Maintenance october 25th?

  • Apherius
    FRENCH BUG: Please , the kajiith speak at the first person , make them speak at the third person like it's supposed to be

    Oh btw , hope you will take a look on Leaderboard , maybe some exploited the Vma bug ?
    Edited by Apherius on October 24, 2017 8:18PM
  • phileunderx2
    Tomorrow's PC patch is indeed for the French issue and something involving drop rates (I'm being vague on purpose, and it has nothing to do with Transmute Crystals). All the other issues called our are things we're tracking for a regular incremental patch.

    Nerf the branches!!!
  • Zer0oo
    KingMagaw wrote: »
    And fix the bug where clicking on Asylum inferno staff makes the game crash @ZOS_GinaBruno

    Will that also be fixed tomorrow or can we expect another Maintenance this week?
    Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
    - Update 23
  • DirkRavenclaw
    Also, i have no sound, i try since 10 odd hours to fix the game, have now to run the 30ish odd time Repair because now i get Fatal Client Error(6) whenever i press the play button . I hope i can do some stuff tonight, even if the sound should not work, did this last night :)
    Council Member of AtWritsEnd, Member of LoneWolfeHelp, Donor of GhostSeaTradingCO., Factor of EastEmpireTradingCO.,HonourGuard of ´DominionImperialGuard(DIG/PVP)

    Master Crafter including Jewelry, i craft for Mats and Donation, always happy to help, if Im not in the Middle of PVP, i play since around 14 Months
  • MasterSpatula
    Every major patch, this has to be pointed out, so here goes:

    If you're not expecting an emergency patch/maintenance two days after a DLC, you haven't been paying attention the last 3.5 years. This happens almost without fail. There's bugs that simply don't present themselves until the patch goes live. It's just the way it is. What's more, it's the way it's always been. Being shocked by this is a little odd at this point.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    KingMagaw wrote: »
    And fix the bug where clicking on Asylum inferno staff makes the game crash @ZOS_GinaBruno
    Not only this... Master Staff (I think it was inferno one) also causes the game to crash. Some other random items also seem to cause that. People link them in chat, you click on them to see what it is and boom... game crashed.... (and there is now way to know that, which item will cause the game to crush... and after you click on it it is too late) :/
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on October 24, 2017 8:59PM
  • DirkRavenclaw
    I not that surprised about the Bugs, im positively Surprise about the Help, ZOS has given me over the last 16 odd hours, i submitted last night central europe time a ticket about not having sound, apart from whosh with daggers and a hollow bow bum. Not 30 mins later i had a Human responding to me, not a bot. Yeah, still repairing the 30th time, somehow the client thinks it needs to download, atm, 46000 mb, hmmmmmmm, well, lets see if i manage to play a bit before maintenance in 11 hours,
    Council Member of AtWritsEnd, Member of LoneWolfeHelp, Donor of GhostSeaTradingCO., Factor of EastEmpireTradingCO.,HonourGuard of ´DominionImperialGuard(DIG/PVP)

    Master Crafter including Jewelry, i craft for Mats and Donation, always happy to help, if Im not in the Middle of PVP, i play since around 14 Months
  • KingMagaw
    KingMagaw wrote: »
    And fix the bug where clicking on Asylum inferno staff makes the game crash @ZOS_GinaBruno
    Not only this... Master Staff (I think it was inferno one) also causes the game to crash. Some other random items also seem to cause that. People link them in chat, you click on them to see what it is and boom... game crashed.... (and there is now way to know that, which item will cause the game to crush... and after you click on it it is too late) :/

    I believe it has to do with the weapons being transmutated and then linked, then anyone clicking on them will crash the game,

    Don't want to do anymore research on it as frankly this is ZOS work, and again a rushed DLC that breaks things that go untested is ZOS track record... @ZOS_GinaBruno - More testing/quality checks required.
  • GiuEliN0
    KingMagaw wrote: »
    And fix the bug where clicking on Asylum inferno staff makes the game crash @ZOS_GinaBruno

    yep, i crashed 2 seconds ago for this exact reason!
    Beta-tester January 2014
    PC EU
    Most Important Character:
    Elsewin, DC, Bosmer Stamblade PVE cp 1100+ Flawless Conqueror
  • Xarc
    I think the maintenance should be short, about french issue it's maybe only 1 file missing or something like that, which makes us having no text in game (we can't do any quest so, or see items in inventory, etc).
    @xarcs FR-EU-PC -
    "Death is overrated", Xarc
    Xãrc -- breton necro - DC - AvA rank50
    Xarcus -- imperial DK - DC - AvA rank50
    Elnaa - breton NB - DC - AvA rank50
    Xärc -- breton NB - DC - AvA rank47
    Isilenil - Altmer NB - AD - AvA rank41
    Felisja - Bosmer NB - DC - AvA rank39
    Xàrc - breton necro - DC - AvA rank27
    Xalisja - bosmer necro - DC - AvA rank16
    kàli - redguard templar - DC - AvA rank32
    - since april.2014
  • ProfesseurFreder
    I hope it means fewer branches.
    "Nothing by which all human passion and hope and folly can be mirrored and then proved ever was just a game."
    -- William Faulkner.
  • Scootter
    Aurelle1 wrote: »
    Well, being the second patch maintenance this week, let's just hope it's a short one.

    Haha, good one!
  • Elong
    PVE Broken : bring the server down within 24 hours

    PVP Broken : half hearted apology, nothing done.
  • JasonSilverSpring
    Elong wrote: »
    PVE Broken : bring the server down within 24 hours

    PVP Broken : half hearted apology, nothing done.

    I think the game being basically unplayable for French users is serious enough. Plus it sounds like there is some potential exploit.
  • Apherius
    Elong wrote: »
    PVE Broken : bring the server down within 24 hours

    PVP Broken : half hearted apology, nothing done.

    I think the game being basically unplayable for French users is serious enough. Plus it sounds like there is some potential exploit.

    it's more than " serious enough " , there is litteraly nothing to read ... just nothing , except " Unknow " which is the name of all the game's NPC.
  • Flake
    So why bring down the NA service for a EU/French issue?
  • lailoken
    Flake wrote: »
    So why bring down the NA service for a EU/French issue?

    French Canadians, perhaps?
  • JasonSilverSpring
    lailoken wrote: »
    Flake wrote: »
    So why bring down the NA service for a EU/French issue?

    French Canadians, perhaps?

    Also, the client has to be the same for both NA and EU servers.
  • Khaeon
    They are nerfing the drop rate of the holiday masks because the current drop rate is too generous
  • rosendoichinoveb17_ESO
    Khaeon wrote: »
    They are nerfing the drop rate of the holiday masks because the current drop rate is too generous

    True, I got 3 masks form 10 containers today, where as I got 2 masks from about 200 containers on Sunday.
  • ItsMeToo
    Khaeon wrote: »
    They are nerfing the drop rate of the holiday masks because the current drop rate is too generous

    True, I got 3 masks form 10 containers today, where as I got 2 masks from about 200 containers on Sunday.

    and I got zero from 1000... This game hates me.
    FYI - There is no such thing as 'night capping' in a world wide MMO.
    FYI - There was no paid Beta. When they launched the game the Beta was over, even if you don't think it was.
    FYI - It's B2P not F2P. There is a difference.
    FYI - It doesn't take any player skill to mash keys or buttons in this game. The ones that stay alive longer have the better internet connection and speed.
    FYI - The game is not broken, it still works. It just has 'bugs' that need to be fixed.
    Balance is a "Bad" thing.

    Example: There were hundreds of Jedi and only two Sith in Star Wars. The Jedi wanted, "Balance in the Force" and they got it. Now there are only two Jedi and two Sith.

    Balance is a "Bad" thing.
    Is the glass half full or half empty?
    I say, "Get a smaller glass."
  • livvy7678
    jrgray93 wrote: »
    There is a bug that lets NPC enemies using Dizzying Swing attacks knock you outside of maps. Ruining VMA and certain delves right now.

    Someone gave dizzying swing the power of the giants from skyrim :neutral:
  • Mureel
    Khaeon wrote: »
    They are nerfing the drop rate of the holiday masks because the current drop rate is too generous

    True, I got 3 masks form 10 containers today, where as I got 2 masks from about 200 containers on Sunday.

    ooh really? I got 3 so far from like 150 (100 on one char, 50-60 on another)

    Watch prices will now be undercut to the floor. lol.
    Edited by Mureel on October 25, 2017 8:27AM
  • TheValar85
    Also the Of Knives and Long Shadows quest. Can't complete it as you can't talk to Liliath to end it.

    i did the whole quest yesterday i havent experianced any problem with that. interesting.
    GM Of The Lusty Argonian ERP
    GM Of THe Alessia Dynasty PVP Guild
    GM Of The Guardians Of MiddleEarth
    My Smiling Emperor Profile Picture:
  • Apherius
    My friend and me get a Apostle motif ... 1/30 chance to get one ... and 1/60 to get both one , so maybe it's something about the apostle motif drop rate ?

    I have also drop something like 10 furnishing plan while killing fabricants in Clockworkcity ... so maybe they want to make the Clock work furnishing recipe drop rate horrible like ayleid ?

    We will see on the patch note anyway.
  • MakoFore
    Apherius wrote: »
    My friend and me get a Apostle motif ... 1/30 chance to get one ... and 1/60 to get both one , so maybe it's something about the apostle motif drop rate ?

    I have also drop something like 10 furnishing plan while killing fabricants in Clockworkcity ... so maybe they want to make the Clock work furnishing recipe drop rate horrible like ayleid ?

    We will see on the patch note anyway.

    so i gotta do that daily 30 times to get one motif- if i play it every day- thats 3 weeks to get one motif- that cant be right can it?
  • lientier
    I hope I didnt miss a good drop rate of funiture items... ;)
    but maaaybe they will fix a low droprate.. or add some other furniture/plans to the skulls? (Yeah I know that sounds not like them.. )
    though they say they fixed the issue of treasure hunter and buoyant armiger.. its not too late for wonders..
    PC-EU @lientier
  • newtinmpls
    Nestor wrote: »
    There is an issue with joining or creating a guild if it's the fifth one on the list.

    Ohh. I'd like that to fix. I'm having a problem guild, but I'd rather have a problem guild than none in that slot.
    EvilCroc wrote: »
    It is the plan to ruin my birthday. I am completely sure of it. And it will be extended maintenance, no doubt.

    Happy Birthday!!

    Hmmm with a name like yours, do you play Argonians?

    Edited by newtinmpls on October 25, 2017 8:39AM
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • Mureel
    MakoFore wrote: »
    Apherius wrote: »
    My friend and me get a Apostle motif ... 1/30 chance to get one ... and 1/60 to get both one , so maybe it's something about the apostle motif drop rate ?

    I have also drop something like 10 furnishing plan while killing fabricants in Clockworkcity ... so maybe they want to make the Clock work furnishing recipe drop rate horrible like ayleid ?

    We will see on the patch note anyway.

    so i gotta do that daily 30 times to get one motif- if i play it every day- thats 3 weeks to get one motif- that cant be right can it?

    I doubt that is right given the fact that it would be totally out of line in comparison to other motifs which drop from dailies in other DLCs

    Also: but they were not CLOCKWORK furnishings. Also Ayleid being rare makes absolute sense because they are LONG DEAD, Extinct people. It's absolutely reasonable that ANCIENT ARTIFACTS are rare xD

    I like to CAPITALISE STUFF FOR EMPHASIS! I hope that doesn't make you too mad xD
  • sparafucilsarwb17_ESO
    Crafting research also not working as well as guild invites...needs fixing asap.
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