Maintenance for the week of June 3:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance June 5, 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Vivec EU-PC

  • killimandrosb16_ESO
    What is the deal with all these hand holding guilds that sit with pugs and other guilds? Its sad for the game when guilds dont go out on their own to create a new fight but would rather nuttcup the zergs for an easy fight.

    Its not hard, just show up somewhere around 0800 in the morning until 1600 in the afternoon and youll have all the empty space you need. ep and dc exclusively running smallscale in this period, and if you wanna test yourself against something bigger Bigboss and Saras always have a sizeable group of around 60 up

    Its been 3 years since i had the motivation to login at 8am and grief scrubs.

    well, you dont care about faction play, neither do you care about fighting random groups. Youre looking for good gvg fights in a game which has lost the majority of good gvg guilds ages ago (if there actually were many of them at all), meaning youre locked into searching for 2-3 guild groups who might/might not be around the time you play. Cyrodiil doesnt give you the challenge you are looking for at a satisfying frequency. Maybe time to move on? CU in the horizon and GW2 still offers decent competitive gvg play afaik :)

    Actually the problem is there is many guild groups but a lot of them are too scared to move away from other guilds/pugs causing ridiculous lag.

    I'm looking for the old style of play where guilds would create many different fights rather than the 2 big fights on the map and nothing elsewhere.

    What you are nailing here is how gvg works in most other competitive games, the better guilds will face other guilds of equal potential (gw2 comes to mind), while the pugs are mostly free to roam and play the map in pug groups. This ideal system makes the wvw lakes satisfying for all involved, the pugs have the excitement of playing the map and getting an end game reward or similar while the wvw guilds are free to challenge other wvw guilds in relatively remote areas. Without pointing fingers, it is obvious some guilds prefer to play the map game with the pugs, possibly as protection against suddenly having to challenge any real opposition, or simply because the need to win the campaign is of greater importance than the challenge gvg gives. In order to try to analyze why this is so, it could be necessary to examine the various guild groups roaming around. First of all, guild groups advertizing in /z for pugs to join their group is no real guild group. Its a pug group with a guild core. How many true guild groups with max numbers possible exists in cyrodiil? I cant name one tbh. Maybe Bigboss manages to pull together a complete guild group, but thats about it. The other groups which doesnt include pugs, are of numbers somewhere between 5 to 15. The first are all the smallscale groups running around inside towers with no incentives to broaden the horizon. Theyre happy running, getting the random pug kill every now and then until a zerg or a bigger guild group comes to wipe them. Thats not the ones your team is looking for. The other between 10-15 members is where you are challenging. I have seen only a handful of groups at vivec with these numbers. Last yesterday yellows had a group with the red scroll, obviously trying to pull other guilds to them, without any success. ZS normally do the same thing; cap a scroll and roam around with it in relatively open ground (hiding in tunnell is not considered fishing for a gvg fight) waiting for some bigger guild to come to challenge.
    I can only speak for pact since I have my toons there, but apart from ZS, when theyre on, no other guilds actively search other factions guild groups in /z. ZS asks frequantly about the whereabouts of various other guild groups. Which makes me believe they are looking to fight them. Its seldom I hear other guilds ask offensively spotetrs the whereabouts of other groups. Maybe they prefer riding with the zerg? I dont know.
    If you want to fight another guild group, often the only alternative is to challenge deep into the factions territory you want a fight with. If they dont respond, but instead spew pugs out to fight you, its not you who failed, but you did what you could.

    Yeah im not gonna read that.

    tl;dr: GG wp gl
  • Alphaa
  • AngryOldMan
    Anyone else having disconnects now? (01.05.18 23.00 UTC). Im getting kicked from server all the time now
  • Tillalarrien
    wow, this thread is almost as lively as Blackwater Blade one is :D
    Valkynaz of the Daedric Order
  • exiars10
    Purple attacked Sejanus this afternoon. It was very intesive especially red tried hard with three waves.
    And before that purple attacked Castle Alessia.

    Just to type something ;).
    I don't play ESO since 15.06. because Cyrodiil is broken since Summerset (PvE isn't much better, too)...

    Aldmeri Dominion (PC Europe via Steam)

    The cowardly Wood Elves are best noted for their unwillingness to engage in a face-to-face attack; a Bosmer will strike at you from every side except the front. You won't cross swords with a Bosmer, but you might catch an arrow in the throat. Be wary in forests and jungles, and watch your back.
  • EdoKeledus
    exiars10 wrote: »
    Purple attacked Sejanus this afternoon. It was very intesive especially red tried hard with three waves.
    And before that purple attacked Castle Alessia.

    Just to type something ;).

    (Sorry for my bad english)

    Purple this 's a joke, blue like red want firstly take agin their home keeps and scrolls that you take by the morning capping that's why you have this feeling I guess.

    It's cruel but sadly in prime-time ad is weak because your faction is not used to fighting against a resistance in face or less than the other faction used to your supernumerary.( I hope on day ad will understand how it can be frustrating to fight like a lion during the prime-time and lose everything because of your morning capping)

    I know you have a lot of good player and they will agree with me because where is the fun when your faction control everything, where is the interest. It's very selfish

    You talk about "purple" but let me ask you a question : When a faction have almost 100% of the map what's the best option for the enemy ?

    To conclude your strenght is based on the supernumerary out of prime-time compared to the other faction

    DC PC EU Vivec
    Daggerfall Convenant Loyalist

  • exiars10
    You missed ;). It was semi-serious post.

    But yesterday afternoon all three factions had population capped and still purple couldn't push us. I also prevented several keeps' takeovers as I typed what is going on so help came always and you quickly know if you have experience group storming the keep or bunch of people who mostly have no idea what are they doing so you can seriously slow them down with proper usage of siege machines. Kudos to "can't remember guy name" who said he's group is coming for help and they indeed come several times. And I soloed yesterday without joining any group/zerg.

    I didn't have time to play in the evening/night but I admit AD was really bad but in the afternoon we were equal.
    And I don't play in the morning. I really don't know why AD paints map in yellow in that time. I think I asked here but never got answer.

    P. S.
    There is nothing wrong saying purple as that's how people type in zone chat always. And blue coming at Alessia Castle, deep into enemy territory when red sent human waves is definition of purple :).
    I don't play ESO since 15.06. because Cyrodiil is broken since Summerset (PvE isn't much better, too)...

    Aldmeri Dominion (PC Europe via Steam)

    The cowardly Wood Elves are best noted for their unwillingness to engage in a face-to-face attack; a Bosmer will strike at you from every side except the front. You won't cross swords with a Bosmer, but you might catch an arrow in the throat. Be wary in forests and jungles, and watch your back.
  • killimandrosb16_ESO
    I guess the purple plan primetime was for blue to push arrius/chalman with full force majority of the evening...joke...
  • Biro123
    I guess the purple plan primetime was for blue to push arrius/chalman with full force majority of the evening...joke...

    That's the usual plan.
    Yet despite 80% of purple playing around chalman, AD still manage to keep losing to the remainder :-)
    Edited by Biro123 on May 12, 2018 11:27PM
    Minalan owes me a beer.

    PC EU Megaserver
    Minie Mo - Stam/Magblade - DC
    Woody Ron - Stamplar - DC
    Aidee - Magsorc - DC
    Notadorf - Stamsorc - DC
    Khattman Doo - Stamblade - Relegated to Crafter, cos AD.
  • Tarrocan

    But at the end, they sucks always :#
    AD MagDK 'General Degree <-Main
    AD MagDK 'Kiana
    AD MagDK Kiana The Fire Mage
    AD MagDK General Degree
    AD MagDK 'Tarrocan
    AD StamDK Tarrocan
    AD MagNB GrimKiller
    AD MagCro Som Ting Wong
    AD StamCro 'Som Ting Wong
    AD MagPlar Della Grant
    AD StamPlar R I M M A
    AD MagSorc Nautilus
    AD StamSorc R O M M I
    AD StamNB Iba
    AD MagDen Desi Roots
    AD StamDen Diablo
  • VadimAleks
    Tarrocan wrote: »

    But at the end, they sucks always :#

    Do not worry, with equal numbers of fighters AD sucks no worse. All your advantage is based on the fact that 2-3 AD raids + 2 raids DC (AD alts, who could not login because of "lock" so they just log in as DC)against 1 raid EP. And when 3/4 of the Pact gets disconnected(because the ZOS server can not send data simultaneously to all players) - you kill them.
    No more levels and skills, only degradation!
    VadimAleks wrote: »
    Tarrocan wrote: »

    But at the end, they sucks always :#

    Do not worry, with equal numbers of fighters AD sucks no worse. All your advantage is based on the fact that 2-3 AD raids + 2 raids DC (AD alts, who could not login because of "lock" so they just log in as DC)against 1 raid EP. And when 3/4 of the Pact gets disconnected(because the ZOS server can not send data simultaneously to all players) - you kill them.

    You're well aware that those days, EP has the most guilds online on vivec right ?
    AD // Marc the Epic Goat // Templar // AR50
    EP // The Goatfather // Templar // AR44
    AD // Unforgoatable // Sorc // AR33
    EP // You Goat Rekt // NB // AR28
    EP // Bill Goats // Swarden // AR28
    AD // Goat Ya // NB // AR24
    AD // Unforgoatten // StamDK // AR 21
    DC // Egoatcentric // Stamsorc // AR16

    and many unused PVE chars


    AoE Rats
    RIP Zerg Squad
    RIP Banana Squad Inc
    Not your typical goat

  • Enslaved
    Whats with outburst of 12y old ad in this thread?
  • exiars10
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Whats with outburst of 12y old ad in this thread?
    Enslaved: I am too stupid to say something useful so I will just use good old ad hominem.
    Or in his own words: 100% of time, since Im the toxic one.
    I don't play ESO since 15.06. because Cyrodiil is broken since Summerset (PvE isn't much better, too)...

    Aldmeri Dominion (PC Europe via Steam)

    The cowardly Wood Elves are best noted for their unwillingness to engage in a face-to-face attack; a Bosmer will strike at you from every side except the front. You won't cross swords with a Bosmer, but you might catch an arrow in the throat. Be wary in forests and jungles, and watch your back.
  • Enslaved
    exiars10 wrote: »
    Enslaved wrote: »
    Whats with outburst of 12y old ad in this thread?
    Enslaved: I am too stupid to say something useful so I will just use good old ad hominem.
    Or in his own words: 100% of time, since Im the toxic one.

    You did the very same thing u accuse me off.
    BTW beside unfriendly fire AD has zero good guilds. If there were no morning cap, AD would end 3rd every campaign, by 10k margin from 2nd.
  • EdoKeledus
    Yellows are convinced about their strenght because they are still first indeed I can understand this feelling of domination but it's just an illusiuon created by the supernumerary out of the prime-time so it's not about your teamplay or guilds

    Without this constant supernumerary yellows are worth not much( I don't say that to insult ad it's just an observation) however with a population less important ad could develop a new play style based on their guilds cooperation and communication.

    This is how the three factions should play instead to make some PvE morning capping without ensure during the prime-time.

    DC PC EU Vivec
    Daggerfall Convenant Loyalist

  • Horker
  • BohnT
    Horker wrote: »

    Horker in tha House!!!
  • Vietfox
    Well, DC could get 2nd position, but i guess keeping BB and Fare while losing homekeeps was more important to them (pics from 2 days ago i think)
  • dtsharples
    What is the point in 2nd place XD
    Now it's down to just messing with AD whenever the opportunity arrives.
    Most DC stopped worrying about the campaign a long time ago. Filthy morning cappers made sure of that.
  • BohnT
    dtsharples wrote: »
    What is the point in 2nd place XD
    Now it's down to just messing with AD whenever the opportunity arrives.
    Most DC stopped worrying about the campaign a long time ago. Filthy morning cappers made sure of that.

    I think everyone did. There's no reason to fight for the campaign as AD will just win every campaign with morning cap
  • exiars10
    Last night we destroyed Great Forest Dolmen as anchor dropped in the middle of fight with blues :). But kudos to blues as they retreated and waited until we destroyed anchor so we continued to fight after destroying it. Funny times :p.

    Anyway, why blues last night sent wave after wave (easily 30+) on Roeback without any siege engine? I don't understand :/? Only after who knows how long they came one time with a lot of siege engines, they breached gate easily but still got wiped when entered.

    Also reds sent huge zerg to Roeback, too but it wasn't purple tactics. And that was not ordinary zerg, they were guild members (I remember there were players with Polish guild names). It was led by Grand Warlord (don't remember name). Great fights. I left at 2 am and Roeback was still free. Also a lot of fights around Nikel, too.

    I was part of twice failed assault on Ash. I don't understand zerg decision to not attack and take resources around castle, just straight assault on castle. We easily broke gate but that was it.
    Edited by exiars10 on May 16, 2018 8:00AM
    I don't play ESO since 15.06. because Cyrodiil is broken since Summerset (PvE isn't much better, too)...

    Aldmeri Dominion (PC Europe via Steam)

    The cowardly Wood Elves are best noted for their unwillingness to engage in a face-to-face attack; a Bosmer will strike at you from every side except the front. You won't cross swords with a Bosmer, but you might catch an arrow in the throat. Be wary in forests and jungles, and watch your back.
  • WillhelmBlack
    I think they're increasing the points for scrolls so morning cap will be even better next patch.
    PC EU
  • BohnT
    I think they're increasing the points for scrolls so morning cap will be even better next patch.

    Big Boss got a 3 day *** when he heard about that.
    However maybe we see some balance with the shortened checks for low Pop / point bonuses
  • Enslaved
    Until they set points gained based on how big/low is the population on server, we will have jobless basement dwelling underaged ppl morning cap the campaigns.
  • LarsS
    Lets hope that the upcomming pvp changes will balance the campaigns better and that the client changes will reduce lag and loadingscreens.
    Edited by LarsS on May 16, 2018 9:29AM
    GM for The Daggerfall Authority EU PC
  • Nermy
    LarsS wrote: »
    Lets hope that the upcomming pvp changes will balance the campaigns better and that the client changes will reduce lag and loadingscreens.

    That's all we can do Lars, hope. ;)

    I'm looking forward to the changes and how it might change the gameplay in Cyro...
    Ex-Leader of The Wabbajack [EU EP PvP guild - Now stood down from active duty]

    Nermden - EP Warden, Nerm-in'a'tor - EP Dragon Knight, N'erm - EP Sorcerer, D'arkness - EP Nightblade, Nermy - EP Templar

    “Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.” ― Oscar Wilde

    "An Army is a team; lives, sleeps, eats, fights as a team. This individual heroic stuff is a lot of crap." -General George S. Patton
  • Biro123
    exiars10 wrote: »
    Last night we destroyed Great Forest Dolmen as anchor dropped in the middle of fight with blues :). But kudos to blues as they retreated and waited until we destroyed anchor so we continued to fight after destroying it. Funny times :p.

    Anyway, why blues last night sent wave after wave (easily 30+) on Roeback without any siege engine? I don't understand :/? Only after who knows how long they came one time with a lot of siege engines, they breached gate easily but still got wiped when entered.

    Also reds sent huge zerg to Roeback, too but it wasn't purple tactics. And that was not ordinary zerg, they were guild members (I remember there were players with Polish guild names). It was led by Grand Warlord (don't remember name). Great fights. I left at 2 am and Roeback was still free. Also a lot of fights around Nikel, too.

    I was part of twice failed assault on Ash. I don't understand zerg decision to not attack and take resources around castle, just straight assault on castle. We easily broke gate but that was it.

    That is the ordinary red zerg at that time of night... it is all guild groups followed by all the pugs. All of them . Only difference here is that the usually push bleakers/ales/glade... Normally while AD are pushing Ash.
    Minalan owes me a beer.

    PC EU Megaserver
    Minie Mo - Stam/Magblade - DC
    Woody Ron - Stamplar - DC
    Aidee - Magsorc - DC
    Notadorf - Stamsorc - DC
    Khattman Doo - Stamblade - Relegated to Crafter, cos AD.
  • BohnT
    Biro123 wrote: »
    exiars10 wrote: »
    Last night we destroyed Great Forest Dolmen as anchor dropped in the middle of fight with blues :). But kudos to blues as they retreated and waited until we destroyed anchor so we continued to fight after destroying it. Funny times :p.

    Anyway, why blues last night sent wave after wave (easily 30+) on Roeback without any siege engine? I don't understand :/? Only after who knows how long they came one time with a lot of siege engines, they breached gate easily but still got wiped when entered.

    Also reds sent huge zerg to Roeback, too but it wasn't purple tactics. And that was not ordinary zerg, they were guild members (I remember there were players with Polish guild names). It was led by Grand Warlord (don't remember name). Great fights. I left at 2 am and Roeback was still free. Also a lot of fights around Nikel, too.

    I was part of twice failed assault on Ash. I don't understand zerg decision to not attack and take resources around castle, just straight assault on castle. We easily broke gate but that was it.

    That is the ordinary red zerg at that time of night... it is all guild groups followed by all the pugs. All of them . Only difference here is that the usually push bleakers/ales/glade... Normally while AD are pushing Ash.

    Well AD is dead at that time of the evening and blues keep pushing Kings and Chalman even when they lose Ash and Ales or there is only Roe left as last Emp keep
  • exiars10
    Fake news.
    AD wasn't dead last night, it was clearly some other faction :p, and in afternoon we dominated (I was told that AD only play in the morning) and Blobeso (who was/is red) :) was attacking blues which were weakest.
    Edited by exiars10 on May 17, 2018 9:06AM
    I don't play ESO since 15.06. because Cyrodiil is broken since Summerset (PvE isn't much better, too)...

    Aldmeri Dominion (PC Europe via Steam)

    The cowardly Wood Elves are best noted for their unwillingness to engage in a face-to-face attack; a Bosmer will strike at you from every side except the front. You won't cross swords with a Bosmer, but you might catch an arrow in the throat. Be wary in forests and jungles, and watch your back.
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