Would you kill a AFK person?

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Simple question, but in PVP, I will list in what situation, would you kill an AFK person? (Away from Keyboard.)
Hoping for more playable races

Would you kill a AFK person? 465 votes

Yes, no matter the PVP mode
akredon_ESOSorianarfennell_ESOSolarikenGilvothvailjohn_ESOItsMeTooClansman2013Caligamy_ESOalenae1b14_ESOashenehb14_ESOBelegnoleBigBraggDaveMoeDeeotis67kendellking_chaosb14_ESOLightspeedflashb14_ESOrileynotzb14_ESOPlagueSDWhiteCoatSyndrome 336 votes
Only in Battleground
WuffyCeruleiDanikatAdernathRagnaroek93IrfindLadislao 6 votes
Only in Cyrodill
hydrocynusTheUndeadAmulet 2 votes
Only in Imperial City
tyr509 1 vote
Only if I didn't realize it until it was too late
kari-pekka.hamalaineneb17_ESOstojekarcub18_ESOfalcasternub18_ESOPocketNovaleeuxHidesFromSunAmourLylithphermitgbdarkstar2084RuinhornGarishNolaArchStovahkiinTazESOSkillzMFGCillion3117ArvenAldmeriVevvevYinmaigao 47 votes
DarcyMardinAimoravometiaKaaldeinbellatrixedStreegaDanteYodaathekaRobo_HoboroflcopterHvzedaDieAlteHexeViolynneVercingetorixBomblePantsNyladreasTarrocanWhiteNoiseMakercyberjanetLadyHeloise 42 votes
Other (please specifiy)
Cpt_TeemoSkuaRedTalonIruil_ESOalainjbrennanb16_ESOjbjondeaueb17_ESOShareerunagatekamimarkrootimusMerlin13KAGLkargen27WreuntzyllaStrider__RoshinAliyavanaSmitch_59Serjustin19Dracan_FontomWeylandLabsPanzyfaust 31 votes
  • Cpt_Teemo
    Other (please specifiy)
    Only if they use Sloads !
  • WuffyCerulei
    Only in Battleground
    Only cuz that's not really good place to be afk. Then again, I never see people afk in BGs.
    Sorcerer's pretty much been the same for years. Nerf Rush of Agony and Saints&Seducer's
  • coop500
    Only cuz that's not really good place to be afk. Then again, I never see people afk in BGs.

    I will agree with you there, it is crazy to go AFK there.
    I never seen a AFK person in Battlegrounds but occasionally I was the unlucky AFK person, family is a joy lol.
    Hoping for more playable races
  • Gilvoth
    Yes, no matter the PVP mode
  • Gilvoth
    Yes, no matter the PVP mode

    and by the way:
    when he returns from AFK he probly be the one trying to help kill you, so you did yourself a favor by takin him out to start with!
  • coop500

    and by the way:
    when he returns from AFK he probly be the one trying to help kill you, so you did yourself a favor by takin him out to start with!

    TBH that logic is a little flawed in the sense if you didn't kill the AFK person he may have never known you were there.
    Hoping for more playable races
  • srfrogg23
    Yes, no matter the PVP mode
    I don’t pvp, but that’s just easy money right there.
  • Skoomah
    Yes, no matter the PVP mode
    Of course. I need the AP!
  • coop500
    srfrogg23 wrote: »
    I don’t pvp, but that’s just easy money right there.

    That's the real reason XD at least someone is honest~
    Hoping for more playable races
  • PlagueSD
    Yes, no matter the PVP mode
    Funny Story...

    When playing WoW (on a PvP server), friend and I were questing and had to go in a cave. We saw a hunter AFK (feigned). We killed him on the way in. When we completed our quest and was heading out, we saw the SAME hunter in the SAME spot, so we killed him AGAIN.

    You want to go AFK on a PvP server, you better be in a safe location like in a city. You go AFK in the wilderness, you're fair game.
  • Gilvoth
    Yes, no matter the PVP mode
    coop500 wrote: »

    TBH that logic is a little flawed in the sense if you didn't kill the AFK person he may have never known you were there.

    he is ded, he cant kill me no more.

    Edited by Gilvoth on June 29, 2018 11:29PM
  • AhPook_Is_Here
    Yes, no matter the PVP mode
    I just collect points, i don't kill people. dont' believe the illusion.

    -Unknown American
  • coop500

    he is ded, he cant kill me no more.

    Ahh~ So people can't... re spawn in this game of yours? I'm glad I'm not playing that game.
    Hoping for more playable races
  • JamieAubrey
    Yes, no matter the PVP mode
    Hell YES, its a PvP Zone, even AFK players are not safe, even if I happened to find them when they are in Sneak, I will kill
  • Katahdin
    Yes, no matter the PVP mode

    and by the way:
    when he returns from AFK he probly be the one trying to help kill you, so you did yourself a favor by takin him out to start with!

    Beta tester November 2013
  • smtdbplus
    Yes, no matter the PVP mode
    Some people pretend to be afk
  • Nightfall12
    Other (please specifiy)
    You know maybe its just me, but In pVp land do ever really know if they are AFK? I mean they could be baiting you to attack...So if i stumble on some one when I'm alone I am very cautious lest it be a trap..or like I often stumble upon people in stealth mode, now i don't know if they are AFK, i'm usuaully in stealth mode too! But if it looks like a ganker and I got back up nearby I'm hitting them before they hit me. SO chances are I have killed some afk people, honestly don't know, I can say i have never had a fight where the person didn't fight back, or die near instantly from the other folks that saw them when revealed.
    Ummm stuff… about stuff…or something.
  • Nairi5
    Yes, no matter the PVP mode
    I kill everything that has red bar on it
  • Malamar1229
    Would you pick up a box of AP if you saw it laying on the ground?
  • SpiderKnight
    Yes, no matter the PVP mode
    One of the first times I went into mount riding simulator, I made it all the way to a keep and found a little red icon crouched down in some shrubbery. I thought, hey an easy kill...then I heard Admiral Ackbar call out too late as I saw my death quickly unfold.
  • Vanthras79
    Other (please specifiy)
    Only if High Elf.
    Norion Germain - Telvanni Wizard, Covenant Battle Mage, Mage's Guild Magister, Resident of Daggerfall Overlook, Lord of Tel Galen, Psijic Monk, Antiquarian, Breton Scholar, and Traveler.

  • JamieAubrey
    Yes, no matter the PVP mode
    Vanthras79 wrote: »
    Only if High Elf.

    I'm offended
  • Gilvoth
    Yes, no matter the PVP mode

    I'm offended

    they are pathetic mortals, what did you expect?

    Edited by Gilvoth on June 29, 2018 11:41PM
  • Chrysa1is
    Yes, no matter the PVP mode
    Wouldn't say no to stray prey.
  • Ragebull
    Yes, no matter the PVP mode
    I use dawnbreaker on them
  • JumpmanLane
    Yes, no matter the PVP mode
    Best to just hide in stealth in some rocks or something. I have a pal who never steaths up EVER and always goes afk not in stealth then gets pissy if we didn’t kill 20 zergs to keep her alive after her 30 min afk sessions. Actually SCREECHS in discord. We’re like “STEALTH! GIRL!”
    Edited by JumpmanLane on June 29, 2018 11:49PM
    Blood for the Blood God
    Once I was a lamb, playing in a green field. Then the wolves came. Now I am an eagle and I fly in a different universe.

    Been taking heads since TeS 3 Morrowind..

    Been enjoying PvP tears since 2014

    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight EP [PC-EU] = Illuvutar = Ex The Wabbajack = (Stam DK)
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    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight DC [PC-EU] = Tenakha Khan = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Templar DC [PC-EU]] = Blades The Disgruntled = (Stamplar)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Ghost Blades = (Assassin)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Malekith The Shadow = (Mag NB)
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    Guild Master of The Bringers Of The Storm.

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    Anook Page anook.com/shadow2kk

    Been playing since Beta and Early Access

  • srfrogg23
    Yes, no matter the PVP mode
    coop500 wrote: »

    That's the real reason XD at least someone is honest~

    I’m horrible at pvp, it’s pretty much the only way I can win lol.
  • Enslaved
    Other (please specifiy)
    Depends. If that person is acting honorable in PvP I would not. Also, if that person I do not know or it is low lvl/low cp, I will not.
    But if that person is some toxic t bagging 1337, I will kill it on sight.
  • Runs
    Yes, no matter the PVP mode
    In a New York minute.
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    Taste-of-Hist-Sap| Argonian NightbladeWar'den Peace| Khajiit WardenLittle Warden Annie Altmer Warden
    Ports with Blood| Breton TemplarDirty-Old-Man| Dunmer DragonKnightEyes-of-the-Sun| Argonian DragonKnight
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    PC NA CP 1250+ and still a noob
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