Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Please do not ruin magden like you did with magblade in your quest to nerfbat the identity out of it

Let's talk about the magden nerfs. We all know they're coming. There are people crying about them E V E R Y W H E R E.

Yet we all know the rise of magdens this patch is simply because you absolutely *** mobility. Please do not shut down a class that thrives in a meta YOU pushed us into. You put us in this mess. We are simply adapting.

  • Trancestor
    Permafrost's snare is the only thing over performing about Magden but yeah as you said it's because mobility sucks this patch, snares and roots in general need a change ASAP.
  • Rukzadlithau
    Oh you‘re a magden ambassador now... :joy:
    Everyone has always adapted to changes zos has done, regardless of class, it's never our fault. They've always been nerfed tho and we've never been too happy about it. Why not do the same to this class? Because it's your favourite?
    PC NA - GreggsSausageRoll
    Xbox NA - CinnamonRoll266
  • WuffyCerulei
    And undo the bear nerf. These changes were unneeded.
    For the love of Kyne, buff sorc. PC NACP 2100+Star-Sïnger - Khajiit Magicka Sorc - EP Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror vMA/vBRP/vDSA no death/vHel Ra HM/vAA HM/vSO HM/vMoL HM/vHoF HM/vAS +2/vCR+3/vSS HMs/vKA HMs/vVH/vRG Oax HM/vDSR
  • Solariken
    And undo the bear nerf. These changes were unneeded.

    But they had to nerf the bear so they could buff Sub Assault to the moon XD
  • Taylor_MB
    Wait, wouldn't bringing back mobility just increase the amount of snares people are stacking?

    I don't think your solution would work...
    PvP Defensive Set Comparison
    Firestarter MagDK 1vX
    - build and gamplay!
    LagPlar Ranged Lag Proof(ish) Magplar
    - build and gamplay!
    ShadowGaurd MagBlade Group Utility Tank
    - build and gamplay!
    Oncoming Storm No-CP 11.6k Ward MagSorc - build and gamplay!
    My YouTube Chanel

  • Adenoma
    Magden doesn’t feel OP. It certainly doesn’t feel as strong as stamden or stamNB for solo open world.

    Eh, I’m gonna play it regardless of the nerfs. Just give me back deep fissure CC.
  • Brutusmax1mus
    There should be 0 buffs to shalks. That skill is a dbos every 3 seconds. The companion tree is fine in general, its the frost that needs help (besides permafrost)
  • SubversusReformed
    Buzo wrote: »
    Oh you‘re a magden ambassador now... :joy:

    Aren't you the clown on PC EU that ignores people then talks *** to them? :joy:
  • SubversusReformed
    There should be 0 buffs to shalks. That skill is a dbos every 3 seconds. The companion tree is fine in general, its the frost that needs help (besides permafrost)
    Trancestor wrote: »
    Permafrost's snare is the only thing over performing about Magden but yeah as you said it's because mobility sucks this patch, snares and roots in general need a change ASAP.

    I mean why wasn't permafrost more widespread before Murkmire? I'm pretty sure there were little to no magdens last patch. If it was this overpowered I'm sure people would've picked up on it earlier :open_mouth:
  • Trancestor
    There should be 0 buffs to shalks. That skill is a dbos every 3 seconds. The companion tree is fine in general, its the frost that needs help (besides permafrost)
    Trancestor wrote: »
    Permafrost's snare is the only thing over performing about Magden but yeah as you said it's because mobility sucks this patch, snares and roots in general need a change ASAP.

    I mean why wasn't permafrost more widespread before Murkmire? I'm pretty sure there were little to no magdens last patch. If it was this overpowered I'm sure people would've picked up on it earlier :open_mouth:

    Magden was always OP in BG's and groups and Permafrost was always the best ult in the game IMO idk why people just picked up on it this patch.
  • brandonv516
    Permafrost/NS needs better indication for enemies it is casted. Other skills need this improvement as well but if the ultimate stays powerful it needs to be more obvious.

    Possibly add 1 second delay before causing damage.

    I don't want to see things nerfed. I want the other class ultimates to be buffed.

    For example:
    Consuming Darkness is just not on the same level as Permafrost. Both add Major Protection but 1 gets to be mobile and stun and the other is stationary and gives a weak synergy.
  • Brutusmax1mus
    There should be 0 buffs to shalks. That skill is a dbos every 3 seconds. The companion tree is fine in general, its the frost that needs help (besides permafrost)
    Trancestor wrote: »
    Permafrost's snare is the only thing over performing about Magden but yeah as you said it's because mobility sucks this patch, snares and roots in general need a change ASAP.

    I mean why wasn't permafrost more widespread before Murkmire? I'm pretty sure there were little to no magdens last patch. If it was this overpowered I'm sure people would've picked up on it earlier :open_mouth:

    Mag wardens were very strong last patch, people just needed to leave the magnb trend.

    I don't think mag wardens are op. They're amazing in small groups, decent solo. But the entire animal companion tree is one of the best trees in the game (bear ult has some great strengths and weaknesses)
  • Mojomonkeyman
    Permafrost/NS needs better indication for enemies it is casted. Other skills need this improvement as well but if the ultimate stays powerful it needs to be more obvious.

    Possibly add 1 second delay before causing damage.

    I don't want to see things nerfed. I want the other class ultimates to be buffed.

    For example:
    Consuming Darkness is just not on the same level as Permafrost. Both add Major Protection but 1 gets to be mobile and stun and the other is stationary and gives a weak synergy.

    Funny. All those cherrypick balance comparisons... Nightblade kit is still the strongest in the game as a whole. And yet those guys are still ignorant enough to demand the few powerhouse skills other classes have to be the minimum benchmark for their respective abbilities.

    This community is so lost.
    Koma Grey, Chocolate Thunder, Little Mojo, Dagoth Mojo & Mojomancy
  • frostz417
    I have no faith. Wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if zos just nerfed magden into trash
  • Rukzadlithau
    Magden has great integral problems and lost its class identity before it was actually established all too well. You should rather be worried/posting about how they get it back, instead of crying about a crutch potentially getting taken away from you that only really exceeded in this particular patch. You hyperbolic crybaby.
  • mav1234

    Funny. All those cherrypick balance comparisons... Nightblade kit is still the strongest in the game as a whole. And yet those guys are still ignorant enough to demand the few powerhouse skills other classes have to be the minimum benchmark for their respective abbilities.

    This community is so lost.

    It might be for solo, but it isn't the strongest for group play, and there are others with great solo kits now too. There's a thread about that very subject a little below.
    Edited by mav1234 on December 29, 2018 3:19PM
  • brandonv516
    Permafrost/NS needs better indication for enemies it is casted. Other skills need this improvement as well but if the ultimate stays powerful it needs to be more obvious.

    Possibly add 1 second delay before causing damage.

    I don't want to see things nerfed. I want the other class ultimates to be buffed.

    For example:
    Consuming Darkness is just not on the same level as Permafrost. Both add Major Protection but 1 gets to be mobile and stun and the other is stationary and gives a weak synergy.

    Funny. All those cherrypick balance comparisons... Nightblade kit is still the strongest in the game as a whole. And yet those guys are still ignorant enough to demand the few powerhouse skills other classes have to be the minimum benchmark for their respective abbilities.

    This community is so lost.

    So because our kit as a whole is good (not the strongest after Murkmire but nice try), we shouldn't ask for underperforming ultimates to be reworked?

    NBs aren't alone in this - Templars want at least 1 ultimate reworked and I know Stamsorcs want better class ultimates.

    ZoS set the bar too high with Warden ultimates.

    They had to nerf their heal.
    Then they nerfed the bear.
    So it's only logical what's next.

    In the end it doesn't hurt my class if they kill off Permafrost but I'd rather see them rework other underperforming class ultimates.
    Edited by brandonv516 on December 29, 2018 3:28PM
  • SubversusReformed
    Buzo wrote: »
    Magden has great integral problems and lost its class identity before it was actually established all too well. You should rather be worried/posting about how they get it back, instead of crying about a crutch potentially getting taken away from you that only really exceeded in this particular patch. You hyperbolic crybaby.

    I don't even care if permafrost gets nerfed, you presumptuous smartass. What matters is that the class I currently enjoy playing doesn't get gutted in every other aspect except what matters. I've played magblade for 3 years, I know very well how ZOS operates and they nerf the actual overperforming aspects last, after they've gutted literally everything else.

    Good to see you're a clown both in game and out here.
  • Mojomonkeyman
    mav1234 wrote: »

    Funny. All those cherrypick balance comparisons... Nightblade kit is still the strongest in the game as a whole. And yet those guys are still ignorant enough to demand the few powerhouse skills other classes have to be the minimum benchmark for their respective abbilities.

    This community is so lost.

    It might be for solo, but it isn't the strongest for group play, and there are others with great solo kits now too. There's a thread about that very subject a little below.

    Thats what I am saying. Different templates have different strengths & weakness. Or are you saying mag warden is the same solo experience in terms of success as nightblade? It evens out, if at all - I mean where are all those mag warden skills comparable to fear, shade, cloak, will, incap and so on?

    Isn't it obvious that a stationary class built around snares and immobilizes needs powerful tools to achieve that playstyle, much like NBs have their strong single target and evasion skills?
    Koma Grey, Chocolate Thunder, Little Mojo, Dagoth Mojo & Mojomancy
  • SubversusReformed
    Permafrost/NS needs better indication for enemies it is casted. Other skills need this improvement as well but if the ultimate stays powerful it needs to be more obvious.

    Possibly add 1 second delay before causing damage.

    I don't want to see things nerfed. I want the other class ultimates to be buffed.

    For example:
    Consuming Darkness is just not on the same level as Permafrost. Both add Major Protection but 1 gets to be mobile and stun and the other is stationary and gives a weak synergy.

    Funny. All those cherrypick balance comparisons... Nightblade kit is still the strongest in the game as a whole. And yet those guys are still ignorant enough to demand the few powerhouse skills other classes have to be the minimum benchmark for their respective abbilities.

    This community is so lost.

    Yet magblade is still somehow a former shell of what it was and an absolute disgrace as a class in PVP currently...
  • Rukzadlithau
    Buzo wrote: »
    Magden has great integral problems and lost its class identity before it was actually established all too well. You should rather be worried/posting about how they get it back, instead of crying about a crutch potentially getting taken away from you that only really exceeded in this particular patch. You hyperbolic crybaby.

    I don't even care if permafrost gets nerfed, you presumptuous smartass. What matters is that the class I currently enjoy playing doesn't get gutted in every other aspect except what matters. I've played magblade for 3 years, I know very well how ZOS operates and they nerf the actual overperforming aspects last, after they've gutted literally everything else.

    Good to see you're a clown both in game and out here.

    Glad to know you found something that overperforms again, so you can enjoy playing lol. And if you don‘t want it nerfed that‘s truly a smart way of communicating it. I guess you have yet another year of virginity ahead of you.

  • Mojomonkeyman
    Permafrost/NS needs better indication for enemies it is casted. Other skills need this improvement as well but if the ultimate stays powerful it needs to be more obvious.

    Possibly add 1 second delay before causing damage.

    I don't want to see things nerfed. I want the other class ultimates to be buffed.

    For example:
    Consuming Darkness is just not on the same level as Permafrost. Both add Major Protection but 1 gets to be mobile and stun and the other is stationary and gives a weak synergy.

    Funny. All those cherrypick balance comparisons... Nightblade kit is still the strongest in the game as a whole. And yet those guys are still ignorant enough to demand the few powerhouse skills other classes have to be the minimum benchmark for their respective abbilities.

    This community is so lost.

    Yet magblade is still somehow a former shell of what it was and an absolute disgrace as a class in PVP currently...

    Does your personal experience wsith the class make the bolded statement any less true? NB abilities & passives are harmonizing very well with each other, are powerful and streamlined to accomplish a certain playstyle.

    Comparing only the Mag Wardens strongest skill(s) (which excel in a completely different area than NBs - apple & orange) to one of the very few not best-in-slot NB skills is hilarious and completely out of touch with the big picture (which would account for a series of NB skills being unmatched not only by Mag Warden but also by any other class).
    Edited by Mojomonkeyman on December 29, 2018 3:47PM
    Koma Grey, Chocolate Thunder, Little Mojo, Dagoth Mojo & Mojomancy
  • SubversusReformed
    Permafrost/NS needs better indication for enemies it is casted. Other skills need this improvement as well but if the ultimate stays powerful it needs to be more obvious.

    Possibly add 1 second delay before causing damage.

    I don't want to see things nerfed. I want the other class ultimates to be buffed.

    For example:
    Consuming Darkness is just not on the same level as Permafrost. Both add Major Protection but 1 gets to be mobile and stun and the other is stationary and gives a weak synergy.

    Funny. All those cherrypick balance comparisons... Nightblade kit is still the strongest in the game as a whole. And yet those guys are still ignorant enough to demand the few powerhouse skills other classes have to be the minimum benchmark for their respective abbilities.

    This community is so lost.
    Buzo wrote: »
    Buzo wrote: »
    Magden has great integral problems and lost its class identity before it was actually established all too well. You should rather be worried/posting about how they get it back, instead of crying about a crutch potentially getting taken away from you that only really exceeded in this particular patch. You hyperbolic crybaby.

    I don't even care if permafrost gets nerfed, you presumptuous smartass. What matters is that the class I currently enjoy playing doesn't get gutted in every other aspect except what matters. I've played magblade for 3 years, I know very well how ZOS operates and they nerf the actual overperforming aspects last, after they've gutted literally everything else.

    Good to see you're a clown both in game and out here.

    Glad to know you found something that overperforms again, so you can enjoy playing lol. And if you don‘t want it nerfed that‘s truly a smart way of communicating it. I guess you have yet another year of virginity ahead of you.

    Glad to see you're being extremely constructive again ;) Also hilarious coming from someone who also plays magden :joy:
  • SubversusReformed
    Permafrost/NS needs better indication for enemies it is casted. Other skills need this improvement as well but if the ultimate stays powerful it needs to be more obvious.

    Possibly add 1 second delay before causing damage.

    I don't want to see things nerfed. I want the other class ultimates to be buffed.

    For example:
    Consuming Darkness is just not on the same level as Permafrost. Both add Major Protection but 1 gets to be mobile and stun and the other is stationary and gives a weak synergy.

    Funny. All those cherrypick balance comparisons... Nightblade kit is still the strongest in the game as a whole. And yet those guys are still ignorant enough to demand the few powerhouse skills other classes have to be the minimum benchmark for their respective abbilities.

    This community is so lost.

    Yet magblade is still somehow a former shell of what it was and an absolute disgrace as a class in PVP currently...

    Does your personal experience wsith the class make the bolded statement any less true? NB abilities & passives are harmonizing very well with each other, are powerful and streamlined to accomplish a certain playstyle.

    Comparing only the Mag Wardens strongest skill(s) (which excel in a completely different area than NBs - apple & orange) to one of the very few not best-in-slot NB skills is hilarious and completely out of touch with the big picture (which would account for a series of NB skills being unmatched not only by Mag Warden but also by any other class).

    You're comparing MAGICKA warden with the whole nightblade class. Truth is MAGICKA warden is better than MAGICKA nightblade in all forms of pvp currently safe for duels which are wildly irrelevant anyway. Warden has a great set of passives too, if you wanna call them out class for class ;)

  • Mojomonkeyman
    Permafrost/NS needs better indication for enemies it is casted. Other skills need this improvement as well but if the ultimate stays powerful it needs to be more obvious.

    Possibly add 1 second delay before causing damage.

    I don't want to see things nerfed. I want the other class ultimates to be buffed.

    For example:
    Consuming Darkness is just not on the same level as Permafrost. Both add Major Protection but 1 gets to be mobile and stun and the other is stationary and gives a weak synergy.

    Funny. All those cherrypick balance comparisons... Nightblade kit is still the strongest in the game as a whole. And yet those guys are still ignorant enough to demand the few powerhouse skills other classes have to be the minimum benchmark for their respective abbilities.

    This community is so lost.

    So because our kit as a whole is good (not the strongest after Murkmire but nice try), we shouldn't ask for underperforming ultimates to be reworked?

    NBs aren't alone in this - Templars want at least 1 ultimate reworked and I know Stamsorcs want better class ultimates.

    ZoS set the bar too high with Warden ultimates.

    They had to nerf their heal.
    Then they nerfed the bear.
    So it's only logical what's next.

    In the end it doesn't hurt my class if they kill off Permafrost but I'd rather see them rework other underperforming class ultimates.

    Well, if they are smart they won't nerf it. I actually don't really care anymore - but all those recent complaint threads are filled with the same few salty people that I meet regularly in BGs and Cyrodiil. The great majority of them being stamina players with overinflated egos that come to the forums for another post everytime they die because they got so used to get a free pass on soft cc via FM, later powered by swift.

    It was impossible for almost 2 years for the most complained about mag warden specc to finish off a stamina player that didnt actually suicide into you. Impossible. Those stamina players thought that was balanced, they want that back.

    I play a stamsorc on a high level in PvP, too. Mobility is still awesome, I'm still the most mobile spec in the game but I actually have to think about not overcommitting into good Wardens because they can now finally counter me. Thats a good thing.
    Koma Grey, Chocolate Thunder, Little Mojo, Dagoth Mojo & Mojomancy
  • Mojomonkeyman
    Permafrost/NS needs better indication for enemies it is casted. Other skills need this improvement as well but if the ultimate stays powerful it needs to be more obvious.

    Possibly add 1 second delay before causing damage.

    I don't want to see things nerfed. I want the other class ultimates to be buffed.

    For example:
    Consuming Darkness is just not on the same level as Permafrost. Both add Major Protection but 1 gets to be mobile and stun and the other is stationary and gives a weak synergy.

    Funny. All those cherrypick balance comparisons... Nightblade kit is still the strongest in the game as a whole. And yet those guys are still ignorant enough to demand the few powerhouse skills other classes have to be the minimum benchmark for their respective abbilities.

    This community is so lost.

    Yet magblade is still somehow a former shell of what it was and an absolute disgrace as a class in PVP currently...

    Does your personal experience wsith the class make the bolded statement any less true? NB abilities & passives are harmonizing very well with each other, are powerful and streamlined to accomplish a certain playstyle.

    Comparing only the Mag Wardens strongest skill(s) (which excel in a completely different area than NBs - apple & orange) to one of the very few not best-in-slot NB skills is hilarious and completely out of touch with the big picture (which would account for a series of NB skills being unmatched not only by Mag Warden but also by any other class).

    You're comparing MAGICKA warden with the whole nightblade class. Truth is MAGICKA warden is better than MAGICKA nightblade in all forms of pvp currently safe for duels which are wildly irrelevant anyway. Warden has a great set of passives too, if you wanna call them out class for class ;)

    So, you think Mag Warden is the better solo class?
    Koma Grey, Chocolate Thunder, Little Mojo, Dagoth Mojo & Mojomancy
  • CyrusArya
    Am I the only one that thinks people crying about something shouldn’t be the basis for discussions on balance ever? Seriously, *** people who cry for nerfs on any topic. Tell em to eat cake and get good. Conversations on balance should be based on math and logic. Something that bad players who die a lot don’t always operate by or understand.

    Magden is absolutely fine imo. Perma is without a doubt a very powerful ulti. But it makes up for the lack of control that magden has in the rest of its kit, and solidifies its intended role as a dominant group support class.
    A R Y A
    The K-Hole ~ Phałanx
    My PvP Videos
  • SubversusReformed
    CyrusArya wrote: »
    Am I the only one that thinks people crying about something shouldn’t be the basis for discussions on balance ever? Seriously, *** people who cry for nerfs on any topic. Tell em to eat cake and get good. Conversations on balance should be based on math and logic. Something that bad players who die a lot don’t always operate by or understand.

    Magden is absolutely fine imo. Perma is without a doubt a very powerful ulti. But it makes up for the lack of control that magden has in the rest of its kit, and solidifies its intended role as a dominant group support class.

    Agree lol. Magden hasn't changed a single bit yet it somehow suddenly became "op". There's different underlying issues here.
  • SubversusReformed
    Permafrost/NS needs better indication for enemies it is casted. Other skills need this improvement as well but if the ultimate stays powerful it needs to be more obvious.

    Possibly add 1 second delay before causing damage.

    I don't want to see things nerfed. I want the other class ultimates to be buffed.

    For example:
    Consuming Darkness is just not on the same level as Permafrost. Both add Major Protection but 1 gets to be mobile and stun and the other is stationary and gives a weak synergy.

    Funny. All those cherrypick balance comparisons... Nightblade kit is still the strongest in the game as a whole. And yet those guys are still ignorant enough to demand the few powerhouse skills other classes have to be the minimum benchmark for their respective abbilities.

    This community is so lost.

    Yet magblade is still somehow a former shell of what it was and an absolute disgrace as a class in PVP currently...

    Does your personal experience wsith the class make the bolded statement any less true? NB abilities & passives are harmonizing very well with each other, are powerful and streamlined to accomplish a certain playstyle.

    Comparing only the Mag Wardens strongest skill(s) (which excel in a completely different area than NBs - apple & orange) to one of the very few not best-in-slot NB skills is hilarious and completely out of touch with the big picture (which would account for a series of NB skills being unmatched not only by Mag Warden but also by any other class).

    You're comparing MAGICKA warden with the whole nightblade class. Truth is MAGICKA warden is better than MAGICKA nightblade in all forms of pvp currently safe for duels which are wildly irrelevant anyway. Warden has a great set of passives too, if you wanna call them out class for class ;)

    So, you think Mag Warden is the better solo class?

    Solo what? Solo in cyro? Of course not, but that doesn't make magblade any better. And please don't bring up cloak for magblade, lol. In literally every other aspect of the game magden is better, at least from what I've played.

    Unless you of course mean STAMINA nightblade, in which case I agree with you. That's mega broken.
This discussion has been closed.