Maintenance for the week of March 31:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 31, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – April 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – April 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • Teroh
    really enjoyed my 3 1/2 day early access. And if this was planned why not announce it earlier than 30 mins before servers go down? my guess your trying to cover for breaking things during the last 15 hour downtime.
    The Fallen Legion is Recruiting, Help us Retake Cryodiil! Message me for more information.
  • juic3
    This downtime thread sucks so much more than the last one.
  • Vodka
    Putok wrote: »
    I guess it's time to go play goat simulator.


    Laughed 1st time i saw this
    | Calling all Aldmeri Dominion | Agents of the Dominion | Recruiting All AD |
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  • Vodka
    who doesn't love goat simulator right :P
    | Calling all Aldmeri Dominion | Agents of the Dominion | Recruiting All AD |
    | Add @Morckie in Game | Discord: |
  • allie280
    I'm so sad I wrote a bard song.
  • Vodka
    This Greybeard is made that ESO is down
    | Calling all Aldmeri Dominion | Agents of the Dominion | Recruiting All AD |
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  • Leeta
    juic3 wrote: »
    I swear, some people just don't understand how time zones work. and those of you that are complaining of only a 5 minute warning, we didn't get one at all the other day. they're improving communication, and it isn't even the official launch yet. And yeah you're losing your precious head start time, so am i, so is everyone else. you got just as much of a head start as everyone else so far, so honestly, you arent losing anything. I'm getting ill from lack of sleep, later guys.

    Yesterday wasn't planned, this one was... Which means a headstart warning would've been fair here and on fb and whatever forums they use
  • jmw1084ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I can understand people being in a flame over the fact no server restart timer was given like most mmo's do.

    Or the fact that zenimax's pre-order page failed to mention that specific items were one time only.

    Or the fact that in today's society we think we are entitled to everything even though we are not.

    But to get pissy over the fact that to release to the public they needed to do work and they postponed it till last minute is just silly

    Go play a different game for a couple hours.

    Go take a nap and get up in 4 hours

    Go outside and smell the fresh air.

    Go get laid.

    Go do something other than whine about something you can not change. Or go whine about the items that are one time only usuage
  • MaxBat
    Vodka wrote: »


    Laughed 1st time i saw this

    Best. Post. Ever. God, that was funny.

    "Funny that magic doesn't work when a mace caves in your skull."

    Playing on a PC, NA Server, since that very first day ...
  • Woenprom
    Thanks to all those downtimes, we already had nice&smooth start. No lags, no zoning delays.

    Better do it like this, than like Diablo 3 or Simcity did.
    " Multiplayer? M'aiq does not know this word. You wish others to help you in your quest? Coward! "
  • Grageeky
    The server should have been up until 2. Did it come down already?

    It came down at about 2pm EDT, but why was that not announced to the early access purchasers so we would know that we weren't really getting our 3-day or 5-day access?
    "Perhaps his egg spent too much time in the shade before his hatching." -Wareem-
  • Allumis
    Unhappy that as European players we get the short straw (like usual!) and have to take the downtime during our prime play time.

    A notice stating this was expected would have been nice in advance too, I wouldn't have changed shifts at work in order to be able to play this evening as that's simply not going to happen now! (Unless I fancy staying up till midnight)

    I hope this is a learning curve for ZoS they could have taken the servers down 4 hours earlier and they then would have pleased EU, USA and AU in one fell swoop.
    Go play a different game for a couple hours.
    I would but LoL is getting old and their EUW servers are terrible
    Go take a nap and get up in 4 hours
    If I did that it would be 00:00 not exactly the optimal time to be waking up when I have work tomorrow morning 09:00
    Go outside and smell the fresh air.
    I would but its cold and dark outside :( (Only 6 degrees outside!!)
    Go get laid.
    Edited by Allumis on April 3, 2014 6:46PM
  • Teroh
    5 day users got about 3 1/2 days and 3 day users 1 - 1 1/2...
    The Fallen Legion is Recruiting, Help us Retake Cryodiil! Message me for more information.
  • nerevarine1138
    Grageeky wrote: »

    It came down at about 2pm EDT, but why was that not announced to the early access purchasers so we would know that we weren't really getting our 3-day or 5-day access?

    This was posted well before the server came down:

    And you still had your 3/5 day early access. There was never a guarantee (nor did any sane person expect) that it would come without some downtime.
  • dale0404
    Off to play some Arma 3 then, no biggie.
  • Texwa
    I understand the downtime for updates. Nobody likes downtime whether it's announced weeks ahead of time or just happens. But obviously we love it when it's working.
  • Vodka
    MaxBat wrote: »

    Best. Post. Ever. God, that was funny.

    ty ;)
    | Calling all Aldmeri Dominion | Agents of the Dominion | Recruiting All AD |
    | Add @Morckie in Game | Discord: |
  • Leeta

    This was posted well before the server came down:

    And you still had your 3/5 day early access. There was never a guarantee (nor did any sane person expect) that it would come without some downtime.

    It was posted 40 minutes prior to downtime. Thats not ''well before''. Specially since that means 8pm my time and it will probably not be up before midnight and i have to work early. If id known this earlier today i wouldve made other plans but never thought they'd take it down for +3 hours on primetime for euros. Pretty stupid..
    Edited by Leeta on April 3, 2014 6:50PM
  • Allumis
    There was never a guarantee (nor did any sane person expect) that it would come without some downtime.

    Its actually in the T&C's we all sign the first time we log into the game. It states that from time to time they may require temporary interruption to the service in order to perform maintenance or due to unforeseen circumstances (blackouts, act of god, terrorism etc :P )
  • Vodka
    is it possible this is the release date maintenance?

    5 day early access started march 30th when it was suppose to be march 31st
    so can April 3rd be the release for April 4th?
    | Calling all Aldmeri Dominion | Agents of the Dominion | Recruiting All AD |
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  • Adaarye
    Lalai wrote: »

    I'm sure that if you call them, and given them the same rant you just posted on the forums while asking for a refund.. they'd be very likely to give you one. There's never a sign up option for a refund, but if you actually want one there is always the option to ask. Not trying to be snarky at all.. more just saying if you're really -that- unhappy with downtime during early access and launch, and it's destroying your experience to the point of wanting a refund, you should ask for one.

    I have done so. I am waiting for a call back from customer support as there is no line to call in and one must wait for the call back.
  • Myrddinman
    I really don't care that there's downtime (disappointed, yes), but one would think that something like taking the game servers down to prepare for a launch that has been planned for months, should have warranted an announcement at least 24 hours in advance.

    Like many, I planned my day so that I would have a solid 3 hours of play time before my wife and daughter came home. Had I known about the downtime, I would have saved all my chores to complete during the outage. Again, not a huge deal, but just an example of how lackluster communication affects players.

    See you all in Tamriel soon!
    Edited by Myrddinman on April 3, 2014 6:54PM
  • Grageeky

    This was posted well before the server came down:

    And you still had your 3/5 day early access. There was never a guarantee (nor did any sane person expect) that it would come without some downtime.

    Wrong! I PAID for early access with the pre-order, hence the 35 days of ONLINE time with an ONLINE company and announcing on the same day of taking the server down, does not constitute advance warning to the customer who purchased the early access over a month ago, AS ADVERTISED.
    "Perhaps his egg spent too much time in the shade before his hatching." -Wareem-
  • MaxBat
    The only thing I'm really upset about?

    Once again, I forgot to start a research project. Eggghh. When will I learn???

    (Get it, get it? ...)
    "Funny that magic doesn't work when a mace caves in your skull."

    Playing on a PC, NA Server, since that very first day ...
  • Vodka
    lol ^
    | Calling all Aldmeri Dominion | Agents of the Dominion | Recruiting All AD |
    | Add @Morckie in Game | Discord: |
  • Elvent
    I blame the small and few beta tests. I knew this downtime was going to happen as well as no open beta, how could they be prepared? So I guess that explains the servers being taken down with short notice.
  • Scrambled_Brain
    early access has been a bit frustrating for me as every time I have time to play the servers are either down or coming down. They've been down for whatever in the last four days 4 out of the 4 times I had time to play. I haven't even made it to level 5 yet... Call that crying if you want to - some of us don't have all day to sit around playing. I'd say except for a few hard learning lessons what with them switching things up from beta, early access has been largely a waste of time and money. That being said, I don't really mind either one. I'm simply stating a fact. I'd like to see a policy on when downtime is going to actually be and how long it will take so it can be planned for well in advance.
  • jerry247
    Soul Shriven
    Pretty bummed, as everyone else, as this chunk was most of my play time. I do wish they brought down the servers separate as I do have an EU character for such an occasion.

    In this day and age though I have to disagree that you need 4 hours to prepare for launch. I mean I can understand bug fixes (although I thought that's why I reported bugs in beta), but when MoP went live there was no downtime, just an announcement in chat and boom, content unlocked. Do they have to add each cd-key into the system? I just don't understand what they need to get ready that they didn't need to do for early access. If they are waiting until now to put code on or add to the servers isn't our early access a jip?

    Again, just frustrated at this pre-launch as I feel it could have been handled better, here's hoping The Lady stone works in live...

    Time to start that crusader.
    Edited by jerry247 on April 3, 2014 7:06PM
  • MaverickSY19
    This should be the new server message, "I used to be a stable server like you, but then I took an arrow in the knee!"
  • Lalai
    Adaarye wrote: »
    I have done so. I am waiting for a call back from customer support as there is no line to call in and one must wait for the call back.

    That's all that you can really do then. I hope they're able to help you. So far they've been great when I talked to them. Do try to be nice to the person on the other end of the line.. they're likely a low paid worker who had nothing to do with anything going on in game :)
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
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