SydneyGrey wrote: »Warden followed by templar. Warden has fantastic area-of-effect heals that a templar doesn't. The only downside is that because wardens don't have the shards skill, they have to unlock and use necrotic orbs instead (Undaunted skill line).
Best races are Breton, Argonian, High Elf or Dark Elf.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
@idk So trying to finagle you way out of the weak example of 1k regen you presented to now when you have to deal with what I presented. But you are still low balling the regen in your math.
You toss in the potion buff as though that is part of what got her above 2500.
You are also wrong about 6/1 builds. That was tossed out the door when we could start with stave getting 2 set bonus slots. It is why healers use a full 2 pieces of monster sets these days.
Also you do not take into account that the cost reduction is lost during times no skills are used. Each pause or heavy attack that cost reduction is lost and can never be made up.
BTW, the difference with her regen if she was a bretton would be pretty close if not higher than what you have stated would be needed to compare to bretton, before pauses in use of skills. If anything you have merely demonstrated that it is close.
OmahaStylee wrote: »Still getting into the game. I'm starting to have more time to play, and i was wondering which Class/Race would be best to make a healer.
I recommend Warden or Nightblade over Templar. Regardless of the claims here, Templar is actually the weakest healer in the entire game when compared to the other classes which have far better kits.
p_tsakirisb16_ESO wrote: »
Because the laughing button missing...
You missed few points
a) Templar has extended ritual, a very nice dot of huge range lasting half minute and healing for almost 1000 per second (2000 per 2s pulse) providing purge and ~8000 healing on synergy activation.
Which procs Spell Power Cure constantly
b) With Focus down, there is no issue on sustain, even if you want to be lazy and spam BoL even as a Khajiit.
And if the odd boss start hitting you while inside the Focus, you can just shrug and not panic run.
c) BoL. Enough said.
d) Purifying Light.
e) Luminous Shards
f) Practiced Incantation, when the crap hit the roof and everyone around is dying.
No NB, Sorc, Warden or DK can come close on effectively group support like the Templar
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
in the video, she goes though a list of sets that dont have 2 regens (base 258 regen) on them in the video, like IA and SPC. if you have either or both of these sets on instead of JG and olo, your regen will be far less, this is fact. hardly "finagle" anything.
okay. buddy. the number you see in her video on her character sheet and the number you see in your character is NOT your base regen. this number is NOT what the percent amps in the game are calculated of off. i showed this in my last post. are you able to understand this fact.
vana in her video there, has a base regen of 1658, this is fact. this 1658 is then multiplied by all other percent amp then added back to the base, to come at the end number of 2569. like this-
1658 (309 from atro, 258 from olorime, 258 from jorvunns guidance, 514 base cp 160 and 319 from Clockwork Citrus Filet) *(20% from light armor + 9% from high elf + 2% from inner light + 10% from Magicka Aid for having barror slotted + 14% from cp) she is a vampire but is only at stage one in the video, so no regen from that.
1658*(20% + 9%+ 2%+ 10% + 14%)=911.9
1658+911.9= 2569.9 what she has in the character screen in the video, interesting that the game rounds this down too.
i am not sure how else to explain this. it really is simple. doing it this way leads to dimmining returns when you add more percent sources of regen. let's add that 20% from pots, so it looks like this-
1658*(20% + 9%+ 2%+ 10% + 14% + 20%)
leads to
1658+1243.5= 2901.5
2901 is only and increase of 12.9% from 2569, not a whole 20%. so do you see what i mean when i say diminishing returns?
my god, i meant 6 light, 1 heavy armor, not 5/5/1 or 5/5/2. pay attention, with 6/1, you get another 4% regen and 2% cost reduction from another light armor piece. Vana wears 5/1/1 in that video, i personally don't think the extra 2% max stats and the meager passives from medium are worth the regen and cost reduction.
lost? where do they go? lol. the cost reduction is not "lost". you have to take them at best value. cost reduction every second and regen every 2.
i have no idea what you are trying to say here.
p_tsakirisb16_ESO wrote: »a) Templar has extended ritual, a very nice dot of huge range lasting half minute and healing for almost 1000 per second (2000 per 2s pulse) providing purge and ~8000 healing on synergy activation.
Which procs Spell Power Cure constantly
I am aware of what bass then is which is why I tested it conclusively before I made my last post and saw the clear comparison of 2500 regen for both classes with everything else being the same.
Instead you close the issue with the adding regen from potions to get to the 2500 she had and fudge some math in some specific small number situations to close the issue.
One of the big things you leave out is cost reduction is useless when not using a skill. Heavy attacks and anything else still gain value from regen. So straight up math doesn’t tell the whole picture.
In the end I’m glad your so excited about your Breton healer. Have a good day. I am done with this thread.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
okay man, i really dont understand anything you are trying to tell me here. you think that my math is wrong? small numbers? what is any of this reply suppose to mean?
@idk . Very simple. You start of with 1k magicka regen as a comparison which his far from what healers use in the most challenging content so it is hardly relevant.
. After I point out a more appropriate regen level for challenging content you somehow toss in using a potion to get to 2500 regen which again is rather irrelevant since the potion.
with pots it would be (514+124+124+319+300)* (65%+14%) = 1091 and added to 1381 is 2472, only a 12% increase in regen. do you see what i mean yet?
i am not sure how else to explain this. it really is simple. doing it this way leads to dimmining returns when you add more percent sources of regen. let's add that 20% from pots, so it looks like this-
1658*(20% + 9%+ 2%+ 10% + 14% + 20%)
leads to
1658+1243.5= 2901.5
2901 is only and increase of 12.9% from 2569, not a whole 20%. so do you see what i mean when i say diminishing returns?
. You also seem to ignore that cost reduction is not full time whereas regen is.
.I am saying your examples are great for less challenging content where it does not really matter.
. Anyhow. again, enjoy your Bretton. I am glad you enjoy the race. I only replied since you seemed confused. Hope that cleared it up. Chao.
Edit: I also think we have derailed this thread enough.
idk I could agure sorc for pvp...
Honestly though look at the skills ... and advice everyone has given and make your choice OP.
Purifying light - one of the best AoE healing (+ damage). If im not using Springs, this skill usualy HPS #1Warden has fantastic area-of-effect heals that a templar doesn't.
3 pages of "templar is best" ? )
Purifying light - one of the best AoE healing (+ damage). If im not using Springs, this skill usualy HPS #1
Combat Prayer is way more useful than Fungal Growth.
So i don't see anything interesting in Warden AoE healing. And pls don't tell me about Thicket )
FrancisCrawford wrote: »
I've never seen the point of Mushrooms for a character advanced enough to have alternatives. Seeds, at least, is a fairly cheap AoE heal, a definitely cheap heal of whoever grabs the synergy, and a synergy. But Shrooms has never made much sense to me
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
Okay. Simple. My average 1k base regen is based off of using spell power cure and maybe meading or worm. Not olo and jorvunns guildiance, both of these sets have double regen. Take one or both these sets away, my 1k base regen is not far from the truth. Why is this so hard for you to understand?
@idk I did not read past what I just quoted because it makes a great example that what you say makes such little sense. I think it makes clear that you do not heal challenging content (such as non-craglorn vet trials, let alone HM) for starters since you seem to lack a basic understanding how she obtained 2500 regen (without potions).
Anyhow, I am tried of wasting time on this. When your initial statement in a post seems so wrong I do not see a reason to read past it.
p_tsakirisb16_ESO wrote: »
Because the laughing button missing...
You missed few points
a) Templar has extended ritual, a very nice dot of huge range lasting half minute and healing for almost 1000 per second (2000 per 2s pulse) providing purge and ~8000 healing on synergy activation.
Which procs Spell Power Cure constantly
b) With Focus down, there is no issue on sustain, even if you want to be lazy and spam BoL even as a Khajiit.
And if the odd boss start hitting you while inside the Focus, you can just shrug and not panic run.
c) BoL. Enough said.
d) Purifying Light.
e) Luminous Shards
f) Practiced Incantation, when the crap hit the roof and everyone around is dying.
No NB, Sorc, Warden or DK can come close on effectively group support like the Templar
Efficient Purge is better.
Breath of Life is locked to a cone and is expensive now.
Purifying Light...Seriously?
Focus. Lol
The only thing I'll agree with you in terms of worth being mentioned is Luminous Shards. Apparently lazy = good.
Y'all act like I've not played Templar, they used to be my go to AND my favorite class, but not anymore. Lol
What other class has a better direct heal though? And I ask that sincerely, as I might like to try it out. Because I'm fairly disgusted with many of the changes they have made to Templar, especially as it relates to their healing capabilities.
FrancisCrawford wrote: »
The Twilight Matriarch is a great burst heal. Its main drawback is that it takes 2 bar slots.
Healthy Offering looks interesting, but so little else is now appealing about nightblade healing that I've never actually tried it out.
Does the heal from the Twilight Matriarch require that the target be in front of them or will it heal their target from any angle?
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
the heal form the Matriarch is basically 2 main heals from the old breath of life. meaning omnidirectional instant.