Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
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• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

Magika DK

  • Therium104
    DKsUnite wrote: »
    Magicka DK needs one or two more buffs to become everyone friendly. Until then the pugs can go play easy mode sorc.

    I'm not gonna keep arguing with a pug though so peace out. L2P @Therium104 :)

    You are a Brian H. Let me explain. Brian H was a 2nd string running back on my H.S. football team. Now Brian loved football but was slow and not quick. What was odd is he never seemed to process this fact and thought he was amazing. I was a 6 foot 4 inch 260 lbs. lineman and had a faster 40 time. Let me continue. Brian would rush a yard and do a pointless 360 move while getting crushed and then talk about his moves and athletic ability. He would play only a few downs a game but discuss his key contributions to the win. For him being medicore was the standard and he was limited to the tools provided be it poor genetics or bad luck.

    You are the Brian H of class balance. And the DK is the 2nd string running back. How about we buff the DK up for the big win. My College Football coach would be so proud of my football reference. Alas, the point still stands. GO TEAM GO GO GO GO.
    Edited by Therium104 on April 4, 2016 1:00AM
    i have been enjoying my mDK once again since the patch. It's not perfect but I would consider it an advance class (mDK) to use in pvp. Unlike my mNB I can't go full into dps unless without sacrificing other stats. Just need to find that balance and run it. Would like to see GDB fixed so I won't have to run a resto but until then I will make it work.
    Edited by DUTCH_REAPER on April 4, 2016 1:33AM
  • InBedWithMySelf
    I agree with almost all you said, and want to point out a few of the wrong and right buffs the dk class got.

    Everything that was changed with Inhale is perfect.

    Burning embers refreshable mechanic should have always been in the game. that's a good change. but doubling the heal is exactly the opposite of what dks needed. they never needed that much help in 1v1 scenarios since they were pretty good at it as it is. they needed a form of healing and help when outnumbered. that heal change is a buff to 1v1 fights, and it's absolutely ridiculous, the heal is just so darn stupid. It actually pisses me off, I always ask myself, why double the heal on burning embers instead of doubling the heal on dragon's blood?... just why...

    change to eruption and giving it 20% more damage was insulting. instead they could have added a 20% dodge chance buff while standing in the aoe, that's all.

    nothing was changed about reflective scales, but first, please fix the bug where so many projectiles go through reflect, this was in the game since patch 1.6, and while we're at it, raise or remove the cap from the reflect. if enemies are too dumb to realize all of their projectile attacks are being reflected, they just deserve to die, they will eventually learn.

    perhaps increasing the shield from 30% max health(which is 15% in cyrodiil) to a higher percent, making the dk class the tankier one, like it's meant to be.

    whip damage should deffinetly be buffed to about the same as surprise attack, the damage is sad, and i run a very squishy build with high damage. whip was nerfed enough as it is. It used to be able to proc powerlash more than once per 5 seconds, and it wasn't dodgeable. plus it used to do a ton more damage. whip took way too many nerfes, increasing the damage is only fair.

  • Moglijuana
    Uh. My mag DK is fine...I can kill groups of people on my own. Just fix reflective scales and I'll be golden. It's not an easy mode class, I like it that way.
    Ps4 - PSN:jdmaya
    Dårth Måul (AD- Dunmer Mag DK) Legate
    Latest Vid:
  • Ariades_swe
    I agree with almost all you said, and want to point out a few of the wrong and right buffs the dk class got.

    Everything that was changed with Inhale is perfect.

    Burning embers refreshable mechanic should have always been in the game. that's a good change. but doubling the heal is exactly the opposite of what dks needed. they never needed that much help in 1v1 scenarios since they were pretty good at it as it is. they needed a form of healing and help when outnumbered. that heal change is a buff to 1v1 fights, and it's absolutely ridiculous, the heal is just so darn stupid. It actually pisses me off, I always ask myself, why double the heal on burning embers instead of doubling the heal on dragon's blood?... just why...

    change to eruption and giving it 20% more damage was insulting. instead they could have added a 20% dodge chance buff while standing in the aoe, that's all.

    nothing was changed about reflective scales, but first, please fix the bug where so many projectiles go through reflect, this was in the game since patch 1.6, and while we're at it, raise or remove the cap from the reflect. if enemies are too dumb to realize all of their projectile attacks are being reflected, they just deserve to die, they will eventually learn.

    perhaps increasing the shield from 30% max health(which is 15% in cyrodiil) to a higher percent, making the dk class the tankier one, like it's meant to be.

    whip damage should deffinetly be buffed to about the same as surprise attack, the damage is sad, and i run a very squishy build with high damage. whip was nerfed enough as it is. It used to be able to proc powerlash more than once per 5 seconds, and it wasn't dodgeable. plus it used to do a ton more damage. whip took way too many nerfes, increasing the damage is only fair.

    I agree. Problem with the op is he thinks dks horrible 1v1which is a flat out lie and as soon someone disagrees he starts insulting. If someone wants to lobby for a change he cant act like a preteen. Social skills are important even over the net. If theres a need for a dk buff people like the op need to learn how to argument and be more lvl headed.

    Edited by Ariades_swe on April 5, 2016 6:42PM
  • Stoney_McGeee
    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • InBedWithMySelf
    @Moglijuana mate, the problem isn't dks being harder than other classes, it's that they are so incredibly weaker than other classes in outnumbered situations. that's the issue, i would love to play my dk and for it to be the hardest class, while being rewarded for playing it right. but right now i feel so crippled when soloing. It might not be an easy class, but no matter how good you play it, it's still absolutely terrible compared to other classes. the changes to inhale allow me to live a bit longer, but that's all it does.
  • Moglijuana
    @Moglijuana mate, the problem isn't dks being harder than other classes, it's that they are so incredibly weaker than other classes in outnumbered situations. that's the issue, i would love to play my dk and for it to be the hardest class, while being rewarded for playing it right. but right now i feel so crippled when soloing. It might not be an easy class, but no matter how good you play it, it's still absolutely terrible compared to other classes. the changes to inhale allow me to live a bit longer, but that's all it does.

    I know they are weaker than other classes. I like that, I still do well. I MAINLY solo and never feel crippled because I play to the strengths of the class. Of course they could use some TLC in some areas, but this patch has greatly increased my solo viability. The ONLY thing I think they can add is a dodge chance while inside cinder storm and a DB buff. But as of now, I do very well for myself. And you would be surprised how many people are terrible at playing good classes. Class does not equal skill.
    Ps4 - PSN:jdmaya
    Dårth Måul (AD- Dunmer Mag DK) Legate
    Latest Vid:
  • InBedWithMySelf
    @Moglijuana cinder storm and dragon's blood are probably the biggest problems in my opinion, dynamic ultimate will be real nice, but even with those changes, i bet you never actually kill a group of more than 3(without dynamic ultimate) , and if you do it's very rare. even the best magicka dks can almost never do it, as opposed to other classes that can do it rather consistently, and that even includes stamina templar and stamina sorcs, who are both considered to be rather weak classes.

    again, the skill cap on the dk isn't crazy or anything, and i think it would be awesome to have it be a very high skill cap class, but at the moment, not matter how well I play it, or known dk players play it, the class can only do so much when played as magicka, and that's just unfair.
  • Moglijuana
    @Moglijuana cinder storm and dragon's blood are probably the biggest problems in my opinion, dynamic ultimate will be real nice, but even with those changes, i bet you never actually kill a group of more than 3(without dynamic ultimate) , and if you do it's very rare. even the best magicka dks can almost never do it, as opposed to other classes that can do it rather consistently, and that even includes stamina templar and stamina sorcs, who are both considered to be rather weak classes.

    again, the skill cap on the dk isn't crazy or anything, and i think it would be awesome to have it be a very high skill cap class, but at the moment, not matter how well I play it, or known dk players play it, the class can only do so much when played as magicka, and that's just unfair.

    I'll be posting a video in here sometime soon, still editing/leveling my alts. I do fine against small groups. What kills me the most is usually the small window of low resources after a group is dispatched and another rolls up shortly after and succeeds in finishing the first groups effort. I'm pretty comfortable in 1v4 scenarios and will be even more so once scales is fixed. My ult gen is fine (especially with assault 10) as I run Invigorating drain. Now, I will agree every other class can do a bit better in certain situations, but I have been playing Mag DK since launch and it is the class I personally feel most comfortable in outnumbered situations. Literally the only thing that will definitely kill you are open field fights. If you fight in an open field as a Mag DK, you will die as soon as gankers see you. If we have a bit more mobility, the solo viability would sshoot through the roof. But I am content with how the class is now. Yea, we can use some more buffs, but currently I'm destroying people and I don't plan on stopping because it is "unfair". If you play to the strengths of the class you will do great. If you try and put Mag DK in situations where another class would do better...yea you're going to die, and that is my biggest point.

    On a side note, I am almost done leveling my Mag NB (argonian) and will be trolling the s**t out of people in a bit. Nothing satisfies me more than excelling in combat with a weak class or a weak race. The hate mail is coming.
    Edited by Moglijuana on April 6, 2016 1:36PM
    Ps4 - PSN:jdmaya
    Dårth Måul (AD- Dunmer Mag DK) Legate
    Latest Vid:
  • Leandor
    Not that I can significantly contribute to the matter at hand, but telling Vyr Cor to l2p is a really ambitious thing to do...
  • Ghundy
    Leandor wrote: »
    Not that I can significantly contribute to the matter at hand, but telling Vyr Cor to l2p is a really ambitious thing to do...

    Don't think that guy has seen his videos xD
    Ghundy - Magicka NB 50
    Ghundy Jr - Magicka Sorc 50
    Ghundy Jr Jr - Magicka DK50
    Oxy Clean With Bleach - Magicka Templar 3
    Oxy Clean With Blæch - Stamina Templar 50
    Mighty | Officer - NA's Hardcore Dueling Guild
    Broken Boundaries | Cross Faction Small Group PvP
  • soleil.clercb14_ESO
    So I just respec'd to mDk and crafted myself some blue v6 5 heavy 2 light Magnus / Seducer with destro resto all impenetrable. Vampire.
    I gotta say I feel really bad haha, I am quite bad at PvP as I almost never kill anybody 1v1. mDk just looked pretty fun
    I believe I'm in the L2P category. Playing on ps4
  • CMurder435
    Lol dk can def tank zergs..
    There's a lot of ridiculousness in this thread..
    Why you guys arguing with this crap lol obviously it's not the class for everyone..especially someone so close minded
  • Hutch679
    So I just respec'd to mDk and crafted myself some blue v6 5 heavy 2 light Magnus / Seducer with destro resto all impenetrable. Vampire.
    I gotta say I feel really bad haha, I am quite bad at PvP as I almost never kill anybody 1v1. mDk just looked pretty fun
    I believe I'm in the L2P category. Playing on ps4

    Should have gone 5L and 2H bro. And use sword and shield. Destro staff is great for Pve but for pvp you're gonna want a shield. This is my opinion tho.
  • RedFireDisco
    Of course DK's are at a major disadvantage.

    Other classes have burst and escape, Dk don't. We have damage over time.

    With Damage over time, the only possible way it is effective is if you can last longer in the fight. Unfortunately DK's shields suck it large.


    You can't escape, you can't defend as much damage and you can't hit with a big burst.

    DK need a damage buff and a shield boost immediately.

    Yes, I'm sure some mega-player can say the DK's is all good and they can smite an entire zerg by their lonesome, but the reality is that DK is in a weaker place overall than the other classes.
  • Stoney_McGeee
    mag DKs can definitely tank a Zerg.
    And gankers, try to gank me when I'm riding my cat to the next keep, but 9 out of 10 times, they fail and run away or I kill them.
    Mobility as a DK? Yea it blows, but nothing like some Stam recovery , movement speed boast and immovable pot. Gets me out of most of my stick situations. I run around with NBs and they don't even know how I escape half the time.
    I won't tell you how to play, because play how you like, but it's really a L2p issue. I like how DKs are at now. But it wOuld be nice if our whips didn't hit like noodles.

    If you want a easy mode class go hit some wrecking blows.
    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • Hutch679
    mag DKs can definitely tank a Zerg.
    And gankers, try to gank me when I'm riding my cat to the next keep, but 9 out of 10 times, they fail and run away or I kill them.
    Mobility as a DK? Yea it blows, but nothing like some Stam recovery , movement speed boast and immovable pot. Gets me out of most of my stick situations. I run around with NBs and they don't even know how I escape half the time.
    I won't tell you how to play, because play how you like, but it's really a L2p issue. I like how DKs are at now. But it wOuld be nice if our whips didn't hit like noodles.

    If you want a easy mode class go hit some wrecking blows.

    I liked the ending you wrote on this post lol if you can't magicka Dk, go spam wrecking blow like the other bad Dk's that can't play a difficult class.

  • Ghundy
    Hutch679 wrote: »
    mag DKs can definitely tank a Zerg.
    And gankers, try to gank me when I'm riding my cat to the next keep, but 9 out of 10 times, they fail and run away or I kill them.
    Mobility as a DK? Yea it blows, but nothing like some Stam recovery , movement speed boast and immovable pot. Gets me out of most of my stick situations. I run around with NBs and they don't even know how I escape half the time.
    I won't tell you how to play, because play how you like, but it's really a L2p issue. I like how DKs are at now. But it wOuld be nice if our whips didn't hit like noodles.

    If you want a easy mode class go hit some wrecking blows.

    I liked the ending you wrote on this post lol if you can't magicka Dk, go spam wrecking blow like the other bad Dk's that can't play a difficult class.

    Well it's not necessarily that they cant play mag dk it could be that they don't like magicka and that is their only way of good damage using stam, but I see your point.
    Ghundy - Magicka NB 50
    Ghundy Jr - Magicka Sorc 50
    Ghundy Jr Jr - Magicka DK50
    Oxy Clean With Bleach - Magicka Templar 3
    Oxy Clean With Blæch - Stamina Templar 50
    Mighty | Officer - NA's Hardcore Dueling Guild
    Broken Boundaries | Cross Faction Small Group PvP
  • olivaresdonjuan
    Magic DKs are fine. Like everyone stated learn to play the class and think outside the cookie cuter builds. My vet 1 magic dk can go toe to toe with most builds. all I have to do is put pressure on them, cc or reflect and self heal.
  • Stoney_McGeee
    Hutch679 wrote: »
    mag DKs can definitely tank a Zerg.
    And gankers, try to gank me when I'm riding my cat to the next keep, but 9 out of 10 times, they fail and run away or I kill them.
    Mobility as a DK? Yea it blows, but nothing like some Stam recovery , movement speed boast and immovable pot. Gets me out of most of my stick situations. I run around with NBs and they don't even know how I escape half the time.
    I won't tell you how to play, because play how you like, but it's really a L2p issue. I like how DKs are at now. But it wOuld be nice if our whips didn't hit like noodles.

    If you want a easy mode class go hit some wrecking blows.

    I liked the ending you wrote on this post lol if you can't magicka Dk, go spam wrecking blow like the other bad Dk's that can't play a difficult class.

    I wasn't saying its "bad" , it packs a punch, but majority of my battles with any class with a two handed, I feel like every battle is just dodging their WB, then when that 1 wrecking blow connects , better hope you can break that CC.. If not GG I guess lol
    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • Hutch679
    Hutch679 wrote: »
    mag DKs can definitely tank a Zerg.
    And gankers, try to gank me when I'm riding my cat to the next keep, but 9 out of 10 times, they fail and run away or I kill them.
    Mobility as a DK? Yea it blows, but nothing like some Stam recovery , movement speed boast and immovable pot. Gets me out of most of my stick situations. I run around with NBs and they don't even know how I escape half the time.
    I won't tell you how to play, because play how you like, but it's really a L2p issue. I like how DKs are at now. But it wOuld be nice if our whips didn't hit like noodles.

    If you want a easy mode class go hit some wrecking blows.

    I liked the ending you wrote on this post lol if you can't magicka Dk, go spam wrecking blow like the other bad Dk's that can't play a difficult class.

    I wasn't saying its "bad" , it packs a punch, but majority of my battles with any class with a two handed, I feel like every battle is just dodging their WB, then when that 1 wrecking blow connects , better hope you can break that CC.. If not GG I guess lol

    Breaking the cc is extremely important to survive initial burst especially from a NB.
  • Airyus
    Don't bash people asking good questions and don't bash people trying to help provide a good answer.

    That said, any good magicka dk will tell you the key to being successful is dedication and planning. Decide if you want to be melee or range focused or both. Do you want to carry a staff or go sword and board? Understand your passives. Do you want armor in 5 light crit regen or 5 heavy resistance block bonus? Damage mitigation for magic dk comes from reflect, blocking, shields to an extent, and class skills that heal like flame whip, embers, and deep breath, bats if you are a vamp. Burst damage comes from dots, well timed cc's, and proxy/deep breath/flame lash or heavy destro/flame reach/inevitable combos

    Once you've determined a play style that suits you, then build your skills around that. The most successful magic dk's on this game have done all of the above and figured out how they want to balance burst damage and mitigation. It's a process that you should have fun with. Don't expect it to happen overnight. And don't expect a cookie cutter build. Everyone is different.

    Bottom line, just like with anything on this game, there's always pros and cons. More of this means less of that.

    And to answer the buff question... Any player dedicated to the class will want a buff. But as it is, we got our buff already and probably won't get another one. Just have to make the best of it.
    Edited by Airyus on April 12, 2016 5:40AM
  • Ghundy
    Airyus wrote: »
    Don't bash people asking good questions and don't bash people trying to help provide a good answer.

    That said, any good magicka dk will tell you the key to being successful is dedication and planning. Decide if you want to be melee or range focused or both. Do you want to carry a staff or go sword and board? Understand your passives. Do you want armor in 5 light crit regen or 5 heavy resistance block bonus? Damage mitigation for magic dk comes from reflect, blocking, shields to an extent, and class skills that heal like flame whip, embers, and deep breath, bats if you are a vamp. Burst damage comes from dots, well timed cc's, and proxy/deep breath/flame lash or heavy destro/flame reach/inevitable combos

    Once you've determined a play style that suits you, then build your skills around that. The most successful magic dk's on this game have done all of the above and figured out how they want to balance burst damage and mitigation. It's a process that you should have fun with. Don't expect it to happen overnight. And don't expect a cookie cutter build. Everyone is different.

    Bottom line, just like with anything on this game, there's always pros and cons. More of this means less of that.

    And to answer the buff question... Any player dedicated to the class will want a buff. But as it is, we got our buff already and probably won't get another one. Just have to make the best of it.

    What a god...
    Ghundy - Magicka NB 50
    Ghundy Jr - Magicka Sorc 50
    Ghundy Jr Jr - Magicka DK50
    Oxy Clean With Bleach - Magicka Templar 3
    Oxy Clean With Blæch - Stamina Templar 50
    Mighty | Officer - NA's Hardcore Dueling Guild
    Broken Boundaries | Cross Faction Small Group PvP
  • Fubar8
    with heavy armor, mag dk can have a lil chance of survivability. still mag dk needs damage buff, it is not possible to kill someone who knows what he does with 3k whip damage.
    i dont even want to talk about light armor mag dk, just waste of time/gold.
  • Stoney_McGeee
    Fubar8 wrote: »
    with heavy armor, mag dk can have a lil chance of survivability. still mag dk needs damage buff, it is not possible to kill someone who knows what he does with 3k whip damage.
    i dont even want to talk about light armor mag dk, just waste of time/gold.

    They need a buff for damage no doubt, since most of our damage is purgble.

    But I wear 5'1'1 and I can hold my own, the only fights I have problems with is Templars mostly.
    "Waste" of money? I think elf bane and heavy armor is a waste of money.
    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • Stoney_McGeee
    Airyus wrote: »
    Don't bash people asking good questions and don't bash people trying to help provide a good answer.

    That said, any good magicka dk will tell you the key to being successful is dedication and planning. Decide if you want to be melee or range focused or both. Do you want to carry a staff or go sword and board? Understand your passives. Do you want armor in 5 light crit regen or 5 heavy resistance block bonus? Damage mitigation for magic dk comes from reflect, blocking, shields to an extent, and class skills that heal like flame whip, embers, and deep breath, bats if you are a vamp. Burst damage comes from dots, well timed cc's, and proxy/deep breath/flame lash or heavy destro/flame reach/inevitable combos

    Once you've determined a play style that suits you, then build your skills around that. The most successful magic dk's on this game have done all of the above and figured out how they want to balance burst damage and mitigation. It's a process that you should have fun with. Don't expect it to happen overnight. And don't expect a cookie cutter build. Everyone is different.

    Bottom line, just like with anything on this game, there's always pros and cons. More of this means less of that.

    And to answer the buff question... Any player dedicated to the class will want a buff. But as it is, we got our buff already and probably won't get another one. Just have to make the best of it.

    This guy knows what's up. People just want to bash whip and get kills. Lol

    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • olivaresdonjuan
    I run a magic dk with light armor and I do fine, I just have let my enemy run out of magica or stam
  • Moglijuana
    Still waiting for that reflective scales fix...
    Ps4 - PSN:jdmaya
    Dårth Måul (AD- Dunmer Mag DK) Legate
    Latest Vid:
  • Lokey0024
    From what ive read, most of you either zerg, have never fought good competition, are straight lieing, have every glitch/cheat/macro/broken tactic memorized, or are pvp gods who should just hang the gloves up and retire because there is no getting better.

    Nerfed class heal. Nerfed blocking, which is a staple of dks. Abilities that hit like a fiery noodle with maxed stats. Nerfed execute. Broken wing abilities.

    The people who thought blocking regen builds where op didnt figure in that a tank class doing tank things is a tank, not op. Annoying as hell, thats about it. And if you compair dk to almost any other class the only advantage is health recovery? O and now we can go down with the ship better with inhale being fixed, because we are going to stand their and take an asswhooping because the sorc streaked away and the NB cloaked and dipped out.

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