvoth
    Urvoth wrote: »
    Urvoth wrote: »
    Healers are already ridiculously strong in PvP and have access to a host of borderline op sets. Out of all the stuff that needs to be buffed in PvP, healers are at the bottom of the list.

    If Curse Eater goes live as is, every mag player and their dog will be running this in PvP. The 5p is so strong that it'll be even worth it to run for stam builds.

    And does this matter? Your sacrificing recov for this. This is clearly for small scale and solo. Benefitting the people hit with the cancer the hardest, the most.

    It has recovery pieces and there are other sources to get recovery from. I'm all for buffing cancer removal, but this will cc break, get rid of class abilities, bleeds, all for a small price.

    change the 2,3, 4 to 500 health, stam, and then mag. I'm cool.

    The 5p 150 regen will basically act as a recovery set since you almost permanently have some sort of negative effect on you in PvP.
  • DivineFirstYOLO
    LMAO, truth:

    Wyrd Tree's Blessing and Stendarr are balanced sets, new Curse-Eater is not. Get it outta here.
    Edited by DivineFirstYOLO on January 22, 2019 9:48PM
    Zerg Squad

    Godslayer x 4

    Pro questing fees for RPers in Cyrodiil, pay your taxes!
    PC - EU

  • brandonv516
    People will *** and then it will be just as useless as Wyrd Tree.

    So thank you ahead of time.
  • OneKhajiitCrimeWave
    ToRelax wrote: »
    ToRelax wrote: »
    As it stands if you're applying one or 2 negative effects and crying it's removing those negative effects you're either not reading it AT ALL or you're wilfully trying to get something nerfed.

    Well, yes... we are willfully trying to get something nerfed.
    So that is what i'll say to the community. If we want something balanced it's not crying on the forums to be done, provide actual balanced evidence.

    Show us it doing this when their debuff screen is covered with snares, poisons, dots, burning/bleeds and then breaking people out of stuns. Show me this and i'll back it with a new thread linking then all stating "ZOS REWORK THIS."

    Literally every clip shown so far is casting a single ability and crying it's broken.

    *And yes i'm saying DK's because we're the "DOT CLASS"

    There isn't more to show because you don't get random Cyrodiil encounters on PTS. We can compare it to other sets and using Purge on Live, which is what we do. And Curse Eater comes out so far ahead it's not even funny.

    So it's apparent that none of you have thought "hmmmm..... a stam Dk throwing down caltrops and dotting up a player wearing it might ACTUALLY be a better test than spamming a single stun" lol.

    How many times in cyro is the only debuff on your bar a stun? You have ground based dots that reapply every second with snares (ritual, caltrops, eruption etc), you have bleeds, you have poisons, burning, defiles and other dots.

    Showing a single cast negative effect being removed means literally zero, and if that is your Cyro tactic then you're either a potato or a zerger. Show us something REAL. not single stuns and OMG LUL IT'S BROKE THEM FREE MEGA LUL BROKEN

    Actually I tend to not stand around in Caltrops. And a DK putting DoTs on me? Well, guess what, this set is going to periodically purge them, taking their pressure away.
    I have plenty effects on my current setup; 3 from ele drain, status effects from ele weapon, curse, rune cage or BoL. If Curse Eater will be nerfed before live, I'll probably use the ice damage proc set as well.
    So we can expect about 6 effects on my target when my burst is supposed to land.
    Now, playing against Curse Eater, I can choose to not use light attacks until I use my ult, but even then it just needs to purge either rune cage or curse and I can forget about killing any decent player. I also lose out on a lot of pressure that way. It also means either putting a spell damage glyph on my front bar or not using one in that instance, as otherwise I will trigger 2 Purges, making it even less likely to kill my target.

    So your way to highlight how broken it is was to say that casting a single ability on repeat and was it cleanse?

    I'm not asking you to stand in caltrops on a live server. I am asking you to simulate a real Cyrodiil bar of debuffs and then see what it purges to show how "broken" the set is.

    Also, if you have followed this issue fully among the many threads people have made i have stated my stance on how this set should be changed. I believe that the cooldown should be 3 seconds and proc only from the 1st tick of an active heal. So the 1st tick of mutagen, or bol, or twilight or swallow soul etc.

    What i said still stands. While all people have is videos of a single effect repeatedly cleansed it's all nothing but screaming "the sky is falling."

    Ground based snares reapply every second with a low damage on them so use them to simulate snares in general. Have a stam DK use caltrops, rending with double dots, venomous claw etc. Show us how you can't dot someone up with stam bleed/dot setups. Then we can literally have proof that the set needs toning down.

    Currently literally EVERY vid provided as "evidence" shows just a single skill being applied over and over, or just once.
    Dark Flare is the Beginning, Radiant is the End. Hail the Light Bringers!
  • ToRelax
    ToRelax wrote: »
    ToRelax wrote: »
    As it stands if you're applying one or 2 negative effects and crying it's removing those negative effects you're either not reading it AT ALL or you're wilfully trying to get something nerfed.

    Well, yes... we are willfully trying to get something nerfed.
    So that is what i'll say to the community. If we want something balanced it's not crying on the forums to be done, provide actual balanced evidence.

    Show us it doing this when their debuff screen is covered with snares, poisons, dots, burning/bleeds and then breaking people out of stuns. Show me this and i'll back it with a new thread linking then all stating "ZOS REWORK THIS."

    Literally every clip shown so far is casting a single ability and crying it's broken.

    *And yes i'm saying DK's because we're the "DOT CLASS"

    There isn't more to show because you don't get random Cyrodiil encounters on PTS. We can compare it to other sets and using Purge on Live, which is what we do. And Curse Eater comes out so far ahead it's not even funny.

    So it's apparent that none of you have thought "hmmmm..... a stam Dk throwing down caltrops and dotting up a player wearing it might ACTUALLY be a better test than spamming a single stun" lol.

    How many times in cyro is the only debuff on your bar a stun? You have ground based dots that reapply every second with snares (ritual, caltrops, eruption etc), you have bleeds, you have poisons, burning, defiles and other dots.

    Showing a single cast negative effect being removed means literally zero, and if that is your Cyro tactic then you're either a potato or a zerger. Show us something REAL. not single stuns and OMG LUL IT'S BROKE THEM FREE MEGA LUL BROKEN

    Actually I tend to not stand around in Caltrops. And a DK putting DoTs on me? Well, guess what, this set is going to periodically purge them, taking their pressure away.
    I have plenty effects on my current setup; 3 from ele drain, status effects from ele weapon, curse, rune cage or BoL. If Curse Eater will be nerfed before live, I'll probably use the ice damage proc set as well.
    So we can expect about 6 effects on my target when my burst is supposed to land.
    Now, playing against Curse Eater, I can choose to not use light attacks until I use my ult, but even then it just needs to purge either rune cage or curse and I can forget about killing any decent player. I also lose out on a lot of pressure that way. It also means either putting a spell damage glyph on my front bar or not using one in that instance, as otherwise I will trigger 2 Purges, making it even less likely to kill my target.

    So your way to highlight how broken it is was to say that casting a single ability on repeat and was it cleanse?

    I'm not asking you to stand in caltrops on a live server. I am asking you to simulate a real Cyrodiil bar of debuffs and then see what it purges to show how "broken" the set is.

    Also, if you have followed this issue fully among the many threads people have made i have stated my stance on how this set should be changed. I believe that the cooldown should be 3 seconds and proc only from the 1st tick of an active heal. So the 1st tick of mutagen, or bol, or twilight or swallow soul etc.

    What i said still stands. While all people have is videos of a single effect repeatedly cleansed it's all nothing but screaming "the sky is falling."

    Ground based snares reapply every second with a low damage on them so use them to simulate snares in general. Have a stam DK use caltrops, rending with double dots, venomous claw etc. Show us how you can't dot someone up with stam bleed/dot setups. Then we can literally have proof that the set needs toning down.

    Currently literally EVERY vid provided as "evidence" shows just a single skill being applied over and over, or just once.

    You are insisting that a "real Cyrodiil bar of debuffs" somehow must include what you think it does and are trying to use that as proof that the set isn't as OP as it's made out to be. Well, I do not have a long list of debuffs on me all the time, and when I do, it's because I am fighting some DoT based build that will lose a lot of pressure if I use this set.
    The Covenant is broken. The Enemy has won...

    Elo'dryel - Sorc - AR 50 - Hopesfire - EP EU
  • CatchMeTrolling
    ToRelax wrote: »
    ToRelax wrote: »
    ToRelax wrote: »
    As it stands if you're applying one or 2 negative effects and crying it's removing those negative effects you're either not reading it AT ALL or you're wilfully trying to get something nerfed.

    Well, yes... we are willfully trying to get something nerfed.
    So that is what i'll say to the community. If we want something balanced it's not crying on the forums to be done, provide actual balanced evidence.

    Show us it doing this when their debuff screen is covered with snares, poisons, dots, burning/bleeds and then breaking people out of stuns. Show me this and i'll back it with a new thread linking then all stating "ZOS REWORK THIS."

    Literally every clip shown so far is casting a single ability and crying it's broken.

    *And yes i'm saying DK's because we're the "DOT CLASS"

    There isn't more to show because you don't get random Cyrodiil encounters on PTS. We can compare it to other sets and using Purge on Live, which is what we do. And Curse Eater comes out so far ahead it's not even funny.

    So it's apparent that none of you have thought "hmmmm..... a stam Dk throwing down caltrops and dotting up a player wearing it might ACTUALLY be a better test than spamming a single stun" lol.

    How many times in cyro is the only debuff on your bar a stun? You have ground based dots that reapply every second with snares (ritual, caltrops, eruption etc), you have bleeds, you have poisons, burning, defiles and other dots.

    Showing a single cast negative effect being removed means literally zero, and if that is your Cyro tactic then you're either a potato or a zerger. Show us something REAL. not single stuns and OMG LUL IT'S BROKE THEM FREE MEGA LUL BROKEN

    Actually I tend to not stand around in Caltrops. And a DK putting DoTs on me? Well, guess what, this set is going to periodically purge them, taking their pressure away.
    I have plenty effects on my current setup; 3 from ele drain, status effects from ele weapon, curse, rune cage or BoL. If Curse Eater will be nerfed before live, I'll probably use the ice damage proc set as well.
    So we can expect about 6 effects on my target when my burst is supposed to land.
    Now, playing against Curse Eater, I can choose to not use light attacks until I use my ult, but even then it just needs to purge either rune cage or curse and I can forget about killing any decent player. I also lose out on a lot of pressure that way. It also means either putting a spell damage glyph on my front bar or not using one in that instance, as otherwise I will trigger 2 Purges, making it even less likely to kill my target.

    So your way to highlight how broken it is was to say that casting a single ability on repeat and was it cleanse?

    I'm not asking you to stand in caltrops on a live server. I am asking you to simulate a real Cyrodiil bar of debuffs and then see what it purges to show how "broken" the set is.

    Also, if you have followed this issue fully among the many threads people have made i have stated my stance on how this set should be changed. I believe that the cooldown should be 3 seconds and proc only from the 1st tick of an active heal. So the 1st tick of mutagen, or bol, or twilight or swallow soul etc.

    What i said still stands. While all people have is videos of a single effect repeatedly cleansed it's all nothing but screaming "the sky is falling."

    Ground based snares reapply every second with a low damage on them so use them to simulate snares in general. Have a stam DK use caltrops, rending with double dots, venomous claw etc. Show us how you can't dot someone up with stam bleed/dot setups. Then we can literally have proof that the set needs toning down.

    Currently literally EVERY vid provided as "evidence" shows just a single skill being applied over and over, or just once.

    You are insisting that a "real Cyrodiil bar of debuffs" somehow must include what you think it does and are trying to use that as proof that the set isn't as OP as it's made out to be. Well, I do not have a long list of debuffs on me all the time, and when I do, it's because I am fighting some DoT based build that will lose a lot of pressure if I use this set.

    You guys are missing a key factor , it purges negative effects and right now that seems to be very broad since it purges ccs. Without proper testing it’s definitely ignorant to say it’s op , especially without producing a real pvp fight. Doing one ability in a 5 second clip is definitely skewing the sets effectiveness. So it’s valid to want to see an actual test of the set in action.

    We don’t even know what it exactly purges as a whole, to make an actual decision of its effectiveness yet.

  • OneKhajiitCrimeWave
    ToRelax wrote: »
    ToRelax wrote: »
    ToRelax wrote: »
    As it stands if you're applying one or 2 negative effects and crying it's removing those negative effects you're either not reading it AT ALL or you're wilfully trying to get something nerfed.

    Well, yes... we are willfully trying to get something nerfed.
    So that is what i'll say to the community. If we want something balanced it's not crying on the forums to be done, provide actual balanced evidence.

    Show us it doing this when their debuff screen is covered with snares, poisons, dots, burning/bleeds and then breaking people out of stuns. Show me this and i'll back it with a new thread linking then all stating "ZOS REWORK THIS."

    Literally every clip shown so far is casting a single ability and crying it's broken.

    *And yes i'm saying DK's because we're the "DOT CLASS"

    There isn't more to show because you don't get random Cyrodiil encounters on PTS. We can compare it to other sets and using Purge on Live, which is what we do. And Curse Eater comes out so far ahead it's not even funny.

    So it's apparent that none of you have thought "hmmmm..... a stam Dk throwing down caltrops and dotting up a player wearing it might ACTUALLY be a better test than spamming a single stun" lol.

    How many times in cyro is the only debuff on your bar a stun? You have ground based dots that reapply every second with snares (ritual, caltrops, eruption etc), you have bleeds, you have poisons, burning, defiles and other dots.

    Showing a single cast negative effect being removed means literally zero, and if that is your Cyro tactic then you're either a potato or a zerger. Show us something REAL. not single stuns and OMG LUL IT'S BROKE THEM FREE MEGA LUL BROKEN

    Actually I tend to not stand around in Caltrops. And a DK putting DoTs on me? Well, guess what, this set is going to periodically purge them, taking their pressure away.
    I have plenty effects on my current setup; 3 from ele drain, status effects from ele weapon, curse, rune cage or BoL. If Curse Eater will be nerfed before live, I'll probably use the ice damage proc set as well.
    So we can expect about 6 effects on my target when my burst is supposed to land.
    Now, playing against Curse Eater, I can choose to not use light attacks until I use my ult, but even then it just needs to purge either rune cage or curse and I can forget about killing any decent player. I also lose out on a lot of pressure that way. It also means either putting a spell damage glyph on my front bar or not using one in that instance, as otherwise I will trigger 2 Purges, making it even less likely to kill my target.

    So your way to highlight how broken it is was to say that casting a single ability on repeat and was it cleanse?

    I'm not asking you to stand in caltrops on a live server. I am asking you to simulate a real Cyrodiil bar of debuffs and then see what it purges to show how "broken" the set is.

    Also, if you have followed this issue fully among the many threads people have made i have stated my stance on how this set should be changed. I believe that the cooldown should be 3 seconds and proc only from the 1st tick of an active heal. So the 1st tick of mutagen, or bol, or twilight or swallow soul etc.

    What i said still stands. While all people have is videos of a single effect repeatedly cleansed it's all nothing but screaming "the sky is falling."

    Ground based snares reapply every second with a low damage on them so use them to simulate snares in general. Have a stam DK use caltrops, rending with double dots, venomous claw etc. Show us how you can't dot someone up with stam bleed/dot setups. Then we can literally have proof that the set needs toning down.

    Currently literally EVERY vid provided as "evidence" shows just a single skill being applied over and over, or just once.

    You are insisting that a "real Cyrodiil bar of debuffs" somehow must include what you think it does and are trying to use that as proof that the set isn't as OP as it's made out to be. Well, I do not have a long list of debuffs on me all the time, and when I do, it's because I am fighting some DoT based build that will lose a lot of pressure if I use this set.

    No, i am insisting that unless you're 1v1 against a sorc then things such as snares and other debuffs are common.

    You say that a DoT based build will lose a lot of pressure if you use this set, and yet so far nobody has provided a video showing how this will be.

    Literally EVERY SINGLE VID is 1 player, spamming 1 skill and crying about how it gets removed. In the first second of a fight a stam DK has high potential to apply 8 debuffs/dots.

    You are so adamant (like others) that this set is super OP and yet the second i ask them to simulate a fight with a dot build or a keep fight where there's tonnes of debuffs, dots and snares you've gone back to simply repeating. This isn't who shouts the loudest/longest wins an argument.

    You're so sure it's super OP then show it. A vid of you hitting rune cage, waiting, rune cage, waiting, bored now so dawnbreaker, waiting literally proves nothing. You're repeatedly applying a single negative effect which is simply misleading people.

    You're the 3rd i've seen on here do this. All 3 of you spammed a single skill to *highlight* how OP it is and all 3 basically make those who posted vids look foolish under any form of scrutiny.

    Say you run small scale, 1vX or tower farm. How often in Cyro do you have a single debuff on you? How often do you have an enemy who casts stun, waits, casts stun while everyone else around does literally zero? Exactly. Or are you saying you're the only person in Cyro not being adversely affected by bleeds, snares, dots etc.

    Until someone shows a stam DK not able to dot someone up or something similar to show some form of similarity to fights in cyro then all it is becoming is mouthpieces making a boogeyman.

    As stated i think the set needs to be altered so it can't proc from HoT's repeatedly, just like enchants can't proc from single target DoT's repeatedly, and with a 3 second cooldown rather than 2.
    Dark Flare is the Beginning, Radiant is the End. Hail the Light Bringers!
  • BlazingDynamo
    ItS tOo PoWeRfUl FoR pVp

    Zos should go into every patch with the mindset of "All babies cry themselves to sleep eventually".
  • Pevey
    Zos dude: The snare meta seems to have become a problem in PVP, people are complaining on the forums. Plus, some groups seems to be abusing retreating maneuvers in a way that was never intended. We need to address that, but it will make the snare issue even worse. Magicka characters will especially be hurt since Stam already has access to forward momentum.

    Other Zos dude: Hey, I have an idea. We could create a set with frequent snare removal. This set would make snare removal available to all, but of course would involve a major trade off (taking up a whole set of slots).

    Zos dude: wow, great idea. Opens up more choices and addresses something pvp players have been complaining about forever!

    SERIOUSLY: Zos actually did something thoughtful and meaningful to address a long-standing concern, an issue made worse by another change (to rapids) to address a different long-standing concern. And people just complain about it. I want to see how it performs on live to combat the overuse of snares before calling for nerfs.

    EDIT: Also, AOEs are not DOTS and cannot be purged. People keep falsely claiming that aoe skills will be purged.
    Edited by Pevey on January 23, 2019 12:31AM
  • lassitershawn
    Pevey wrote: »
    Zos dude: The snare meta seems to have become a problem in PVP, people are complaining on the forums. Plus, some groups seems to be abusing retreating maneuvers in a way that was never intended. We need to address that, but it will make the snare issue even worse. Magicka characters will especially be hurt since Stam already has access to forward momentum.

    Other Zos dude: Hey, I have an idea. We could create a set with frequent snare removal. This set would make snare removal available to all, but of course would involve a major trade off (taking up a whole set of slots).

    Zos dude: wow, great idea. Opens up more choices and addresses something pvp players have been complaining about forever!

    SERIOUSLY: Zos actually did something thoughtful and meaningful to address a long-standing concern, an issue made worse by another change (to rapids) to address a different long-standing concern. And people just complain about it. I want to see how it performs on live to combat the overuse of snares before calling for nerfs.

    Snares are low on the purge priority list and so will be targeted nearly last. If they want to make the set remove snares and not other debuffs, go ahead.
    William Thorne - EP Breton Sorcerer
    Astrid Winterborn - EP Breton Warden
    Erik Ironskin - EP Nord Dragonknight
    Venasa Viri - EP Dunmer Nightblade

    IR x8, GH x5, TTT x2
  • Xvorg
    You know what's OP?

    Curse Eater + Steadfast Hero
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • OneKhajiitCrimeWave
    Pevey wrote: »
    Zos dude: The snare meta seems to have become a problem in PVP, people are complaining on the forums. Plus, some groups seems to be abusing retreating maneuvers in a way that was never intended. We need to address that, but it will make the snare issue even worse. Magicka characters will especially be hurt since Stam already has access to forward momentum.

    Other Zos dude: Hey, I have an idea. We could create a set with frequent snare removal. This set would make snare removal available to all, but of course would involve a major trade off (taking up a whole set of slots).

    Zos dude: wow, great idea. Opens up more choices and addresses something pvp players have been complaining about forever!

    SERIOUSLY: Zos actually did something thoughtful and meaningful to address a long-standing concern, an issue made worse by another change (to rapids) to address a different long-standing concern. And people just complain about it. I want to see how it performs on live to combat the overuse of snares before calling for nerfs.

    EDIT: Also, AOEs are not DOTS and cannot be purged. People keep falsely claiming that aoe skills will be purged.

    About the edit, AoE's with attached snares such as caltrops can have the snare purged but without immunity the snare is immediately reapplied.

    Other than that, in agreement with most of your points.
    Dark Flare is the Beginning, Radiant is the End. Hail the Light Bringers!
  • Elusiin
    NyassaV wrote: »
    mb10 wrote: »
    lmao healers?

    The problem is any normal DPS will be purging themselves every 2 seconds in PVP
    The issue here isnt healers lol

    With the amount of snares and *** that is all around only 2 purges isn't a lot. Also everyone uses 1 point in siphoner so if you were to nerf it by making it only purge 1 effect it would be largely negated because of siphoner so I largely suggest against this. Perhaps make the amount of magicka restored 125 if you have to nerf it.

    This. No reason to nerf the set.
  • ccfeeling
    We all can use it , no need to nerf :)
  • ruikkarikun
    Nerf it please or PVP will have real troubles.
  • OneKhajiitCrimeWave
    Nerf it please or PVP will have real troubles.

    Really? Again we're waiting on video evidence of that. Everyone seems to avoid this. Because random player 1 and random player 2 say it's so does not make it so. The 3 vids shown so far are someone applying a single skill repeatedly.

    With the exception of mag sorc every other class has enough debuffs/dots/poisons/status effects/snares to outstrip that.
    Dark Flare is the Beginning, Radiant is the End. Hail the Light Bringers!
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