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I don't give a skeevers arse about pvp

  • Lieblingsjunge
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    How do you justify going 100% damage with little, to no sustain, and still being able to complete any content? Just because things are overpowered in PvP, doesn't mean they're not overpowered in PvE as well.

    Look at magsorcs. They excell at both. They're overpowered in both aspects of the game.

    Getting rid of the heavy-full-out damage set-ups is good imo. If you can't sustain BSW + Julianos, well then, go a sustain set and problem would be solved. I don't get why it's such an issue swapping one dps-set out with a sustain set. Or go 2 recovery glyphs instead of 3 spell damage.

    Here's the problem with that. It takes sky high damage to get a lot of these trials done. You can't waltz in with high sustain as a damage dealer, and expect to clear the content at hand. It's not going to happen. This is because there are "DPS Checks" in the content at hand. Whether it be enrage mechanics, or a mechanic that wipes the group if such and such isn't killed in a set amount of time.

    For example... If you go into VMoL with a group consisting of damage dealers set for sustaining their damage more so than burst damage — you're not going to beat the first boss. This is because of the shield phases that are incorporated, as well as the pillars that must be considered. 1 of 2 things are going to happen. You're either going to run out of pillars, or you're going to get wiped at the shield phase. It's that simple. But let's say that for practical purposes, you somehow complete that boss with all your DD's built for sustain. What are you going to do on the second bosses? The longer the fight drags on, the more adds you have to deal with. And from first-hand experiences, it's not as easy as it looks chaining 4 and 5 adds. 5 and more usually resulting in a wipe regardless (under most circumstances).

    But wait. Maybe VMoL is too extreme of an example. Let's look at VAA. Lol. Can't kill the second to last boss with your entire group build on sustain, because the summoned clones will explode. Thus wiping the group. And even then if you somehow manage to do that, on the last boss you'll wipe. Longer the fight drags on, the more reflections you have to deal with. There's also the fact that the tank(s) will have to deal with more axes. And I'm pretty sure next patch tanks holding 5 or more axes individually won't be a thing. I could be wrong, but I doubt it. And even then if you do, what are you doing at execute? Nothing. Nothing but getting wiped. See what I mean?

    You're exaggarating my point completely. I'm not saying you suddenly go full sustain-mode. There's still synergies available. There's still chances to go relatively high damage but still sustain fairly well. Just because the sustain takes a hit, it doesn't mean it's impossible to have any kind of sustain at all, in addition to damage.
    Instead of running 3 spell damage glyphs, go 2 spell damage / one cost red. Or 1 + 2.
    Instead of light attacking, medium-weave/HA once instead. Sure, might lower your DPS by a bit, but it helps with your sustain.
    Ignorance is the greatest weapon of tyranny.
    PC - EU.
    Lieblingsjunge(AD) - Racechanged Argonian :< | AR 50 - No double AP or Bleakers involved |
    Sits-On-Cacti(DC) - Problem?
    Fail-With-Tail(AD) - Healing Springs-spammer :<
    Tiny Liebs(EP) - Very Tiny. Also heals.
    Lieblingsmädchen(DC) - Magplar is love.
    The Dominàtrix(AD) - Chains, whip, whip, whip.
    Fluffy Furball Kitten(DC) - Kittycat, meow.
    Your Face(EP) - People make bad jokes about my name =(
    Liebs-With-Trees(AD) - Male argo with a big tail :>

    Officer/Sandwitch of Zerg Squad
    My title: The Maneater, Destroyer of Maneuvers, Bane of Potatoes, she who devours them, The Black Hole, the humorless, first of her name.
  • xeNNNNN
    LegacyDM wrote: »
    aliyavana wrote: »
    So why should pvp affect my pve? L2 balance the two seperately zos...

    Zos thinks players have it too easy lol. Never mind that only 1% can complete vma, vdsa, vicp, vwgt, vcos, and vet trials. Never mind most over world bosses need groups to complete. Never mind most people post their miserable experiences on forums about how they can't complete vet dungeons using pug group finder. Only thing easy in pve is overland quests but that's do to battle leveling against solo content. Nope zos thinks you needs a nerf to do pve. Rather than introducing harder content like back in the docia days they want to nerf YOU!!!!!

    I completely agree but you do remember how much people complained on here about doshia right? XD

    it was like wave after wave of complaining, personally I really enjoyed fighting doshia. Final main story quest was somewhat difficult as well back then and just like doshia I enjoyed the challenge even when I didn't know what the heck I was doing.
    Ah, e-communities - the "pinnacle" of the internet............yeah, right.
  • Hazethemadman
    People can complain and disagree all day, but it doesn't hurt anyone - so why not?

    Lets cut off the cancerous tumor that is PvP and save the PvE in this game.
    Samael- VR16 Magicka Dragonknight
    Bacchic Battery- 38 Magicka Sorcerer
    Nihil Dicit- 12 Magicka Templar
    Villion- 20 Stamina Nightblade
  • Ch4mpTW
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    How do you justify going 100% damage with little, to no sustain, and still being able to complete any content? Just because things are overpowered in PvP, doesn't mean they're not overpowered in PvE as well.

    Look at magsorcs. They excell at both. They're overpowered in both aspects of the game.

    Getting rid of the heavy-full-out damage set-ups is good imo. If you can't sustain BSW + Julianos, well then, go a sustain set and problem would be solved. I don't get why it's such an issue swapping one dps-set out with a sustain set. Or go 2 recovery glyphs instead of 3 spell damage.

    Here's the problem with that. It takes sky high damage to get a lot of these trials done. You can't waltz in with high sustain as a damage dealer, and expect to clear the content at hand. It's not going to happen. This is because there are "DPS Checks" in the content at hand. Whether it be enrage mechanics, or a mechanic that wipes the group if such and such isn't killed in a set amount of time.

    For example... If you go into VMoL with a group consisting of damage dealers set for sustaining their damage more so than burst damage — you're not going to beat the first boss. This is because of the shield phases that are incorporated, as well as the pillars that must be considered. 1 of 2 things are going to happen. You're either going to run out of pillars, or you're going to get wiped at the shield phase. It's that simple. But let's say that for practical purposes, you somehow complete that boss with all your DD's built for sustain. What are you going to do on the second bosses? The longer the fight drags on, the more adds you have to deal with. And from first-hand experiences, it's not as easy as it looks chaining 4 and 5 adds. 5 and more usually resulting in a wipe regardless (under most circumstances).

    But wait. Maybe VMoL is too extreme of an example. Let's look at VAA. Lol. Can't kill the second to last boss with your entire group build on sustain, because the summoned clones will explode. Thus wiping the group. And even then if you somehow manage to do that, on the last boss you'll wipe. Longer the fight drags on, the more reflections you have to deal with. There's also the fact that the tank(s) will have to deal with more axes. And I'm pretty sure next patch tanks holding 5 or more axes individually won't be a thing. I could be wrong, but I doubt it. And even then if you do, what are you doing at execute? Nothing. Nothing but getting wiped. See what I mean?

    You're exaggarating my point completely. I'm not saying you suddenly go full sustain-mode. There's still synergies available. There's still chances to go relatively high damage but still sustain fairly well. Just because the sustain takes a hit, it doesn't mean it's impossible to have any kind of sustain at all, in addition to damage.
    Instead of running 3 spell damage glyphs, go 2 spell damage / one cost red. Or 1 + 2.
    Instead of light attacking, medium-weave/HA once instead. Sure, might lower your DPS by a bit, but it helps with your sustain.

    Ah ok. I see what you mean now. Apologies. However, I'm not exactly too sure that what you suggested would work even then. It really does require some high DPS to get these veteran trials done. It really does. But, anything I possible (until proven otherwise). So, there's no harm in being optimistic :)
    People can complain and disagree all day, but it doesn't hurt anyone - so why not?

    Lets cut off the cancerous tumor that is PvP and save the PvE in this game.

    @Hazethemadman I like your logic, and the way you put things. Nice to meet you, bruh. I'm Champ.
  • TequilaFire
    People can complain and disagree all day, but it doesn't hurt anyone - so why not?

    Lets cut off the cancerous tumor that is PvP and save the PvE in this game.

    And you would still be nerfed.
  • Stovahkiin
    People can complain and disagree all day, but it doesn't hurt anyone - so why not?

    Lets cut off the cancerous tumor that is PvP and save the PvE in this game.

    Oh yes, it's not like it would hurt the game to loose 1/4 of its player base.
    Beware the battle cattle, but don't *fear* the battle cattle!
  • BigBragg
    Just because you don't enjoy part of the game, doesn't mean it shouldn't exist or be worked on. I could care less about RPing , but would never want anything taken from those that do enjoy that aspect of the game.
    Edited by BigBragg on April 30, 2017 2:11PM
  • CardboardedBox
    Mmmhm. I once farmed for a full set of divine vipers sting, and was extremely happy when i completed my set. But someone decided it was a good idea to make it so it's proc can't crit.

    I will never forget you vipers sting.

    The salt will never end.
  • Quigster
    Quigster wrote: »
    Zvorgin wrote: »
    These threads are pointless because they ignore the fact PvE is broken and needs fixing because there is too much sustain. <snip>

    Too much sustain for who?
    Again we see the attempt to apply a situation to the entire PVE player base. So all PVE players have zero sustain problems? I have sustain issues on some of my characters. So do many people in the circle of friends I see.

    This is the real issue: Why apply a game-wide nerf to all vet players when only some of those players have no sustain issues? Or perhaps I should ask this question instead: since this a game, and I (possibly along with some others) play this game for fun and relaxation, how are these changes going to improve my enjoyment of the game?

    If people are capable of doing the most intense end game pve, e.g. Vet maw without sustain issues then people shouldn't have any in other parts of the game. the minority are an accurate representation of the majority. Ok, lets apply that logic to economics in the USA. We better nerf the minimum wage across the nation because we have too many millionaires.
    (50) Quigster Bosmer Stamplar
    (50) Lorithar Lightcrest Altmer Mag Sorc
    (50) Tanius Magnitus Argonian Magplar
    (50) Kalethar Redguard Stamplar
    (50) Ra'Jo Darkstrike Khajiit Stamblade
    (50) Gen Maximus Imperial Stam DK
    (50) Jakon Fenrif Redguar Stam Sorc
    (50) Revus Meredor Dunmer Mag DK
    (50) Gorath the Silent Orc Stamblade
    (31) Bjorn Ironhand Nord Stamplar
    (28) Lord Devin Woodhearth Breton Magblade
    Altaholic, CP 600+
  • laksikus
    Quigster wrote: »
    Quigster wrote: »
    Zvorgin wrote: »
    These threads are pointless because they ignore the fact PvE is broken and needs fixing because there is too much sustain. <snip>

    Too much sustain for who?
    Again we see the attempt to apply a situation to the entire PVE player base. So all PVE players have zero sustain problems? I have sustain issues on some of my characters. So do many people in the circle of friends I see.

    This is the real issue: Why apply a game-wide nerf to all vet players when only some of those players have no sustain issues? Or perhaps I should ask this question instead: since this a game, and I (possibly along with some others) play this game for fun and relaxation, how are these changes going to improve my enjoyment of the game?

    If people are capable of doing the most intense end game pve, e.g. Vet maw without sustain issues then people shouldn't have any in other parts of the game. the minority are an accurate representation of the majority. Ok, lets apply that logic to economics in the USA. We better nerf the minimum wage across the nation because we have too many millionaires.

    you bring the USA up, good choice.

    We have too much sustain in good raid groups, clearly the raid groups fault
    And too many millionaires is obamas fault, isnt that why they elected Trump now? legit argument bringing stupid USA in this thread
  • Shadow_Viper_vX
    If you didn't care, you wouldn't have created a thread...

    Useless Thread is Useless
  • bg22
    Sorry you got smashed in PvP so you hate it now.

    Git gud.
  • Ch4mpTW
    bg22 wrote: »
    Sorry you got smashed in PvP so you hate it now.

    Git gud.

    Wow... Just... Wow. . .
  • Buffler
    In general, those that hate pvp suck at it.

    A good pvp player can do all pve content.
    A good pve player does not always make a good pvp'er
    Edited by Buffler on April 30, 2017 5:06PM
  • BomblePants
    I think I preferred it when Ch4mp was posting about the VMA grind..... ;)

  • Betheny
    Buffler wrote: »
    In general, those that hate pvp suck at it.

    A good pvp player can do all pve content.
    A good pve player does not always make a good pvp'er


    You people, always so confrontational and aggressive.

    I think the game would be better off without PVP and all the PVPers, things could get back to progression again, which RPG games are actually supposed to be about.

    Begone wretches.
  • bg22
    Betheny wrote: »
    Buffler wrote: »
    In general, those that hate pvp suck at it.

    A good pvp player can do all pve content.
    A good pve player does not always make a good pvp'er


    You people, always so confrontational and aggressive.

    I think the game would be better off without PVP and all the PVPers, things could get back to progression again, which RPG games are actually supposed to be about.

    Begone wretches.

    Wanna settle this with a Duel?
  • Buffler
    Betheny wrote: »
    Buffler wrote: »
    In general, those that hate pvp suck at it.

    A good pvp player can do all pve content.
    A good pve player does not always make a good pvp'er


    You people, always so confrontational and aggressive.

    I think the game would be better off without PVP and all the PVPers, things could get back to progression again, which RPG games are actually supposed to be about.

    Begone wretches.

    Just stating my opinion. Not confrontational or aggressive in the slightest.

    You talk of progression, what about many of us who cannot progress anymore and are at endgame?
  • TheBonesXXX
    I don't care about PvE or carebears, but I'm not crying to ruin your experience.
  • Betheny
    bg22 wrote: »
    Betheny wrote: »
    Buffler wrote: »
    In general, those that hate pvp suck at it.

    A good pvp player can do all pve content.
    A good pve player does not always make a good pvp'er


    You people, always so confrontational and aggressive.

    I think the game would be better off without PVP and all the PVPers, things could get back to progression again, which RPG games are actually supposed to be about.

    Begone wretches.

    Wanna settle this with a Duel?

    How about a bake-off.
  • Betheny
    Buffler wrote: »
    Betheny wrote: »
    Buffler wrote: »
    In general, those that hate pvp suck at it.

    A good pvp player can do all pve content.
    A good pve player does not always make a good pvp'er


    You people, always so confrontational and aggressive.

    I think the game would be better off without PVP and all the PVPers, things could get back to progression again, which RPG games are actually supposed to be about.

    Begone wretches.

    Just stating my opinion. Not confrontational or aggressive in the slightest.

    You talk of progression, what about many of us who cannot progress anymore and are at endgame?

    Blame the devs for not making enough game for you, then go play another game like any sane person would.
  • Buffler
    Betheny wrote: »
    Buffler wrote: »
    Betheny wrote: »
    Buffler wrote: »
    In general, those that hate pvp suck at it.

    A good pvp player can do all pve content.
    A good pve player does not always make a good pvp'er


    You people, always so confrontational and aggressive.

    I think the game would be better off without PVP and all the PVPers, things could get back to progression again, which RPG games are actually supposed to be about.

    Begone wretches.

    Just stating my opinion. Not confrontational or aggressive in the slightest.

    You talk of progression, what about many of us who cannot progress anymore and are at endgame?

    Blame the devs for not making enough game for you, then go play another game like any sane person would.

    Im not the one complaining! Im not kicking off about PVE because i PVP. If you dont like the changes, i suggest it is you that goes and plays another game.

    PVE is faceroll easy, its silly. PVP is real endgame in any part of gaming.
  • Betheny
    Buffler wrote: »
    Betheny wrote: »
    Buffler wrote: »
    Betheny wrote: »
    Buffler wrote: »
    In general, those that hate pvp suck at it.

    A good pvp player can do all pve content.
    A good pve player does not always make a good pvp'er


    You people, always so confrontational and aggressive.

    I think the game would be better off without PVP and all the PVPers, things could get back to progression again, which RPG games are actually supposed to be about.

    Begone wretches.

    Just stating my opinion. Not confrontational or aggressive in the slightest.

    You talk of progression, what about many of us who cannot progress anymore and are at endgame?

    Blame the devs for not making enough game for you, then go play another game like any sane person would.

    Im not the one complaining! Im not kicking off about PVE because i PVP. If you dont like the changes, i suggest it is you that goes and plays another game.

    PVE is faceroll easy, its silly. PVP is real endgame in any part of gaming.

    Yes you are complaining, you're whining about how you have nothing to do because you're "endgame". And how PVE is so easy for you, because you're a pro.

    This sort of rubbish is a great example of the offensive attitude of these PVP types, which any RPG game would well do without.

    Can't wait for a quality pure PVE game, then you'll see just how well your games with only PVPers kicking around will do without our PVE dollars.
  • Xexpo
    aliyavana wrote: »
    So why should pvp affect my pve? L2 balance the two seperately zos...

    What specifically are you talking about?
    How do you purpose to fix said issue ?
    What is the point of this thread other than to farm agrees from angry pvers?

    Do you really pve on a stam sorc? Even if you do, stam sorc is fine....
    Is this all just an excellent troll post? *slow clap*
    Edited by Xexpo on April 30, 2017 5:33PM
    Kiki Dickson ~~~ Dixmanian Devil ~~~ Cornelius Buckshank Jr.
    Histy-Fitz ~~~ Boozemer ~~~ Chace X'expo
    Lluvia De'Fuego ~~~ Shakes Spear
    Macro and Cheese NA/PC
  • Buffler
    Betheny wrote: »
    Buffler wrote: »
    Betheny wrote: »
    Buffler wrote: »
    Betheny wrote: »
    Buffler wrote: »
    In general, those that hate pvp suck at it.

    A good pvp player can do all pve content.
    A good pve player does not always make a good pvp'er


    You people, always so confrontational and aggressive.

    I think the game would be better off without PVP and all the PVPers, things could get back to progression again, which RPG games are actually supposed to be about.

    Begone wretches.

    Just stating my opinion. Not confrontational or aggressive in the slightest.

    You talk of progression, what about many of us who cannot progress anymore and are at endgame?

    Blame the devs for not making enough game for you, then go play another game like any sane person would.

    Im not the one complaining! Im not kicking off about PVE because i PVP. If you dont like the changes, i suggest it is you that goes and plays another game.

    PVE is faceroll easy, its silly. PVP is real endgame in any part of gaming.

    Yes you are complaining, you're whining about how you have nothing to do because you're "endgame". And how PVE is so easy for you, because you're a pro.

    This sort of rubbish is a great example of the offensive attitude of these PVP types, which any RPG game would well do without.

    Can't wait for a quality pure PVE game, then you'll see just how well your games with only PVPers kicking around will do without our PVE dollars.

    I havent said Ive got nothing to do at all. Ive got plenty of PVP to do thanks.

    You claim I am being aggressive and confrontational as Im a pvp'er, yet the only person being aggressive and confrontational is yourself.
  • Betheny
    Buffler wrote: »
    Betheny wrote: »
    Buffler wrote: »
    Betheny wrote: »
    Buffler wrote: »
    Betheny wrote: »
    Buffler wrote: »
    In general, those that hate pvp suck at it.

    A good pvp player can do all pve content.
    A good pve player does not always make a good pvp'er


    You people, always so confrontational and aggressive.

    I think the game would be better off without PVP and all the PVPers, things could get back to progression again, which RPG games are actually supposed to be about.

    Begone wretches.

    Just stating my opinion. Not confrontational or aggressive in the slightest.

    You talk of progression, what about many of us who cannot progress anymore and are at endgame?

    Blame the devs for not making enough game for you, then go play another game like any sane person would.

    Im not the one complaining! Im not kicking off about PVE because i PVP. If you dont like the changes, i suggest it is you that goes and plays another game.

    PVE is faceroll easy, its silly. PVP is real endgame in any part of gaming.

    Yes you are complaining, you're whining about how you have nothing to do because you're "endgame". And how PVE is so easy for you, because you're a pro.

    This sort of rubbish is a great example of the offensive attitude of these PVP types, which any RPG game would well do without.

    Can't wait for a quality pure PVE game, then you'll see just how well your games with only PVPers kicking around will do without our PVE dollars.

    I havent said Ive got nothing to do at all. Ive got plenty of PVP to do thanks.

    You claim I am being aggressive and confrontational as Im a pvp'er, yet the only person being aggressive and confrontational is yourself.

    Aww look, he feels the need to hold discussion with me.

    What I'm doing is expressing how much I want PVP to be annexed from the game. It would be glorious!
  • KochDerDamonen
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    How do you justify going 100% damage with little, to no sustain, and still being able to complete any content? Just because things are overpowered in PvP, doesn't mean they're not overpowered in PvE as well.

    Look at magsorcs. They excell at both. They're overpowered in both aspects of the game.

    Getting rid of the heavy-full-out damage set-ups is good imo. If you can't sustain BSW + Julianos, well then, go a sustain set and problem would be solved. I don't get why it's such an issue swapping one dps-set out with a sustain set. Or go 2 recovery glyphs instead of 3 spell damage.
    For example... If you go into VMoL with a group consisting of damage dealers set for sustaining their damage more so than burst damage — you're not going to beat the first boss. This is because of the shield phases that are incorporated, as well as the pillars that must be considered. 1 of 2 things are going to happen. You're either going to run out of pillars, or you're going to get wiped at the shield phase. It's that simple. But let's say that for practical purposes, you somehow complete that boss with all your DD's built for sustain. What are you going to do on the second bosses? The longer the fight drags on, the more adds you have to deal with. And from first-hand experiences, it's not as easy as it looks chaining 4 and 5 adds. 5 and more usually resulting in a wipe regardless (under most circumstances).

    Solution: Burst DD and DPS group members.

    More interesting, than current all-dps loadouts, no?
    If you quote someone, and intend for them to see what you have said, be sure to Mention them with @[insert name].
  • Buffler
    Betheny wrote: »
    Buffler wrote: »
    Betheny wrote: »
    Buffler wrote: »
    Betheny wrote: »
    Buffler wrote: »
    Betheny wrote: »
    Buffler wrote: »
    In general, those that hate pvp suck at it.

    A good pvp player can do all pve content.
    A good pve player does not always make a good pvp'er


    You people, always so confrontational and aggressive.

    I think the game would be better off without PVP and all the PVPers, things could get back to progression again, which RPG games are actually supposed to be about.

    Begone wretches.

    Just stating my opinion. Not confrontational or aggressive in the slightest.

    You talk of progression, what about many of us who cannot progress anymore and are at endgame?

    Blame the devs for not making enough game for you, then go play another game like any sane person would.

    Im not the one complaining! Im not kicking off about PVE because i PVP. If you dont like the changes, i suggest it is you that goes and plays another game.

    PVE is faceroll easy, its silly. PVP is real endgame in any part of gaming.

    Yes you are complaining, you're whining about how you have nothing to do because you're "endgame". And how PVE is so easy for you, because you're a pro.

    This sort of rubbish is a great example of the offensive attitude of these PVP types, which any RPG game would well do without.

    Can't wait for a quality pure PVE game, then you'll see just how well your games with only PVPers kicking around will do without our PVE dollars.

    I havent said Ive got nothing to do at all. Ive got plenty of PVP to do thanks.

    You claim I am being aggressive and confrontational as Im a pvp'er, yet the only person being aggressive and confrontational is yourself.

    Aww look, he feels the need to hold discussion with me.

    What I'm doing is expressing how much I want PVP to be annexed from the game. It would be glorious!

    Wow, salty! And its the pvp community labelled for being that way lol

    I dont do PVE as its too easy, but im not whining and trying to get rid of it. Im sorry you got wrecked in Cyrodiil, its made you a very bitter person.

    Run along now, go get kill your prescripted mechanical pixels in 2 hits....makes you feel like a god!
  • AngelicaDLynn
    Zvorgin wrote: »
    These threads are pointless because they ignore the fact PvE is broken and needs fixing because there is too much sustain. Tanks and healers aren't even necessary in a lot of vet dungeons which is an issue. Overland content is a complete joke as are normal and quite a few vet dungeons. The PvE in this game is mindlessly easy other than a few isolated spots.

    The 1% who do absolute end game PvE will still be able to. Also, a lot of people PvP and PvE and don't think PvE is peachy like the OP.

    How about this. If YOU think it is too easy then YOU change your CP so it is harder and leave everyone else alone? I mean you say it is too easy but I will guarantee you take just as much advantage as anyone else. So stop trying to make the game what YOU think it should be for others.
  • Betheny
    Buffler wrote: »
    Betheny wrote: »
    Buffler wrote: »
    Betheny wrote: »
    Buffler wrote: »
    Betheny wrote: »
    Buffler wrote: »
    Betheny wrote: »
    Buffler wrote: »
    In general, those that hate pvp suck at it.

    A good pvp player can do all pve content.
    A good pve player does not always make a good pvp'er


    You people, always so confrontational and aggressive.

    I think the game would be better off without PVP and all the PVPers, things could get back to progression again, which RPG games are actually supposed to be about.

    Begone wretches.

    Just stating my opinion. Not confrontational or aggressive in the slightest.

    You talk of progression, what about many of us who cannot progress anymore and are at endgame?

    Blame the devs for not making enough game for you, then go play another game like any sane person would.

    Im not the one complaining! Im not kicking off about PVE because i PVP. If you dont like the changes, i suggest it is you that goes and plays another game.

    PVE is faceroll easy, its silly. PVP is real endgame in any part of gaming.

    Yes you are complaining, you're whining about how you have nothing to do because you're "endgame". And how PVE is so easy for you, because you're a pro.

    This sort of rubbish is a great example of the offensive attitude of these PVP types, which any RPG game would well do without.

    Can't wait for a quality pure PVE game, then you'll see just how well your games with only PVPers kicking around will do without our PVE dollars.

    I havent said Ive got nothing to do at all. Ive got plenty of PVP to do thanks.

    You claim I am being aggressive and confrontational as Im a pvp'er, yet the only person being aggressive and confrontational is yourself.

    Aww look, he feels the need to hold discussion with me.

    What I'm doing is expressing how much I want PVP to be annexed from the game. It would be glorious!
    snip blahblah irrelevant chest beating snip

    Run along now, go get kill your prescripted mechanical pixels in 2 hits....makes you feel like a god!

    What, until Morrowind comes round and we now have to heavy attack everything to death.

    Thanks PVPers, you're all making the game better and better each time you whine for nerfs!
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