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ESO 2019 Wishlist

  • richo262
    I agree, more account wide options.

    I also want lore books synced, perhaps put it behind the mages guild quest line.

    Recipes too, perhaps not quest related ones or CP150 level, but I find it hard to believe my new toon can't make cheese and biscuits, when the cheese is already there as an ingredient. He didn't even make the damn cheese! Nobody levels their toons with provisioning normally. They just spam food until 50, then bin it. They have their main making them the real food. If they made recipes synced, but made it so there was a huge provisioning XP boost you crafting, and eating (after the timer expires) food/drink. That would be better. It'd make spamming less rewarding and make more sense in leveling.

    Have those recipes no longer drop when found and read. I just autojunk most found recipes these days. So sub cp150 recipes drop regardless of your level, until found, and read.
    Edited by richo262 on November 7, 2018 6:10AM
  • Mayrael
    Well since ZOS totally ignores two main defensive skills of NB broken then I guess it will be fixed one day, hopefully 2019 not 2020.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • mocap
    harder overland questing. Pls!
  • joaaocaampos
    1: CP for all Monsters and Bosses
    Champion Points
    We spent a fair amount of time discussing the Champion Point system because it is our belief that the power creep in this system is responsible for many of the issues ZOS is trying to address in the first place (such as players being able to avoid mechanics, not have to make difficult build choices, and the feeling that healers are not needed). The Devs indicated that the CP system is intended to counter-balance itself, that is, I can get X% buff, but that is negated by your -X% buff. The Devs indicated the way multipliers and other mechanics currently work means that counter-balance is not quite right. The class reps agreed and added the problem goes deeper; since Bosses don’t have CP, they aren’t getting the -X% modifiers. The end result is that players quickly out-scale and become too strong for any PvE content that gets released.

    We also said it was unfortunate that much of our class identity has been taken away because the Champion System (and gear) has so much power.

    It's unanimous that overland content is too easy. I agree that the content should be easy, but not so easy! Why not increase the difficulty a bit? I think the game can be fun and less boring again. When I talk about "overland content", I'm talking about the whole zone: quest hubs, delves, public dungeons, dolmens etc, including all monsters and bosses, even world bosses!

    And you ask me... What would change?

    With One Tamriel, overland content now scales to CP160, right? That would not change. My suggestion is not to add a new scaling, but to make the monsters a little more powerful. That is, monsters now have Champion Points bonuses!

    You may think: "Oh, monsters will now have different Champion Levels and I will see those Levels as soon as I come across them!" Oh, no, no, no! You're wrong! As I said earlier, monsters now have Champion Points bonuses, not Champion Levels. And the bonus will be the maximum for all monsters: 15%, 25%, 35% and 5280. That is, no matter if the player is CP 160 or 600, the monster will always have the same CP bonus against the player.
    • Increases Physical and Spell Penetration by 5280.
    • Increases Physical, Poison, Disease, Flame, Frost, Shock and Magic Damage by 15%.
    • Increases the damage of direct damage attacks and damage over time effects by 25%.
    • Increases the damage of Light (and Heavy) Attacks by 35%.
    • Increases Physical and Spell Resistance by 5280.
    • Reduces damage taken from Poison, Disease, Physical, Flame, Frost, Shock and Magic Damage by 15%.
    • Reduces damage taken from direct damage attacks and damage over time effects by 25%.
    • Reduces damage taken from Light and Heavy Attacks by 35%.

    Above, I've put the most relevant Stars from constellations. ZOS can add other Stars like Blessed and Quick Recovery (both with 15% bonus). On the other hand, many other Stars will be left out (the entire Thief constellation, for example, or Stars like "Precise Strikes" and "Elfborn". I just don't know what to say about the "Resistant" Star. Monsters and Critical Damage dont match!

    So... What about new players who don't have CP yet? Or those who have low CP? Well, I know monsters will be at least 50% more powerful, right? No matter what, tests will be needed. PTS! In my opinion, ESO should be a bit more challenging, even for new players! If monsters become too powerful for new players, ZOS can always fix a few things.

    2: Dungeon Mode Toggle for Delves and Public Dungeons


    20px-ON-mapicon-PublicDungeon.png Delves and 20px-ON-mapicon-Dungeon.png Public Dungeons (are Dungeons and) can also be challenging content. Before you enter the Delve or Public Dungeon, you choose to face Normal or Veteran monsters! Why not? It can be fun and challenging!
    • Delves and Public Dungeons must be included in Dungeon Mode Toggle.
    • Veteran Delves and Veteran Public Dungeons would be better than Group Delves and Group Quest Hubs (Skyreach, Spellscar, Shada's Tear, The Seeker's Archive, Rahni'Za etc).
    • No need to be in a group to find other players in Veteran Delves and Veteran Public Dungeons!
    • XP and Gold earned in Veteran Delves and Veteran Public Dungeons are the same as the Normal version! That is, XP and Gold are not the real rewards.
    • New daily quests added to Public Dungeons: blue reward for Normal and purple for Veteran.
    • Current Delves are Normal Delves.
    • Current Public Dungeons are Normal Public Dungeons.
    • Veteran difficulty is based on an even more challenging Craglorn. That is, Veteran Delves is as challenging as Group Delves. Veteran Public Dungeons is as challenging as Skyreach, Spellscar, Shada's Tear, The Seeker's Archive and Rahni'Za.
    • Based on everything I've presented above, redo Craglorn: Group Delves are now Delves and Group Quest Hubs (Skyreach, Shada's Tear etc) are now Public Dungeons. Dungeon Mode Toggle is active for these contents!

    Is there any conflict in all the content presented above? In my view, no! CP Bonus is for ALL MONSTERS AND BOSSES, no matter if the content is Normal or Veteran. Dungeon Mode Toggle doesn't matter in this case.

    3: Public Dungeons

    Public Dungeon will be now Quest Hubs (like Skyreach, Shada's Tear etc). Each Public Dungeon would be unique, with its own Daily Quests. Some Public Dungeons can be "Public Trials", with Daily Quests rewarding Trial sets! Why not? :wink: Players will have more Public Dungeons per Chapter and Zone DLC.
    • 6 Public Dungeons per Chapter.
    • 2 Public Dungeons per Zone DLC.

    Finally, I end up saying that these are my suggestions, my wishlist, my One Tamriel 2.0!
  • richo262
    There is a Delve in Craglorn that I think they should make a full fledged dungeon, I think it is Skyreach Hold. It is already there really, it is the largest Delve in the game with many bosses, story and the works.

    Rejig that to be a proper dungeon on dungeon finder.
  • lokulin
    richo262 wrote: »
    There is a Delve in Craglorn that I think they should make a full fledged dungeon, I think it is Skyreach Hold. It is already there really, it is the largest Delve in the game with many bosses, story and the works.

    Rejig that to be a proper dungeon on dungeon finder.

    Been wanting the Craglorn group delves to be re-jigged and added to dungeon finder for ages. Shadas Tear would be an excellent addition.
    I've hidden your signature.
  • Acrolas
    Fewer wish lists.

    I'm pretty sure zero percent of the Gidorick Concept Repository was ever implemented.

    They weren't bad ideas, but they weren't small requests and a lot were more 'make my personal mark on the game' than 'make improvements on what has already been developed'.

    All big ideas do is lead to disappointment when they aren't considered and you take that rejection personally. Even though it wasn't a rejection at all.

    Which is what happened in that instance and will continue to happen until people check their expectations.
    The best suggestions can be concisely summed up in four or five words and pertain directly to a feature that already exists in the game. Anything else is just about worthless without a formal request for proposal from the developer.
    signing off
  • Carl_Bar
    notyuu wrote: »
    Simply put, my wishlist for things to see in ESO for 2019

    1: Dyeable powers [disabled in pvp for balance reasons ofcourse]
    2: Dyeable Hair
    3: Dyeable tattoos
    4: option to sheathe one handed weapons on your back
    5: chest options that don't have those stupid hip flaps [while keeping the version that does have the hip flaps for those that like them]
    6: One hand and rune skill-line
    7: Hand magic skill-line [even if it's just a staff reskin]
    8: the ability to hide any and all armour parts in the outfit creaitor
    9: fixing the dye consistency across styles [warriors steel dye on ebony looks completely different from warriors steel dye on glass for instance]
    10: a complete overhaul/replacement of the CP system
    11: Dummys and weapon racks for housing that let you store weapons/outfits for display
    12: More items in the AP and telvar store [or just make it so you can turn them into geodes]
    13: Stackabale and tradeable geodes

    so..that's my wishlist for 2019...what's yours?

    All this plus people to stop running around screaming the sky is falling every time some balance change happens. No not all changes are good but the level of salt about any change whatsoever around here is too damned high!

    Oh and the ability to create custom crates for selling multiple items as one lot on the AH. I'd love to be able to sell complete item sets to people in one lot.
    Edited by Carl_Bar on November 7, 2018 7:46AM
  • Aluneth
    A stable game.
  • yurimodin
    AOE Taunt.......
  • MattT1988
    yurimodin wrote: »
    AOE Taunt.......

    * 1000 Quests that would invovle all zones, but hardcore non-repeatable, something like craglorn difficulty, maybe even harder
    * Skooma - to get tripping high
    * Again quests before finishing them would have mini bosses, I always loved those, but more challenging, not where you can kill them in 3 seconds!
    * Fix the CP/lvl scaling, make game 1000% harder for capped players
    * Bring back old XP rewards after completing the quests. Back in the days it was faster to gain xp by simply doing the quests,than grinding , but now they reduced XP you get after completing a quests making this game a grind fest, it never used to be.
    * We need another daedric Zone simmilar size like coldharbour. I love deadric planes, the spookiness, lack of light and that cold feeling!

    Dont forget that Elder Scrolls it was always about questing, Eso on another hand started to go to different direction. I would't even mind to buy a Quest Pack - like DLC, even if that wouldn't invovle any new zone, it would be just a bunch of quests with strong main story to defeat something.
    Duo Trial(s)
  • AlienSlof
    notyuu wrote: »
    Simply put, my wishlist for things to see in ESO for 2019

    1: Dyeable powers [disabled in pvp for balance reasons ofcourse]
    2: Dyeable Hair
    3: Dyeable tattoos
    4: option to sheathe one handed weapons on your back
    5: chest options that don't have those stupid hip flaps [while keeping the version that does have the hip flaps for those that like them]
    6: One hand and rune skill-line
    7: Hand magic skill-line [even if it's just a staff reskin]
    8: the ability to hide any and all armour parts in the outfit creaitor
    9: fixing the dye consistency across styles [warriors steel dye on ebony looks completely different from warriors steel dye on glass for instance]
    10: a complete overhaul/replacement of the CP system
    11: Dummys and weapon racks for housing that let you store weapons/outfits for display
    12: More items in the AP and telvar store [or just make it so you can turn them into geodes]
    13: Stackabale and tradeable geodes

    so..that's my wishlist for 2019...what's yours?

    Quoted this as it matches pretty much what I would like to see. I will add:

    A third tack option for mounts - fully bareback

    All hairstyles for all genders - totally unisex throughout

    An intermediate difficulty between normal and vet modes in dungeons and trials - especially the newer DLC ones

    More earnable mounts and pets in the game - the new indrik is a good start along this road.
    Bionic Crazy Cat Lady
  • jpo
    Monks please
  • mxxo
    1. Keep up the good work & continue listen to the players
    2. Better & more Female Outfits
    3. Remove/decrease Class/Race Boundaries, atm choosing a race is almost automatically the class choice, makes no sense, besides that in Elder Scrolls history it was never the case that for example all Woodelfs were no mages. Besides that its boring to see all the time same class/race combos.
    4. Bring a new Race for more Variety
    5. Remove Twitch Drops, there are people like me who dont like to be "forced" to watch twitch to get ingame-content, i will never link my account, but i feel unpleasant about it, since there is no other chance to get these items. So what was meant as a bonus becomes almost a "punishment" for those not willing to do this. It´s an unwritten rule in gaming (in my opinion) that all ingame-content of a game should be obtainable ingame. If you want to reward players for watching twitch give them gold or crowns. I am aware that this is not game-changing, but it´s just not nice.
    Edited by mxxo on November 7, 2018 10:36AM
  • dan958
    Actual Guild Halls with Guild vs Guild battles and leaderboards.
    @dan958 - PC/EU - Dannuin - Nightblade - Bosmer - CP982 - For the Queen!
  • goldenflameslinger
    I would like the major QOL add-ons incorporated into the base game, a search function for guild stores, all duplicate items to stack, auto crafting for large stacks, imperfect weapons for all of the harder content on normal, arena dungeon finder, opt out of DLC in dungeon finder, weapon and armor stands in housing and maybe spell crafting as the new gimic for 2019.
    PS4 NA DC id: goldenflamesling
  • nursingninja
    Flip Keep Token: For 500 crowns the closest keep to you flips to your faction and all enemies inside die immediately.

    Flip Map Token: Same as above but applies to whole map at once. 5000 crowns should do it.

    Teleport Scroll Token: stand in your keep and activate to teleport a scroll of your choosing to that keep.

    This would balance pvp out so you can have the convenience of paying for things you could otherwise achieve with time.
  • lokulin
    Flip Keep Token: For 500 crowns the closest keep to you flips to your faction and all enemies inside die immediately.

    Flip Map Token: Same as above but applies to whole map at once. 5000 crowns should do it.

    Teleport Scroll Token: stand in your keep and activate to teleport a scroll of your choosing to that keep.

    This would balance pvp out so you can have the convenience of paying for things you could otherwise achieve with time.

    The best trolls are more subtle than this.
    I've hidden your signature.
  • Dosuul
    1. A new class
    2. Account wide achievements
    3. Account wide collection of books, motifs, skyshards etc.
    4. Trials / Arena finder

  • TheGreatBlackBear
    Buff Nightblade execute. Bloodthirsty weapons.
  • Dosuul
    Oh, forgot: Update Traders with decent filters so we don't have to use often slow / buggy addons to search items.
  • richo262
    Dosuul wrote: »
    1. A new class
    2. Account wide achievements
    3. Account wide collection of books, motifs, skyshards etc.
    4. Trials / Arena finder

    I agree with most of that

    1) A new class is probably impractical when they are struggling to balance the 5 they have. I'd prefer see the classes destroyed. Example being, Nightblade: Siphon merges with soul magic, Shadow merges with Thieves / Legerdemain, Assassination merges with Dark Brotherhood. Have an NPC that can give an 'initiate tree' for those without DLC content.

    2) Agreed!

    3) Agreed for the most part. Skyshards probably not. Having a toon start with all the shards would make questing pointless. What I'd like to see is being able to account wide purchase passive skills with Skyshards. So leveling a new toon will not require skill points on passives, they just auto-unlock as you progress. That way you will still need to Quest / Dungeon / Alliance war / Public Dungeon / Level up for base skill points.

    4) Agreed, but no Vet mode, and no 'Random XP bonus'. Also an audit of the tank and healers is required in order to select those roles. Just like how dungeons unlock based on levels. Trials through the Finder unlock based on CP, ie CP200 - nSO, nAA, CP250, nCR, nAS, nHRC, CP300, nMOL, nHOF.
  • Shawn_PT
    I wish the new content will be casual-friendly. As in, you don't need to be in the top 0,001% of skill and spend insane amounts of time getting frustrated with the rest of a group without being able to even complete the content.

    Looking at more and more speed/HM/no death stacked achievements on increasingly harder content makes me just want to give up.

    Give me a goal of 1000 dailies done. Add purple fish to all areas. Add new monster trophies to those creatures that have none. I don't mind. I miss the days of the DB DLC where we could clear 100% of the achievements if we put some time in it.

    Other than that, so many good suggestions here. Dyes should be checked. If anything, I want to have the option to 'lock' a gear slot and pick the colors I want to test in it with a single click, instead of having to point at color, point at slot. Point at color, point at slot. Point at color, point at slot. If we're trying to match dyes that color differently on different pieces of equipment, there's going to be an absurd amount of pointing and clicking done until we are mildly satisfied.

    We shouldn't have to rely on a third party app/site to know if a certain item is for sale at all anywhere in the server.

    I'd like my vampires to look like vampires and not like pale pink walking marshmallows. Some fangs would be nice. Pointy ears on human races too. And a proper Blade o'Woe-type animation for bites. Possibly in a vampire themed DLC? Would certainly make this player here very, very happy.

    Oh yeah. Allow us to craft the stuff that we have deconned. Broke down that Spelunker's greatsword more times than one can count, and in 2 years it's suddenly BiS for some reason and we shouldn't have to be forced to farm the dungeon dozens and dozens of times for it AGAIN just to test a build. Not everyone has access to the PTS. Because no one in their right mind would save every single drop they get, there's simply no space for that. Or, allow Grand Master Crafters that have all the achievements pertaining to a specific dungeon (speed/no death/HM/kill x goons inside) access a special crafting station in the dungeon to craft the sets that drop there (BoP of course). I know the regular excuse is 'no one would run dungeons anymore.' But the truth is, if players are forced to run the same dungeon sometimes hundreds of times for a single item, they won't enjoy the game more. They'll just hate the place when they're finally done.

    A slightly disheartened player.
    Edited by Shawn_PT on November 7, 2018 10:07PM
  • Chrysa1is
    hiding vampirism will never happen. you chose to be a vampire so you should look like one. even if lore and illusion magic says so, it wont be introduced.

    thats like me asking to hide werewolf while in werewolf form.
  • itsJylerTAG
    1. A better detailed vampire skin or the option to hide it completely.
    2. The option to disable weapon enchantment effects on our outfits.
    3. A one-off alliance change token that can only be used once, per character.
    4. Remove bind on pickup from dungeon items, let us trade those ffs.
    5. More small/medium scale homes and one with a thief theme to it.
    6. The huntsman motif to come to the crown store relatively soon.
    7. A trial finder, much like the dungeon finder so i don't have to beg for a trial run.
    8. Client side quest items so that i don't have to sit there and wait for five minutes and fight others to get something i need for a quest due to them snatching it while i'm fighting off a mob. A prime example is the mammoth meat and stuff during the murkmire prelude dailies.
    Edited by itsJylerTAG on November 7, 2018 10:37PM
  • Skullstachio
    1. Revamp the "Vampire" Skill line to Allow a "Vampire Lord Transformation" ultimate as well as additional skills.
    2. Add a Necromancer Class.
    3. a Non-Combat Raven Pet that follows you around like the Knight of Marrow does during some of the questlines in the Clockwork City DLC.
    I know what you di-Iddly did... (you would be wise not to do that again during a time when Suspicion in the gaming space is at an all time high.)
    by not actually revealing real drop tables in the game for all items, you only prove what has been proven with proof of concept that you can/will manipulate item drop chances based on certain elements performed by the player.
  • RPGplayer13579
    For Cyrodiil,

    It seems that everyone either sprints across the battlefield on horseback or they just use the transitus network to go anywhere in Cyrodiil. My idea would be for a buff/bonus in experience and defense for those who choose to travel on foot. The bonus can be from 5% to 10% depending on how large the group you travel with is or if you are going it alone. This would only take effect when you are not near a keep.

    And if we can have bonuses when we are near a keep then we can have one when we are not near a keep. For example; Reach passive ability from the Assault Skill Line and Combat Medic passive from the Support Skill Line.

    And it can be called the Stop and Smell the Roses passive skill.
    Edited by RPGplayer13579 on November 8, 2018 1:29AM
    My Characters.

    Mike Snow - Imperial - Templar - One-Handed and Shield - Tank - Daggerfall Covenant - Commander.
    Catelyn Rivers - Breton - Sorcerer - Destruction Staff - Daggerfall Covenant - Telvanni Magister.
    Ashara Sand - Redguard - Warden - Two-Handed/One-Handed and Shield - Daggerfall Covenant - Heroic.
    Tormund gro-Largash - Orsimer - Dragonknight - Two-Handed - Daggerfall Covenant - Furious.
    Lysa Rivers - Breton - Nightblade - Bow/One-Handed and Shield - Vampire - Daggerfall Covenant - Brassy Assassin.

    Jon Karstark - Nord - Dragonknight - Two-Handed - Ebonheart Pact - Drunk.
    Arya Sand - Dunmer - Dragonknight - Dual Wield - Ebonheart Pact - Assassin.
    Sansa Snow - Impeial - Warden - Destruction Staff/One-Handed and Shield - Ebonheart Pect - Swashbuckler.
    Jojen Reed-Walker - Argonian - Templar - Restoration Staff - Healer - Ebonheart Pact - Melancholy.
    Alys Karstark - Nord - Nightblade - Bow/Dual Wield - Ebonheart Pact - Minstrel.

    Nymeria Woods - Bosmer - Nightblade - Bow - Aldmeri Dominion - Thief.
    Brandon Wings - Altmer - Templar - Restoration Staff - Healer - Aldmeri Dominion - Scholar.
    Lyanna Flowers - Altmer - Sorcerer - Sword/Destruction Staff - Aldmeri Dominion - Duchess.
    Marvolo-jo Riddle - Khajiit - Necromancer - Destruction Staff - Aldmeri Dominion - Deadlands Firewalker.
    Obara Woods - Bosmer - Templar - Bow - Werewolf - Aldmeri Dominion - Cheerful.

  • lokulin
    A fun addition could be a buff to riding and walking/running speed when using formed roads and pathways. Could be a fun way to encourage players to use roads.
    I've hidden your signature.
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