Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

Known Issues for Patch v2.1.4 (Imperial City)

  • LearnThis
    Sorry if this has been mentioned but I was unable to find this in the thread. Since the patch, all tethering or beams have been invisible. I have spoken with support three times now about this but it is still not listed as one of the main known issues. I am not the only one with this issue. Using the restoration staff or lightning staff does not show the beam, nor do my leeching abilities. The worst time was doing the quest in Cold Harbour where you aim the crystals at each other. NO BEAM! That quest takes like ten minutes normally. Stubborn as I was, I completed it two hours later. Maybe it only took one hour but it seemed like forever! Without any beam shown I had to listen for sound which as you know is slower than light. So, there were times that no sound occurred so I clicked the crystal again as the sound was happening. NO! I had to click that crystal another five to six times again. It was very frustrating. Also, when the eyes shoot at you, I cannot see their beams so I just run away.

    Please fix the tethering and beam effects.

    Edit: I just saw page nine with comments about tethering. Thank you to those that have already mentioned this. It is still very annoying.
    Edited by LearnThis on October 1, 2015 8:06PM
    PSN: LearnThis
    Bosmer Nightblade (Master Crafting, everything researched)
    Dunmer Dragonknight
    Breton Nightblade
    Breton Mage
    Argonian Templar
    Norn Dragonknight
    High Elf Dragonknight

    Champion Points are capped

    ~I have completed Cadwell's Silver six times and Gold four times... Please do not tell me about the experience of leveling.~
  • pelennor_fields
    I agree with the posters suggesting that the health, magicka, and stamina bars being permanently displayed while under a buff should be optional. Really huge status bars around my character"s legs are something i would definitely toggle off given the option. I would be in favor of having the option to toggle off H.U.D. on the screen!

    Also - yes all load screens are noticeably longer and they all display "taking an unusually long load time" every time just before finally loading. However if this is a performance issue that is one of the reasons I am getting kicked less on console I would endure the load screen.

  • Shilling
    Below is a list of known issues we've identified for the launch of the Imperial City DLC game pack, and will add additional issues if needed as we verify them as legitimate. You will see a status below each issue, and we’ll update this thread as we have more info on each.

    Alliance War
    • [RESOLVED 8/31 @ 4:00pm EDT] Keeps and transit shrines in Azura's Star NA are not currently appearing. We are actively looking into this.

    Combat & Gameplay
    • Some abilities cast by enemy player characters are causing a higher fall damage than intended.
    • [Working on a fix] Food and drink buffs are not currently affected by Champion points or Champion passives.

    • Werewolf
      • [Fixed in patch v2.1.5] You may become stuck in the Werewolf transformation animation when either entering a Sanctuary location in Imperial City, or if you are silenced while transforming. As a temporary workaround, you can activate your Werewolf transformation to revert as you normally would.
      • [Fixed in patch v2.1.5] Your ability bar may fail to swap after you transform into a werewolf. As a temporary workaround, you can activate your Werewolf transformation to revert as you normally would.

    Crown Store
    • [Fixed in patch v2.1.5] Crown Store consumable tooltips incorrectly state that they only scale to VR5 or VR10.
    • [Fixed in patch v2.1.5] Crown Store consumables do not currently scale beyond VR15. This is not intended, and they are meant to scale with your level, up to VR16.

    Exploration & Itemization
    Item Sets
    • [Fixed in patch v2.1.5] Phoenix: Your character may get stuck if killed from a damage over time effect while wearing this item set. Unequipping items will cause you to rightfully die, and become unstuck.

    • [This is not actually applicable for this patch] Using the command /reloadui may take several minutes to activate.
    • [Working on a fix] There have been reports of long loading screens and/or poor FPS since the Imperial City update.

    • [Fixed in patch v2.1.5] If you change your UI scale to something other than default size, it will revert back to default size when loading into a new zone.

    can I suggest adding the 50% damage reduction in PVP to the list?
    Can I suggest fixing the DK class please?
    robo26 wrote: »
    "Anyone who owns ESOTU and has an active ESO Plus membership will also automatically have access to the Imperial City DLC game pack. If your ESO Plus membership ends or lapses, you will no longer have access to the Imperial City DLC game pack content and areas, but you will still have any items you earned while you had access."

    For some reason couldn't reply directly to the patch notes??

    Anyway, quick question, from the above quote it seems that if you purchase the dlc but don't subscribe to eso plus you will keep the dlc indefinitely. As opposed to subscribers who in effect pay a lot more for the dlc (I know we get the crowns - but I can live without the costumes etc.) lose it if we stop subscribing?? Surely, there should come a point that subscribers should own the dlc also?

    Please correct me if I am wrong.

    Certainly makes us question whether or not we want to continue to support ESO monthly when we could more cheaply buy the DLC.
  • Kyuumu
    Does any Dev who monitor's this thread have an update on the consumable trophy situation? My inventory is filling up with them and I am still unable to consume them or put them in my bank. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
  • Cloud9TN
    Soul Shriven
    So since nearly a month ago when I posted a bevy of playability issues with the game - we've got 0 fixes and 0 responses.

    Delete the trash DLC for all I care, at least the old game mostly worked.

    Why are you working on DLC anyway when so much still needs to done?

    Public chat channels (trade, dungeons,etc)
    A damn MUTE button
    Inventory/Bank sorting (similar to store)
    Store filtering updates for things like specific sets

  • zittylolb14_ESO
    The 10k cost of teleporting is lame....we do not need dumping sinks in a game with to many I need to hire a plumber or can you in-house take care of this?

    This is off the topic but I see no posting of this issue I am concerned about.
    At gold one could be sure that a resource node would half or less of the time have only worms.
    And only there are no more worms.....this is a road block to fishing on the oceans.

    Farming great on X-box-one...pc...not.

    In general everything one kills should have something you can use....half the zombies I kill have nothing?
    It is little frustrating things like this that make me want to stop playing this game......

    Did I forget to mention LOADING SCREENS??????????

    LAME when you sit at your cpu....load game...loading screen takes 3mins.....go into dungeon....another 3mins.
    Leave dungeon...another 3mins.

    I do not know about you?.....Aaah.... but life is very short...and at 62 I have less time to live than you?
    Oh......yeeesss lag is related to the above loading screen problem?
  • TooFlyToDie
    Soul Shriven
    Since the Imp city patch the Load Screens have seemed to change a bit. They used to give a player a little background info into the delve/area they were entering. Now there are added tips, however it changes to these new tips far too quickly and a player cannot read the background info of the area they are entering....the Tips are great for new players, but are useless for anyone who has spent any time in the game, and the background info really added a lot of depth in my opinion, I really enjoy knowing why the ruins/cave/etc are there. It is an easy fix, there is plenty of room on the top of the loading screen, keep the new tips at the bottom, and put the background info of the place you are entering up top.
    Edited by TooFlyToDie on November 8, 2015 6:24AM
  • Sidney
    The 10k cost of teleporting is lame....we do not need dumping sinks in a game with to many I need to hire a plumber or can you in-house take care of this?

    This is off the topic but I see no posting of this issue I am concerned about.
    At gold one could be sure that a resource node would half or less of the time have only worms.
    And only there are no more worms.....this is a road block to fishing on the oceans.

    Farming great on X-box-one...pc...not.

    In general everything one kills should have something you can use....half the zombies I kill have nothing?
    It is little frustrating things like this that make me want to stop playing this game......

    Did I forget to mention LOADING SCREENS??????????

    LAME when you sit at your cpu....load game...loading screen takes 3mins.....go into dungeon....another 3mins.
    Leave dungeon...another 3mins.

    I do not know about you?.....Aaah.... but life is very short...and at 62 I have less time to live than you?
    Oh......yeeesss lag is related to the above loading screen problem?

    @zittylolb14_ESO 10k porting costs? You must have a serious bug or that's an insane exaggeration. Mine cost 146 gold. I don't even use this, I just port to guildies in cities I need to go to. Trade guilds are best for that if they're mostly your faction.

    If you are not exaggerating then please submit a bug specific to that. The other option is you're porting around without walking to your nearest wayshrine, and each time you port without using a wayshrine as a starting point or another player, it costs more and more. So either port to a guildie who is in the city you need to go to, or walk to a wayshrine and use that to port to other wayshrines free 100% of the time.
    If you want me to read a post aimed at me, please put @Sidney.
    Please give us tail armor and dyeable tail ribbons.
    Click Here -->Support Dyeable Tail Ribbons<---
    All your mats r belong to Khajiit.
    Click Here -->Support Tail Armor<---
  • Dalglish
    Seems to be a typo in this thread
    [Working on a fix] There have been reports of long loading screens and/or poor FPS since the Imperial City update Beta.

    Victrix EU - EP & AD -
    Xbox EU - DalglishUK
  • Zaldan
    unstickied, so fixed all the problems then

    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

  • GTech_1
    It's been unstickied because this is a thread for 2.1.4. The current live version is 2.2.5.
  • Zaldan
    GTech_1 wrote: »
    It's been unstickied because this is a thread for 2.1.4. The current live version is 2.2.5.

    Hasn't been 2.1.4 for awhile but only just dropped sticky so I doubt that's the reason, more likely it was getting embarrassing having a thread with known problems that haven't been fixed stuck at the top where everyone can see, same with the current issues thread that was sticky for couple days, someone obviously decided it was a bad idea to draw attention to all the problems.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

  • charlesccps
    27 inch iMac, 3.5 GHz Intel Core i7, OS 10.10.5, 32 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4096 MB

    In Orsinium, when I interact with NPC’s, Crafting Stations, Open Doors, Use a Wayshrine or sometimes just wandering around, the game crashes. This happens whether I have Addons enabled or disabled. I was not crashing prior to the recent patch. Also, the bug report window in game will not open.
    I have spoken with tech support. Done everything they suggested. I even reinstalled the game. Before reinstalling the game, I was crashing in all areas. Now the problem is predominantly in Orsinium but I still have the occasional crash in other ares of the world.
    Based on what I'm reading in the forums this is a "known bug" :-(
  • Paraflex
    I have been to the sewers multiple times recently and the lower portals no longer seem to appear with enemies. The portals are up but no guys to kill so you can't kill molag bal. This has to be a bug because iv waited and nothing ever spawns anyone else experience this?
    Hollykills CP 630 Templar Healer - Ad PS4 Warlord Rank

    Max Stam/Mag Dk
    Max Stam Sorc
    Max Stam/Mag NB

    Don't care to dps much so I heal.

  • Sempars
    molag bal will not spawn, why is this not fixed asap so stupid????
  • Sharmony
    @Wjleppard - EU - Sharmony Youtube
    Holyfire - V16 Stamina Templar | Auriels Bow - V16 Stamina Nightblade | Sharmony - V16 Magicka Templar | Flaming Rose - V16 Magicka Dragonknight | Rejuvenation - V16 Magicka Nightblade | Dora The (Explorer Title) - V16 Magicka Sorcerer | Critjiit - V16 Stamina Dragonknight | Just Hold Block - V16 Stamina Dragonknight | Stormburst - V16 Stamina Sorcerer | Ashenbourne - V16 Magicka Templar | Swims-At-Speed - V16 Magicka Templar | Sharmonknee - V16 Stamina Nightblade | Sharmoney - V16 Magicka Warden
    Guild Affiliations: Hodor, Travelling Merchant, Aetherius Trade, Golden Goose.
    Previous Affiliations: GM of Well-Fitted, Almost Heroes, Kill All, Don't Die, Exile, Sigma Draconis, Legio Mortum
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