Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Known Issues for Patch v2.1.4 (Imperial City)

  • Mulcibur
    And more jacked up Group Dungeons to the list:
    • Wayrest end boss: Summons shadow bats, bats dispatched (too quickly?), boss does not return for several seconds and 'bat-vision' effect remains active.
    • Nectrotic Orb and morphs not castable in tunnel type areas ("invalid location"). You can cast one into a tunnel, but not out of a tunnel. (Noted in Sewers, Vet Darkshade, and Craglorn.)
    • Shada's Tear end boss disappearing for extended period of time.
    • Vet CoA:
      • Fire Maw providing AoE damage when out of the red.
      • Skoria's fireballs invisible.
      • Skoria's firelines, invisible half the time.
      • Skoria's petrify, invisible half the time.
      • Skoria's petrify, petrified tank + melee DPS at once, one time.
      • Skoria preparing to break outer platform (sword plant animation started), last minute jumps to center and breaks instead.
      • On one jump, summoned double adds (4 atro's in center, 4 atro's on outer where V landed.)
      • Overload not activating in Skoria fight. When it does, projectiles often not visible.
      • Lightning staff Elemental Ring invisible during Skoria fight (making it impossible to see the exact AoE or even know if it's damaging adds.)
    • Banished Cells: Lose the red screen/"world shake" visual after dispatching one of the keepers. It's unnecessary, adds nothing to the game, and resembles a 'near death' visual entirely too much.
    • Resistances on some enemies have been way overcranked, while others remain untouched. (VR11 nerieds in Crag are 2x as hard as they were pre-patch, while most adds in Crag Delves melt.)
    • EDIT: It seems you've gone the other extreme regarding the normal version of the new dungeons, so now most mobs just melt. Subtle changes, please - a bite at a time. :disappointed:

    Last is not a bug, but a general recommendation:
    • Crag should never drop base-level white anything. The vendor trash should be at least green quality.
    • Aspect nodes in Crag should never drop a Ta, ever. They're even less worth the time to harvest than bait was before Roe.
    • Enchanting Surveys/Chests should never drop a Ta, ever.

    Great list of bugs/recommendations. Experienced these myself.
  • Drew2KX
    Did you guys mean to reset everyone's skill points?

    Just wondering.

  • Merlin13KAGL
    Drew2KX wrote: »
    Did you guys mean to reset everyone's skill points?

    Just wondering.

    @Drew2KX , intended.

    Standard fare whenever they mod skills considerably.
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Keshya
    After the update today, I discovered that all of my skills had vanished from the skill bars, and that all of my skillpoints had been reset, so I had to redistribute them again. Unfortunately, for one of my characters, I somehow accidentally clicked on the vampire skill morph "Accelerating Drain" when I had actually wanted to get "Invigorating Drain" back. Unfortunately I cannot change that back now without resetting all of my skill points, which I definitely don't want to do. So here's a request for the future: Would it be possible to add a "confirm choice" option to the skill points distribution, similar to what we have when distributing veteran attribute points? Something that will enable you to correct accidental mistakes before saving the points spent on a certain skill for good? That'd help enormously, thank you so much!
  • BullNetch
    - my online status is stuck offline. Won't update my current position or online status.

    Checked my XBOX One online status. I checked my privacy settings. I'm not supposed to be hidden or have my online status hidden.
  • Qberry21
    Excuse me for not reading through the 8 pages of people complaining. But I'd like to add my 2 cents as well. ;)

    All bugs reported are for PS4

    -All beams are gone
    -guild bank is completely inoperable
    -healing ward only gives me a let's say, 5% of what it should
    -a lot of my buffs don't even show up in my character buff list
    -and here's the best one. I had a magika pool (and still have) of approx. 23,000 with a 2600 regen. Now? Regen jumped down to 1560. Awesome. An over 1000 nerf to regen. Fun.

    Edit: just thought of another! And will add as I find them

    -consumables (drinks for me) aren't giving me the constant bar view. It's extremely hard to know when it runs out without having to go into the character buff page (which is really inconvenient in the middle of PvP)
    -with any RUNNING speed buff active, when running directly straight, character slows down to regular super slow-mo run. This includes Rapid movement, Dark cloak with Concealed Weapon.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno could you please shead some light on these?
    Edited by Qberry21 on September 17, 2015 3:55AM
  • Septimus_Magna
    Does anyone have huge fps drops in Cyrodiil?

    Yesterday I was in a 12 man group taking keeps etc and when there were a few enemies (around 10-20) my fps when from 50 to 1-5 in a matter of seconds. I havent changed any settings or add-ons and I used to run "big" fights fine. Now even medium sized encounters seem to be too much too handle.

    Needles to say I cannot play with 1-5 fps.
    PC - EU (AD)
    Septimus Mezar - Altmer Sorcerer
    Septimus Rulanir - Orsimer Templar
    Septimus Desmoru - Khajiit Necromancer
    Septimus Iroh - Dunmer Dragon Knight
    Septimus Thragar - Dunmer Nightblade
    Septimus Jah'zar - Khajiit Nightblade
    Septimus Nerox - Redguard Warden
    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
  • symonator
    engine guardian set beams for resources do not show
    shooting star has no animation.


    v16 - Imperial - DK Tank
    v16 - Redguard -NB Dps
    v16 - Breton Templar - Heals
    Guildmaster of the witchers (PS4 eu) - 500 members trading guild in craglorn.
  • Drew2KX

    -Andrea[/quote]@Drew2KX , intended.

    Standard fare whenever they mod skills considerably.[/quote]

    Having thought about it, I feel quite foolish and gun-jumping for having posted that.
    Apologies, dear moderators.
    I am but a simple woman with a weak patience during certain times of anatomical misfortunes.

  • Tallowby
    With many posts including those on here why has the Guild Bank Issue made it to the known bugs listed above?
    Tallowby's Crafter Aid ...... CONSOLE - How to run a DPS Test

    XBOX ONE NA - Guild The OTG (accepting applications)
    Arden Sul | Bosmer | Nightblade | CP160/531 | 9 Trait Master Crafter |
    Tallowby | Imperial | Templar | CP160/531 | 9 Trait Master Crafter | EVERY STYLE KNOWN!
    Freya Bolt | Altmer | Sorcerer | CP160/531 | Master Crafter |
    Wacko Smacko | Imperial | Dragon Knight | CP160/531 | Master Crafter |
  • Prizax
    So yesterday I login and was placed above the sewer, like in the first image, I got over 100 screenshot of exploring all of it, nothing out of the normal but just so you guys know, I don't know what was the reason that got me up there.














  • OneWhomWaits
    Played this morning and holy crap the game sucked.

    1. Guild bank broken - cannot see anything in it to deposit or withdraw
    2. something has changed with health regen
    3. undaunted pledge today in the vet dunguen revealed that mobs were far more difficult than they have been in the past. Our group died 7 or 8 times before giving up and portaling out. As the healer I failed to keep them alive. I noticed that at times my magicka was not regen'ing at all. I would try to pop a magicka potion and nothing. A healer with no Magicka is a frigging worthless healer. I also noticed that while not in the target area for AOE spells from the bosses I would still take AOE targeted damage. I also had a hard time targeting enemies, there were some that I in fact could not target. I was also unable to loot at all for some of the mobs even though the glowing yellow bodies were sitting there taunting me.
    4. Voice chat was down. Was this for everyone? Made it very difficult to find groups

    Gave up and went to work meh.
  • Drew2KX
    Few kinks I found, but I could be wrong:
    - When sneaking up behind an enemy to feed, the blood syphoning animation is missing.
    - My horse seems to gallop at low speed, but the animation shows a higher speed
    - I seem to bounce an awful lot when mounted (behave, boys).
    - I tried to improve an item at 60%, failed, but kept all materials and the item.
    - Selecting an item to sell to a merchant is sometimes unresponsive and sluggish.

    Still not enough to keep me from playing!
  • Qberry21
    Interacting with bookshelves will trigger (not always) Lorebook Discovered event. This behaviour is for lore books only. BTW no XP is given towards Mages Guild progress.

    That isn't actually a bug. There are a multitude of different lore books. There are only a select few that are actually for the mages guild. The mages guild lore has a purple aura around it and will be lying there by itself. Hope this helps.
    Tired of being dismounted in Cyrodiil every time the map refreshes due to an objective (fort/resource/outpost) being captured.
  • nastra420
    Soul Shriven
    was looking for a replacement for Warcraft,but having to wait upto a day for confirmation email just to play after I downloaded game is some straight bs after I created account on xboxone,then got for pc,then reading patch notes that say they will fixan issue in upcoming patch sounds like I picked the wrong game(guess you never heard of hotfix)guess theres a reason Warcraft has millions of players compared to this:(
  • nastra420
    Soul Shriven
    great send me instant message for first comment earned 2 badge bs ,but cant send me confirmation instant so I can play the game.returning tomorrow for refund,#don't waste your money
  • Qberry21
    nastra420 wrote: »
    great send me instant message for first comment earned 2 badge bs ,but cant send me confirmation instant so I can play the game.returning tomorrow for refund,#don't waste your money

    This doesn't belong here. This is strictly for bugs due to the patch.
  • Skipiduai
    Soul Shriven

    This is possible already found but it's very annoying that
    when you scroll items in guild store you can not see items price
    like it was possible before this update.

    Can you do quick fix for this? Please

    I have tried yet Imperial city area even I bought it, hopefully it work better.

    Br, Skip
  • Winterpsy
    Loading screams. Ahems. Screens.
    And something is amiss with the guild bank. Yesterday I thought it was me glithced, but seems more experienced the issue.
    I double checked every of my permissions, switched to withdraw from guild bank and it was not showing any items.

    Big fat Nord Dragon knight with a huge hammer. - Tank
    Stealthy argonian witch templar - Healer (lowbie)
  • whyyounolose
    - no shooting star animation
    - CANNOT loot an item if you have full inventary EVEN IF you already have that item (i have 12 nirnroot in inventory but i can't pick another one because i'm 100/100 inventary)
  • Scyantific
    - no shooting star animation
    - CANNOT loot an item if you have full inventary EVEN IF you already have that item (i have 12 nirnroot in inventory but i can't pick another one because i'm 100/100 inventary)

    Buy more inventory.

    On Topic:
    Might be a bug, but we were having some trouble with Dark Root today in Vet EH at VR16. Hammering Light was one-shotting people constantly even though we were spread out as far as possible.
  • BllyDnsr
    There are so many bugs with the DLC and the patch for the Xbox, people are complaining furiously and yet we're not hearing from ANYONE at ZeniMax... WHY? At least acknowledge that you're aware of these issues, post a list of things your people are working on to fix. I know you've got to have some PR person that's not working on coding that could take a few moments and let us know that these issues are being looked at, addressed as quickly as possible. Maybe you have done that and it's buried somewhere in these forums, but I've looked and couldn't find it. So, update on status of fixes PLEASE??
    Guildmaster of Obsidian Covenant.
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Scyantific wrote: »
    - no shooting star animation
    - CANNOT loot an item if you have full inventary EVEN IF you already have that item (i have 12 nirnroot in inventory but i can't pick another one because i'm 100/100 inventary)

    Buy more inventory.

    On Topic:

    That IS obviously a bug and therefore perfectly on topic here.

  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    There are so many bugs with the DLC and the patch for the Xbox, people are complaining furiously and yet we're not hearing from ANYONE at ZeniMax... WHY? At least acknowledge that you're aware of these issues, post a list of things your people are working on to fix. I know you've got to have some PR person that's not working on coding that could take a few moments and let us know that these issues are being looked at, addressed as quickly as possible. Maybe you have done that and it's buried somewhere in these forums, but I've looked and couldn't find it. So, update on status of fixes PLEASE??

    ROFL. Look at the first post of this very topic. That's what you're looking for.

  • Drew2KX
    This may have been brought up already...

    But the "Quick Chat" emotes don't show up in battle.
    This is astoundingly frustrating coupled with the already horrendous lack of a method of communication.
    Beams don't work as well, which has made things very difficult to follow.

    I guess it doesn't help that I've never joined a party in Blackheart Haven where people knew what they were doing anyway.

    Rant over.

  • Kyuumu
    So I am just wondering Dev's is the fact that I cannot put any collected trophies in my personal bank intended or a bug. Like the blue and green trophy fish or the specifically the Blighted Collar for instant? They are starting to take up space and that Character knows them. Are we now not allowed to give them to our other characters anymore? Thank you in advance.
  • zharris
    Soul Shriven
    Gina. I am having problems with weapons and stats weapons and items that are supposed to boost maximum magicka or health or even add to weapon damage are not adding to my character's weapon damage or magicka or health or stamina I just switched from a weaker one handed sword to a stronger one handed sword and my weapon damage to not go up at all I also added to a set of armor 2 items to help boost maximum stamina and that did not add to my maximum stamina
  • Srithla
    (replied to wrong person -- and why can't we just delete bad posts?)
    Edited by Srithla on September 20, 2015 1:02AM
  • Thaumic
    Kyuumu wrote: »
    So I am just wondering Dev's is the fact that I cannot put any collected trophies in my personal bank intended or a bug. Like the blue and green trophy fish or the specifically the Blighted Collar for instant? They are starting to take up space and that Character knows them. Are we now not allowed to give them to our other characters anymore? Thank you in advance.

    This is intended, it's in the patch notes. Trophies can no longer be given to alts and now register the achievement as soon as they are looted rather than having to use them. But, trophies now drop even if you outlevel the creature, which they didn't before, so they are easier to get.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff)
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