Wish pets could wander around

To the developers, I think it'd be great if the pets that we place at our homes could move around the place. My dog just sits there.
  • NightbladeMechanics
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  • Alpheu5
    Maybe have it to where when you place them, it sets that spot as their root, and then they can pathfind from there every once in a while, that way you can give them a "bed" or a "doghouse" to "sleep" in.
    Dalek-Rok - Argonian Sorcerer || Dalek-Shād - Argonian Nightblade || Dalek-Shul - Argonian Templar || Dalek-Xal - Argonian Dragonknight || Mounts-the-Snout - Argonian Warden || Dalek-Xul - Argonian Necromancer || Two-Spires - Argonian Arcanist || Dalek-Nesh - Argonian Sorcerer || Dalek-Kör - Argonian Dragonknight
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  • Livvy
    Totally agree. At the very least, they should be able to do the things they do when they are summoned and just standing next to you. :(
  • Xeroxed
    Yeah having them just statically stand there breaks mah immurshuns. XD But I realize that's a bit harder to do technically speaking. At minimum they should have idle animations running though, that wouldn't take any extra work really.
    More of me on the 'Net: Julia Grammer
  • NovaShadow
    Perhaps at the very least could they sit/lay down where you place them (for those ground dwellers) and do the little animations they do while idle with you out on adventures.

    I swear in that painfully long twitch non-eso live episode they did last month was it, the cat on the mantle sat down. Or am I just mis-remembering? My cat does not sit.

    And the camel in the announcement video was sitting, all my mounts just stand there looking all awkward like.

    Please let them have their personalities, whether it be lying, sitting, jumping around, playing, etc. Please re-consider this, they just seem so sad as they are now.
    PC NA - EPHS
  • Betheny
    They're creepy, like decorating your house with stuffed animals.
  • chuck-18_ESO
    It's definitely kind of creepy having them just idle there, but i understand the difficulty programming a pet to wander and not clip. Still, letting them lie down or roll over every now and again would be better than the current state.
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    1: That Shezarr the missing sibling is Singularly Misplaced and therefore Doubly Venerated.
    1: That the protean substrate that informs all denial of (1) is the Aldmeri Taint.
    1: That the Prophet Most Simian demonstrated that monothought begets Proper-Life.
    1: That the purpose of Proper-Life is the Expungement of the Taint.
    1: That the Arc of Time provides the mortal theater for the Sacred Expungement.
    1: That Akatosh is Time is Proper-Life is Taint-Death.
  • TerraDewBerry
    Yeah, I would really like my pets and mounts to be able to move around. It doesn't need to be a huge distance, but at least something to make them seem more real and alive. Nothing alive stays in a single solitary place forever.. Set the animals free ZOS! :)
  • capricorn152245ub17_ESO
    Yeah....the dog with the 1000 yard stare sort of just bores into your soul after about an hour. Even worse in the dark.
  • HereKittehKitteh
    I was disappointed when placing my dog into my house and it just stood there. Was definitely hoping they'd at least move around a little, kinda like with the bear pet that plays with the butterfly (may or may not be why i bought it <.<) only maybe utilising a larger area than just right by your heel. It'd be great if you could interact with them like pet them or something
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