When do you leave a group?

  • Kammakazi
    When it becomes toxic/trolly, or when people clearly are not following mechanics, etc.

    I'll help you in every boss fight's mechanic but if you won't listen then.... I dunno
  • Enslaved
    I don't leave dungeon groups. At least, until the activity is over.
  • Ostaradoe
    After x about of time
    I picked that option because the only time I have left groups is when I genuinely have to go for RL stuff. If I start something I like to see it through and so called 'bad groups' are often made up of people who are simply still learning.
  • xSkullfox
    The worst part is when it finally puts you in a group, your healer turns into a werewolf, your tank has 14k HP and the dps is heavy armor, using a restro staff and a two handed sword on the backbar. Then comes the 15 minute penalty before the cycle starts anew.

    Rulz of Morrowind:
    • The first rule of Morrowind is: You do not talk about Morrowind.
    • The second rule of Morrowind is: You do not talk about Morrowind.
    • Third rule of Morrowind: Someone yells NDA stuff, uploads images, streams, the game is over.
    • Fourth rule: only invited players can test.
    • Fifth rule: one invite at a time, fellas.
    • Sixth rule: crying or bashing on pts.
    • Seventh rule: NDA will go on as long as they have to.
    • And the eighth and final rule: If this is your first invite at Morrowind, you have to play.
  • humpalicous
    Bad teammates
    I have only left a vet dungeon 2 or 3 times in my 3 years playing this game.

    And those times have been due to bad teammates, and then I mean constitutionally worthless players who don't know what a skill is in the first place.
  • SquareSausage
    Bad teammates
    Pug vet dungeons are literally the worst thing in this game. Now before the high horse brigade say it, join a guild, get a grp bla bla bla, well let me tell you its not always easy to get people you know to farm purple jewellery.

    Why do (and I have to say it here) noobs, insist on activating hard mode on non pledge dungeons when its clear DPS is *** (i go tank most often as I know all mechanics and can lead, and get fast group).

    Worst one recently when pugging vDFK, I knew the final boss would be hard as 50% dont respond to text chat or acknowledge strategy. Why cant people break free when told numerous times.

    these ones resulted in getting kicked rather than me leaving and having to start again.
    Breakfast King
    PS4 EU
  • Anne_Firehawk
    Don't pug - profit.
    Anne Firehawk | Legate | Bringer of Light | Voice of Reason | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Magicka DK forever
    All Hardmodes done, WTB content.
    Cancercrates are ruining the game

    DD | Phoenix Reborn
    GM | Tamriels Emporium

  • WuffyCerulei
    Bad teammates
    This is usually more so with vet dungeons. If at least half of the group isn't doing their queued role half-decently, I'm inclined to leave. If I'm DPS and the other dps is noobish (and depending on the dungeon), I'm fine with carrying to an extent. But if the healer isn't throwing out at least some healing or the tank isn't even agroing the boss, then I can't.
    For the love of Kyne, buff sorc. PC NACP 2100+Star-Sïnger - Khajiit Magicka Sorc - EP Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror vMA/vBRP/vDSA no death/vHel Ra HM/vAA HM/vSO HM/vMoL HM/vHoF HM/vAS +2/vCR+3/vSS HMs/vKA HMs/vVH/vRG Oax HM/vDSR
  • hamgatan
    Im willing to give pugs a fair go. I mean sheesh we were all pugs once.. I'll only bail usually if there's a smart-arse or know it all who dictates to me how to run a dungeon I've been running hundreds of times since March 2014.. there are some low CP players who've surprised me over the years. Just give them a chance to prove themselves before vote kicking I think is fair..
    PC / NA - 1500 CP
    L50 Argonian MagTemplar PvE Healer (US/EP) "Smothers-With-Pillows"
    L50 Argonian StamPlar PvE DPS/Solo (US/EP) "The Rusty Argonian Spade"
    L50 Khajit StamPlar PvE DPS (US/EP) "Critteh Kitteh"
    L50 Khajit MagDK PvE DPS 97k (US/EP) "Snowflake Crusher"
    L50 Redguard StamDK PvE Tank (US/DC) "Rampant Rabbit"
    L50 Dunmer MagDK PvE DPS (US/DC) "Deep Fried Bin Chicken"
    L50 Altmer MagSorc PvE DPS (US/DC) "Acirrum" - The vMA/vvH Potato Sorc
    L50 Orc StamSorc PvE DPS (US/AD) "Fraggle Proc"
    L50 Altmer MagBlade PvE Healer (US/AD) "Never Goanna Heal You Up"
    L20 Redguard StamBlade PvP Tank (US/AD) "Sneak Dogg"
    L50 Breton MagWarden PvE Healer (US/EP) "Drunk-The-Koolaid"
    L40 Orc StamDen PvE DPS (US/EP) "Fugly Betty"
    L50 Breton MagCro PvE DPS (US/DC) "Ivanna Fakakakis"
    L50 Redguard StamCro PvE DPS (US/DC) "Skeletons In The Closet"
    L50 Dunmer Stam Arcanist PvE DPS 80k (US/EP) "Sends-The-Trout" - 1 Bar Oakensoul
    L20 Nord Arcanist PvE Tank (US/EP) "Now Thats a Huge Witch"

    Xbox One / NA - 360 CP
    L50 Altmer MagBlade (US/AD) "Cork Soaking"
    L10 Argonian Templar (US/EP) "Makes-Me-Moist"
    L10 Argonian MagDK (US/EP) "<Forced-Name-Change>"
    L27 Altmer MagSorc (US/EP) "Sorcie McSorcface"

    |GM - The Bin Chicken Alliance | Aussie Dragon Slayers | Aedra | The Skooma Emporium | The Bus | The Bounty Hunters Guild |
  • Teridaxus
    When one the dps taunts the boss, the other dps does less damage than a single sorc pet and the healer is also a dps who does maybe outdps a single sorc pet.

    And only if its a vet dungeon, a normal dung can be still carried by me as tank, but i won't spend 2 hours in a vet dungeon.
  • Vaoh
    Bad teammates
    If they have an attitude, and suck, I won't help them.

    They have to go out of their way to annoy me before I even consider leaving.
  • zaria
    Don't pug - profit.
    Somethimes it help, was doing vet blackheart haven with friends, me as heal, decent tank, DD friend who is decent an an low dps friend of him who spend far to long time on the bow.
    Well we did decent, had problem on second last boss until we learned mechanics.
    Then on last boss it was stop, dps too low for taking down the adds fast enough.
    The two DD dropped after 10 wipes or something so we searched for replacement, got two random and boss went down in first try :)
    So happy, offered to do it again so they could get pledge.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Insomnia rex
    Insomnia rex
    From my experience people that leave are usually the problem, so I don't mind.
    CP630 AR20 PC EU, Alt Mag Sorc AD - Insomnicia Rex
  • tunepunk
    When I get a vote kick popup before we even got started, because someone didn't have high enough CP, or got questioned about what he was wearing. It's a good indicator that this is going to be a toxic group, so i rather wait for the next one.
  • xSkullfox
    tunepunk wrote: »
    When I get a vote kick popup before we even got started, because someone didn't have high enough CP, or got questioned about what he was wearing. It's a good indicator that this is going to be a toxic group, so i rather wait for the next one.

    ive got kicked cause i had a too high cp lvl. they wanted to play normal and not with someone who can nuke the whole dungeon away ....
    The worst part is when it finally puts you in a group, your healer turns into a werewolf, your tank has 14k HP and the dps is heavy armor, using a restro staff and a two handed sword on the backbar. Then comes the 15 minute penalty before the cycle starts anew.

    Rulz of Morrowind:
    • The first rule of Morrowind is: You do not talk about Morrowind.
    • The second rule of Morrowind is: You do not talk about Morrowind.
    • Third rule of Morrowind: Someone yells NDA stuff, uploads images, streams, the game is over.
    • Fourth rule: only invited players can test.
    • Fifth rule: one invite at a time, fellas.
    • Sixth rule: crying or bashing on pts.
    • Seventh rule: NDA will go on as long as they have to.
    • And the eighth and final rule: If this is your first invite at Morrowind, you have to play.
  • phileunderx2
    When it becomes obvious that my healer is going to be the tank and dps as well.
  • Olen_Mikko
    If i can't keep up as DD, i'll usually leave so they can replace me with better one.

    If playing as a healer, i rarely quit. If others do not know mechanics, and aren't willing to learn or listen, i leave after enough wipes, as it won't proceed.

    If they are new and tries to learn, i won't quit unless IRL calls
    NB enthusiastic:
    1. Woodhippie stamblade - DW hard-hitter / PvE
    2. Know-it-all elf Magblade - Healer / PvE & PvP
    3. Hate-them-all elf Magblade - Destrostaff AoE monster / PvE
    4. Cyrodiil-Refugee stamblade - Stamina Tank / PvE

    Go dominion or go home

    Nightblade-Hipster. I played Nightblade before it was cool - from 1.5 onwards.
  • SoLooney
    Bad teammates
    Bad teammates will lead to all the problems: constant wiping, I end up putting out 80perc plus dps, dungeons taking much longer than needed, stupid scrubs who only light or heavy attack, noobs who refuse to stay out of red and constantly dying, not knowing or refusing to learn mechanics

    I can carry 1, maybe 2 noobs, but I refuse to carry 3
  • Runschei
    Normal dungeons:
    Never. I can solo them so dragging 3 others won't be hard.

    Veteran dungeons:
    The team has failed too many times and refuses to read chat. It's ok if they don't understand English (all 3 of them is a rare situation tho but it happens) but man I can explain in all 3 Scandinavian languages and German too. Still don't understand? Bye bye. If it is only one player messing up about what I just said, I'll vote to kick and replace.
  • filip175
    Bad teammates
    I rarely leave PUGs, most truly random groups disband after a few wipes anyway. What makes me leave is when people start blaming others for their own faults - blaming healers for not healing while they died to an easily avoidable "mechanic", tank for not aggroing a boss when it's not possible, or when they refuse to do something they are supposed to, because "it's not their job".

    Low DPS (as long as it doesn't make the dungeon impossible to finish) or lack of experience never made me leave, as long as the people are willing to listen and try to do better.
  • Khenarthi
    Depends. I do not do group content often, but when I do, I prefer tanking. Which means my dps is small and I'm personally not awesome enough to carry a group.

    If the group members are willing to learn and follow mechanics, I'll be there for as long as it takes. If they are rude (to me or each other) or outright refuse to adapt, then I'm out.
  • razor_radford26
    Bad teammates
    A tank that isn't a tank is the bane of my life!
  • Flaminir
    After x about of time
    For me its not really about how good or bad players are but the amount of time taken.

    I like helping people... and helping people improve... so happy to take the time, but there does get to a point that I can't invest any more time. For example 2hours on a really standard dungeon... think that was about the most I've done.

    GM of the Unholy Legacy
    Sorcerer Flaminir (Magicka) / Staminir (Stamina)
    Templar Elixiia (Magicka/Healer) / Lotti Velooni (Magicka)
    DragonKnight Xalora Flaminar (Tank) / Unholy-Dragon-Toad (Tank)
    Nightblade Aimee Owlious (Magicka) / Myttens (Stamina)
    Warden: Frosti-Tute (Magicka/Healer) Boops-Many-Snoots (Stamina/Tank)
  • kylewwefan
    Bad teammates
    I can deal with many things, but when people are mean or just negative, I gotta roll.
  • SunnyBunny
    I have never left a group, even though there have been times when I really really wanted to. I was in a group doing a dungeon and we were very obviously not doing well. I try and stay positive and was willing to think of a a strategic way to get through a really hard part when the leader just said screw this and left. I would have been more then happy to continue and we really did try but it was no use at all.

    Another time we were doing one and I swear we were doing well. I knew the area kinda well so I was willing to give it a go. We wiped again and again but I being stubborn like I am was determined. So a person left and one of the people called their friend. He came and proceeded to run ahead and kill everything. Now I know that doesn't seem like a big deal, but I would have liked to kill stuff too. I kept saying for him to slow down a bit since you know there were 3 other people with him.
    Got to the final boss and he kept getting killed. Over and over. I tried to find out what the plan was besides hitting that wall over and over. After 2 minutes he said "f this" and left.
    His friend was so sorry she kept apologizing for him.

    Those two things had me not wanting to do dungeons and trials and stuff. I felt very much like what's the point? Although now I'm feeling maybe like yeah I can do this thing.
    Lone Wolf Help ~ Royal Bank of Tamriel ~ Black Market Wares

    I Know I'm Lost

    *Ernestina - Imperial Temp
    *Ennus - Bosmer Sorc
    *Greavy - Orc DK
    *Somniate - Ra Gada NB
    *Cilano - Imperial DK
    *Ba'Raka - Khajiit Warden
    *Bird In Hand - Argonian Templar
  • SirCritical
    10 seconds after saying goodbye when successfully finished any content with my guildmembers, who are the only players I group up with ;)
  • Keep_Door
    Bad teammates
    Call me an eltist idc but im not playing to teach you how to play. Play however you want but dont expect me to stick around for it.
  • TheCaptainJosh
    Bad teammates
    If someone queues as DPS for a harder vet dungeon (Ash II for example) and spams snipe/poison inject and is under 160CP, I leave. If the team ignores mechanics (which is fine in a max CP group) and then complains about wiping, I leave. Other than that I do my best to help complete the dungeon
    PC NA
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    Bad teammates
    Vaoh wrote: »
    If they have an attitude, and suck, I won't help them.

    They have to go out of their way to annoy me before I even consider leaving.


    I was in a group with a PUG lv35, lv20 and it took an hour to find someone else to help out. Guy they had come in was a CP260. Ended up doing the last boss solo since they didn't know the mechanics, but they were certainly nice enough that I could not say no to helping them out.
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on August 4, 2017 1:31PM
  • Danksta
    I don't PUG often so when ever the group agrees we've had enough.
    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

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