Best Class for a healer?

  • Alowishus
    Healing staff. That's all you need.
    ESO Wishlist: Housing (Thank you!) Jewelrycrafting (Thank you!) Hand-to-hand skill line.
  • phileunderx2
    For four man content it really doesn't matter so play whatever class you like. For trials I would say either Templar or warden. But really if you know what you are doing you can be effective with anything.
  • phileunderx2
    For four man content it really doesn't matter so play whatever class you like. For trials I would say either Templar or warden. But really if you know what you are doing you can be effective with anything.
  • FrancisCrawford
    Jeremy wrote: »

    Does the heal from the Twilight Matriarch require that the target be in front of them or will it heal their target from any angle?

    No angles required.
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