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Why I use Malubeth.

  • zyk
    Besides, downloading a cheat engine or going through the trouble of giving yourself 6 mundas stones or being a sorcerer and deliberately giving yourself inner light without it being on your bar is on a whole different level of poor sportsmanship than using a legal set that is overperforming.

    It's not merely OP, there is clear evidence that it is not working properly in a way that provides significant advantages. It's like any other bug many posters in this thread trip over themselves to take advantage of at the unfair expense of other players.
  • xylena
    Using malubeth as an excuse for dragonblood 1 button BoL insta heal (and comparing it to malubeth) goes to show how many dks were being carried at launch

    potato can be hard to translate, but i think it's saying "fix dragon blood"
    Retired until we break the Tank Meta
  • yodased
    zyk wrote: »
    Fasoo wrote: »
    bc I solo and am always zerged. that is all.
    Fasoo wrote: »
    Master_Kas wrote: »
    And you do use it against other solo players aswell ? :trollface:


    Solo players don't attack fellow solo players. It is against the rules written in the 1vX Handbook by the master tamerlin himself

    That's some fine logic there. You don't fight other solo players, meaning you look for outnumbered situations, and because you're outnumbered, you need Malubeth?

    Even if I didn't respect other people, I wouldn't use it because I wouldn't feel good about anything I accomplished while wearing it.

    The same goes for inarguable forms of cheating. Unless one wants baseless adulation, it's a complete waste of time -- outside of any other ethical concerns.

    I'm sure @ZOS_JessicaFolsom is asking about Malubeth @ ZOS HQ, but the only response she receives is "Malu-WHAT??"
    Roechacca wrote: »
    Malubeth is a no option set. You either run it on your tank or get run over by someone using it on their tank. Don't stand in the blue beam and spam defile debuffs. If your spinning like a ballerina mashing wrecking blow, it's pretty much on you for not knowing how to play.

    You can apply this logic to anything. "I only use cheat engine to remain competitive with other players who use cheat engine."

    The set is obviously bugged. Anyone who chooses to use it knowing this exposes themselves as having very poor ethics.

    No, you won't be banned, but you'll lose respect from other people who won't care enough to tell you.

    The word ethics is coming up far too often in the context of video game leisure. This is not civic society, social justice, or the world community we are talking about, arenas where ethics have some sort of relevance outside of the tiny tine number who actually play this fantasy game.

    Besides, downloading a cheat engine or going through the trouble of giving yourself 6 mundas stones or being a sorcerer and deliberately giving yourself inner light without it being on your bar is on a whole different level of poor sportsmanship than using a legal set that is overperforming.

    Ethics and morality don't suddenly become meaningless on the Internet, millenials have this very confused
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • Lord_Hev
    zyk wrote: »
    Besides, downloading a cheat engine or going through the trouble of giving yourself 6 mundas stones or being a sorcerer and deliberately giving yourself inner light without it being on your bar is on a whole different level of poor sportsmanship than using a legal set that is overperforming.

    It's not merely OP, there is clear evidence that it is not working properly in a way that provides significant advantages. It's like any other bug many posters in this thread trip over themselves to take advantage of at the unfair expense of other players.

    Unfair expense. lol yeah it's such a travesty Malubeth tanks can't get easily bursted down in this brain-dead skilless stam meta.

    xylena wrote: »
    Using malubeth as an excuse for dragonblood 1 button BoL insta heal (and comparing it to malubeth) goes to show how many dks were being carried at launch

    potato can be hard to translate, but i think it's saying "fix dragon blood"

    Actually, I think it's saying that magic DK is still OP and to buff stam sorc more so it can try-harder to self-inflate its ego.

    Edited by Lord_Hev on July 18, 2016 10:05PM
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
  • Thelon
  • Roechacca
    Hey. You exploiter fanatics need to get your butts in check. No one at ZOS has said Malubeth is an exploit. They are aware of the set and put in a fix for the double dip on crit. Call me an exploiter one time or compare me to a cheat engine user and we're taking this to mods to settle.
  • PainfulFAFA
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    zyk wrote: »
    Besides, downloading a cheat engine or going through the trouble of giving yourself 6 mundas stones or being a sorcerer and deliberately giving yourself inner light without it being on your bar is on a whole different level of poor sportsmanship than using a legal set that is overperforming.

    It's not merely OP, there is clear evidence that it is not working properly in a way that provides significant advantages. It's like any other bug many posters in this thread trip over themselves to take advantage of at the unfair expense of other players.

    Unfair expense. lol yeah it's such a travesty Malubeth tanks can't get easily bursted down in this brain-dead skilless stam meta.

    xylena wrote: »
    Using malubeth as an excuse for dragonblood 1 button BoL insta heal (and comparing it to malubeth) goes to show how many dks were being carried at launch

    potato can be hard to translate, but i think it's saying "fix dragon blood"

    Actually, I think it's saying that magic DK is still OP and to buff stam sorc more so it can try-harder to self-inflate its ego.

    ya ok lol
    Edited by PainfulFAFA on July 18, 2016 10:12PM
    PC NA
    Aztec | AZTEC | Ahztec | Aztehk | Master of Mnem
    MagDK | Magplar | Magward | Mageblade | Stamsorc

  • zyk
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    Unfair expense. lol yeah it's such a travesty Malubeth tanks can't get easily bursted down in this brain-dead skilless stam meta.

    Whether it is true or not that Magicka DKs have balance issues is irrelevant. Should memory hacking also be OK for poor, starving Magicka DKs? (who happen to be a big part of some of the best groups in the game)

    This thread is full of the kind of flimsy excuses people come up with to justify doing whatever they want. They come out in every bug discussion.

    I'm not calling for anyone to be banned or anything like that. But IMO, anyone who decides to use this set knowing that it's bugged has poor ethics.

    @Roechacca Are you legitimately unaware that this set is still broken? I haven't said the word exploit, but knowingly using a broken set is certainly taking advantage of a bug. ZOS may not ban for it--nor should it--but it's lame and disrespectful to your opponents.

    If you disagree that the set is bugged, that is a different discussion entirely.
    Edited by zyk on July 18, 2016 10:23PM
  • PainfulFAFA
    xylena wrote: »
    Using malubeth as an excuse for dragonblood 1 button BoL insta heal (and comparing it to malubeth) goes to show how many dks were being carried at launch

    potato can be hard to translate, but i think it's saying "fix dragon blood"

    Its like me saying... "fix pets/remove toggles otherwise im going to use fasalla/malubeth/cheese/exploits/bugs in protest"
    "fix toppling charge otherwise...."
    "fix cloak otherwise...."

    Edited by PainfulFAFA on July 18, 2016 10:29PM
    PC NA
    Aztec | AZTEC | Ahztec | Aztehk | Master of Mnem
    MagDK | Magplar | Magward | Mageblade | Stamsorc

  • Roechacca
    zyk wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    Unfair expense. lol yeah it's such a travesty Malubeth tanks can't get easily bursted down in this brain-dead skilless stam meta.

    Whether it is true or not that Magicka DKs have balance issues is irrelevant. Should memory hacking also be OK for poor, starving Magicka DKs? (who happen to be a big part of some of the best groups in the game)

    This thread is full of the kind of flimsy excuses people come up with to justify doing whatever they want. They come out in every bug discussion.

    I'm not calling for anyone to be banned or anything like that. But IMO, anyone who decides to use this set knowing that it's bugged has poor ethics.

    @Roechacca Are you legitimately unaware that this set is still broken? I haven't said the word exploit, but knowingly using a broken set is certainly taking advantage of a bug. ZOS may not ban for it, but it's lame and disrespectful to your opponents.

    No I'm not aware the set is broken. I also don't own the set. All I know is from the Dev Tracker because I have never relied on players to tell me what's working or not working as intended. It's like asking the kids on the playground what the rules are. It's a 50/50 gamble they're right.
  • zyk
    Roechacca wrote: »
    No I'm not aware the set is broken. I also don't own the set. All I know is from the Dev Tracker because I have never relied on players to tell me what's working or not working as intended. It's like asking the kids on the playground what the rules are. It's a 50/50 gamble they're right.

    Here is a recent discussion about Malubeth:
  • Roechacca
    If everyone went by what the PvP players call exploits we wouldn't be able to use half the abilities and sets in the game because at all times there at least one thread on something someone doesn't like being bugged. How in the world would anyone even feel safe to play Cyrodiil if we had to listen to players opinions on what is or is not a bug?

    I don't spend money to tip toe around nerf of the week threads! You don't pay my sub and make the rules on where my hard earned money can and can't be used. GTFO.

    ZOS has clearly said.

    CE is an exploit. Duh. Never used it.
    Gap closing into keeps is an exploit. No problem, never tried it.
    Boting is an exploit. No kidding. Never tried it.

    But it will be a cold day in hell I start listening to a player to tell me what I can and can't do. Just like I don't tell players what builds they can run.

    If ZOS says hey, Malubeth is bugged please don't use it. No problem. Don't own it. But if I want to go buy it and use it until We hear that call, no one has any right to name shame and call for public black listing. No one. That's against the code of conduct here if you're so much into the rule book.
  • PainfulFAFA
    Roechacca wrote: »
    If everyone went by what the PvP players call exploits we wouldn't be able to use half the abilities and sets in the game because at all times there at least one thread on something someone doesn't like being bugged. How in the world would anyone even feel safe to play Cyrodiil if we had to listen to players opinions on what is or is not a bug?

    I don't spend money to tip toe around nerf of the week threads! You don't pay my sub and make the rules on where my hard earned money can and can't be used. GTFO.

    ZOS has clearly said.

    CE is an exploit. Duh. Never used it.
    Gap closing into keeps is an exploit. No problem, never tried it.
    Boting is an exploit. No kidding. Never tried it.

    But it will be a cold day in hell I start listening to a player to tell me what I can and can't do. Just like I don't tell players what builds they can run.

    If ZOS says hey, Malubeth is bugged please don't use it. No problem. Don't own it. But if I want to go buy it and use it until We hear that call, no one has any right to name shame and call for public black listing. No one. That's against the code of conduct here if you're so much into the rule book.

    Funny, because all those things u mention that ZOS has a stance on happened because players, like in this thread and many others, reported it and it was only until a dozen threads were made that they addressed them. Only a matter of time before they do the same here
    Edited by PainfulFAFA on July 18, 2016 10:47PM
    PC NA
    Aztec | AZTEC | Ahztec | Aztehk | Master of Mnem
    MagDK | Magplar | Magward | Mageblade | Stamsorc

  • Roechacca
    Roechacca wrote: »
    zyk wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    Unfair expense. lol yeah it's such a travesty Malubeth tanks can't get easily bursted down in this brain-dead skilless stam meta.

    Whether it is true or not that Magicka DKs have balance issues is irrelevant. Should memory hacking also be OK for poor, starving Magicka DKs? (who happen to be a big part of some of the best groups in the game)

    This thread is full of the kind of flimsy excuses people come up with to justify doing whatever they want. They come out in every bug discussion.

    I'm not calling for anyone to be banned or anything like that. But IMO, anyone who decides to use this set knowing that it's bugged has poor ethics.

    @Roechacca Are you legitimately unaware that this set is still broken? I haven't said the word exploit, but knowingly using a broken set is certainly taking advantage of a bug. ZOS may not ban for it, but it's lame and disrespectful to your opponents.

    No I'm not aware the set is broken. I also don't own the set. All I know is from the Dev Tracker because I have never relied on players to tell me what's working or not working as intended. It's like asking the kids on the playground what the rules are. It's a 50/50 gamble they're right.

    Thats why you ask the teacher (the experienced) or simply go out there and find out on your own and so far many of the kids in the playground (this thread) a
    Roechacca wrote: »
    If everyone went by what the PvP players call exploits we wouldn't be able to use half the abilities and sets in the game because at all times there at least one thread on something someone doesn't like being bugged. How in the world would anyone even feel safe to play Cyrodiil if we had to listen to players opinions on what is or is not a bug?

    I don't spend money to tip toe around nerf of the week threads! You don't pay my sub and make the rules on where my hard earned money can and can't be used. GTFO.

    ZOS has clearly said.

    CE is an exploit. Duh. Never used it.
    Gap closing into keeps is an exploit. No problem, never tried it.
    Boting is an exploit. No kidding. Never tried it.

    But it will be a cold day in hell I start listening to a player to tell me what I can and can't do. Just like I don't tell players what builds they can run.

    If ZOS says hey, Malubeth is bugged please don't use it. No problem. Don't own it. But if I want to go buy it and use it until We hear that call, no one has any right to name shame and call for public black listing. No one. That's against the code of conduct here if you're so much into the rule book.

    Funny, because all those things u mention that ZOS has a stance on happened because players, like in this thread and many others, reported it and it was only until a dozen threads were made that they addressed them. Only a matter of time before they do the same here

    That's the silliest thing I've ever heard from you Pain and I've listened to you drunk in Brandon's TS.

    Those things I listed were already against the rules. Just no one payed attention because ZOS didn't ENFORCE the rules. Brian Wheeler said back in 2015 gap closing into keeps was not intended. CE and boting were written into the TOS at launch.

    Edited by Roechacca on July 18, 2016 11:02PM
  • Cinnamon_Spider
    So far ZOS has not said it isn't working as intended and they've had plenty of options to do so. Until that day, I'm going to assume the set is working correctly and I will continue to use it.
    Cinn #SorcLivesMatter
    Exquisite Bedlam - Sorcerer AD rank 34
    Cinnamonspiderdreams - Sorcerer EP rank 24
    Synaris Astarte - Templar DC rank 24
    Cinnamon Spider - Nightblade AD

    Youtube - Cinnamon_Spider
  • Lord_Hev
    zyk wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    Unfair expense. lol yeah it's such a travesty Malubeth tanks can't get easily bursted down in this brain-dead skilless stam meta.

    Whether it is true or not that Magicka DKs have balance issues is irrelevant. Should memory hacking also be OK for poor, starving Magicka DKs? (who happen to be a big part of some of the best groups in the game)

    This thread is full of the kind of flimsy excuses people come up with to justify doing whatever they want. They come out in every bug discussion.

    I'm not calling for anyone to be banned or anything like that. But IMO, anyone who decides to use this set knowing that it's bugged has poor ethics.

    @Roechacca Are you legitimately unaware that this set is still broken? I haven't said the word exploit, but knowingly using a broken set is certainly taking advantage of a bug. ZOS may not ban for it--nor should it--but it's lame and disrespectful to your opponents.

    If you disagree that the set is bugged, that is a different discussion entirely.

    Memory hacks? wtf?

    I support templars using Malubeth too. Templars and DKs should be a pain in the ass to kill since they cant choose their fights.

    And just to be clear, I only talk about magic Templar and DK. Stam may as well be its own classification since they are all equally on every class, on a whole different level. They all have mobility, offense, and defense all wrapped in one convenient package. Are stam builds using Malubeth unethical? Yes, that I can agree with, shame shame.

    Ethics are subjective, last I checked this isn't an ethics and morality class. It's a video game.

    Edited by Lord_Hev on July 18, 2016 10:59PM
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
  • maxjapank
    So far ZOS has not said it isn't working as intended and they've had plenty of options to do so. Until that day, I'm going to assume the set is working correctly and I will continue to use it.

    Been using the set since way before and have never noticed it giving me over the top healing ticks. Whatever people think is happening, it just isn't happening for me. I'll admit that it is a strong monster set but there are equally strong sets as well.
  • Joy_Division
    zyk wrote: »
    Besides, downloading a cheat engine or going through the trouble of giving yourself 6 mundas stones or being a sorcerer and deliberately giving yourself inner light without it being on your bar is on a whole different level of poor sportsmanship than using a legal set that is overperforming.

    It's not merely OP, there is clear evidence that it is not working properly in a way that provides significant advantages. It's like any other bug many posters in this thread trip over themselves to take advantage of at the unfair expense of other players.

    I'm sorry, a set that sometimes does not work properly is in no way comparable to downloading a cheat engine or deliberately giving yourself 6 mundas stones that are always active. And I'm not buying the "unfair expanse" of other players when so many of those same other players are wearing the set.

    If you want to congratulate yourself for willingfully abstaining from it, fine, that's your prerogative. But in my mind that act does not make you morally or ethically superior. Perhaps an example of better sportsmanship, maybe. But even that's ambiguous because as Cinnamon Spider has noted, ZoS has not come out and said otherwise. So it's up to our own judgement of what is WAI and there is by no means a consensus. I don't remember who willfully abstained from using sharpened maces, nirhoned staves, nirhoned armor, emperor siege, siege in general after the 1.6 buff, caltrops when it prevented siege damage weapons, troll repairing, dragon leaping into keeps, or the dozens of other busted mechanics that have been a part of the day to day ESO experience. But then again I don't take these things personally or viewed them as moral failures.
    Edited by Joy_Division on July 18, 2016 11:27PM
  • PainfulFAFA
    Roechacca wrote: »
    Roechacca wrote: »
    zyk wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    Unfair expense. lol yeah it's such a travesty Malubeth tanks can't get easily bursted down in this brain-dead skilless stam meta.

    Whether it is true or not that Magicka DKs have balance issues is irrelevant. Should memory hacking also be OK for poor, starving Magicka DKs? (who happen to be a big part of some of the best groups in the game)

    This thread is full of the kind of flimsy excuses people come up with to justify doing whatever they want. They come out in every bug discussion.

    I'm not calling for anyone to be banned or anything like that. But IMO, anyone who decides to use this set knowing that it's bugged has poor ethics.

    @Roechacca Are you legitimately unaware that this set is still broken? I haven't said the word exploit, but knowingly using a broken set is certainly taking advantage of a bug. ZOS may not ban for it, but it's lame and disrespectful to your opponents.

    No I'm not aware the set is broken. I also don't own the set. All I know is from the Dev Tracker because I have never relied on players to tell me what's working or not working as intended. It's like asking the kids on the playground what the rules are. It's a 50/50 gamble they're right.

    Thats why you ask the teacher (the experienced) or simply go out there and find out on your own and so far many of the kids in the playground (this thread) a
    Roechacca wrote: »
    If everyone went by what the PvP players call exploits we wouldn't be able to use half the abilities and sets in the game because at all times there at least one thread on something someone doesn't like being bugged. How in the world would anyone even feel safe to play Cyrodiil if we had to listen to players opinions on what is or is not a bug?

    I don't spend money to tip toe around nerf of the week threads! You don't pay my sub and make the rules on where my hard earned money can and can't be used. GTFO.

    ZOS has clearly said.

    CE is an exploit. Duh. Never used it.
    Gap closing into keeps is an exploit. No problem, never tried it.
    Boting is an exploit. No kidding. Never tried it.

    But it will be a cold day in hell I start listening to a player to tell me what I can and can't do. Just like I don't tell players what builds they can run.

    If ZOS says hey, Malubeth is bugged please don't use it. No problem. Don't own it. But if I want to go buy it and use it until We hear that call, no one has any right to name shame and call for public black listing. No one. That's against the code of conduct here if you're so much into the rule book.

    Funny, because all those things u mention that ZOS has a stance on happened because players, like in this thread and many others, reported it and it was only until a dozen threads were made that they addressed them. Only a matter of time before they do the same here

    That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard from you Pain and I've listened to you drunk in Brandon's TS.

    Those things I listed were already against the rules. Just no one payed attention because ZOS didn't ENFORCE the rules. Brian Wheeler said back in 2015 gap closing into keeps was not intended. CE and boting were written into the TOS at launch.

    What im trying to say is that ZOS has shown in the past that they cannot balance this game and only do so when players give them TONS of feedback/threads and i think this is another one of those times.

    Its like all the radiant destruction threads that nearly got the skill nerfed until DEVS came in and told everyone it was working as intended (and we STILL get nerf threads to this day)

    We have no dev response and lots of debate on forums so at the end of the day we're all in the dark and i suppose everything goes. I know that set isnt working right (i used it pre-DB). Sooner or later they will give a response
    Edited by PainfulFAFA on July 18, 2016 11:13PM
    PC NA
    Aztec | AZTEC | Ahztec | Aztehk | Master of Mnem
    MagDK | Magplar | Magward | Mageblade | Stamsorc

  • Roechacca
    Exactly what Joy Division is saying. An I've seen several people in this thread use more then one of those questionable bugs in PvP but are now on the morality superior side. If anyone in this thread can take the moral mountain peak, it's me. My game play has NEVER once been questioned.
  • PainfulFAFA
    maxjapank wrote: »
    So far ZOS has not said it isn't working as intended and they've had plenty of options to do so. Until that day, I'm going to assume the set is working correctly and I will continue to use it.

    Been using the set since way before and have never noticed it giving me over the top healing ticks. Whatever people think is happening, it just isn't happening for me. I'll admit that it is a strong monster set but there are equally strong sets as well.

    Thats because before DB, the tether heal was affected by battlespirit (3k heals) and now its not affected.
    I used this set before and i didnt like it because of the weak heals but after DB it was OBVIOUS that they did something to it. Once i took a look at the patch notes it all made sense.
    Scourge Harvester: Fixed an issue where the heal from this item set’s proc was being reduced by Battle Spirit; healing based on damage done will no longer be double-penalized by Battle Spirit.

    So now im getting 6k+ heals and it gets buffed with Crits, Buffs, CPs, and by the 30% bonus if it was previously up. The damage on the other hand is divided into ticks, are reduced by BattleSpirit, and then are further reduced by armor/mitigations.
    Edited by PainfulFAFA on July 18, 2016 11:11PM
    PC NA
    Aztec | AZTEC | Ahztec | Aztehk | Master of Mnem
    MagDK | Magplar | Magward | Mageblade | Stamsorc

  • Roechacca
    Roechacca wrote: »
    Roechacca wrote: »
    zyk wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    Unfair expense. lol yeah it's such a travesty Malubeth tanks can't get easily bursted down in this brain-dead skilless stam meta.

    Whether it is true or not that Magicka DKs have balance issues is irrelevant. Should memory hacking also be OK for poor, starving Magicka DKs? (who happen to be a big part of some of the best groups in the game)

    This thread is full of the kind of flimsy excuses people come up with to justify doing whatever they want. They come out in every bug discussion.

    I'm not calling for anyone to be banned or anything like that. But IMO, anyone who decides to use this set knowing that it's bugged has poor ethics.

    @Roechacca Are you legitimately unaware that this set is still broken? I haven't said the word exploit, but knowingly using a broken set is certainly taking advantage of a bug. ZOS may not ban for it, but it's lame and disrespectful to your opponents.

    No I'm not aware the set is broken. I also don't own the set. All I know is from the Dev Tracker because I have never relied on players to tell me what's working or not working as intended. It's like asking the kids on the playground what the rules are. It's a 50/50 gamble they're right.

    Thats why you ask the teacher (the experienced) or simply go out there and find out on your own and so far many of the kids in the playground (this thread) a
    Roechacca wrote: »
    If everyone went by what the PvP players call exploits we wouldn't be able to use half the abilities and sets in the game because at all times there at least one thread on something someone doesn't like being bugged. How in the world would anyone even feel safe to play Cyrodiil if we had to listen to players opinions on what is or is not a bug?

    I don't spend money to tip toe around nerf of the week threads! You don't pay my sub and make the rules on where my hard earned money can and can't be used. GTFO.

    ZOS has clearly said.

    CE is an exploit. Duh. Never used it.
    Gap closing into keeps is an exploit. No problem, never tried it.
    Boting is an exploit. No kidding. Never tried it.

    But it will be a cold day in hell I start listening to a player to tell me what I can and can't do. Just like I don't tell players what builds they can run.

    If ZOS says hey, Malubeth is bugged please don't use it. No problem. Don't own it. But if I want to go buy it and use it until We hear that call, no one has any right to name shame and call for public black listing. No one. That's against the code of conduct here if you're so much into the rule book.

    Funny, because all those things u mention that ZOS has a stance on happened because players, like in this thread and many others, reported it and it was only until a dozen threads were made that they addressed them. Only a matter of time before they do the same here

    That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard from you Pain and I've listened to you drunk in Brandon's TS.

    Those things I listed were already against the rules. Just no one payed attention because ZOS didn't ENFORCE the rules. Brian Wheeler said back in 2015 gap closing into keeps was not intended. CE and boting were written into the TOS at launch.

    What im trying to say is that ZOS has shown in the past that they cannot balance this game and only do so when players give them TONS of feedback/threads and i think this is another one of those times.

    Its like all the radiant destruction threads that nearly got the skill nerfed until DEVS came in and told everyone it was working as intended (and we STILL get them to this day)

    We have no dev response and lots of debate on forums so at the end of the day we're all in the dark and i suppose everything goes. I know that set isnt working right (i used it pre-DB). Sooner or later we will get a response

    I have no issue with reporting what you think is broken Pain, I encourage it. I will submit feedback too if I can ever get this test center working again.

    But I advise against following around this forum crowd looking to black list players for doing something or using somethings ZOS has not said is broken yet. You've been around long enough to remember the calls for bans on people animation canceling. Those jerks couldn't get a group to safe their life months after Wrobel gave an air hug to animation canceling and said he's embracing it. How embarrassing was that for those people?! You're too good a player and a guy to act like that on the forums.
  • Fasoo
    ya good?
  • maxjapank

    Scourge Harvester: Fixed an issue where the heal from this item set’s proc was being reduced by Battle Spirit; healing based on damage done will no longer be double-penalized by Battle Spirit.

    And this fix was wrong? Why should any skill or proc be double-penalized by Battle Spirit? Your not showing me anything new. And as I said, those insane ticks that people claim to be getting are not happening for me. So I see nothing wrong with using something that is working correctly on me.
    Edited by maxjapank on July 18, 2016 11:39PM
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Malubeth ... grrr

  • Elong
    I will use it on my Magicka DK because I'm terrible and I need all the help I can get.

  • PainfulFAFA
    Roechacca wrote: »
    Roechacca wrote: »
    Roechacca wrote: »
    zyk wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    Unfair expense. lol yeah it's such a travesty Malubeth tanks can't get easily bursted down in this brain-dead skilless stam meta.

    Whether it is true or not that Magicka DKs have balance issues is irrelevant. Should memory hacking also be OK for poor, starving Magicka DKs? (who happen to be a big part of some of the best groups in the game)

    This thread is full of the kind of flimsy excuses people come up with to justify doing whatever they want. They come out in every bug discussion.

    I'm not calling for anyone to be banned or anything like that. But IMO, anyone who decides to use this set knowing that it's bugged has poor ethics.

    @Roechacca Are you legitimately unaware that this set is still broken? I haven't said the word exploit, but knowingly using a broken set is certainly taking advantage of a bug. ZOS may not ban for it, but it's lame and disrespectful to your opponents.

    No I'm not aware the set is broken. I also don't own the set. All I know is from the Dev Tracker because I have never relied on players to tell me what's working or not working as intended. It's like asking the kids on the playground what the rules are. It's a 50/50 gamble they're right.

    Thats why you ask the teacher (the experienced) or simply go out there and find out on your own and so far many of the kids in the playground (this thread) a
    Roechacca wrote: »
    If everyone went by what the PvP players call exploits we wouldn't be able to use half the abilities and sets in the game because at all times there at least one thread on something someone doesn't like being bugged. How in the world would anyone even feel safe to play Cyrodiil if we had to listen to players opinions on what is or is not a bug?

    I don't spend money to tip toe around nerf of the week threads! You don't pay my sub and make the rules on where my hard earned money can and can't be used. GTFO.

    ZOS has clearly said.

    CE is an exploit. Duh. Never used it.
    Gap closing into keeps is an exploit. No problem, never tried it.
    Boting is an exploit. No kidding. Never tried it.

    But it will be a cold day in hell I start listening to a player to tell me what I can and can't do. Just like I don't tell players what builds they can run.

    If ZOS says hey, Malubeth is bugged please don't use it. No problem. Don't own it. But if I want to go buy it and use it until We hear that call, no one has any right to name shame and call for public black listing. No one. That's against the code of conduct here if you're so much into the rule book.

    Funny, because all those things u mention that ZOS has a stance on happened because players, like in this thread and many others, reported it and it was only until a dozen threads were made that they addressed them. Only a matter of time before they do the same here

    That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard from you Pain and I've listened to you drunk in Brandon's TS.

    Those things I listed were already against the rules. Just no one payed attention because ZOS didn't ENFORCE the rules. Brian Wheeler said back in 2015 gap closing into keeps was not intended. CE and boting were written into the TOS at launch.

    What im trying to say is that ZOS has shown in the past that they cannot balance this game and only do so when players give them TONS of feedback/threads and i think this is another one of those times.

    Its like all the radiant destruction threads that nearly got the skill nerfed until DEVS came in and told everyone it was working as intended (and we STILL get them to this day)

    We have no dev response and lots of debate on forums so at the end of the day we're all in the dark and i suppose everything goes. I know that set isnt working right (i used it pre-DB). Sooner or later we will get a response

    I have no issue with reporting what you think is broken Pain, I encourage it. I will submit feedback too if I can ever get this test center working again.

    But I advise against following around this forum crowd looking to black list players for doing something or using somethings ZOS has not said is broken yet. You've been around long enough to remember the calls for bans on people animation canceling. Those jerks couldn't get a group to safe their life months after Wrobel gave an air hug to animation canceling and said he's embracing it. How embarrassing was that for those people?! You're too good a player and a guy to act like that on the forums.

    Its not even about blacklisting players, reporting, or going witch hunting or whatever.

    Its about the fact that this set will give its user INSANE uncapped healing abilities (for a 2pce set). You can be glasscannon or a tank and this set alone will keep you alive in Xv1 situations that should kill u while every other playstyle has to go above and beyond to get the same results. No other set in the game is universal like that. It took a couple of duels after DB (inb4 #Cyro isnt balanced on duels) to figure out what everyone will be wearing in Cyro this patch... malubeth..

    So what options does a person not using Malubeth have?
    Counter the 10m beam by getting distance and lets hope they dont gapclose/cc/slow? lol
    Poison him and hope it doesnt proc again?
    Defile them and forget the fact that 30% increased healing negates ur defile and then some?

    This isnt rock-paper-scissors anymore its now Malubeth or No malubeth. Fasalla or no Fasalla. Cheese or no cheese. :expressionless:

    Edited by PainfulFAFA on July 19, 2016 12:06AM
    PC NA
    Aztec | AZTEC | Ahztec | Aztehk | Master of Mnem
    MagDK | Magplar | Magward | Mageblade | Stamsorc

  • Skitttles
    Roechacca wrote: »
    Skitttles wrote: »
    Do you guys wanna share my bag of Skittles?

    Any Malubeth purple beam colored ones?
    Yea, I got the Wild Berry kind.
    Skittles | DC Stem Sok and sumtimes Nertbled
  • PainfulFAFA
    maxjapank wrote: »

    Scourge Harvester: Fixed an issue where the heal from this item set’s proc was being reduced by Battle Spirit; healing based on damage done will no longer be double-penalized by Battle Spirit.

    And this fix was wrong? Why should any skill or proc be double-penalized by Battle Spirit? Your not showing me anything new. And as I said, those insane ticks that people claim to be getting are not happening for me. So I see nothing wrong with using something that is working correctly on me.

    The fix is two fixes:
    1) a "fix" to the tether's heal being cut in half by battlespirit even tho EVERY OTHER ability/item set gets filtered by it (instead of doing 3k like before it will now do twice as much,)
    2) a fix to healing based on damage done while the 2nd bonus was active (Sweeps, Surge, Inhale, Bats)

    The first "fix" is whats making the heals stronger because it ignores battlespirit and I strongly believe this "fix" was unintended/overlooked
    Edited by PainfulFAFA on July 19, 2016 12:19AM
    PC NA
    Aztec | AZTEC | Ahztec | Aztehk | Master of Mnem
    MagDK | Magplar | Magward | Mageblade | Stamsorc

  • Rohamad_Ali
    maxjapank wrote: »

    Scourge Harvester: Fixed an issue where the heal from this item set’s proc was being reduced by Battle Spirit; healing based on damage done will no longer be double-penalized by Battle Spirit.

    And this fix was wrong? Why should any skill or proc be double-penalized by Battle Spirit? Your not showing me anything new. And as I said, those insane ticks that people claim to be getting are not happening for me. So I see nothing wrong with using something that is working correctly on me.

    The fix is two fixes:
    1) a "fix" to the tether being cut in half (instead of doing 3k like before it will now do twice as much,)
    2) a fix to healing based on damage done while the 2nd bonus was active (Sweeps, Surge, Inhale)

    The first fix is whats making the heals stronger because it ignores battlespirit and I strongly believe this "fix" was unintended/overlooked

    I hope it was unintentional . That set is 100% real organic Uncle Sheo Limburger ! I hope if people are wearing it they have the good grace to at least put on a costume ...
This discussion has been closed.