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Dark Brotherhood - somewhat disturbing

  • Lysette
    Troneon wrote: »
    I feel like im playing assasins creed one again except it's a cheap repetitive version over a decade old :D

    Honestly you could buy assasins creed one on steam for way cheaper and get more of a game and content than DB DLC lol

    Not saying it's bad for ESO overall but for sure it's almost identical in assassins creed one gameplay and design, especially the sacraments..


    It is pretty cheap and a lot of fun - the first version does not require Uplay even.
  • Lysette
    I think their should be more of these animations in the main game myself, I mean we are using brutal weapons in swords, maces, daggers, and bows the sheer lack of blood and gore in the main game is more unrealistic and offensive to the idea of true immersion into the game world.

    Let's face it combat with the weapons in this game in real history was a bloody and gory business, it was not clean and bloodless. The only weapons that come close to their real effects are staffs or enchanted ones what will occasionally leave a kill burnt to a pile of ash or froze in a pillar of ice.

    Give us more realistic effects of our weapons to make the immersion more real.

    See, I disagree there. I play these games for a bit of fun and escapism. I don't play them to participate in bloody, gory realism. I could go outside and run over a baby rabbit if I wanted realism. This is a GAME, not 'real history'.

    I understand I don't have to use the Blade, I can just use my normal spells and so on. I just worry at the hyped up level of graphic violence appearing in games now when it isn't really all that necessary for the enjoyment of the game.

    Well, for you it is not necessary, I find it necessary in the case of the DB, that you really experience what kind of character you became. If you don't like to be an assassin, fine, just be none. But if you decide to be one, then take it as it comes, it is a brutal and merciless business, which you do in the Dark Brotherhood. You are a member in the strike force of a divine being and worship Sithis with the art of your blade, you use the sacred blade of Woe, to fulfill the will of Sithis. If you don't want all this, well choose another guild - you are that in the DB, what arch-angels are in the bible - the strike force of a god, the bringer of death and destruction. Just that you are quite harmless in comparison, you just take the life of one victim, not whole cities with lots of innocents in them. DB is rather harmless compared to what people believe in in RL.
    Edited by Lysette on June 6, 2016 5:09AM
  • Mordiez
    it is disturbing, now i cant leave a town without wiping out every killable npc
  • Volkodav
    Lysette wrote: »
    I think their should be more of these animations in the main game myself, I mean we are using brutal weapons in swords, maces, daggers, and bows the sheer lack of blood and gore in the main game is more unrealistic and offensive to the idea of true immersion into the game world.

    Let's face it combat with the weapons in this game in real history was a bloody and gory business, it was not clean and bloodless. The only weapons that come close to their real effects are staffs or enchanted ones what will occasionally leave a kill burnt to a pile of ash or froze in a pillar of ice.

    Give us more realistic effects of our weapons to make the immersion more real.

    See, I disagree there. I play these games for a bit of fun and escapism. I don't play them to participate in bloody, gory realism. I could go outside and run over a baby rabbit if I wanted realism. This is a GAME, not 'real history'.

    I understand I don't have to use the Blade, I can just use my normal spells and so on. I just worry at the hyped up level of graphic violence appearing in games now when it isn't really all that necessary for the enjoyment of the game.

    Well, for you it is not necessary, I find it necessary in the case of the DB, that you really experience what kind of character you became. If you don't like to be an assassin, fine, just be none. But if you decide to be one, then take it as it comes, it is a brutal and merciless business, which you do in the Dark Brotherhood. You are a member in the strike force of a divine being and worship Sithis with the art of your blade, you use the sacred blade of Woe, to fulfill the will of Sithis. If you don't want all this, well choose another guild - you are that in the DB, what arch-angels are in the bible - the bringer of death and destruction. Just that you are quite harmless in comparison, you just take the life of one victim, not whole cities with lots of innocents in them.

    DB is rather harmless compared to what people believe in in RL.

    I like the Arch Angels reference.In a strange way the members of the DB are just that,for Sithis.
    As to Lysette's comment and that of the OP,there is no need to play the DB DLC at all.It wont hurt your game if you refrain from it.
  • Xylphan
    kalimar44 wrote: »
    Dark brotherhood are a Satanic cult. I want the ability to take them out not work for these pos.

    Oh my friend, how you misunderstand.

    The Dark Brotherhood are neither good nor evil. They pass no judgment on sinners or saints. They are a tool. A means to an end. For a fee, you can employ them for the most just of causes or the most despicable.

    They are merchants of death. And as always, business is good.

    On the subject of gore, there are several quest lines that ask you to bring heads, hearts, and even makes you put heads on spikes. I'm not sure why some blood spurting suddenly brings this up.
    Edited by Xylphan on June 6, 2016 5:13AM
  • Wolfshead
    How would we assassin someone without use that animations OP kill them normal way then we would gave us million of gold as bounty on us.

    Beside Age of Conan killing animations is much worst one of them is you behead mob and the head roll off down on ground and body go down on it kneel and the blood just pump out of body until it is empty and fall to ground.

    Honest i think it is nice chance of pace to have this animations when you kill someone from behind.

    Beside ESO is pegi rate as M which mean that ZoS can basically put in anything into game honest i surprise that it have take them this long add something like this.

    But again everyone have right to voice there opinion just like OP do but as someone say "people dont need to blade of woe."
    If you find yourself alone, riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled; for you are in Elysium, and you're already dead
    What we do in life, echoes in eternity
  • NateAssassin
    DB DLC turned me into a murderer, I wipe out every single NPC I hate now and get to see fancy kill cams of me butchering them.
    AD | Malaya the Mystic ─ VR16 Khajiit Sorc | Shal'ina the Swift ─ VR16 Khajiit NB | Jòhn Cena ─ VR1 Khajiit NB | Priestess Shaari ─ VR1 Temp
  • bedlom
    ESO was in need of this imo.
  • SublimeSparo
    I miss manhunt
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    Andrana Stormlock - Altmer - mTe Healer/ DD
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    Jayri Leki - Redguard - sSo DD.
    Miss Jabsalot - Altmer - mTe PvP DD/ Tank
    Mireli Hlaano - Dunmer - mNB DD.
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    Stab in the dark - Khajiit - sNB DD
    Jabjabjab Beambeambeam - Dunmer - mTe DD
    Spatium Auxiliarus - Imperial - hTe Tank&bank
    Spectre - Altmer - mNB DD
    Can't-Main-Tank -Argonian - sDK offTank
  • ikza
    I'm probably going to be a voice in the wilderness here, but I have to say that I find certain aspects of Dark Brotherhood to be quite disturbing.

    The whole 'run around and knife people in the back' thing in particular. While I've had no issue in the past with sneaking and stealing (which is quite fun) I find the graphics for the DB assassinations to be very confronting. Was it really necessary, in this age of excess and graphic violence online, to add this disturbing level of cutaway?

    As I say, I'll probably be in the minority with this opinion, but it is getting to the stage for me that I probably won't continue with the DB guild line because of this. I just wish there was an option to not have these cutaways show.

    As a non RP/Lore gamer or whatever you guys name that i find this disturbing.

    Is just a game, why you find this disturbing?
  • TheShadowScout
    Working as intended.

    Murdering mostly innocent people is NOT supposed to be all expees and fluffy bunnies. It's NOT supposed to make you feel like a hero. it is NOT supposed to portrayed as cartoonish "quick and clean" deed.
    It IS supposed to be nasty, bloody, and somewhat disturbing to those who still have an intact soul. Both in the visuals and the fluff (all those "just go there and murder three random people, noone cares who?" contacts? Not really something where you can say "they had it coming..." - though if you actually read the fluss on the "kill this person" contracts, you'll find some reasons are also quite questionable, as in "...because I don't like their face" or "...because they inconvinence me in some minor way")

    If you don't like it, don't play a character who does it.
    It's really that simple.

    If you do play a character who's into murdering... then you should get the whole package.

    Personally I would like -more- visuals of the "blood and guts" kind, not just for assasisnations or some small things like werewolves and vampires, but also for general combat. When you hew at people with a frigging battle axe, it won't be pretty, and I think the game should not pull any punches in that regard - let people SEE the goretastic side of medieval violence as well rather then keep it "clean"... but that would be a different discussion, to be had elsewhere... ;)
  • Lysette
    DB DLC turned me into a murderer, I wipe out every single NPC I hate now and get to see fancy kill cams of me butchering them.

    Hm, but this is not a matter of the DB, but a matter of your personality. Sithis, resp. his speakers are not telling you to murder everyone you come across. You have a specific target, which you assassinate to fulfill the will of Sithis as his instrument. You were not told to use the blade of Woe outside of this sacred acitivity. If you do, that is your choice, but not the guild's fault.
  • Strider_Roshin
    Tryxus wrote: »
    I've seen worse

    Same here. I work in a profession where I'm frequently seeing people die. I've had my fair share of decapitations, hangings, gun shot to the head, and brains smeared across the road. With that said I'm still not a fan of games that try to go out of their way to make something as gruesome as possible. It's immature, and dumb. Now if they wanted to go all assassins creed and give your character the animations of a cool, calm, and collected assassin then I'd be all for it. These animations look like they're trying too hard.
  • Strider_Roshin
    Mojmir wrote: »
    I think it's actually an ineffective way to be an assassin, it should be quicker,cleaner,and quieter.

    This all the way!
  • badmojo0777b14_ESO
    its a LEAGUE OF ASSASSINS in an game with an ADULT rating, do you expect teddy bears and unicorns? it shouldnt be a prob tho as you can CHOOSe to not play it.
  • SlayerTheDragon
    After that first Blade of Woe kill... I am totally hooked.

    ¤═══¤ People don't like it when you talk to them with your weapon drawn ¤═══¤
  • dpencil
    @ausmack2014 There is an option to turn off the cutaway animation. I have mine set to off and it makes the kills a little less gruesome. I can't recall exactly where the setting is. Probably gameplay settings. Anyway, hope that helps.
  • ConeOfSilence
    Deheart wrote: »
    God I feel old, I remember when Mortal Kombat the very first game came out, oh god the outrage! Showing blood in a fighting game!

    haha those were the days. Finish him... Fatality !
  • Julianos
    I'm probably going to be a voice in the wilderness here, but I have to say that I find certain aspects of Dark Brotherhood to be quite disturbing.

    The whole 'run around and knife people in the back' thing in particular. While I've had no issue in the past with sneaking and stealing (which is quite fun) I find the graphics for the DB assassinations to be very confronting. Was it really necessary, in this age of excess and graphic violence online, to add this disturbing level of cutaway?

    As I say, I'll probably be in the minority with this opinion, but it is getting to the stage for me that I probably won't continue with the DB guild line because of this. I just wish there was an option to not have these cutaways show.

    Doesn't matter how you kill killing is simply killing all kind of killing is violance like stealing there is no diffrence stealing 1 cent or 1 billion dollars you are a thief either way. Most games are about how well you kill oponents. I can imagine worse death scenes in my mind but it doesnt make me murderer or violent person. If you have no stomach for those animations then don't look at them. You already killing people in cyrodiil or in pve by stabing them like thosands times. You are a murderer.
  • greylox
    It's fictional. Grow up.
    PC EU

    House of the Black Lotus
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  • Nefas
    Class Representative
  • Lysette
    Another way to deal with the issue, if that is really such a problem - don't do that many times in a row in quick succession - just a few per week, then it is not that disturbing.
  • holosoul
    from reading the posts I can tell I'm in the minority but I find the brutality of the murders to be mild to moderately arousing; it excites the right part of my primal side.
  • Duiwel
    OP this is by far the best and most popular guild in The Elder Scrolls franchise, always has always will be.

    Hail Sithis!
    Join ORDER OF SITHIS We're recruiting! PC EU

    "Dear Brother. I do not spread rumours. I create them..."
  • Taisynn
    I take it you never played Skyrim before? These have always been a part of The Elder Scrolls game... There are graphic stories and tales.

    And from my thread asking for the Blade of Woe style finishers to be extended to more weapons:
    Taisynn wrote: »

    Edited by Taisynn on June 6, 2016 8:38AM
    PC - @Taisynn - NA - CP 268
    Shizuko url="]RP Profile[/url - Bosmer - LVL50 - Nightblade 50 Provisioning, 50 Woodworking, 50 Clothing, 50 Alchemy Ebonhart Pact
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    Proud Member of the Guilds:
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    Spicy Economics (Trade) | The Jackals (RP/EP)
  • Volkodav
    Taisynn wrote: »
    I take it you never played Skyrim before? These have always been a part of The Elder Scrolls game... There are graphic stories and tales.

    And from my thread asking for the Blade of Woe style finishers to be extended to more weapons:
    Taisynn wrote: »

    I like the top video,but the bottom one is embarrassing.XD
    (Im not much for pink My Little Ponies in a ES game.But that's just me.)
  • Haenk
    I'd really prefer to be able to switch this animation off.
  • Blutengel
    Murdering people is violent... the game is rated M for a reason. Tbh I think this game needs even more violence and darker theme's . This is one of the few mmorpg's out there that even has a M rating and I hope ZOS runs with it.
    With that said I also believe it's good to appeal to a wider audience so I think being able to toggle blood and gore on/off is a good idea. But please don't turn this into every other boring MMO.
    Edited by Blutengel on June 6, 2016 9:20AM
    Time for reckless audacity and derring-do!~
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  • AlienSlof
    ^ This. ^

    I'm loving the gore-fest with my murders! The game is rated M, and I'd like to see more 'M' content, not the sterilized squeaky-clean we have now.. I grew up a long time ago and can decide for myself how much gore, swearing, sex is in my games.

    That said, some people ARE squeamish or way too delicate in disposition, so an option for 'Mature' on or off would cater for all. Choice is never a bad thing. We are adults here, capable of making our own judgements on stuff. Please let us make our own choices.

    Bring on the gory murders! :D
    Edited by AlienSlof on June 6, 2016 10:03AM
    Bionic Crazy Cat Lady
  • Spearshard
    I respect that people can have their own opinions, but sorry OP (and those who agree), when you enter a game with this rating, you can't really get upset that there is gore. It's like walking into a bar and being upset that people are drinking alcohol.
    Edited by Spearshard on June 6, 2016 10:10AM
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