I guess it's time to go play goat simulator.
I swear, some people just don't understand how time zones work. and those of you that are complaining of only a 5 minute warning, we didn't get one at all the other day. they're improving communication, and it isn't even the official launch yet. And yeah you're losing your precious head start time, so am i, so is everyone else. you got just as much of a head start as everyone else so far, so honestly, you arent losing anything. I'm getting ill from lack of sleep, later guys.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »The server should have been up until 2. Did it come down already?
I would but LoL is getting old and their EUW servers are terriblejmw1084ub17_ESO wrote: »Go play a different game for a couple hours.
If I did that it would be 00:00 not exactly the optimal time to be waking up when I have work tomorrow morning 09:00jmw1084ub17_ESO wrote: »Go take a nap and get up in 4 hours
I would but its cold and dark outsidejmw1084ub17_ESO wrote: »Go outside and smell the fresh air.
jmw1084ub17_ESO wrote: »Go get laid.
It came down at about 2pm EDT, but why was that not announced to the early access purchasers so we would know that we weren't really getting our 3-day or 5-day access?
nerevarine1138 wrote: »
This was posted well before the server came down: http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/discussion/66587/eso-maintenance-4-3#latest
And you still had your 3/5 day early access. There was never a guarantee (nor did any sane person expect) that it would come without some downtime.
nerevarine1138 wrote: »There was never a guarantee (nor did any sane person expect) that it would come without some downtime.
I'm sure that if you call them, and given them the same rant you just posted on the forums while asking for a refund.. they'd be very likely to give you one. There's never a sign up option for a refund, but if you actually want one there is always the option to ask. Not trying to be snarky at all.. more just saying if you're really -that- unhappy with downtime during early access and launch, and it's destroying your experience to the point of wanting a refund, you should ask for one.
nerevarine1138 wrote: »
This was posted well before the server came down: http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/discussion/66587/eso-maintenance-4-3#latest
And you still had your 3/5 day early access. There was never a guarantee (nor did any sane person expect) that it would come without some downtime.
I have done so. I am waiting for a call back from customer support as there is no line to call in and one must wait for the call back.