Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• [IN PROGRESS] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
· Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

Console needs to be taken down asap (freezes + Updated with message from Zos)

  • dotme
    Yes, we've passed along as much to the team, and appreciate you letting us know. @Sandman929 I see you're on Xbox One NA. @Jaavaa which console platform and server are you on?
    Thank you for responding. I don't envy your job on days like this.

    I think what has many of us scratching our heads is why the team isn't already fully involved. Are none of them furnished with a PS4 or XBox? If they are, do none of them set foot in Vivec? This is the second show-stopping Cyrodiil issue in under a year (meaning players have to force-close their application and restart the whole game when it happens).

    All the team has to do is launch ESO on console tonight, jump into Vivec, and go find a fight. See how long it lasts before the screen freezes and the only way out is a reboot.

    It's been this way for 2 weeks already, and a lot of people were really hoping it would be fixed with today's patch. I can understand the frustration because if it wasn't fixed today, how many more weeks do we all have to wait now?
    dotme wrote: »
    Yes, we've passed along as much to the team, and appreciate you letting us know. @Sandman929 I see you're on Xbox One NA. @Jaavaa which console platform and server are you on?
    Thank you for responding. I don't envy your job on days like this.

    I think what has many of us scratching our heads is why the team isn't already fully involved. Are none of them furnished with a PS4 or XBox? If they are, do none of them set foot in Vivec? This is the second show-stopping Cyrodiil issue in under a year (meaning players have to force-close their application and restart the whole game when it happens).

    All the team has to do is launch ESO on console tonight, jump into Vivec, and go find a fight. See how long it lasts before the screen freezes and the only way out is a reboot.

    It's been this way for 2 weeks already, and a lot of people were really hoping it would be fixed with today's patch. I can understand the frustration because if it wasn't fixed today, how many more weeks do we all have to wait now?

    Well Zenimax has learned of this perfect guise where they tell their community that “Microsoft’s quality control” doesn’t allow them to process patches / updates in under a 2 week process. Don’t mind the tons of other games that roll out updates, ESO is “different”. Don’t worry, next incremental update expansion pack it will be fixed!! Also, new crown crates!!! Look over there!!
  • illusiouk
    The more players that log on, the more the game is becoming unplayable again with the game freezing/crashing.
  • exeeter702

    They don't do those jobs as a favor to us. When they do it poorly, they aren't a protected class.

    Hold the *** up, get it straight, its not a charity obviously. Giving *** (ie placing blame or treating poorly) to the messenger solves nothing, and there are plenty of issues internally beyond the control of coders and enginners that cause instability issues. That needs to be understood first and foremost. All these armchair internet heroes getting smart with CMs and whatnot is who im reffering to.

    No one is excusing the current peformance of the game.

    [Edited for removed content]
    Edited by ZOS_Mika on June 21, 2018 5:20PM
  • Sandman929
    valeriiya wrote: »

    I tend to think Gina hates this as much as we do. I'm sure she'd love a day where everything was "working as intended" :(

    I'm sure she does, and I also think every mod here knows that most of the time we're talking about issues, we're talking through them to the people who can do something. Except for when we're talking about the radio silence, then we're talking to them. Communicate better. Even if it's just to say "we'll ask and get back to you". Saying nothing says a lot, and it's the wrong thing to say.
    Edited by Sandman929 on June 20, 2018 9:47PM
  • Sandman929
    Nobody wants me, the already P.O.'d customer filling in their blanks...don't leave blanks, especially not for weeks on end.
  • method__01
    game froze 5 times during last hour in Cyro,invisible opponents when inside enemy keeps etc

    but why zos care?they took our money again from new "chapter" selling crates and motif pages

    PC EU/NA /// PS4 EU/NA

  • OneKhajiitCrimeWave
    Soooooo..... we have maintenance.... and i am told there is lots of fixing for the freezing issues. I jumped for joy on my way home and as i downloaded the patch.

    Got in to Cyrodiil and the FIRST Gods damned fight..... my group of 3 ALL FREEZE and dashboard. It's a fluke we said.... they put fixes in they said..... 3 further times and now we're on our way to BG's.

    Can we have CLEAR communication as to why such freezes are happening STILL? If this is because of the "Cyrodiil Improvements" added when Summerset dropped then by the gods REVERT THEM. Cyrodiil before was laggy and somewhat bad but at least 50% of the server wasn't dashboarding at EVERY keep fight.
    Dark Flare is the Beginning, Radiant is the End. Hail the Light Bringers!
  • Jake1576
  • method__01
    forgot that when game freezes and you restart, you end up dead,your siege weapons gone and you dont get the AP for quest you got.tried 4 times capture Roebeck tnite and frozed either outside or inside
    Edited by method__01 on June 20, 2018 10:08PM
    PC EU/NA /// PS4 EU/NA

    Completely unrelated but I got home from work and think, hey, let’s try cyrodill out. I go to engage in my first fight, a usual friendly blue friend that I’ve had respect for in our years of battle that I don’t engage in during 1vXing. However, this day, he’s on a red sorc (blue 5*) so you bet your ass I’m opening up on him. Running my usual shackle necro skoria, drop my shadow image, heavy attack, force pulse, couple more weaves. He realizes quickly what’s happening, streaks toward me, I go to shadow image away..IM IN THE UNDERWORLD OF CYRODILL AND CANT MOVE. At this point I just can’t make this *** up anymore....cmonnnnn ZOS quit dropping your broken game ulti on me.

    Edit : it was pizzawolf for any of you Xbox NA players :)
    Edited by HEBREWHAMMERRR on June 20, 2018 10:48PM
  • RedGirl41
    so no fix again..... would be pretty helpful if maybe the people working on this game would buy a ps4, xbox, pc whatever and log in and play on a live server. go into pvp and experience the aids, unbalance, lag and freezes. wish they would open up their eyes and see pvp is a big part of their game and keeps a huge community. if it stays broken they will just keep losing people to other games. it cant take 3 weeks since ps4 launch of summerset to fix this problem...
  • DenMoria
    But wouldn't that mean addressing the same issues that we've been having w/PvP content over the last few years?
    RedGirl41 wrote: »
    so no fix again..... would be pretty helpful if maybe the people working on this game would buy a ps4, xbox, pc whatever and log in and play on a live server. go into pvp and experience the aids, unbalance, lag and freezes. wish they would open up their eyes and see pvp is a big part of their game and keeps a huge community. if it stays broken they will just keep losing people to other games. it cant take 3 weeks since ps4 launch of summerset to fix this problem...

    Many new Threads on front page now, keep it up maybe they’ll do SOMETHING.
  • dmar613
    cesspool in the making
    4th Grand Overlord For DC Xbox One. 123,486 pvp kills Crip from the Sexy Time Slayers aka Leaps of Dreamz
  • xirub17_ESO
    Maybe if they remove the server side "passive calculations", maybe it will lag less? Just a thought.
  • xirub17_ESO
    Here is a better idea, allow console players to transfer to PC for free. Free PC, free game, no lag... lmao
  • gp1680
    So my experience this far this evening on Xbox na - the freezes and stutters have abated, but I’m back to the frequent buzz/lockup/crashes anywhere near a battle. With ZOS you can always expect them to let you down, regardless of the crap the reps spout in the forums. The lead developer needs to quit and let someone who cares about the game take over.
  • NinchiTV
    Xbox NA still broken, not even surprised.
  • davidj8291
    Yep. Cancelled my Plus today. Wish we could get a couple hundred thousand Plus subscribers to cancel for two months or so to deprive them of at least 1 whole month of subscribers. Maybe ZOS’s suits would pay attention to us then.
  • JohnDoggett
    THIS IS GETTING SERIOUS, I am P***ed to say the least.
    Installed summerset patch 1.36 PS4 EU, read Gina's notes on Cyrodiil, couldn't see one bl**dy piece of text that had anything to do with the permanent freeze lock ups and multiple long temporary freezes that so many of us were getting.
    I tell you what if I had Gina's job working at Zenimax the dev team would be pretty depressed in their job.
    I have lost count how many problems I could throw at them every day.

    Anyway, here we are after the patch 1.36 and for me nothing has changed.

    Well last night 20.06.18 I still get total freeze lock ups during battle, had to reload game 4 times last night, and crash always happens before the keep is taken for me.
    I lose all AP that I was about to get. I restart game, when I am spawned back in the keep has either been won and I am just standing there, or I am dead inside an enemy's keep. The reason for that is when it crashes I cannot play anymore but my character is still there for them to kill. Useless!

    In addition, scenery is still flickering all over Cyrodiil, look very carefully and you will see it.
    Still getting out of focus floor textures, this has been around since dawn of man.

    When using Retreating Manoeuvre the scenery doesn't load fast enough, eventually the mount gets stuck on a blurred out non-generated scenery texture edge and the mount just keeps galloping on the spot until the textures finally load in and catch up.
    You are a sitting target when this happens.

    All these problems, I am convinced the reason is that ZOS just test everything in house at their premises so if all ok for them they just assume we are making it up, therefore nothing gets looked into.

    Therefore, after patch 1.36 I have a 1% chance of actually getting through a battle and earning the defence tick.
    As far as I am concerned a game in this condition is unfit for its intended purpose, I really think a petition should be launched to get ZOS to act or take it offline for a complete reset.
    For me it is so broken there is no point playing. I don't ever achieve anything anymore.
    Before Summerset DLC all was fine for me except the usual lag.
    As a sorcerer I seem to get a heavy attack problem now as well when I switch bars the staffs do not function properly, I have to keep taking my fingers of heavy attack before the next skill is used, if I don't my character just runs around pointing the staff but nothing comes out of it. This is impossible to work with unless you are going to fight the entire time with light attack.

    I keep typing these emails because I wish it would get fixed but I do not think they care.
    If I didn't like the game I wouldn't bother but unfortunately for me that is not the case, however its getting close to the end.

    What's next?
    Hey all,

    Just got a bit more info. To recap another post from this morning, we have seen your reports of an increase in performance issues on console since Summerset and Update 18 went live. We have some improvements coming with the next console update, which is coming next week. We understand the impact of these issues and are expediting the patch.

    Does anybody know when this so called improvement update is happening?
  • Apache_Kid
    Hey all,

    Just got a bit more info. To recap another post from this morning, we have seen your reports of an increase in performance issues on console since Summerset and Update 18 went live. We have some improvements coming with the next console update, which is coming next week. We understand the impact of these issues and are expediting the patch.

    Does anybody know when this so called improvement update is happening?

    Does it matter? I feel like I've been sold this song and dance every patch for the last 18 months. Buzzing crashes to the dashboard still more frequent than ever. I genuinely don't think they can fix it. It's bad code imo. Thats what Microsoft support told me.
  • Charliff1966
    Hey all,

    Just got a bit more info. To recap another post from this morning, we have seen your reports of an increase in performance issues on console since Summerset and Update 18 went live. We have some improvements coming with the next console update, which is coming next week. We understand the impact of these issues and are expediting the patch.

    Does anybody know when this so called improvement update is happening?

    When hell freezes over.
  • White wabbit
    White wabbit
    Apache_Kid wrote: »
    Hey all,

    Just got a bit more info. To recap another post from this morning, we have seen your reports of an increase in performance issues on console since Summerset and Update 18 went live. We have some improvements coming with the next console update, which is coming next week. We understand the impact of these issues and are expediting the patch.

    Does anybody know when this so called improvement update is happening?

    Does it matter? I feel like I've been sold this song and dance every patch for the last 18 months. Buzzing crashes to the dashboard still more frequent than ever. I genuinely don't think they can fix it. It's bad code imo. Thats what Microsoft support told me.

    Id re roll pre summerset it wasn't as bad as it's now
  • Seraphayel
    Okay, the lags have gotten worse since yesterday. And I have so many random loading screens now popping up in dungeons or the open world (PS4 Pro).

    It's horrible to play at the moment! Performance before Summerset was already not good, how is it possible you made it so much worse now?
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • vonScuzzman

    When hell freezes over.

    Cyrodiil is hell and it freezes constantly
    XBox One NA
  • The7thLettter
    Gythral wrote: »
    When the Crown Store suffers from it
    ZOS will fix the issue

    Canceled ESO plus. If enough people do it, they will see it needs to be fixed. It’s just getting everyone away from the addiction of the craft bag that’s the issue....

    Edited by The7thLettter on June 21, 2018 1:42PM
  • Cpt_Teemo
    Never should have went consoles to begin with tbh, just caused more problems
  • dotme
    Canceled ESO plus. If enough people do it, they will see it needs to be fixed. It’s just getting everyone away from the addiction of the craft bag that’s the issue...
    Stopping a subscription for me is like hitting pause on the game. I'll just monitor the forums until I see confirmation that they stepped up and fixed Cyrodiil. Until then, I won't miss the craft bag if I'm not logging in.

This discussion has been closed.