FREE Nix-Ox Mount for Morrowind Owners!

  • Faulgor
    Ever since Matt Firor said in an interview he'd love to have an insect mount I've been looking forward to this.

    And now we're getting it for free? That's really amazing.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • LordGavus
    A free mount, sounds good to me.
  • menedhyn
    Cool, thank you very much! :p
    Suvis Bek - DC Colovian Templar
  • Voxicity
    MORE free stuff? Come on ZOS you're spoiling us o:)

    Thanks <3
  • Jim_Pipp
    2 things.
    1- the recent exclusive free stuff is just like old fashioned loyalty rewards. I love it, years from now people will show there flea mount to show that they were playing at a certain time. Same with the brassilisk.

    2- I didn't read the whole thread cos it is just people saying thanks. Obviously the occasional loyalty reward improves how players feel about the game. Maybe it is just zos making a cynical gesture to distract from bugs or the curent outrage at EA and games industry practices, but it works.
    #1 tip (Re)check your graphics settings periodically - especially resolution.
  • Streega
    I really don't mean to sound ungrateful, but I would prefer if my Morrowind money was spent on fixing bugs, not giving us another one. Lego-snek is also a wasted effort, I'm sorry - I took it, but I really wish I didn't. Also, I would ask you to stop treating us like idiots, but again - I cant't... because the majority of us are.
    Having said that - thank you anyway.
    ⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃ Don't-Care-Bear ⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃
    PC EU "House Tertia" - Friendly Guild for Mature Folks (
    PC EU "Priests of Hircine" - Awesome Guild for Friendly Werewolves (free bites!)
    Master Angler
  • woe
    Looking forward to the new mount! :D
  • Aurielle
    Neat! Thank you. :)
  • REdream90
    Tnx, thats a nice giveaway ;)
  • karrie7
    Finally my [snip] in forums and reddit worked!Now start giving a few mounts as achievement rewards/drops etc like Wow does.I am sub to Eso plus for almost a year and I think I deserve such things since Wow offer them plenty(150 mounts collection 5 years ago)

    [Edited to remove profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_KatP on November 18, 2017 6:37PM
  • Rial
    The first non-cash mount since the launch of the game, but rather than making it something you can actually earn by playing the game (as a reward for a quest line for example), you have to log in during a certain time window or you can't get it. That's probably the most boring and disappointing implementation of "earning" something in a game that I can imagine.
  • randolphbenoit
    OMG I so want one!!!!!
    the NeXus Guild (NA-DC-Crafters) contact @randolphbenoit - Currently Allies to Fairy Tail of Tamriel (Social) and Brave Kore (DC PvP).

    Saltrice - (Salt tolerant rice) Saltrice, pronounced just like it looks is, in fact, a kind of rice that can grow in paddies of either fresh or brackish water.
  • Karivaa
  • AlienSlof
    I've wanted one of these since seeing one on a pre-CWC ESO Live - thanks very much for giving us a free one! All freebies are gratefully received and used! :)
    RIP Atherton, my beautiful little gentle friend. I will miss you forever. Without you I am a hollow shell.
  • Girl_Number8
    Thanks ZoS and Gina :*:star:
  • Tarum
    wow this is great!

    Could we have a Nix-Ox reskin for the Warden Bear in the crownstore aswell? I would pay for it... bears simply doesn't looks good with Dunmers.
    Some of my sculpts (the ones i'm allowed to share, not under copyright)
  • JamieAubrey
    I finally get a "special mount"
  • angelncelestine
    This is awesome! Thank you! :-)
  • altemriel
    We’re excited to let you know that we're giving away a free Nix-Ox War-Steed mount to all ESO: Morrowind players!


    For anyone who currently owns ESO: Morrowind, simply log into the game anytime between now and November 26. We’ll be giving out the first batch of Nix-Ox mounts during a scheduled maintenance next Wednesday, November 22. If you aren’t able to log in before then, we’ll be sending a second batch on Tuesday, November 28.

    If you don’t yet own ESO: Morrowind and would like to take advantage of this special offer, all you need to do is log into the game after purchasing ESO: Morrowind before November 26.

    #BlackFriday #Soon

  • altemriel
    Do ESO + Members own Morrowind?

    I'm a 3 year subscriber on PS4.

    Will I get the Bling?


    nope, Morrowind was a "chapter", not a regular DLC, so no, ESO+ do not own it, you need to buy it
  • Gargath
    More and more arachnid mounts breaking my immersion.
    Just please do not start with the spider mounts, that would be already too much.

    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • coop500
    Gargath wrote: »
    More and more arachnid mounts breaking my immersion.
    Just please do not start with the spider mounts, that would be already too much.


    Your immersion was broken when the letters 'MMO' was involved with 'ESO'

    I could list at least a dozen current immersion breaking things that are unavoidable.
    Hoping for more playable races
  • Zimbugga
    I'm happy to get free mount, but it's not fair to players, who don't have Morrowind yet... I hope you don't forget them, ZOS.
  • JasonSilverSpring
    Zimbugga wrote: »
    I'm happy to get free mount, but it's not fair to players, who don't have Morrowind yet... I hope you don't forget them, ZOS.

    They just gave everyone a free pet. How did they forget them?
  • ThePrinceOfBargains

    They just gave everyone a free pet. How did they forget them?

    The pet looked like crappy, unfinished legos lmao. They gave it out for free because it wasn’t worth anything.
  • eklhaftb16_ESO
    Classy! That's two gifts in a row. Three really, counting the Orsinium discount. ;)

    Okay, that seals it... no more complaining about unfinished Sheograd from me. <3
  • ninjadragonguy
    just wondering if its free for everyone that owns morrowind or just "gold" members like the brassilisk??? wasnt sure if they were going to have to change their post 24 hours after to on ly gold members?
  • Respect4Elders

    That's awesome. I can't wait til the free Stilt Strider mount comes out! :)
    Edited by Respect4Elders on November 18, 2017 6:01PM
  • Zorvan
    just wondering if its free for everyone that owns morrowind or just "gold" members like the brassilisk??? wasnt sure if they were going to have to change their post 24 hours after to on ly gold members?

    Man, Xbone must really suck. On PC, everyone got the bassilisk, not just ESO+ peeps.

    And those of you who own Morrowind already, this isn't ZOS thanking you for your loyalty. This is ZOS trying to get everyone else to buy Morrowind by dangling a "free" mount, tied to a short window of time to get it, as bait.
    Edited by Zorvan on November 18, 2017 6:04PM
    I've been muted since November 2017 because of the whiny crybabies on this forum and the liberal ZOS employees coddling them.
  • Orticia
    Nice. Granted a nix ox (or any kind of bug) aren't really my thing. But a free mount is welcome and appreciated all the same. Might ride on it a few times for the giggles.
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