Playstation: NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must Be The Place...

  • MalagenR
    Just logged in to ESO and see AD retirees and housewives controlling the map again when EP and DC are at work and school. lmao

    Oh yours really hurts!
  • TequilaFire
    Just kidding anyway. :D
  • Hurtfan
    Just logged in to ESO and see AD retirees and housewives controlling the map again when EP and DC are at work and school. lmao

    Nothing like getting pwnd by Agnes the housewife and your grandfather Roy who yells at people to get off his lawn.
    For the Pact!
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  • MalagenR
    Hurtfan wrote: »
    Just logged in to ESO and see AD retirees and housewives controlling the map again when EP and DC are at work and school. lmao

    Nothing like getting pwnd by Agnes the housewife and your grandfather Roy who yells at people to get off his lawn.

    There is an old recording on Soundcloud of a guy threatening to crash a plane into my house... his name was Ronny...let me see if I can find it.

    lol....this guy was pissed about not getting credit... I had to shut his ass down quick.. I was no longer leading the server but I was pissed about him shitting on my mentee's with his ignorance, dude wouldn't even join league and wanted to complain about not getting recognition....god the types of people you gotta deal with sometimes when you lead factions is ridiculous

    At the time I had coached up a female named xBoom to lead - Iczel and a couple other people were helping her - and this guy was trashing them while I was listening in vent slowly making my exit from the game....the following ensued.

    lol... 26 minute mark he loses his cool completely
    Edited by MalagenR on October 31, 2018 8:42PM
  • Jake1576
    Just logged in to ESO and see AD retirees and housewives controlling the map again when EP and DC are at work and school. lmao

    You would probably be surprised if you knew the real truth a lot of ads population is women and people that are retired no joke either take it from someone that's played only on ad since the game came out on ps4 i use to run in haderus in the day and the majority of people who use to lead groups was women at least in my exprience they was i use to run in a group with someone named huskey she was a nice women now boulder dab squad is one of the major ad guilds in vivec and bombweed use to run the show but is in semi retirement lol now his girlfriend addie runs it mostly then there is wardevils another ad guild and the guild master night magic is a nice women that runs groups that is retired for the most part for a matter of fact i cant really think of any ad guilds as of right now that run zergs that a guy runs groups lol flyharrypotter is probably the only one i can think of that runs a group normally that is a guy usually the groups i get into that are ran by women on ad are laid back kind of groups thats usually the kind of groups i like running with and easy going people people that run groups for ad usually are nice folks for the most part can't really say ive ever been in an ad zerg where the the crown was an *** i went into ep zone chat one time before said hello had people threatening me for real and people using ip scanners to trace my ip i had several whispers with people trying to scare me with my ip and telling me where i lived in my exprience ep has a lot of toxic players and the majority are kids probably just my opinion
    Edited by Jake1576 on October 31, 2018 10:43PM
  • geonsocal
    back in the day when I did group, I used to really enjoy grouping with the AD players...

    lots and lots of "smoke/dab" breaks :)

    still taking advantage of the 2x XP to level my new characters in EU land...

    took a look at the vivec campaign score there and AD had 175 points for the scoring period...

    DC owned one keep and a couple of resources, I don't think EP had anything on the map...

    itching to get back out in vivec in NA world (at least there are other players there when I'm normally on)...haven't pvp'd for a while now...

    probably gonna stick with staying all blue for a while longer...

    I'm tired of plundering skulls :)
    Edited by geonsocal on October 31, 2018 10:52PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    MalagenR wrote: »
    At the time I had coached up a female named xBoom to lead - Iczel and a couple other people were helping her - and this guy was trashing them while I was listening in vent slowly making my exit from the game....the following ensued.

    holy cow - it's like a whole other game you're involved in...the social stuff is something i've never really got too deep in to...i imagine it can be both a lot more rewarding and also, a lot more annoying :smile:
    Edited by geonsocal on October 31, 2018 11:20PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • MalagenR
    geonsocal wrote: »
    MalagenR wrote: »
    At the time I had coached up a female named xBoom to lead - Iczel and a couple other people were helping her - and this guy was trashing them while I was listening in vent slowly making my exit from the game....the following ensued.

    holy cow - it's like a whole other game you're involved in...the social stuff is something i've never really got too deep in to...i imagine it can be both a lot more rewarding and also, a lot more annoying :smile:

    It depends. Aion was really a heavily focused PVP game. Much of the end game content was locked behind PVP accomplishments. The community was like most MMO communities you see today with an outnumbered faction, crying about being outnumbered, you can hear the man speak about it when the recording 1st starts when he refers to "Israphel" - calling is Israphail, because there the Elyos owned and dominated all content because Top Asmo guilds refused to cooperate with each other.

    The system designed on our server led to the creation of a command channel, for legion leads to voice their drama behind closed doors and to communicate in a way to circumvent spying (something I borrowed from EVE Online). Our loot distribution was always 100% fair. Something that most people are incapable of accomplishing because you spend so much time playing politics and communicating when in a leadership position that you can't always grind out the best gear if you're really a dedicated leader. This usually results in the guild leaders or raid leaders being greedy, but my approach was always to ramp up participation when content dropped and everyone needed to gear up so that midway through a patch cycle once things calmed down and we had thoroughly demoralized an opponent that out numbered us neither faction would be locked out of content and everyone could gear up.

    Surprising right? Why not just ram the dagger in all the way to heart when the other faction is demoralized right? Because it's a really ugly thing to do, it burns out your people, who are forced to be really organized against the zerg faction (1 hour pre forms, money on consumables, need to be logged into comms, have to listen to my annoying instructions).

    So, that's why I made the comments I made above. We've had 50 vs 200 fights, 200 vs 400 fights, and come out victorious just because of organization and choke point abuse with transforms (imagine if you had like 10 people with Emperor who had a mode that they could turn on for 15 minutes every 2 hours, that's what our Xforms were) ....

    The two hardest things for me to break for an entire faction of players was the following:

    1. Being outnumbered doesn't mean you can't win
    2. If you're scared to die and lose AP instead of focusing on winning the siege, you're going to lose
    3. If you're incapable of getting into vent so everyone can hear instructions over the mic you're not dedicated to winning, you won't be rewarded, and you won't be allowed to join us.

    We were outnumbered and we remained extremely selective, because unless you were willing to do the things listed above you were a liability instead of a boon. And those 3 same reasons above are why the faction with more numbers would have their morale obliterated when they would lose to us. They were all concerned with:

    1. Who was going to get the loot after they beat us
    2. They didn't want to die multiple times to us and lose their hard earned AP - so if they started with 400 after a couple of wipes they'd be down to 350, then 300, then 250.
    3. They were unwilling to communicate in an organized fashion so could never respond to our strategies fast enough

    So, I think my comments to Tequila and any faction that is ever out numbered in a faction based game still stands.
    Edited by MalagenR on November 1, 2018 2:15PM
  • Abysswarrior45
    EP is carried by Fatality, Lokirules. Just want to say that. We wipe hundreds while you guys seem to die to a single group at times. The only organized guild on EP is fatality. The only organized guilds of all 3 factions are Genocide Squad, Fatality, and Atrocity, and arguably Dookie Squad (but we run Dookie over like we do pugs).
  • MalagenR
    EP is carried by Fatality, Lokirules. Just want to say that. We wipe hundreds while you guys seem to die to a single group at times. The only organized guild on EP is fatality. The only organized guilds of all 3 factions are Genocide Squad, Fatality, and Atrocity, and arguably Dookie Squad (but we run Dookie over like we do pugs).

    I felt like this was the case, there are usually only a small number of guilds in any MMO that really have their *** together in PVP.

    Any of the guilds on AD that you fight organized Abyss?
  • Lokirules
    EP is carried by Fatality, Lokirules. Just want to say that. We wipe hundreds while you guys seem to die to a single group at times. The only organized guild on EP is fatality. The only organized guilds of all 3 factions are Genocide Squad, Fatality, and Atrocity, and arguably Dookie Squad (but we run Dookie over like we do pugs).

    Lol Fatality only Ap farms to get Gooch Emperor same with Genocide for Silly so yeah no you guys do wipe Zergs but you also have 15 bombers with 7 pocket healers so yeah I wish I was that op having to rely on that.
    Edited by Lokirules on November 1, 2018 9:17PM
    I’m a Farmer so what
  • Abysswarrior45
    Lokirules wrote: »
    EP is carried by Fatality, Lokirules. Just want to say that. We wipe hundreds while you guys seem to die to a single group at times. The only organized guild on EP is fatality. The only organized guilds of all 3 factions are Genocide Squad, Fatality, and Atrocity, and arguably Dookie Squad (but we run Dookie over like we do pugs).

    Lol Fatality only Ap farms to get Gooch Emperor same with Genocide for Silly so yeah no you guys do wipe Zergs but you also have 15 bombers with 7 pocket healers so yeah I wish I was that op having to rely on that.

    Our group composition is not even close to that. We don't exceed 12 people except on rare occasions when that many are on and we also only have 2 healers ever. Shows how much you know. Also there are only 2 bombers and the rest of our DDs are stam. Lol!
    Edited by Abysswarrior45 on November 1, 2018 9:27PM
  • Abysswarrior45
    MalagenR wrote: »
    EP is carried by Fatality, Lokirules. Just want to say that. We wipe hundreds while you guys seem to die to a single group at times. The only organized guild on EP is fatality. The only organized guilds of all 3 factions are Genocide Squad, Fatality, and Atrocity, and arguably Dookie Squad (but we run Dookie over like we do pugs).

    I felt like this was the case, there are usually only a small number of guilds in any MMO that really have their *** together in PVP.

    Any of the guilds on AD that you fight organized Abyss?

    No. Everyone can ult dump, but not everyone synchronizes gear and certain classes like you would in trials to achieve a certain group type to fight specific enemies. The guilds I mentioned do though and nobody in the guilds really fights one another except for fun. Although Dookie Squad gets run over constantly and they're borderline pugs. Genocide has a solid group but they know better than to try and attack Atrocity and Fatality who are the top 2 without competition.
    Edited by Abysswarrior45 on November 1, 2018 9:27PM
  • Lokirules
    Lokirules wrote: »
    EP is carried by Fatality, Lokirules. Just want to say that. We wipe hundreds while you guys seem to die to a single group at times. The only organized guild on EP is fatality. The only organized guilds of all 3 factions are Genocide Squad, Fatality, and Atrocity, and arguably Dookie Squad (but we run Dookie over like we do pugs).

    Lol Fatality only Ap farms to get Gooch Emperor same with Genocide for Silly so yeah no you guys do wipe Zergs but you also have 15 bombers with 7 pocket healers so yeah I wish I was that op having to rely on that.

    Our group composition is not even close to that. We don't exceed 12 people except on rare occasions when that many are on and we also only have 2 healers ever. Shows how much you know. Also there are only 2 bombers and the rest of our DDs are stam. Lol!

    Then go win Ebonheart the Campaign Abyss morning especially needs you guys I’m taking a small break from Eso to play RDR2 which is an awesome game.
    Edited by Lokirules on November 1, 2018 9:42PM
    I’m a Farmer so what
  • MalagenR
    MalagenR wrote: »
    EP is carried by Fatality, Lokirules. Just want to say that. We wipe hundreds while you guys seem to die to a single group at times. The only organized guild on EP is fatality. The only organized guilds of all 3 factions are Genocide Squad, Fatality, and Atrocity, and arguably Dookie Squad (but we run Dookie over like we do pugs).

    I felt like this was the case, there are usually only a small number of guilds in any MMO that really have their *** together in PVP.

    Any of the guilds on AD that you fight organized Abyss?

    No. Everyone can ult dump, but not everyone synchronizes gear and certain classes like you would in trials to achieve a certain group type to fight specific enemies. The guilds I mentioned do though and nobody in the guilds really fights one another except for fun. Although Dookie Squad gets run over constantly and they're borderline pugs. Genocide has a solid group but they know better than to try and attack Atrocity and Fatality who are the top 2 without competition.

    The two guilds you're referring to are both EP right?
  • Jake1576
    When pvp gets to the point that it seems more like work instead of fun i would be done with it
  • Abysswarrior45
    MalagenR wrote: »
    MalagenR wrote: »
    EP is carried by Fatality, Lokirules. Just want to say that. We wipe hundreds while you guys seem to die to a single group at times. The only organized guild on EP is fatality. The only organized guilds of all 3 factions are Genocide Squad, Fatality, and Atrocity, and arguably Dookie Squad (but we run Dookie over like we do pugs).

    I felt like this was the case, there are usually only a small number of guilds in any MMO that really have their *** together in PVP.

    Any of the guilds on AD that you fight organized Abyss?

    No. Everyone can ult dump, but not everyone synchronizes gear and certain classes like you would in trials to achieve a certain group type to fight specific enemies. The guilds I mentioned do though and nobody in the guilds really fights one another except for fun. Although Dookie Squad gets run over constantly and they're borderline pugs. Genocide has a solid group but they know better than to try and attack Atrocity and Fatality who are the top 2 without competition.

    The two guilds you're referring to are both EP right?

    No. Atrocity is DC and Fatality is Ep at least for the time being. Everyone switches around.
  • Jake1576
    atrocity that's the ones with members like stelo rusty nessquick miami that whole group of people are toxic af not a nice bone in their bodies and they try to be elitist and aren't js lol couple of them whispered me saying they hope i die in a burning building *** them js
    Edited by Jake1576 on November 1, 2018 9:49PM
  • Lokirules
    Jake1576 wrote: »
    atrocity that's the ones with members like stelo rusty nessquick miami that whole group of people are toxic af not a nice bone in their bodies and they try to be elitest and aren't js lol couple of them whispered me saying they hope i die in a burning building *** them js

    Let’s also not forget that Nessquick got Banned for being part of the *** rally in Craglorn if this is the sort of person people look up to as a “Good” player then there is something wrong here
    Edited by Lokirules on November 1, 2018 9:52PM
    I’m a Farmer so what
  • Lokirules
    In all honesty if Cryo looks the same as it does now next month I’m probably going to 76 I have heard it’s a big POS but something new
    I’m a Farmer so what
  • Abysswarrior45
    Lokirules wrote: »
    Jake1576 wrote: »
    atrocity that's the ones with members like stelo rusty nessquick miami that whole group of people are toxic af not a nice bone in their bodies and they try to be elitest and aren't js lol couple of them whispered me saying they hope i die in a burning building *** them js

    Let’s also not forget that Nessquick got Banned for being part of the *** rally in Craglorn if this is the sort of person people look up to as a “Good” player then there is something wrong here

    They are good players though... actually they're some of the best. They brought organized group play to console. Furthermore, a lot their history is misunderstood and twisted with gossip from haters. It's no wonder they hate the community, and tbh, I do too. That *** rally was actually a lot of randoms which made it look bad. Grand Council ofc took all the blame. If you get to know those players, they're quite reasonable and not toxic at all. ***, I was with Nes getting the maz skin some time back with Lacie and another friend and even though our tank and Nes didn't get along, everyone was chill. It was a fun little run. Same can be said for most good players on ESO. They hate snipers, they hate pugs, and they hate those outside of their circle because you guys are catered to by ZOS and look for any means to try and get good players banned or in some sort of trouble. You literally desync people's hp with snipe to kill them, Jake. Tell me why they shouldn't be even a little angry.
  • geonsocal
    @MalagenR ...dang, that was deep...

    that does not sound like some casual gaming at all :)

    it was a long time the time I was faction hopping so I had stopped grouping up...

    I ran in to 3 AD players in imperial city...we were fighting together against other faction players and i decided to accept their group invite...

    we ended up playing together for a few hours, first in IC, then cyrodiil...their speed and lethality was something I had never witnessed before...

    they were also really cool canadian folks (for somereason, most canadians usually seem to be pretty cool :))...

    it was my first, and really only, exposure to what I would call true competitive pvp...

    it was really enlightening...

    watching them play it was obvious they were simply on a different level...

    afterwards I joined their guild (they were returning to the game after some time off, so, there were only 5 people in their guild at the time)...but, I prefer to go at my own pace, and, never joined them again so they eventually kicked me...

    I enjoy a casual some, lose some...

    thankfully my gear and cp helps carry me a bunch when I pvp...

    after playing with those guys for just a few hours though I totally re-tooled a lot of my builds, and, began creeping closer to more meta builds...

    no doubt though a competitive coordinated group player beats a solo competitive player which usually beats the heck out of us casual types...
    Edited by geonsocal on November 1, 2018 10:52PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Lokirules
    Lokirules wrote: »
    Jake1576 wrote: »
    atrocity that's the ones with members like stelo rusty nessquick miami that whole group of people are toxic af not a nice bone in their bodies and they try to be elitest and aren't js lol couple of them whispered me saying they hope i die in a burning building *** them js

    Let’s also not forget that Nessquick got Banned for being part of the *** rally in Craglorn if this is the sort of person people look up to as a “Good” player then there is something wrong here

    They are good players though... actually they're some of the best. They brought organized group play to console. Furthermore, a lot their history is misunderstood and twisted with gossip from haters. It's no wonder they hate the community, and tbh, I do too. That *** rally was actually a lot of randoms which made it look bad. Grand Council ofc took all the blame. If you get to know those players, they're quite reasonable and not toxic at all. ***, I was with Nes getting the maz skin some time back with Lacie and another friend and even though our tank and Nes didn't get along, everyone was chill. It was a fun little run. Same can be said for most good players on ESO. They hate snipers, they hate pugs, and they hate those outside of their circle because you guys are catered to by ZOS and look for any means to try and get good players banned or in some sort of trouble. You literally desync people's hp with snipe to kill them, Jake. Tell me why they shouldn't be even a little angry.
    If Zos catered to me Snipe spammers and Scroll trolls would be perma Banned Pvp would go back to the massive battles of Imp City with little to no lag and this Entitled Crap a lot of the newer players have would be gone I earned my stuff in game through trial and error they can too by just trying. Also Players light attacking a wall with a bow would be black listed and earn nothing till they actually contribute to a group and Nesquick and his friends may be good players but they are pieces of crap.
    Edited by Lokirules on November 1, 2018 11:05PM
    I’m a Farmer so what
  • TequilaFire
    All the above mention guilds have killed and been killed at one time or another.
    The problem with them is there is no loyalty, they switch to the side their leaders want to 5 star a toon on.
    What I find amusing is Abyss running with a group you zergling! :D
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    They brought organized group play to console.

    Not exactly. A lot of these people watched YouTubers on PC or were trained by PC transfers. PC already had a bunch of tactics nailed down by the time the game came out for console a year later. They also have Add-ons that tell them pretty much everything about the map without even looking at it.
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on November 2, 2018 1:57PM
  • MalagenR
    hahahaha MMO's never change, and neither do their communities!
  • Abysswarrior45
    All the above mention guilds have killed and been killed at one time or another.
    The problem with them is there is no loyalty, they switch to the side their leaders want to 5 star a toon on.
    What I find amusing is Abyss running with a group you zergling! :D

    What I find amusing is you calling me a zergling when I could 1vX everyone in this thread. Furthermore, Fatality is ALWAYS outnumbered 10-1 and winning, so try harder. I run with Fatality because Gooch asked me to and I like to hang out with the people in the guild. Yeah, everyone eventually dies in Cyrodiil, but with the guilds mentioned, it's only AFTER tearing through 100 players. Loyalty to a faction in a game is silly, especially when they're truly all bad. The leaders of the guild don't switch factions to get another 5 star either, it's only if everyone seems to want to play another faction for whatever reason or someone needs help crowning their new character. Sorry to bust your bubble, but Gooch is not the self-centered prick you think he is. Shows how truly ignorant you are and how much information you get from zergling gossip.
    They brought organized group play to console.

    Not exactly. A lot of these people watched YouTubers on PC or were trained by PC transfers. PC already had a bunch of tactics nailed down by the time the game came out for console a year later. They also have Add-ons that tell them pretty much everything about the map without even looking at it.

    Baconator was the PC transfer and the leader of that whole guild originally called "The Flawless Conquerors" I think. I understand PC was already trucking along by the time console version released, but what I'm saying is nobody was doing the organized group play like they were with the same success they had until long after ON CONSOLE. They probably didn't watch any videos either, but having come from other MMOs, they likely already knew how to funnel and nuke mindless players. They got better at it too with time. They did indeed introduce it to console or else you'd have seen PC transfers doing it first and you didn't. PC transfers were too busy 1vXing all of us with maxed out characters and BIS gear to even bother with group play. We were all noobs struggling to understand how important crafted sets were and how upgrading helped a lot.
    Edited by Abysswarrior45 on November 2, 2018 10:21PM
  • Lokirules
    All the above mention guilds have killed and been killed at one time or another.
    The problem with them is there is no loyalty, they switch to the side their leaders want to 5 star a toon on.
    What I find amusing is Abyss running with a group you zergling! :D

    What I find amusing is you calling me a zergling when I could 1vX everyone in this thread. Furthermore, Fatality is ALWAYS outnumbered 10-1 and winning, so try harder. I run with Fatality because Gooch asked me to and I like to hang out with the people in the guild. Yeah, everyone eventually dies in Cyrodiil, but with the guilds mentioned, it's only AFTER tearing through 100 players. Loyalty to a faction in a game is silly, especially when they're truly all bad. The leaders of the guild don't switch factions to get another 5 star either, it's only if everyone seems to want to play another faction for whatever reason or someone needs help crowning their new character. Sorry to bust your bubble, but Gooch is not the self-centered prick you think he is. Shows how truly ignorant you are and how much information you get from zergling gossip.
    They brought organized group play to console.

    Not exactly. A lot of these people watched YouTubers on PC or were trained by PC transfers. PC already had a bunch of tactics nailed down by the time the game came out for console a year later. They also have Add-ons that tell them pretty much everything about the map without even looking at it.

    Baconator was the PC transfer and the leader of that whole guild originally called "The Flawless Conquerors" I think. I understand PC was already trucking along by the time console version released, but what I'm saying is nobody was doing the organized group play like they were with the same success they had until long after ON CONSOLE. They probably didn't watch any videos either, but having come from other MMOs, they likely already knew how to funnel and nuke mindless players. They got better at it too with time. They did indeed introduce it to console or else you'd have seen PC transfers doing it first and you didn't. PC transfers were too busy 1vXing all of us with maxed out characters and BIS gear to even bother with group play. We were all noobs struggling to understand how important crafted sets were and how upgrading helped a lot.

    Then enjoy Cryo as you and your friends want it with team swapping No real objective other than farming Ap while always being outnumbered till Vivec becomes a farm server Fallout here I come!
    Edited by Lokirules on November 2, 2018 10:28PM
    I’m a Farmer so what
  • kylewwefan
    When I could get into groups...well it never appeared as though anyone gave a crap about the campaign. It was always about making that sweet AP.

    No one was ever gonna stuck around and defend something.

    It’s always run off to the next keep we can roll over. Sure, there were some other things from time to time. But making that almighty AP was the driving force.

    I tried small man stuff for a minute...I am no where near focused enough for that.

    Herd with the Zerg suits me well. Does Daggerfall have a cat herder anymore? I can’t find a Zerg to get into.

    I’m beat man. I’ll just do Battlegrounds for now on.

  • geonsocal
    What I find amusing is you calling me a zergling when I could 1vX everyone in this thread.

    seriously, i didn't farm, craft and dye all that gear for nothing...if you and your crew see me out there - come get some...

    oh heck, whom am i kidding...i got the kids this the time i get on i'll be lucky if it's only about one in the then my main challenge will be just keeping my eyes open and staying awake...
    Edited by geonsocal on November 3, 2018 2:35AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
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