I meant broken as for not working as intended by the developers.
It can be called OP, over powered too.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »
I know right?
Is it a geography thing?
If you're on the continent of Europe you don't use defile in CP PvP by default??
bloodthirstyvampire wrote: »Why are you even trying to kill the tank, he can't kill you, so just leave em and move on.
There is a set that reduces incoming damage by 15% while you are casting or channelling - Light of Cyrodiil.
Add here Psijic passive, that reduces inc. damage by 30% while casting or channeling Psijic skills
So this is a rough 45% incoming damage reduction while meditating, not even counting armor, resists or other damage reduction passives (like Nord's 6% racial or Psijic ult 8% while slotted)
From other side, WHAT this troll-tank can do against you? Just ignore him
SilverPaws wrote: »There is no near immortal tanks, only bad players.
Waffennacht wrote: »
Actually_Goku wrote: »Tanks and healers have ruined the PVP experience for a long time now. Nothing new. Play BG’s.
Well, it's still a lot
Other option for unkillable tank is Health regen, I mean huge health regen, paired with huge mitigation
Orgnum's Scales + Armor Master (or Beekeeper's Gear or Green Pact or Warrior-Poet or Mark of the Pariah) + Troll King
Never tried this, but always want to
This is what he means, he's even in the chat in that Video.
There is absolutely no exploit in that clip.
Just maybe 10 players that spam light attack or heavy lightning attacks or do some other absolutely useless things.
I guess people just don't know @Fasold666 anymore and feel any tank is now absolutely overperfoming because they can't kill it, well guess what that's what a tank is intended to do, staying alive even vs a huge number of opponents.
Sadly this crying from players that don't understand that there is nothing unbalanced about builds that can stay alive vs their "oh so God like Nightblade skills" gave us some stupid, unneeded nerfs, but yeah keep on complaining about exploits or cheat engine when in fact you get so heavily outplayed that you should never talk about it.
Zorgon_The_Revenged wrote: »
Nothing visible in the clip, but viewed from the players point of view we can see that they are clearly "botting".
The biggest giveaway is the amount and frequency of the jumping, caused by the chin striking the space bar.