Stop nerfing PvE difficulty please.

Why did you nerf IC mobs ?

It was one of the rare places where we had to be careful when crossing a zone.

Now I can just pull a whole district and AE-kill everything.

You nerfed VR zones, you nerfed dungeon difficulty, new zones that come with DLC and so easy.

We're not 5 years old kids playing to Hello Kitty online.

Stop it. Bring difficulty back in. Everything is so easy now, and thus BORING AS HELL.
  • Sugaroverdose
    Sarousse wrote: »
    Why did you nerf IC mobs ?

    It was one of the rare places where we had to be careful when crossing a zone.

    Now I can just pull a whole district and AE-kill everything.

    You nerfed VR zones, you nerfed dungeon difficulty, new zones that come with DLC and so easy.

    We're not 5 years old kids playing to Hello Kitty online.

    Stop it. Bring difficulty back in. Everything is so easy now, and thus BORING AS HELL.
    It's result of boosting damage output and making sustain stupid choice. So people boost already overpowered damage output and don't need to survive at all, just because everything what may force you to defense is dead before you spent 80% of your main resource pool. Call Of Scrolls Online.
  • americansteel
    this isnt regarding IC but zone content is way too easy now. no challenge

  • olsborg

    Dont understand why they nerfed the IC mobs, they were fun to fight, on pts however, its boring ...too easy. @ZOS_GinaBruno

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • BurritoESO
    Just imagine when they keep increasing the champ point cap, how much more easy things are going to be then they already are. It's already at the point where people can solo a 4 man vet dungeon
  • Shinova
    There is no need to nerf City of Ash Vet, what are they thinking
  • Strider_Roshin
    They're just making this game more boring. You know, challenging content isn't a bad thing. It's what makes games like Dark Souls so popular. It's what makes you feel accomplished. Effortlessly going through the content of this game doesn't excite me. I don't feel an adrenaline rush because I never feel like I might die. Heck I can solo the sewer flag bosses, and the world bosses in Hew's bane. Now your nerfing what little challenging content you have. Should I just delete my tank? Why level up a tank when there's no need for one? I can just DPS my way through everything, screw strategy!.
  • Pangnirtung
    this isnt regarding IC but zone content is way too easy now. no challenge

    This game is becoming boring. I am far from an elite player but what is left to do? The new TG and DB are so small that it doesn't take long to finish them and then...?
  • Minalan
    Someone seriously needs to be fired for this. Get rid of the game designers, and put an ad in the paper. The game has a ton of easy solo content for the casual, IC mobs aren't supposed to be.

    Accidentally attacking the flag carrying mob is supposed to be a real 'oh crap!' Moment. It's supposed to take a couple of people to farm the mobs there (and not get ganked by enemy players).

    This is an MMO. Stop trying to make this game a single player experience.
  • Razorback174
    Should I just delete my tank? Why level up a tank when there's no need for one? I can just DPS my way through everything, screw strategy!.

    This. So much of this. Not that I'm an expert, but when the game becomes so DPS-centric, this is one of the things that happens. Since everyone plays DPS, there are no tanks to soak up the big hits and draw aggro or healers to keep you on your feet. Now without these roles, DPS are usually squishy by comparison. Now the boss-level wind-up hits that can be easily mitigated by a tank are getting soaked up by a group full of DPS. Naturally, as it is on live, this will instagib them, sometimes even through block.

    So what do people do? Complain that content is too hard, not doable with current mechanics. This wouldn't be the case if there were more tanks (especially tanks) and healers that existed in this game. Instead everyone is DPS. No one plays healers or tanks, because this game does nothing but punish you for it. It glamorizes damage, and only damage. I have a v16 DK tank and v16 templar healer that I love(d) to play support as in dungeons and what little I did PvP. But the way this game has been going, they keep hampering these roles with countless nerfs (healing, blocking, heavy armor) while emphasizing and encouraging DPS with no ceiling on damage output.

    Long story short, this is what content is going to be built around from here on out. DPS only. Heck, it already is. Even trash pulls in vICP have DPS-checks (atronachs). A healer and tank are detrimental with things like that, having 4 DPS would be better (most successful vICP groups I've seen go this route). And let us not forget Maelstrom arena, a place that my healer and tank will never bother setting foot in, because they are specced mainly for support and won't be able to kill anything quick enough. Same thing with PvP. Nerf survivability (block, healing), but leave the crazy damage output in place.

    TL;DR: DPS-centric gameplay ruins the original (fun) game dynamics. Now it's just a rush to see who can kill faster. And the content (old and new) will be watered down to fit this mentality appropriately.
  • DDragon
    Nerfing of 4-man dungeons will make for new-players even harder to understand how drastic mechanics of this game can be. When you can just out-dps most of the content, you don't learn certain reflexes that are required for trial content. As a result it'll be harder for new players to effectively participate in trials. This will, on the other hand, make new-players complain about difficulty of veteran MoL/SO, and the wheel of nerfing will continue. This one does not think this is right approach.
  • ADarklore
    Minalan wrote: »
    Someone seriously needs to be fired for this. Get rid of the game designers, and put an ad in the paper. The game has a ton of easy solo content for the casual, IC mobs aren't supposed to be.

    Accidentally attacking the flag carrying mob is supposed to be a real 'oh crap!' Moment. It's supposed to take a couple of people to farm the mobs there (and not get ganked by enemy players).

    This is an MMO. Stop trying to make this game a single player experience.

    Here are Matt Firor's thoughts on ESO as an MMO. Note he mentions the word SOLO four times during the interview. Long story short, most of the game is designed to be soloable.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Mojmir
    ADarklore wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    Someone seriously needs to be fired for this. Get rid of the game designers, and put an ad in the paper. The game has a ton of easy solo content for the casual, IC mobs aren't supposed to be.

    Accidentally attacking the flag carrying mob is supposed to be a real 'oh crap!' Moment. It's supposed to take a couple of people to farm the mobs there (and not get ganked by enemy players).

    This is an MMO. Stop trying to make this game a single player experience.

    Here are Matt Firor's thoughts on ESO as an MMO. Note he mentions the word SOLO four times during the interview. Long story short, most of the game is designed to be soloable.

    I stopped reading that when he said "extremely happy with the machines behind the scenes",you like your potatoes mashed or baked?
  • eserras7b16_ESO
    Pls no more hello kitty



    This is fken ridiculous don't nerf pve more
    Eptackt - Argonian Templar
    Belegrand - Redguard Nightblade
  • Rafishul
    A great many of us are feeling more and more like a captive audience every day. Just because other MMOs are inferior products shouldn't be reason to become complacent about addressing the needs of the hardcore players.
    Main: v16 Mag NB DPS
    Alts: v16 NB Tank, v16 DK Tank (ret., crafter), v16 Sorc mDPS, v16 Templar heals
  • Kyle_Rennison
    I agree PVE does not need to be nurfed we like the challenge of the game keep it challenging

  • NobleNerd
    Should I just delete my tank? Why level up a tank when there's no need for one? I can just DPS my way through everything, screw strategy!.

    This. So much of this. Not that I'm an expert, but when the game becomes so DPS-centric, this is one of the things that happens. Since everyone plays DPS, there are no tanks to soak up the big hits and draw aggro or healers to keep you on your feet. Now without these roles, DPS are usually squishy by comparison. Now the boss-level wind-up hits that can be easily mitigated by a tank are getting soaked up by a group full of DPS. Naturally, as it is on live, this will instagib them, sometimes even through block.

    So what do people do? Complain that content is too hard, not doable with current mechanics. This wouldn't be the case if there were more tanks (especially tanks) and healers that existed in this game. Instead everyone is DPS. No one plays healers or tanks, because this game does nothing but punish you for it. It glamorizes damage, and only damage. I have a v16 DK tank and v16 templar healer that I love(d) to play support as in dungeons and what little I did PvP. But the way this game has been going, they keep hampering these roles with countless nerfs (healing, blocking, heavy armor) while emphasizing and encouraging DPS with no ceiling on damage output.

    Long story short, this is what content is going to be built around from here on out. DPS only. Heck, it already is. Even trash pulls in vICP have DPS-checks (atronachs). A healer and tank are detrimental with things like that, having 4 DPS would be better (most successful vICP groups I've seen go this route). And let us not forget Maelstrom arena, a place that my healer and tank will never bother setting foot in, because they are specced mainly for support and won't be able to kill anything quick enough. Same thing with PvP. Nerf survivability (block, healing), but leave the crazy damage output in place.

    TL;DR: DPS-centric gameplay ruins the original (fun) game dynamics. Now it's just a rush to see who can kill faster. And the content (old and new) will be watered down to fit this mentality appropriately.

    When you focus on only one factor to your game design... making it more single player rpg-ish.... then you make the content & difficulty focus around it also.

    For me I think the fact that the WoW (Vanilla) private server story & how many responded to it being shutdown should be a wakeup call to ALL MMO developers! There is a growing group of MMO players that are sick of watered down mechanics and easy mode!!!
    Edited by NobleNerd on April 30, 2016 10:18PM
    ~a mature gaming community~
  • FearlessOne_2014
    Rafishul wrote: »
    A great many of us are feeling more and more like a captive audience every day. Just because other MMOs are inferior products shouldn't be reason to become complacent about addressing the needs of the hardcore players.

    I agree but as they say business is business. So ZOS might as well pick up the casuals from other ailing MMOs, by making ESO cater to them more. Nothing personal it's just business.

  • Minalan
    It happens in every game, my only disappointment is that they didn't really add anything new for the hard mode raid types to do.
    Like this ^^^. Operation 'short bus' on the IC sewers and vWGT.
  • Attackopsn
    I would really appreciate it if everyone that cares about this topic would read my post belowww

    *Warning, my post is really long and messy*

    Please don't nerf this content, it isn't even remotely difficult. Just because a high percentage of the community can't complete it doesn't mean it is too hard, it instead says more about the community than the difficulty of the content. If the majority of the community is struggling then you shouldn't as a developer feel at blame for the lack of completion! The dev team needs to stop looking at this data as an accurate assessment of difficulty, please, never see this high rate of incompletion as evidence of being overly-difficult! Yes, I understand that it was even stated that 'it wouldn't be reduced by 25%', and would be receiving only moderate modifications. The reality however, is that this content in its current state is actually underwhelming, and by reducing the difficulty any further, you are cheating the player-base out of (apparently much-needed) character progression and development. I can remember being a noob, feeling hopeless in City of Ash, dying over and over to meteorites and the occasional sword-swing from Skoria. I also remember how much it helped me progress as an individual player after completing it that first time! You see, if you take out these little road blocks, you cause more harm than good to the newer community. Jumping from cake-walk dungeons to VMoL and VMA (vma being a cake-walk even after practice) will be an extreme increase in difficulty leading to more absurd nerf cries for all current end-game content and future content. This kind of content will at first actually require players to think, something that they will absolutely never have to do should content become increasingly less difficult. Players who cannot complete this content need to understand that they are cheating themselves out of their own game by asking and advocating this variety of nerfing to current and future content. I would consider this post only a few of the plethora of reasons why this content absolutely does not need to be nerfed, and I hope that the developers in charge of this decision see why it is so imperative for them to avoid the announced changes.

    @ZOS_Finn, you have a really great thing going here, I have never had this much fun playing an MMO to date, please don't go this direction!

    In my opinion, the greatest reason newer players reach max level with no idea how to play the game is because during all early to late game stages, players are never required to complete even remotely complicated tasks. The most obvious solution, in my own completely disputable opinion, would be to create mini-road blocks in the levelling process where players need to think just a little bit. Whether it be more oriented towards the player's build or the mechanics of the encounter doesn't matter as much as that it can't be completed by light attacking while completely naked with your fists and no passives equipped. Yes, this is an Elder Scrolls game, and we do have a portion of the community that may be described as 'less dedicated' or worried about being a min-maxed end game player, but this does not justify the utter lack of thought required to complete any tier of content before the very final tier of content. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to start some kind of developer witch hunt, or flame noobs, I'm just a player that genuinely cares about the game and the community that plays it. I really hope that everyone here will agree that nerfing this content isn't just making it less fun, it's eliminating some of the only content this game has left requiring players to apply themselves.

    @Zos_Mattfiror please don't do this!
    Edited by Attackopsn on May 1, 2016 12:57AM
    ign: ATTACKO
    PS4 NA
    First NA Completion of VMoL Hard Mode

  • ArvenAldmeri
    Tried the new zone on pts and the mobs, dungeons, bosses... its a f*****g joke, I say right now. Its even easier than Hews Bane and I though nothing can be easier than that! Just stupid decisions for lowbie newbie players that come and fight like zos people (lets light and heavy attack the **** out of those bosses! yeah, hybrid build, go! ).
    Magicka sorcerer from start until the end. Always. Through the good times and the bad, even now when its probably saddest PvE dps it has ever been.
    Even as an owner of one radiant apex mounts I am against radiant apex mounts and anything thats not obtainable by direct purchase.
  • Van_0S
    Edited by Van_0S on May 2, 2016 4:36PM
  • snoogadooch
    Won't be happy until trials are the only pve that needs a tank.
  • Elephant42
    I hope that ZOS continues to pay attention to their telemetry, nerf where the data says it's appropriate and pay very little attention to all the threads like this one, the vast majority of which are pure ego stroking.
  • Attackopsn
    @elephant42 if that's what you truly believe then you have not played this game at an end-game level where the content is limited. I encourage you to experience the reasoning behind many of the posted complaints and the OP.
    Edited by Attackopsn on May 1, 2016 1:02AM
    ign: ATTACKO
    PS4 NA
    First NA Completion of VMoL Hard Mode

  • Attackopsn
    Won't be happy until trials are the only pve that needs a tank.

    It could be argued that this is already the case
    Edited by Attackopsn on May 1, 2016 1:05AM
    ign: ATTACKO
    PS4 NA
    First NA Completion of VMoL Hard Mode

  • martinhpb16_ESO

    What drew me ESO from LOTRO was that this game was pleasantly challenging.

    New zones, Wrothgar and TG are too easy. I didnt finish quest lines on these DLC it was too faceroll because difficulty was too low. And before someone posts that it needs to be content for all levels then scale up lower levels properly so that cap content is not gimped.

    If what people are saying on this thread is true then this game is going to sadly get thoroughly boring.

    Devs please re-visit your original aims of challenging content.

    Thank you.
    Edited by martinhpb16_ESO on May 1, 2016 1:07AM
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • pema
    I have to sadly agree. The scaling of the new zones is not interesting to people with some cp. One heavy attack oneshots a mob... no buffs meh.
    Also IC was fine, and nice as a challenge.

    I lime content that asks a bit of skill.
    Please stop nerfing all, and look into scaling. Scaled zones are underwelming.
    Officer of Alith Legion
    Ebonheart Pact guild, EU server.
    Check out our site
  • pema
    Elephant42 wrote: »
    I hope that ZOS continues to pay attention to their telemetry, nerf where the data says it's appropriate and pay very little attention to all the threads like this one, the vast majority of which are pure ego stroking.

    I play this game since beta. I enjoy this game, and don't need my ego boosted by oneshotting a mob.. so the balance of things is what keeps it nice to all.
    Get of ya high horse and see the game is so much nerfed in 2 years, ofthen to much.
    Officer of Alith Legion
    Ebonheart Pact guild, EU server.
    Check out our site
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    Sarousse wrote: »
    Why did you nerf IC mobs ?

    It was one of the rare places where we had to be careful when crossing a zone.

    Now I can just pull a whole district and AE-kill everything.

    You nerfed VR zones, you nerfed dungeon difficulty, new zones that come with DLC and so easy.

    We're not 5 years old kids playing to Hello Kitty online.

    Stop it. Bring difficulty back in. Everything is so easy now, and thus BORING AS HELL.

    Well, even new players must be able to complete it. right?
    Its also not fair that PvE dungeon pros kick/leave non experienced players to their fate rather than guiding/helping them.
    So,I have only 3 words for you.
    "GO PLAY PVP".

    What a lame post. So the game is supposed to be appealing only for new players and everyone else has to go play pvp? You will be crying when people leave and there isnt enough money to supply the content you like. Then whos going to have to play pvp - on their own!
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • americansteel
    this isnt regarding IC but zone content is way too easy now. no challenge

    This game is becoming boring. I am far from an elite player but what is left to do? The new TG and DB are so small that it doesn't take long to finish them and then...?

    too add to my comment. pvp is boring also the imbalance in cyrodiil makes pvp terrible and unfair.

    IC Should not be apart of pvp. i hate ques when 90 percent of my faction are in the sewers.

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