ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »We’re excited to let you know that we're giving away a free Nix-Ox War-Steed mount to all ESO: Morrowind players!
For anyone who currently owns ESO: Morrowind, simply log into the game anytime between now and November 26. We’ll be giving out the first batch of Nix-Ox mounts during a scheduled maintenance next Wednesday, November 22. If you aren’t able to log in before then, we’ll be sending a second batch on Tuesday, November 28.
If you don’t yet own ESO: Morrowind and would like to take advantage of this special offer, all you need to do is log into the game after purchasing ESO: Morrowind before November 26.
#BlackFriday #Soon
MilwaukeeScott wrote: »
More and more arachnid mounts breaking my immersion.
Just please do not start with the spider mounts, that would be already too much.
JasonSilverSpring wrote: »
They just gave everyone a free pet. How did they forget them?
ninjadragonguy wrote: »just wondering if its free for everyone that owns morrowind or just "gold" members like the brassilisk??? wasnt sure if they were going to have to change their post 24 hours after to on ly gold members?