This is true, but it is there and people use it and fail miserably at it, which leads to my question,
Haha yes the feeling I'm in five guilds myself but still use it hence my tread about this subject.
- Update 23Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
Ertthewolf wrote: »It's a video game.....Can you be good at it? Sure. But I'd rather practice my guitar a few hours to keep perfecting that. Or maybe go out with my wife for dinner and talk about real life things. I think this is most people's situation.
Also, ESO has many build options and play styles. Let em play as they want....Being overly competitive at something that burns up your time a few hours a night shouldn't be the major goal. The reason. It literally means nothing to be on a leaderboard and earn in game pixels that last until the game is old and something else comes out.
My two cents....
Is it because the "play as you want" mentality which screws over builds?
I main a healer and farmed WGT a lot, even beaten it in hardmode veteran with random groups, but to get a group like that is equal to winning the lottery.
Often in dungeons it's a tedious and time-consuming battle, sometimes it feels like the dps heals the enemies, the glorious last boss in direfrost keep for instance that heals more than the dps do damage more often than not. And these are high CP players.
When I get a good dps group I still get surprised. In other games it wasn't like this , when I got a bad dps group it was rare. In eso it's reversed, why is it like this?
Is it because the "play as you want" mentality which screws over builds?
Is it the "I'm queing as a tank for veteran dungeons, but I'm an dps"
Is it because people don't know about rotation, skills that complement eatchother.
Bottom line is, how fun can it be, being way over CP 300 and pull 5-15 K dps?
We need a sheet after eatch dungeon or trial run that show us dps and healing done, maybe then people actually see how bad they are and try to compensate. If 1 dps does 10 % of all damage and the other do 90 %. It will hopefully be a wakeup call to get better? Like K/D makes people play at their best in FPS games, and research weapons and kits to be competitive.
Why is it like this?
Some people just don't care how good they are because being good and having fun don't correlate.
The issue isn't necessarily that they are bad at the game.
The issue is that you are probably becoming very good at it.
I main a healer and farmed WGT a lot, even beaten it in hardmode veteran with random groups, but to get a group like that is equal to winning the lottery.
Often in dungeons it's a tedious and time-consuming battle, sometimes it feels like the dps heals the enemies, the glorious last boss in direfrost keep for instance that heals more than the dps do damage more often than not. And these are high CP players.
When I get a good dps group I still get surprised. In other games it wasn't like this , when I got a bad dps group it was rare. In eso it's reversed, why is it like this?
Is it because the "play as you want" mentality which screws over builds?
Is it the "I'm queing as a tank for veteran dungeons, but I'm an dps"
Is it because people don't know about rotation, skills that complement eatchother.
Bottom line is, how fun can it be, being way over CP 300 and pull 5-15 K dps?
We need a sheet after eatch dungeon or trial run that show us dps and healing done, maybe then people actually see how bad they are and try to compensate. If 1 dps does 10 % of all damage and the other do 90 %. It will hopefully be a wakeup call to get better? Like K/D makes people play at their best in FPS games, and research weapons and kits to be competitive.
Why is it like this?
And they should stick to the overland if that's how they feel.
Joining a group dungeon sort of implies you're someone who does enjoy that type of thing. You should be ready for the increased demand to be good if you do.
We as older players got taugh that you gotta work and keep improving yourself to get stuff done. Kids these days mostly get stuff handed to them when they ask for it. So when you got a great group, its usally older people trying to improve themselfs the best they can, and not some spoilet brat.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
And they should stick to the overland if that's how they feel.
Joining a group dungeon sort of implies you're someone who does enjoy that type of thing. You should be ready for the increased demand to be good if you do.
I main a healer and farmed WGT a lot, even beaten it in hardmode veteran with random groups, but to get a group like that is equal to winning the lottery.
Often in dungeons it's a tedious and time-consuming battle, sometimes it feels like the dps heals the enemies, the glorious last boss in direfrost keep for instance that heals more than the dps do damage more often than not. And these are high CP players.
When I get a good dps group I still get surprised. In other games it wasn't like this , when I got a bad dps group it was rare. In eso it's reversed, why is it like this?
Is it because the "play as you want" mentality which screws over builds?
Is it the "I'm queing as a tank for veteran dungeons, but I'm an dps"
Is it because people don't know about rotation, skills that complement eatchother.
Bottom line is, how fun can it be, being way over CP 300 and pull 5-15 K dps?
We need a sheet after eatch dungeon or trial run that show us dps and healing done, maybe then people actually see how bad they are and try to compensate. If 1 dps does 10 % of all damage and the other do 90 %. It will hopefully be a wakeup call to get better? Like K/D makes people play at their best in FPS games, and research weapons and kits to be competitive.
Why is it like this?
To use your soccer analogy - you cannot simply "play" as a goalkeeper in a professional league because they .. pardon me, don't play for fun.
So, the equivalent of a random soccer-game finder does not exist in the real world because . This would be more akin to applying for a guild with like minded people that share the same goals as you.
If however there would be the equivalent out there I bet we would have the same scenario and we would see a lot of goals. If we are still talking about the goalkeeper. Otherwise it might take a while until the ball comes even remotely close.
but what about someone who really WANTS to and ENJOYS dungeons. should he have to sacrifice one form of fun (his build) to have another form or fun (the dungeon?)