Totally not going to happen, but...
Put everything on fixed daily / weekly timers (fixed time of day per server).
Add a fully functional search (including by keyword / text) / filter feature to guild stores.
Even better, make the market server wide and accessible from common points (e.g. banks / assistants).
Improve performance across the board (e.g. load screen times, FPS, lag, DC's, crashes, etc).
Improve inventory management - cull back number of items, better UI, better stacking, etc (more slots just treats symptoms) .
Add ability to save builds (morphs) and CP allocations - first additional slot (e.g. two saves) available in-game.
Separate DLC / harder / longer dungeons in group finder or re-tune all to equal time / challenge.
Account wide anything would be a plus - from horse training to research to achievements.
Solve balance issues brought by CP - world content is a joke with CP, lots of group content is out of reach for low CP.
Better combat / ability / class balance - too many different class builds all use the same abilities (stamina is the worst offender with almost all builds using 2W / Bow abilities mixed with a bunch of assault / fighters).
MaleAmazon wrote: »1. Optional difficulty increase for overland content.
2. New, more interesting sets and an overhaul of old ones.
3. More solo content.
Optional difficulty increase for overland content ... you do realise, it is an open world? The content wouldn't get easier, you'd just end up nerfed. You can easily nerf yourself at will.
Account wide mount training or accelerated (x3/x4) mount speed training if another character already reached max of this stat
Possibility of transfer a char to another alliance, once
Removal of the stuck-in-combat bug. Removal of exploits (and exploiters) in PvP
Much higher caps of bank space and housing slots
1. A decent trading system, open to all and equally effective across the platforms.
2. That's it. The rest of the game is fine by me.
Oh yeah. Allow us to craft the stuff that we have deconned. Broke down that Spelunker's greatsword more times than one can count, and in 2 years it's suddenly BiS for some reason and we shouldn't have to be forced to farm the dungeon dozens and dozens of times for it AGAIN just to test a build. Not everyone has access to the PTS. Because no one in their right mind would save every single drop they get, there's simply no space for that. Or, allow Grand Master Crafters that have all the achievements pertaining to a specific dungeon (speed/no death/HM/kill x goons inside) access a special crafting station in the dungeon to craft the sets that drop there (BoP of course).
I know the regular excuse is 'no one would run dungeons anymore.' But the truth is, if players are forced to run the same dungeon sometimes hundreds of times for a single item, they won't enjoy the game more. They'll just hate the place when they're finally done.